resolverFunction) {
+ this.resolverFunction = resolverFunction;
+ }
+ /*
+ * this method gets called from PipelineTestHelper
+ *
+ * it takes in a protobuf message field, the field value and the pipeline input
+ * builder
+ *
+ * it determines the type of the field, either message -> normal pipeline,
+ * dimensionPipelineInput -> dimension pipeline, or primative.
+ *
+ * for primative values, it merely copies the value as is to the builder via the
+ * set field
+ *
+ * for normal pipelines and dimension pipelines, it calls the respective methods
+ */
+ public void resolvePipelineInput(FieldDescriptor PLIField, Object PLIValue, Message.Builder resolvedPLIBuilder) {
+ resolvedPLIBuilder.setField(PLIField, resolveField(PLIField, PLIValue));
+ }
+ /*
+ * This mathod takes a protobuf message value
+ *
+ * It creates a new protobuf message builder for the message value
+ *
+ * for each field on the value:
+ *
+ * it checks if it is a repeated field or not
+ *
+ * if not, it sets the field to the value returned by resolveField
+ *
+ * if repeated, it adds the value returned by resolveField to the the field
+ *
+ * it returns the built protobuf message
+ */
+ private Message resolveFields(Message message) {
+ Message.Builder builder = message.newBuilderForType();
+ message.getAllFields().forEach((field, value) -> {
+ if (field.isRepeated()) {
+ int fieldCount = message.getRepeatedFieldCount(field);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) {
+ Object repeatedFieldValue = message.getRepeatedField(field, i);
+ builder.addRepeatedField(field, resolveField(field, repeatedFieldValue));
+ }
+ } else {
+ builder.setField(field, resolveField(field, value));
+ }
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Takes in a field descriptor and the field value
+ *
+ * it determines the type of the field.
+ *
+ * There are only 2 cases we care about:
+ *
+ * String, in which case we can safely assume that the field is a path field and needs to be resolved
+ *
+ * Message, in which case we then go through each field within the message and potentially resolve any fields within it, recurively
+ *
+ * returns the new value of the field
+ */
+ private Object resolveField(FieldDescriptor field, Object value) {
+ Object _value = value;
+ switch (field.getJavaType()) {
+ case STRING:
+ String path = (String) _value;
+ _value = this.resolverFunction.apply(path).toString();
+ break;
+ case MESSAGE:
+ Message fieldMessage = (Message) _value;
+ _value = resolveFields(fieldMessage);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return _value;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/ b/src/main/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534b01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+ * Test support class for testing pipelines.
+ *
+ * This test is only to be used if you are using protobuf to load and parse your
+ * pipeline input file. This is highly advised and if you aren't doing so, it is
+ * a good time to ask yourself why you are not.
+ *
+ * The param for this class is the type for your pipeline input class. Again, it
+ * assumes you are using protobuf and thus this type must be an extension of the
+ * {@link Message} type.
+ *
+ * Provides utility methods for loading unresolved pipeline input files,
+ * resolving pipeline input files, creating resolved pipeline input files on
+ * disk and comparing 2 output files.
+ *
+ * @param the type for your pipeline input class
+ */
+public class PipelineTestSupport {
+ private final TranslationEngine translationEngine;
+ private final Class pipelineInputClassRef;
+ private final T pipelineInputInstance;
+ private final PipelineInputResolver pipelineInputResolver;
+ private final Function resolverFunction;
+ private final Path testOutputDir;
+ /**
+ * Creates a PipelineTestSupport class
+ *
+ * Takes a translation engine builder that should contain a translation engine
+ * with any and all translation specs needed to validate any and all java types
+ * used in the pipeline tests.
+ *
+ * Takes a default instance of the given pipeline input type.
+ *
+ * Takes a class reference of the given pipeline input type.
+ *
+ * Takes a resolver function that will be used to resolve the paths in the file
+ * to the equivalent absolute paths.
+ *
+ * Takes in a string for the test output directory so that it can be created for
+ * you when getting a resolved pipeline input.
+ *
+ * @param translationEngine
+ * @param pipelineInputInstance
+ * @param pipelineInputClassRef
+ * @param resolverFunction
+ * @param testOutputDir
+ *
+ */
+ public PipelineTestSupport(TranslationEngine translationEngine, T pipelineInputInstance,
+ Class pipelineInputClassRef, Function resolverFunction, Path testOutputDir) {
+ this.translationEngine = translationEngine;
+ this.pipelineInputInstance = pipelineInputInstance;
+ this.pipelineInputClassRef = pipelineInputClassRef;
+ this.pipelineInputResolver = new PipelineInputResolver(resolverFunction);
+ this.resolverFunction = resolverFunction;
+ this.testOutputDir = testOutputDir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a pipeline input and a file name, uses taskit to output the pipeline
+ * input to a file with the given name.
+ *
+ * uses a protobuf translation engine and the file will be writen in json
+ */
+ public String createResolvedPipelineInputFile(T input, String fileName) {
+ T.Builder builder = input.toBuilder();
+ Path resolvedPipelineInputPath = this.resolverFunction.apply(fileName);
+ TranslationController.builder()
+ .addTranslationEngine(ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder().build())
+ .build()
+ .writeOutput(, resolvedPipelineInputPath, TranslationEngineType.PROTOBUF);
+ return resolvedPipelineInputPath.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given two class refs and 2 paths, read in each path using taskit and compare
+ * the resulting app object (APP_OBJ) classes for both object equals and string
+ * equals
+ *
+ * This test will fail if there isn't a properly implemented equals contract on
+ * the APP_OBJ
+ *
+ * This test will fail if there isn't a properly implemented toString on the
+ *
+ * uses the translation engine provided to this class
+ */
+ public boolean filesAreSame(Class inputClassRef,
+ Class outputClassRef, Path pathOfExpectedOutput, Path pathOfActualOutput) {
+ TranslationController translationController = TranslationController.builder()
+ .addTranslationEngine(this.translationEngine)
+ .addInputFilePath(pathOfExpectedOutput, inputClassRef,
+ this.translationEngine.getTranslationEngineType())
+ .addInputFilePath(pathOfActualOutput, inputClassRef, this.translationEngine.getTranslationEngineType())
+ .build();
+ translationController.readInput();
+ List inputObjs = translationController.getObjects(outputClassRef);
+ APP_OBJ obj1 = inputObjs.get(0);
+ APP_OBJ obj2 = inputObjs.get(1);
+ return obj1.equals(obj2) && obj1.toString().equals(obj2.toString());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given an unresolved pipeline input, creates a resolved pipeline input based
+ * on whether to use the directory input file or not, and whether to set
+ * runningWithPreviousData to true or not
+ *
+ * for the directory input file, it only resolves the input and output directory
+ * paths. Otherwise, it will call the PipelineInputResolver to resolve each and
+ * every path within the input
+ *
+ * then creates the Test output dir
+ *
+ * ---------------------
+ *
+ * For the input and out directory, the variable names MUST BE: 'inputDirectory'
+ * and 'outputDirectory' otherwise they will not be resolved.
+ *
+ * For the setPrev option, it will set the value of 'runningWithPreviousData' to
+ * true if set. Note that the variable name MUST be 'runningWithPreviousData'
+ */
+ public T getResolvedPipelineInput(T unresolvedInput, boolean useDirectoryFile, boolean setPrev) {
+ T.Builder resolvedInputBuilder = unresolvedInput.toBuilder();
+ Map fields = resolvedInputBuilder.getAllFields();
+ if (!useDirectoryFile) {
+ fields.forEach((pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue) -> {
+ this.pipelineInputResolver.resolvePipelineInput(pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue,
+ resolvedInputBuilder);
+ });
+ if (setPrev) {
+ fields.forEach((pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue) -> {
+ if (pipelineField.getName().equals("runningWithPreviousData")) {
+ resolvedInputBuilder.setField(pipelineField, setPrev);
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ fields.forEach((pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue) -> {
+ if (pipelineField.getName().equals("inputDirectory")
+ || pipelineField.getName().equals("outputDirectory")) {
+ this.pipelineInputResolver.resolvePipelineInput(pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue,
+ resolvedInputBuilder);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // make outputDir
+ ResourceHelper.createDirectory(testOutputDir);
+ return this.pipelineInputClassRef.cast(;
+ }
+ /**
+ * given a filename, attempts to load the file using protobuf
+ *
+ * file must be of the type assigned to this class and is not allowed to have
+ * any missing/omitted fields that are not labeled optional.
+ */
+ public T getUnresolvedPipelineInput(String inputFileName) {
+ Path pipelineInputPath = this.resolverFunction.apply(inputFileName);
+ if (!Files.exists(pipelineInputPath)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Provided path does not exist: " + pipelineInputPath.toAbsolutePath().toString());
+ }
+ Parser jsonParser = JsonFormat.parser();
+ T.Builder builder = this.pipelineInputInstance.newBuilderForType();
+ try {
+ Reader reader = new FileReader(pipelineInputPath.toFile());
+ jsonParser.merge(reader, builder);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ return this.pipelineInputClassRef.cast(;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/proto/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport.proto b/src/main/proto/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc7d3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/proto/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "";
+message TestPipelineInput {
+ TestSubPipelineInput testPipelineInput = 1;
+ TestDimensionPipelineInput testDimensionPipelineInput = 2;
+ optional bool runningWithPreviousData = 3;
+ optional string inputDirectory = 4;
+ optional string outputDirectory = 5;
+message TestSubPipelineInput {
+ string testDataFile1 = 1;
+ string testDataFile2 = 2;
+ string testDataFile3 = 3;
+ string testDataFile4 = 4;
+ string pluginDataFile = 5;
+message TestDimensionInstanceInput {
+ bool enabled = 1;
+ string inputFile = 2;
+ string dimensionDataFile = 3;
+message TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput {
+ repeated TestDimensionInstanceInput dimensionInstanceInput = 1;
+message TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput {
+ TestDimensionInstanceInput dimensionInstanceInput = 1;
+message TestDimensionPipelineInput {
+ TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput testMultiDimensionPipelineInput = 1;
+ TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput testSingleDimensionPipelineInput = 2;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/ b/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d54c0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+public class AT_PipelineInputResolver {
+ private final Path REOURCE_DIR = ResourceHelper.getResourceDir(AT_PipelineInputResolver.class);
+ private final String TEST_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME = "testOutput";
+ private final Path TEST_OUTPUT_DIR = getResolvedResourcePath(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME);
+ private final String TEST_FILE_NAME = "pipeline_tester.json";
+ private final Path getResolvedResourcePath(String path) {
+ return REOURCE_DIR.resolve(path).toAbsolutePath();
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UnitTestMethod(target = PipelineInputResolver.class, name = "resolvePipelineInput", args = { FieldDescriptor.class,
+ Object.class, Message.Builder.class })
+ public void testResolvePipelineInput() {
+ PipelineTestSupport testPipelineInputTestSupport = new PipelineTestSupport<>(
+ ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder().build(), TestPipelineInput.getDefaultInstance(),
+ TestPipelineInput.class,
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath,
+ PipelineInputResolver pipelineInputResolver = new PipelineInputResolver(
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath);
+ TestPipelineInput unresolvedTestPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_NAME);
+ TestPipelineInput.Builder resolvedInputBuilder = unresolvedTestPipelineInput.toBuilder();
+ Map fields = resolvedInputBuilder.getAllFields();
+ fields.forEach((pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue) -> {
+ pipelineInputResolver.resolvePipelineInput(pipelineField, pipelineFieldValue,
+ resolvedInputBuilder);
+ });
+ TestPipelineInput resolvedPipelineInput =;
+ TestSubPipelineInput testResolvedSubPipelineInput = resolvedPipelineInput.getTestPipelineInput();
+ TestDimensionPipelineInput testResolvedDimensionPipelineInput = resolvedPipelineInput
+ .getTestDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput testResolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput = testResolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestSingleDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput = testResolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestMultiDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSubPipelineInput testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput = unresolvedTestPipelineInput
+ .getTestPipelineInput();
+ TestDimensionPipelineInput testUnresolvedDimensionPipelineInput = unresolvedTestPipelineInput
+ .getTestDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput testUnresolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput = testUnresolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestSingleDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput testUnresolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput = testUnresolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestMultiDimensionPipelineInput();
+ Path testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile1());
+ Path expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile1());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile2());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile2());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile3());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile3());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile4());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile4());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getPluginDataFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getPluginDataFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput().getInputFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(
+ testUnresolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput().getInputFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput()
+ .getDimensionDataFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(
+ testUnresolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput()
+ .getDimensionDataFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(testUnresolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInputCount(),
+ testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInputCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInputCount(); i++) {
+ TestDimensionInstanceInput unresolvedDimInstance = testUnresolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getDimensionInstanceInput(i);
+ TestDimensionInstanceInput resolvedDimInstance = testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getDimensionInstanceInput(i);
+ testPath = Path.of(resolvedDimInstance.getInputFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(unresolvedDimInstance.getInputFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ testPath = Path.of(resolvedDimInstance.getDimensionDataFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(unresolvedDimInstance.getDimensionDataFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/ b/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a08fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/testsupport/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+public class AT_PipelineTestSupport {
+ private final Path REOURCE_DIR = ResourceHelper.getResourceDir(this.getClass());
+ private final String TEST_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME = "testOutput";
+ private final Path TEST_OUTPUT_DIR = getResolvedResourcePath(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME);
+ private final String TEST_FILE_NAME = "pipeline_tester.json";
+ private final String TEST_FILE_DIR_NAME = "pipeline_tester_dir.json";
+ private final String TEST_FILE_PREV_NAME = "pipeline_tester_prev.json";
+ private final String TEST_FILE_BAD_NAME = "pipeline_tester_bad.json";
+ private final String TEST_FILE_NAME_RESOLVED = "pipeline_tester_resolved.json";
+ private final String TEST_GP_FILE_1 = "globalPropertiesPluginData1.json";
+ private final String TEST_GP_FILE_2 = "globalPropertiesPluginData2.json";
+ private final String TEST_GP_FILE_3 = "globalPropertiesPluginData3.json";
+ private final String TEST_GP_FILE_4 = "globalPropertiesPluginData4.json";
+ private final Path TEST_GP_FILE_1_PATH = getResolvedResourcePath(TEST_GP_FILE_1);
+ private final Path TEST_GP_FILE_2_PATH = getResolvedResourcePath(TEST_GP_FILE_2);
+ private final Path TEST_GP_FILE_3_PATH = getResolvedResourcePath(TEST_GP_FILE_3);
+ private final Path TEST_GP_FILE_4_PATH = getResolvedResourcePath(TEST_GP_FILE_4);
+ private final Path getResolvedResourcePath(String path) {
+ return REOURCE_DIR.resolve(path).toAbsolutePath();
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UnitTestConstructor(target = PipelineTestSupport.class, args = { TranslationEngine.class, Message.class,
+ Class.class, Function.class, Path.class })
+ public void testConstructor() {
+ PipelineTestSupport testPipelineInputTestSupport = new PipelineTestSupport<>(
+ ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder().build(), TestPipelineInput.getDefaultInstance(),
+ TestPipelineInput.class,
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath,
+ assertNotNull(testPipelineInputTestSupport);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UnitTestMethod(target = PipelineTestSupport.class, name = "createResolvedPipelineInputFile", args = {
+ Message.class,
+ String.class })
+ public void testCreateResolvedPipelineInputFile() {
+ PipelineTestSupport testPipelineInputTestSupport = new PipelineTestSupport<>(
+ ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder().build(), TestPipelineInput.getDefaultInstance(),
+ TestPipelineInput.class,
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath,
+ TestPipelineInput testPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_NAME);
+ TestPipelineInput resolvedPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getResolvedPipelineInput(testPipelineInput, false, false);
+ String filePath = testPipelineInputTestSupport.createResolvedPipelineInputFile(resolvedPipelineInput,
+ Path resolvedPath = Path.of(filePath);
+ assertTrue(resolvedPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertTrue(resolvedPath.toFile().exists());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UnitTestMethod(target = PipelineTestSupport.class, name = "filesAreSame", args = { Class.class, Class.class,
+ Path.class, Path.class })
+ public void testFilesAreSame() {
+ PipelineTestSupport testPipelineInputTestSupport = new PipelineTestSupport<>(
+ ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder()
+ .addTranslator(GlobalPropertiesTranslator.getTranslator())
+ .addTranslator(PropertiesTranslator.getTranslator())
+ .addTranslator(ReportsTranslator.getTranslator())
+ .build(),
+ TestPipelineInput.getDefaultInstance(),
+ TestPipelineInput.class,
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath,
+ assertTrue(testPipelineInputTestSupport.filesAreSame(GlobalPropertiesPluginDataInput.class,
+ GlobalPropertiesPluginData.class, TEST_GP_FILE_1_PATH, TEST_GP_FILE_2_PATH));
+ assertFalse(testPipelineInputTestSupport.filesAreSame(GlobalPropertiesPluginDataInput.class,
+ GlobalPropertiesPluginData.class, TEST_GP_FILE_1_PATH, TEST_GP_FILE_3_PATH));
+ assertFalse(testPipelineInputTestSupport.filesAreSame(GlobalPropertiesPluginDataInput.class,
+ GlobalPropertiesPluginData.class, TEST_GP_FILE_2_PATH, TEST_GP_FILE_3_PATH));
+ assertFalse(testPipelineInputTestSupport.filesAreSame(GlobalPropertiesPluginDataInput.class,
+ GlobalPropertiesPluginData.class, TEST_GP_FILE_3_PATH, TEST_GP_FILE_4_PATH));
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UnitTestMethod(target = PipelineTestSupport.class, name = "getResolvedPipelineInput", args = { Message.class,
+ boolean.class,
+ boolean.class })
+ public void testGetResolvedPipelineInput() {
+ PipelineTestSupport testPipelineInputTestSupport = new PipelineTestSupport<>(
+ ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder().build(), TestPipelineInput.getDefaultInstance(),
+ TestPipelineInput.class,
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath,
+ TestPipelineInput unresolvedTestPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_NAME);
+ TestPipelineInput resolvedPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getResolvedPipelineInput(unresolvedTestPipelineInput, false, false);
+ TestSubPipelineInput testResolvedSubPipelineInput = resolvedPipelineInput.getTestPipelineInput();
+ TestDimensionPipelineInput testResolvedDimensionPipelineInput = resolvedPipelineInput
+ .getTestDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput testResolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput = testResolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestSingleDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput = testResolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestMultiDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSubPipelineInput testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput = unresolvedTestPipelineInput
+ .getTestPipelineInput();
+ TestDimensionPipelineInput testUnresolvedDimensionPipelineInput = unresolvedTestPipelineInput
+ .getTestDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput testUnresolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput = testUnresolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestSingleDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput testUnresolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput = testUnresolvedDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestMultiDimensionPipelineInput();
+ Path testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile1());
+ Path expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile1());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile2());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile2());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile3());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile3());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile4());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile4());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSubPipelineInput.getPluginDataFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(testUnresolvedSubPipelineInput.getPluginDataFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput().getInputFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(
+ testUnresolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput().getInputFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testResolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput()
+ .getDimensionDataFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(
+ testUnresolvedSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput()
+ .getDimensionDataFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ assertEquals(testUnresolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInputCount(),
+ testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInputCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInputCount(); i++) {
+ TestDimensionInstanceInput unresolvedDimInstance = testUnresolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getDimensionInstanceInput(i);
+ TestDimensionInstanceInput resolvedDimInstance = testResolvedMultiDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getDimensionInstanceInput(i);
+ testPath = Path.of(resolvedDimInstance.getInputFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(unresolvedDimInstance.getInputFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(resolvedDimInstance.getDimensionDataFile());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(unresolvedDimInstance.getDimensionDataFile());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ }
+ unresolvedTestPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_DIR_NAME);
+ resolvedPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getResolvedPipelineInput(unresolvedTestPipelineInput, true, false);
+ testPath = Path.of(resolvedPipelineInput.getInputDirectory());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(unresolvedTestPipelineInput.getInputDirectory());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(resolvedPipelineInput.getOutputDirectory());
+ expectedPath = getResolvedResourcePath(unresolvedTestPipelineInput.getOutputDirectory());
+ assertTrue(testPath.isAbsolute());
+ assertEquals(expectedPath, testPath);
+ unresolvedTestPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_PREV_NAME);
+ resolvedPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getResolvedPipelineInput(unresolvedTestPipelineInput, false, true);
+ assertTrue(resolvedPipelineInput.getRunningWithPreviousData());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UnitTestMethod(target = PipelineTestSupport.class, name = "getUnresolvedPipelineInput", args = {
+ String.class })
+ public void testGetUnresolvedPipelineInput() {
+ PipelineTestSupport testPipelineInputTestSupport = new PipelineTestSupport<>(
+ ProtobufTranslationEngine.builder().build(), TestPipelineInput.getDefaultInstance(),
+ TestPipelineInput.class,
+ this::getResolvedResourcePath,
+ TestPipelineInput testPipelineInput = testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_NAME);
+ TestSubPipelineInput testSubPipelineInput = testPipelineInput.getTestPipelineInput();
+ TestDimensionPipelineInput testDimensionPipelineInput = testPipelineInput
+ .getTestDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestSingleDimensionPipelineInput testSingleDimensionPipelineInput = testDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestSingleDimensionPipelineInput();
+ TestMultiDimensionPipelineInput testMultiDimensionPipelineInput = testDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getTestMultiDimensionPipelineInput();
+ Path testPath = Path.of(testSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile1());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile2());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile3());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testSubPipelineInput.getTestDataFile4());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testSubPipelineInput.getPluginDataFile());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput().getInputFile());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testSingleDimensionPipelineInput.getDimensionInstanceInput().getDimensionDataFile());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ for (TestDimensionInstanceInput testDimensionInstanceInput : testMultiDimensionPipelineInput
+ .getDimensionInstanceInputList()) {
+ testPath = Path.of(testDimensionInstanceInput.getInputFile());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ testPath = Path.of(testDimensionInstanceInput.getDimensionDataFile());
+ assertNotNull(testPath);
+ }
+ // preconditions:
+ // file path does not exist
+ RuntimeException runtimeException = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> {
+ testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput("badFile.json");
+ });
+ assertEquals(
+ "Provided path does not exist: " + getResolvedResourcePath("badFile.json").toAbsolutePath().toString(),
+ runtimeException.getMessage());
+ // json is bad/has unknown fields
+ runtimeException = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> {
+ testPipelineInputTestSupport
+ .getUnresolvedPipelineInput(TEST_FILE_BAD_NAME);
+ });
+ assertEquals(InvalidProtocolBufferException.class,
+ runtimeException.getCause().getClass());
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/unittestcoverage/ b/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/unittestcoverage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c32e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/gov/hhs/aspr/ms/gcm/pipeline/unittestcoverage/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+public final class UnitTestReport {
+ public static void main(final String[] args) {
+ System.out.println("Missing Tests Report:");
+ System.out.print("\n\n\n");
+ System.out.println("MetaInfo Report:");
+ System.out.print("\n\n\n");
+ System.out.println("Incomplete Tests Report:");
+ System.out.print("\n\n\n");
+ System.out.println("Status Report:");
+ System.out.print("\n\n\n");
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/resources/globalPropertiesPluginData1.json b/src/test/resources/globalPropertiesPluginData1.json
new file mode 100644
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+ "@type": "",
+ "enumTypeUrl": "",
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+ "enumTypeUrl": "",
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11f8cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/pipeline_tester.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "inputDirectory": "rawInput",
+ "outputDirectory": "testOutput",
+ "testPipelineInput": {
+ "testDataFile1": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile1.csv",
+ "testDataFile2": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile2.csv",
+ "testDataFile3": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile3.csv",
+ "testDataFile4": "rawInput/reports/testDataFile4.csv",
+ "pluginDataFile": "testOutput/testPluginData.json"
+ },
+ "testDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "testSingleDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "dimensionInstanceInput": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension1.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData1.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "testMultiDimensionPipelineInput" : {
+ "dimensionInstanceInput": [
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension2.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData2.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData3.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData4.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension5.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData5.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData6.json"
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7b067
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+++ b/src/test/resources/pipeline_tester_bad.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
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+ "outputDirectory": "testOutput",
+ "testPipelineInput": {
+ "testDataFile1": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile1.csv",
+ "testDataFile2": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile2.csv",
+ "testDataFile3": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile3.csv",
+ "testDataFile4": "rawInput/reports/testDataFile4.csv",
+ "pluginDataFile": "testOutput/testPluginData.json"
+ },
+ "testDimensionPipelineInput": {
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+ "dimensionInstanceInput": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension1.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData1.json"
+ }
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+ "dimensionInstanceInput": [
+ {
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+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension2.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData2.json"
+ },
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+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension3.csv",
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+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension5.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData5.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension6.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData6.json"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eadb7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/pipeline_tester_dir.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
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+ "outputDirectory": "testOutput",
+ "testPipelineInput": {
+ "testDataFile1": "blocks/testDataFile1.csv",
+ "testDataFile2": "blocks/testDataFile2.csv",
+ "testDataFile3": "blocks/testDataFile3.csv",
+ "testDataFile4": "reports/testDataFile4.csv",
+ "pluginDataFile": "testPluginData.json"
+ },
+ "testDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "testSingleDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "dimensionInstanceInput": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "dimensions/test_dimension1.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testDimensionData1.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "testMultiDimensionPipelineInput" : {
+ "dimensionInstanceInput": [
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "dimensions/test_dimension2.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testDimensionData2.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "dimensions/test_dimension3.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testDimensionData3.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "inputFile": "dimensions/test_dimension4.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testDimensionData4.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "dimensions/test_dimension5.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testDimensionData5.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "dimensions/test_dimension6.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testDimensionData6.json"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6260c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/pipeline_tester_prev.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "runningWithPreviousData": true,
+ "testPipelineInput": {
+ "testDataFile1": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile1.csv",
+ "testDataFile2": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile2.csv",
+ "testDataFile3": "rawInput/blocks/testDataFile3.csv",
+ "testDataFile4": "rawInput/reports/testDataFile4.csv",
+ "pluginDataFile": "testOutput/testPluginData.json"
+ },
+ "testDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "testSingleDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "dimensionInstanceInput": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension1.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData1.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "testMultiDimensionPipelineInput": {
+ "dimensionInstanceInput": [
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension2.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData2.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension3.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData3.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension4.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData4.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension5.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData5.json"
+ },
+ {
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+ "inputFile": "rawInput/dimensions/test_dimension6.csv",
+ "dimensionDataFile": "testOutput/testDimensionData6.json"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file