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File metadata and controls

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  1. Ubuntu 16.04

  2. ROS Kinetic

  3. MoveIt!

  4. OpenCV ROS Package

  5. Intel® RealSense™ SDK

  6. Realsense ROS Package

  7. ROS Qt Creator

  8. Additional libraries

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-tf2-geometry-msgs ros-kinetic-find-object-2d ros-kinetic-moveit* ros-kinetic-qt-build ros-kinetic-map-server ros-kinetic-move-base  ros-kinetic-rviz-visual-tools ros-kinetic-interactive-markers   ros-kinetic-qt-ros -y  

How to run the functions for 'manipulator'

  1. Run the moveIt! and RViz

 roslaunch srdf demo.launch 

  1. Run the realsense cameras(camera1(D415): world camera, camera2(D435)" End-effector)

Note: Connect the camera to the USB 3.0

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_multiple_devices.launch serial_no_camera1:=732612061000 serial_no_camera2:=819312073026

  1. Run Qt GUI for controlling the manipulator

 rosrun qtros qtros

  1. Run image process using OpenCV

 rosrun camera_node camera_node

qtros GUI guide

To be more specific, the functions of qtros node is like below:

Control tab

  • ROS Master

    • ROS MasterUrl: ROS MasterUrl
    • ROS IP: ROS IP
    • Connect : To connect for ROS Master with Qt GUI
  • TCP/IP

    • ServerIP: IP of EC-Master
    • Port: Port of EC-Master(Default)
    • Connect : To connect for EC Master with Qt GUI
  • ForwardJoint_value: Get the joint angles in RViz.

  • EndPointJoint_value: Get the 3D position such as x, y, z and angle such as roll, pitch, yaw in RViz.

  • EndToCamera: Move the manitulator to the desired position through inverse kinematics in RViz.

Setting tab

  • Set_JointValue: Set the joint angles for moving according to absolute joint angles .

  • Get_JointValue: Get the joint angles from real manipulator.

  • Robot_Server:

    • SRV_ON: Servo motor on
    • SRV_OFF: Servo motor off
    • Position_Set: init position setting
    • Free_Set: Direct teaching
  • Robot_Pose:

    • Home: Move to the home.
    • Pose_set: Move to the designated position
    • PixelPoint: Track the object using image processing
    • Gripper On/OFF: Gripper On/OFF

Check tab

It is designed for checking repeatability of manipulator.

camera node guide

Drag the desired object area on image window with keeping left button of mouse.


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