Below are examples of commonly used options for the GAMBIT-light cmake build system. You pass these to cmake using the -D
flag, e.g. cmake -DOPTION1=value1 -DOPTION2=value2 ..
For a more complete list of cmake variables, take a look in the file CMakeCache.txt
which is generated in your build directory when you first run cmake ..
# Set the build type: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (Release|Debug|None)
# Switch MPI on/off: WITH_MPI (On|Off)
# Set the C compiler: CMAKE_C_COMPILER
# Additional C compiler flags: CMAKE_C_FLAGS
# Set the C++ compiler: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
# Additional C++ compiler flags: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
# Set the Fortran compiler: CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER
# Additional Fortran compiler flags: CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS
# Switch verbose build output on/off: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE (On|Off)
# (Useful for debugging build problems.)
# Set the Python executable: PYTHON_EXECUTABLE
# If working from a virtual environment, cmake will automatically set this as
# the executable in the environment's directory. It may, however, have trouble
# finding the system Python library and include directory of the same version, so
# setting PYTHON_LIBRARY and PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR manually is encouraged.
# Set the Python include directory: PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR
# Set the Python library: PYTHON_LIBRARY