A spinning pull to refresh loader that can be used with the famous-flex ScrollView.
Install using bower or npm:
bower install famous-refresh-loader
npm install famous-refresh-loader
var FlexScrollView = require('famous-flex/ScrollView');
var RefreshLoader = require('famous-refresh-loader/RefreshLoader');
// create scrollview with pull to refresh header
var scrollView = new FlexScrollView({
pullToRefreshHeader: new RefreshLoader({
pullToRefresh: true,
size: [undefined, 60], // 60px height, to activate refresh pull down at least 120px
pullToRefreshBackgroundColor: 'white'
The following options are supported by the refresh-loader:
var refreshLoader = new RefreshLoader({
size: [undefined, 100], // required
color: '#AAAAAA', // particle color
particleCount: 10, // number of particles
particleSize: 6, // size of particle
rotateVelocity: 0.09, // rotation velocity
hideVelocity: 0.05, // collapse-velocity when hidding
quickHideVelocity: 0.2, // quick collapse-velocity when hidding
pullToRefresh: false, // enables pull to refresh
pullToRefreshBackgroundColor: 'white', // color of surfaces which obscures the loader when pulling
pullToRefreshDirection: 1, // set to 0 for horizontal pull to refresh
pullToRefreshFooter: false, // set to true for footer usage
pullToRefreshFactor: 1.5 // pull 1.5x the size to activate refresh
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- @IjzerenHein
- http://www.gloey.nl
- hrutjes@gmail.com
© 2014 - Hein Rutjes