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File metadata and controls

155 lines (132 loc) · 4.67 KB



RecursiveNamespace is an extension of Python's SimpleNamespace that provides enhanced functionality for working with nested namespaces and dictionaries. This package allows easy access and manipulation of deeply nested data structures in an intuitive and Pythonic way.


To install RecursiveNamespace from PyPI use the following command.

pip install RecursiveNamespace

If you want to use the github clone, use the following.

git clone
cd RecursiveNamespace
pip install .


The RecursiveNamespace class can be used in the same way as Python's SimpleNamespace class, but in a recursive fashion. The RecursiveNamespace class can be instantiated with a dictionary or keyword arguments. The RecursiveNamespace class also provides a to_dict() method that returns a dictionary representation of the namespace.

Basic Usage

One of the best use cases of this module is converting dict into a recursive namespace, and back to dict. Another usage is to convert a dictionary to a recursive namespace.

from recursivenamespace import rns # or RecursiveNamespace

data = {
    'name': 'John',
    'age': 30,
    'address': {
        'street': '123 Main St',
        'city': 'Anytown'
    'friends': ['Jane', 'Tom']

rn = rns(data)
print(type(rn)) # <class 'recursivenamespace.main.recursivenamespace'>
print(rn)       # RNS(name=John, age=30, address=RNS(street=123 Main St, city=Anytown))
print(  # John
print( # Anytown
print(rn.friends[1])   # Tom, yes it does recognize iterables

# convert back to dictionary
data2 = rn.to_dict()
print(type(data2)) # <class 'dict'>
print(data2 == data) # True
print(data2['address']['city']) # Anytown
print(data2['friends'][1])      # Tom

You can use the key or namespace interchangeably

print(rn.friends[1] is rn['friends'][1]) # True

You can also use it with YAML.

import yaml
from recursivenamespace import rns
datatext = """
name: John
age: 30
    street: 123 Main St
    city: Anytown
    - Jane
    - Tom
data = yaml.safe_load(datatext)
rn = rns(data) 
print(rn) # RNS(name=John, age=30, address=RNS(street=123 Main St, city=Anytown))

# convert back to YAML
data_yaml = yaml.dump(rn.to_dict())

Let's see other use cases. You can make a nested rns.

from recursivenamespace import rns
results = rns(

Access elements as dictionary keys or namespace attributes.

print(results.params.alpha is results.params['alpha'])             # True
print(results['metrics'].accuracy is  results.metrics['accuracy']) # True

Convert only the metrics to dictionary.

metrics_dict = results.metrics.to_dict()
print(metrics_dict) # {'accuracy': 98.79, 'f1': 97.62}

Or convert all to a nested dictionary.

from pprint import pprint
output_dict = results.to_dict()
# {'metrics': {'accuracy': 98.79, 'f1': 97.62},
# 'params':  {'alpha': 1.0, 'beta': 2.0}}

Flatten the dictionary using a separator for keys.

flat_dict = results.to_dict(flatten_sep='_')
# {'metrics_accuracy': 98.79,
#  'metrics_f1': 97.62,
#  'params_alpha': 1.0,
#  'params_beta': 2.0}

Add more fields on the fly.

results.experiment_name = 'experiment_name'
results.params.dataset_version = 'dataset_version'
results.params.gamma = 0.35

The character '-' in a key will be converted to '_'

results.params['some-key'] = 'some-value'
print(results.params.some_key)                                  # some-value
print(results.params['some-key'] is results.params.some_key)    # True
print(results.params['some-key'] is results.params['some_key']) # True


To run tests, navigate to the project's root directory and execute:

python -m unittest discover tests

The file contains tests for the RecursiveNamespace class.


Contributions to the RecursiveNamespace project are welcome! Please ensure that any pull requests include tests covering new features or fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

You should copy the actual content from examlpes scripts (founde under ./examples/ directory) and paste it into the respective sections of the README. This provides users with immediate examples of how to use your package. The Testing section explains how to run the unit tests, encouraging users to check that everything is working correctly.