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water balances

Xavier Torret edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 18 revisions

Giswater is capable of generate water balances joining information from CRM values and SCADA values. The main issues to known are:

  1. Information of water volume of customers need to be stored on crm_hydrometer_x_data table
  2. Information for SCADA need to be stored on rtc_scada_x_dma table
  3. Information for flow SCADA values can be get by using some customized table like rtc_scada_value_flow

The mapzones analysis algorithm is enable to relate hydrometers & connecs and also nodes with dma. By this the whole features will be related to their DMA. To do this you need to configure and trigger it:


After that, to work with water balances it is simple by executing the sumatory query from customized table rtc_scada_flow_values by comparing aggregate values with crm_hydrometer_x_data aggregate values also!

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