tar -xvzf postgresql-**.*.tar.gz
2.Enter the unzipped directory
cd decompression path
3.Detecting the Target Characteristics of Installation Platform
./configure --prefix=/opt/postgresql
sudo make install
6.Adding Users - New User Related Configuration
sudo useradd postgres
sudo passwd postgres #Enter the password twice later.
cd /home
#Create the Postgres folder
sudo mkdir /home/postgres
#Setting permissions
sudo chmod 755 /home/postgres
sudo cp -a /etc/skel/. /home/postgres
7.New folder data
sudo mkdir /opt/postgresql/data
8.Setting File Owner
sudo chown postgres /opt/postgresql/data
9.Log in as postgres
su - postgres
Super user Postgres will be created automatically (users executing initdb)
/opt/postgresql/bin/initdb -D /opt/postgresql/data
11.Open service
/opt/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl -D /opt/postgresql/data start
12.Open the database
/opt/postgresql/bin/psql -U postgres
13.Configure postgres User Password
alter user postgres with password '***password***';
14.Close service
/opt/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl -D /opt/postgresql/data stop
15.Other configurations
At this point, there are two configuration files, postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf, in the / opt/postgresql/data directory.
15.1.1 postgresql.conf
#listen_addresses = 'localhost' #Indicates that only local connections are monitored
Modified to
listen_addresses = '*' #Represents listening on all IP, or you can change it to the IP you need to listen on
15.1.2 pg_hba.conf
Trust means no password access is allowed, which is insecure. Change it to MD5 and use password access.
- Open pgAdmin4 and connect to the server. Select the database to execute the file.
- See the SQL icon in the above column, Click.
- After opening, click Import File. Execution can.