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168 lines (137 loc) · 7.15 KB

File metadata and controls

168 lines (137 loc) · 7.15 KB


What's New?
What Is This?
Why Is This Useful?
Using This Documentation
The Settings
Learn More
EmmyLua Annotations
sumneko's Language Server
The Manual

What Is This?

This documentation is meant to be used to help with Lua scripts made in the Figura Minecraft mod.

This documentation contains Lua files with EmmyLua Annotations which add all kinds of documentation to Figura's functions, classes, and events.
Functions have their parameters and return values documented, classes have their methods and fields documented. Events have their name and suggested parameter name documented.

Why Is This Useful?

Currently (as of 0.0.6), Figura's wiki is pretty barebones and does not contain many of the new globals and methods introduced in Figura 0.0.6 which prompted me to try my hand at documenting all of it myself.

I decided to take the documentation one step further and allow it to be read in VSCode without having to switch to a wiki page every time you want to look at a function or the methods of a class.

Using This Documentation

This documentation uses Sumneko-flavored EmmyLua Annotations to document everything.
Use sumneko's Language Server to read it.

(If you use Manuel_'s Figura Extension, you will not need to manually install the documentation. Just enable the figura.checkForNewDocumentationVersion and figura.useLanguageServer settings to have this documentation downloaded automatically.)

The .vscode folder supplied should be placed in <minecraft>\figura\model_files\ and the workspace should have the model_files folder be the root.
If your workspace already has a .vscode folder in the model_files folder, then you will need to merge the settings.json with the currently existing settings to stop your settings from being overwritten.

The documentation also has a built-in manual to help you learn how the documentation is handled.

The Settings

This documentation comes with a settings.json that changes how VSCode and sumneko's Language Server work to better fit Figura. The following settings are set by the settings.json:

  • "editor.wordBasedSuggestionsMode": "currentDocument"
    Used to change suggest to only suggest words in the current file. This setting only applies to default suggest.

  • "Lua.completion.workspaceWord": false
    Used to only allow the Lua Language Server to suggest words in the current file. This setting does not apply to the fields of globals. (See the Issues section for more information.)

  • "Lua.completion.displayContext": 0
    Disables "context" from function and class documentation due to the documentation not having any context lines, causing "context leak."

  • "Lua.hint.enable": true
    "Lua.hint.setType": true
    Enable hints for variables and parameters. These hints tell you what type of value a variable could be carrying and tells you the names of parameters in functions.
    The second setting allows hints to be shown when assigning a variable with a value that is not obvious.

  • "Lua.runtime.version": "Lua 5.2"
    Sets the active version of Lua to the version that Figura uses.

  • "Lua.telemetry.enable": false
    Disables telemetry from sumneko's Language Server. You can turn it back on if you wish. This option is simply here so that people do not send information they do not want to send without their consent.

  • "Lua.diagnostics.workspaceDelay": -1
    Stops other files in the workspace from attempting to update if an unrelated file was updated.

  • "Lua.diagnostics.disable": [

    Disables diagnostics that do not affect Figura scripts. Specifically:

    • Stops warning about lowercase globals. (A Lua standard is to make all global variables start with an uppercase character or be all caps and to make local variables lowercase.)
    • Ignores trailing spaces after a line, this was mainly used to stop the documentation from causing errors.
    • An unbalanced assignment will almost never happen in Figura unless you make your own function with more than one return.
    • Stops custom classes from multiple different files from conflicting with eachother.
  • "Lua.diagnostics.severity": {
      "unused-local": "Information",
      "unused-vararg": "Information",
      "redundant-parameter": "Information",
      "redundant-value": "Information",
      "redefined-local": "Information"

    Changes the severity of some issues to better highlight errors. Specifically it reveals:

    • A local variable is not being used in the block it was declared in.

    • A vararg (...) is not being used in the function is was declared in.

    • An attempt to give too many values to a function.

    • An assignment has a value that cannot be stored due to there not being enough variables to take all of the values.

    • A variable was declared locally more than once in the same block.

    None of these issues will cause errors, but they are usually caused by mistakes made by the programmer.

  • "Lua.workspace.library": [

    Actually initializes the documentation. Changing this will disable the documentation entirely.


  • sumneko's Language Server likes to search other lua files in the workspace for fields of globals. I do not have a way of fixing this at the moment and the current settings do not stop this behavior.

  • The Language server does not understand how math operations on Vector objects work, do not expect a Vector created with math to autocomplete properly. (This can be somewhat remedied by adding a @type annotation in the line before the expression.)

Learn More

EmmyLua Annotations

This documentation uses EmmyLua Annotations to generate its documentation. Your functions can also use this to generate documentation for them as well. This allows others to learn what your functions do and what parameters they take to work.

sumneko's Language Server

This documentation uses sumneko's Language Server to read over the documentation and convert it to a format usable by VSCode's suggest feature.

The specific flavor of EmmyLua annotations used in this documentation is only supported by Sumneko's server.

The Manual

This documentation also contains a manual that allows you to learn about this documentation while inside VSCode.

To use it, you will need to type help onto an empty line and index the given table as if it was a normal Lua table. Each index has its own page of information, and some indexes even contain more indexes.

As an example, if you wanted to learn more about the ItemStack class, you could type help.class.ItemStack to learn more about it.