One needs to prepare the target dataset(s) to evaluate on in advance.
All datasets should be placed under data/datasets. Here, we provide brief data instructions of our supported benchmarks.
HPatches : We recommend to follow D2Net's instructions as we did. The dataset root folder needs to be named as hpatches-sequences-release/ and contains 52 illumination sequences and 56 viewpoint sequences.
InLoc: Simply download the InLoc dataset and place them under a folder named InLoc/.
Aachen Day and Night: We follow the instructions provided in Local Feature Evaluation to prepare the data folder. The dataset folder is name as AachenDayNight/. If you want to work on Aachen v1.1, you also need to place it under the original version as described in
RobotCar Seasons: Download the RobotCar Seasons dataset contents and place them under a folder named RobotCar/.
MegaDepth and ScanNet for relative pose estimation: we followed LoFTR to setup both datasets for testing, please refer to their repo for details.
To evaluate on visual localization benchmarks, one needs to prepare image pairs that are required by HLoc pipeline in advance. For convenience, we cached the pairs that are extracted by HLoc author Paul-Edouard Sarlin. You can download them by running from the repository root:
cd data
Otherwise, feel free to use your own database pairs and query pairs.
The above also downloads the zip file containing RobotCar Season queries which was pre-extracted using scripts from the original HLoc. You need to unzip it and place the folder under data/RobotCar/queries.
Finally, the data/ folder should contain look like:
|-- datasets/
|-- hpatches-sequences-release/
|-- i_ajuntament/
|-- ...
|-- AachenDayNight/
|-- 3D-models/
|-- aachen_v_1_1/
|-- images/
|-- queries/
|-- InLoc/
|-- dataset/
|-- alignments/
|-- cutouts/
|-- query/
|-- Robotcar/
|-- 3D-models/
|-- images/
|-- intrinsics/
|-- queries/
|-- pairs/
|-- aachen
|-- aachen_v1.1
|-- inloc
|-- robotcar
|-- readme.txt
The following example commands are supposed to be executed under the repository root.
Available tasks are image feature matching and homography estimation. One can specify to run on either or both at one time by setting --task
with one of ['matching' , 'homography', 'both'].
For example, the following command evaluates SuperPoint and NCNet on both tasks using their settings defined under configs/:
python -m immatch.eval_hpatches --gpu 0 \
--config 'superpoint' 'ncnet' \
--task 'both' --save_npy \
--root_dir .
The following command evaluates Patch2Pix on under 3 matching thresholds:
python -m immatch.eval_hpatches --gpu 0 \
--config 'patch2pix' --match_thres 0.25 0.5 0.9 \
--task 'both' --save_npy \
--root_dir .
To reproduce AspanFormer results:
# MegaDepth
python -m immatch.eval_relapose --config 'aspanformer' --benchmark 'megadepth'
# ScanNet
python -m immatch.eval_relapose --config 'aspanformer' --benchmark 'scannet'
We adopt the public implementation Hierarchical Localization to evaluate matches on several long-term visual localization benchmarks, including:
- InLoc
- Aachen Day and Night (original + v1.1)
- RobotCar Seasons (v1 + v2)
Notice, our released scripts are tested on at least one of the following methods:
- Patch2Pix
- Patch2Pix+SuperGlue
- SuperGlue
to verify that they can reproduce their released results on the visual localization benchmark leader board.
In the following, we give examples to evaluate Patch2Pix using its setting defined inside patch2pix.yml.
To use another method, simply replace --config 'patch2pix'
with the name of its config file name, for example --config 'patch2pix_superglue'
or --config 'superglue'
Notice, one needs to prepare datasets following the previous section before running the following evaluations.
python -m immatch.eval_inloc --gpu 0\
--config 'patch2pix'
# Original version
python -m immatch.eval_aachen --gpu 0 \
--config 'patch2pix_superglue' \
--colmap $COLMAP_PATH \
--benchmark_name 'aachen'
# Version 1.1
python -m immatch.eval_aachen --gpu 0 \
--config 'patch2pix' \
--colmap $COLMAP_PATH \
--benchmark_name 'aachen_v1.1'
By running the following commant, you will get qurey poses for both RobotCar v1 & v2. We output those results at the same time, since they only differ in the format rather than the pose results. Notice, running RobotCar takes rather long time (~days). For debugging, we suggest using only a subset of the provided pairs for both db & query pairs.
# Version 1 + 2
python -m immatch.eval_robotcar --gpu 0 \
--config 'superglue' \
--colmap $COLMAP_PATH \
--benchmark_name 'robotcar'