Releases: Guiorgy/android-smbfile-chooser
+ added support for SD storage. (same as in android-file-chooser)
* displayPath(true) no longer sets dialog title to file name. Instead, path to the file is displayed below the title and above the list of files.
+ added customizePathView method to customize the filePath displayed.
* fixed progressbar not centered when loading files.
* fixed timeout when unable to connect to server. (temporary workaround)
- removed setServer and setAuthenticator methods.
+ now possible to pass custom properties to CIFSContext. example:
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.responseTimeout", "5000");
properties.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.minVersion", "SMB1");
properties.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.maxVersion", "SMB1");
SmbFileChooserDialog.newDialog(ctx, properties, domain, auth)
* !BREAKING! switched to the new jcifs library currently maintained:
* similarly, to support the new smb api, source and target compatibility now set to 1.8
+ now scrolling is blocked when new files are being loaded
+ added displayPath setting. if enabled (title must also be enabled), current path will be displayed in the title.
* bug fix on api < 21
* forked as android-smbfile-chooser!
* changed all methods that start with with...
to start with set...
+ added OnDismissListener
(only works on API >= 17) and OnBackPressedListener
* changed the default back button behaviour from always dismissing the dialog, to going up a directory
+ added the ability to enable options button (AlertDialog Neutral button) to be able to create new folders and delete files on the go (for both local and shared Files)
+ added the ability to set Strings instead of StringResources. if both are set, StringResources take priority