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Ravindhar Uppada edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the oneview-ansible wiki!


HPE OneView makes it simple to deploy and manage today’s complex hybrid cloud infrastructure. HPE OneView can help you transform your data center to software-defined, and it supports HPE’s broad portfolio of servers, storage, and networking solutions, ensuring the simple and automated management of your hybrid infrastructure. Software-defined intelligence enables a template-driven approach for deploying, provisioning, updating, and integrating compute, storage, and networking infrastructure.

The HPE OneView Ansible library provides modules to manage HPE OneView using Ansible playbooks using HPE OneView REST APIs.

You can find the latest supported HPE OneView Ansible SDK here

Refer to


  • Ansible >= 2.1
  • Python >= 3.4.2
  • HPE OneView Python SDK


Each OneView resource operation is exposed through an Ansible module. We also provide a specific module to gather facts about the resource.

The detailed documentation for each module is available at: HPE OneView Ansible Modules Documentation

Example of a playbook using Ansible OneView modules

- hosts: all

    - name: Ensure that the Fibre Channel Network is present with fabricType 'DirectAttach'
        config: "/path/to/config.json"
        state: present
          name: 'New FC Network'
          fabricType: 'DirectAttach'

    - name: Ensure that Fibre Channel Network is absent
        config: "/path/to/config.json"
        state: absent
          name: 'New FC Network'

    - name: Gather facts about the FCoE Network with name 'Test FCoE Network Facts'
        config: "/path/to/config.json"
        name: "Test FCoE Network Facts"


Sample playbooks and instructions on how to run the modules can be found in the examples directory.

End-to-end examples

Setup & Installation

To run the Ansible modules provided in this project, you may run a containerized version or perform a full installation.

To use containerized version, you should execute the following steps:

The containerized version of the oneview-ansible modules is available in the Docker Store.

The Docker Store image tag consist of two sections: <sdk_version-OV_version>

#Download and store a local copy of  hpe-oneview-sdk-for-ansible and
# use it as a Docker image.
$ docker pull hewlettpackardenterprise/hpe-oneview-sdk-for-ansible:v5.8.0-OV5.4

# Run docker commands using the below command and this will in turn create
# a sh session where you can create files, issue commands and execute playbooks
$ docker run -it hewlettpackardenterprise/hpe-oneview-sdk-for-ansible:v5.8.0-OV5.4 /bin/sh

There is also a how-to guide with instructions on how to use the container without creating a sh session.

To perform a full installation, you should execute the following steps:

1. Clone the repository


$ git clone

2. Install dependency packages

Run pip command from the cloned directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Configure the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environmental variable

Set the environment variables ANSIBLE_LIBRARY and ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTILS, specifying the library full path from the cloned project:

$ export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/path/to/oneview-ansible/library
$ export ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTILS=/path/to/oneview-ansible/library/module_utils/

2. OneView Client Configuration

Using a JSON Configuration File

To use the Ansible OneView modules, you can store the configuration on a JSON file. This file is used to define the settings, which will be used on the OneView appliance connection, like hostname, username, and password. Here's an example:

  "ip": "",
  "credentials": {
    "userName": "Administrator",
    "authLoginDomain": "",
    "password": "secret123"
  "api_version": 2000

The api_version specifies the version of the Rest API to invoke. When not defined, it will use 600 as the default value.

If your environment requires a proxy, define the proxy properties in the JSON file using the following syntax:

  "proxy": "<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>"

🔒 Tip: Check the file permissions since the password is stored in clear-text.

The configuration file path must be provided for all of the playbooks config arguments. For example:

- name: Gather facts about the FCoE Network with name 'FCoE Network Test'
    config: "/path/to/config.json"
    name: "FCoE Network Test"

Environment Variables

If you prefer, the configuration can also be stored in environment variables.

# Required
export ONEVIEWSDK_USERNAME='Administrator'
export ONEVIEWSDK_PASSWORD='secret123'

# Optional
export ONEVIEWSDK_PROXY='<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>'

🔒 Tip: Make sure no unauthorised person has access to the environment variables, since the password is stored in clear-text.

In this case, you shouldn't provide the config argument. For example:

- name: Gather facts about the FCoE Network with name 'FCoE Network Test'
    name: "FCoE Network Test"

Once you have defined the environment variables, you can run the plays.

Parameters in the playbook

The third way to pass in your HPE OneView credentials to your tasks is through explicit specification on the task.

This option allows the parameters hostname, username, password, api_version and image_streamer_hostname to be passed directly inside your task.

- name: Create a Fibre Channel Network
    username: administrator
    password: my_password
    api_version: 2000
    state: present
      name: "{{ network_name }}"
      fabricType: 'FabricAttach'
      linkStabilityTime: '30'
      autoLoginRedistribution: true
  no_log: true
  delegate_to: localhost

Setting no_log: true is highly recommended in this case, as the credentials are otherwise returned in the log after task completion.

Storing credentials using Ansible Vault.

If you prefer, the credential of the user can be stored in encrypted format.

  1. Create a oneview_config.yml file.

  2. Run below commands to encrypt your username and password for oneview.

    ansible-vault encrypt_string 'secret123' --name ONEVIEWSDK_PASSWORD

Note: This password will be used to run the playbook.

  1. Paste the encrypted password along with the configuration in oneview_config.yml file.
# Required
username: Administrator
password: !vault |
  1. Update the oneview_config.yml as vars_file in playbook for example:
- vars_file:
  - oneview_config.yml
- name: Create a Fibre Channel Network
    hostname: "{{ ip }}"
    username: "{{ username }}"
    password: "{{ password }}"
    api_version: "{{ api_version }}"
    state: present
      name: "Test Network"
      fabricType: 'FabricAttach'
      linkStabilityTime: '30'
      autoLoginRedistribution: true
  no_log: true
  delegate_to: localhost

# Optional
We can encrypt the oneview_config.yml file also, but if you encrypt the file then you shall not encrypt the password inside the encrypted file. 

🔒 Tip: Make sure no unauthorised person has access to the encrypted variables/files, since the password can be decrypted with the password.

  1. Run the playbook with --ask-vault-pass option to get the password prompt to run the playbook.
ansible-playbook example.yml --ask-vault-pass

Note: Most of the examples provided in this repository uses OneView Credentials in plain text.

3. Setting your OneView version

The Ansible modules for HPE OneView support the API endpoints for HPE OneView 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 5.00, 5.20, 5.30, 5.40

The current default HPE OneView version will pick the OneView appliance version.

To use a different API, you must set the API version together with your credentials, either using the JSON configuration:

"api_version": 2000

OR using the Environment variable:


If this property is not specified, it will fall back to the default value.

The API list is as follows:

  • HPE OneView 5.00 API version: 1200
  • HPE OneView 5.20 API version: 1600
  • HPE OneView 5.30 API version: 1800
  • HPE OneView 5.40 API version: 2000

4. HPE Synergy Image Streamer

Modules to manage HPE Synergy Image Streamer appliances are also included in this project. To use these modules, you must set the Image Streamer IP on the OneViewClient configuration, either using the JSON configuration:

"image_streamer_ip": ""

OR using the Environment variable:


You can find sample playbooks in the examples folder. Just look for the playbooks with the image_streamer_ prefix.

Getting Help - How can I get help & support

Are you running into a road block? Have an issue with unexpected behavior? Feel free to open a new issue on the issue tracker

When creating an issue, recommend providing the following and any additional information which would help address quicker.


[What you are trying to achieve but can't?]

Environment Details

  • OneView SDK Version: [Version of this SDK for which you are encountering the issue]
  • OneView Appliance Version: [Version of the OneView appliance you're interacting with]
  • OneView Client API Version: [API version of your client object]
  • Ruby Version: [Version of Python in your environment]
  • Platform: [OS distribution and release version]

Steps to Reproduce

[What are the complete steps needed to do in order to reproduce your problem?]

Expected Result

[What do you expect to happen after taking the steps above?]

Actual Result

[What actually happens after the steps above? Include error output or a link to a gist.]


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE for more information.

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