Auto export hooks creator, make your hooker life easier!
A small CLI based application that will setup a ghidra headless batch runner to dump and convert exported functions of a dll (maybe even executables, didn't test that) into hooks!
.NET 8.0 Runtime
A Windows version that supports .NET 8.0
Python 3.? (not sure exactly which, but I have 3.8 and 3.11 installed in my system)
Ghidra 11.X
The following VCPKG packages:
Minhookvcpkg install minhook:x64-windows-static
(not required but recommended) My "GlummysFishingRod" to inject an inject-able dll
- Launch "GlummysHookerKitchen.exe", first launch will tell you right away to select your ghidra root path
- Enter the path to the target file
- Enter nothing on the next prompt
- Wait til the runner.bat file has been created
- Close "GlummysHookerKitchen.exe", open a cmd or terminal in the runner.bat file location and run it
- wait til it's done
- You successfully dumped all exported functions!
- Launch "GlummysHookerKitchen.exe"
- Enter the path to the target file
- Enter '1' to enter the parse sigs mode on the current target
- Select the text file containing the dumped exported signatures of the target (example: File_dll_function_signatures.txt)
- Wait for the process to finish
- Locate the created hooks.h file and include it in your project
- Initialize hooks like this:
// dllmain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include <Windows.h>
#include "hooks.h"
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
CreateThread(nullptr, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)InitHooks, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
return TRUE;