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water balances

Xavier Torret edited this page Apr 17, 2022 · 18 revisions

Giswater is capable of generating water balances according to IWA standards by joining information from CRM values ​​and SCADA values ​​using GIS topology.

To work with CRM data, the rtc_hydrometer and ext_rtc_hydrometer_x_data tables must be populated. On the rtc_hydrometer table by using customer_code, this data can be linked to connecs, which are the objects in Giswater that the customers belong to. To relate tha connecs to the water network, Giswater uses links that connect connec to nodes and arcs with many possibilities. Finally, by using the ext_rtc_hydrometer_x_data with cat_period_id column, you can fill in the volume of water billed for each period and customer.

Once we have customers and his data related to the network, it is time to integrate the SCADA values. To work with it, we need to populate the ext_rtc_scada_x_data table using the same cat_period_id that we worked before with in ext_rtc_hydrometer_x_data. This is the most important question because the water balance will be calculated using a specific period. This data need to be syncronized.

Finally, when we have CRM data and SCADA data with synchronized period values, it is time to calculate the IWA indicators. To do this Giswater has several algorithms and capabilities that make it possible according to IWA standards.

  • The [Processes][Master] toolbox Mapzone analysis process we can create DMA and link it with nodes, arcs and connections by setting the dma_id column. In addition, the algorithm defines the direction of flow for network water meters using the om_waterbalance_dma_graf table.

  • The [Processes][Master] toolbox Water balance by Exploitation, Dma and period fills on the om_waterbalances table values from CRMA and SCADA values ​​for each DMA and Period.

  • The [Reports][Om] toolbox Inlet Water, Water Losses and NRW are ready to fit your needs of reporting in terms of water balances.

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