- Create People Template record with user profile intended to be applied
- Create an Organization record for the intended person
- Create a Location record for the intended person
Primary Key Consideration
Operation Primary Key Validation Retire Payload's triExternalReferenceTX = triRecordIdSY of People record to be retired Update Payload's triUserNameTX = triUserNameTX of People record to be updated -
Rejection Criteria
Error Cause ERROR: Multiple People exist with same username Multiple People with same usernames are not allowed in TRIRIGA ERROR: People record does not exist People intended to be retired does not exist with the triRecordIdSY passed in triExternalReferenceTX -
Other Considerations
- Either of
is needed to populate the Primary Location on the People record - Either of
is needed to populate the Primary Organization on the People record
- Either of
Test Endpoint
Trigger IO Record Workflow Module Workflow Name Activate triPeople - APIC - HTTP Post triPeople triPeople - triFinalApprovalHidden - APIC Send Outbound using Integration Object Retire triPeople - APIC - HTTP Post triPeople triPeople - triRetire - APIC Send Outbound using Integration Object