layout | title | nav_order | description |
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Commands |
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GriefPrevention provides a range of commands for players and administrators |
All of the permissions below start with "griefprevention.". For example, "restorenature" is "griefprevention.restorenature". See the full list of permissions for more details.
Command | Description | Alias | Perm |
/AbandonClaim | Deletes the claim you're standing in. | claims | |
/ClaimExplosions | Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim. | claims | |
/Trust | Gives another player permission to edit in your claim. | /t | claims |
/UnTrust | Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim. | /ut | claims |
/AccessTrust | Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds. | /at | claims |
/ContainerTrust | Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals. | /ct | claims |
/TrustList | Lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in. | claims | |
/SubdivideClaims | Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims. | /sc | claims |
/RestrictSubclaim | Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim. | /rsc | claims |
/BasicClaims | Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode. | /bc | claims |
/PermissionTrust | Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others. | /pt | claims |
/Untrust All | Removes all permissions for all players in your claim. | claims | |
/AbandonAllClaims | Deletes all of your claims. | claims | |
/BuyClaimBlocks | Converts server money to claim blocks. | /BuyClaim | buysellclaimblocks |
/SellClaimBlocks | Converts claim blocks to server money. | /SellClaim | buysellclaimblocks |
/GivePet | Gives away a tamed animal. | givepet | |
/ClaimsList | Lists a player's claims and claim block details. | claims | |
/IgnorePlayer | Ignores a target player's chat messages. | /Ignore | ignore |
/UnIgnorePlayer | Un-ignores a target player's chat messages. | /UnIgnore | ignore |
/IgnoredPlayerList | Lists all players currently ignored. | /IgnoreList | ignore |
/Siege | Besieges a player (disabled by default). | siege | |
/Trapped | Gets a player out of a land claim he's trapped inside. | trapped | |
/UnlockDrops | Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died. | unlockdrops |
All of the permissions below start with "griefprevention.". For example, "restorenature" is "griefprevention.restorenature". See the full list of permissions for more details.
Command | Description | Alias | Perm |
/RestoreNature | Switches the shovel tool to restoration mode. | /rn | restorenature |
/RestoreNatureAggressive | Switches the shovel tool to aggressive restoration mode. | /rna | restorenatureaggressive |
/RestoreNatureFill | Switches the shovel tool to fill mode. | /rnf | restorenatureaggressive |
/IgnoreClaims | Toggles ignore claims mode. | /ic | ignoreclaims |
/AdminClaims | Switches the shovel tool to administrative claims mode. | /ac | adminclaims |
/DeleteAllAdminClaims | Deletes all administrative claims. | adminclaims | |
/AdminClaimsList | Lists all administrative claims. | adminclaims | |
/AdjustBonusClaimBlocks | Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for a player. | /acb | adjustclaimblocks |
/AdjustBonusClaimBlocksAll | Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for all online players. | adjustclaimblocks | |
/SetAccruedClaimBlocks | Updates a player's accrued claim block total. | /scb | adjustclaimblocks |
/DeleteClaim | Deletes the claim you're standing in, even if it's not your claim. | /dc | deleteclaims |
/DeleteAllClaims | Deletes all of another player's claims. | deleteclaims | |
/DeathBlow | deathbow | ||
/SoftMute | Toggles whether a player's messages will only reach other soft-muted players. | softmute | |
/GPreload | Reloads Grief Prevention's configuration settings. Does NOT totally reload the entire plugin. | reload | |
/TransferClaim | Converts an administrative claim to a private claim. | transferclaim | |
/ClaimsList | Lists information about a player's claim blocks and claims. | claimslistother | |
/Separate | Forces two players to ignore each other in chat. | separate | |
/ClaimBook | Gives a player a manual about claiming land. | claimbook | |
/DeleteClaimsInWorld | Deletes all the claims in a world. Only usable at the server console. | deleteclaimsinworld | |
/DeleteUserClaimsInWorld | Deletes all the non-admin claims in a world. Only usable at the server console. | deleteclaimsinworld | |
/UnlockDrops | unlockothersdrops |