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Resource Types vs Resources

Bob Haugen edited this page Aug 5, 2013 · 13 revisions

What is the connection and difference between a Resource Type and a Resource?

A Resource is an instance of a Resource Type.

The Resource Type is the definition of all of the Resources that belong to that Type. In programmer-speak, a Resource Type is like a class, and Resources are like objects of the class. Or if you are familiar with ERP systems, a Resource Type is like a Product Master or Item Master, and resources are like Inventory Items. Or in books, an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is the ID of a Resource Type, and all of the individual books with that ISBN are Resources.

Or at Amazon, you always buy a Resource Type. Amazon knows what Resources they have in inventory for that Type, but unless they get down to 1 remaining item, you are not specifying which Resource you want. The warehouse will determine that when they pick and ship.

For another example, "Room 101" might be a Resource belonging to a Resource Type called "Room" or "Space" or "Facility".

"Room 102" would be another Resource of the same Resource Type.

If SENSORICA's products have serial numbers, then "Mosquito Sensor" could a Resource Type, and "Mosquito Sensor 1003" would be a Resource of that Type. And "Mosquito Sensor 1004" would be another, etc.

Usually Resources would only be instantiated if they are inventoried: and usually, that is if they exist physically and tangibly somewhere.

Money is one exception: a Resource Type that might be instantiated in a pile of cash, but more often as the balance of a bank account or a number in a database.

Some Resources may never be instantiated: for example Types of Work, measured in hours. The hours come and go. You could add them to a calendar, but then would you subtract them from the calendar when used? You would more likely want to mark them "busy" on the future calendar when they are scheduled to be used. The same goes for any other Resource that is measured in time: for example, tool, equipment or facility use measured in hours.

(Note: the Value Network software does not now allocate calendar times to processes. It may do so in the future, but that will depend on some benefit more valuable than the work expended in developing the feature.)