Qty | Description |
01 | Trill |
01 | TinyPICO |
01 | IMU breakout board LSM9DS |
01 | FSR 408 |
01 | 1K resistor |
01 | 10K potentiometer |
01 | button |
01 | Li-Po Battery min 1000mA |
01 | PVC Tube (30 cm) |
~85cm | Copper adhesive tape |
01 | ON-OFF rocker switch |
~35cm | Heat shrink tube |
01 | end-cup with microcontroller base |
01 | end-cup with for the ON-OFF switch |
01 | 3D printed bases, one of each file, and 4 regular poles |
11 | M2 Mounting Screws |
01 | foam sheet |
Print one of each of the 3d printing files, but print 4 copies of the "regular poles". The beds (pieces that snap together) will need supports on the piece that snaps.
Snap the beds together as in the image above, snapping the regular poles between beds to secure them. Place copper strips on each arc in the beds, these will be used for capacitive touch sensing.
All the building tools can be found in the Machine Shop at the McGill Music Tech Department.
Let's start with the end cap where the TinyPICO will be inserted. Insert the button into the slot like the pictures below. Note that it is possible to solder all future three wires to the button before inserting it in the slot, in order to make the soldering more accessible.
button top view | button bottom view | soldering |
Solder 2 wires diagonally to the button pins, connecting one to GND and one to pin 15 on the TinyPICO. For the GND connection, twist an extra wire together before soldering to the TinyPICO, which will be used for connecting the IMU later on.
connecting to TinyPICO | completed button circuit |
To prepare the resistor for its FSR connection, solder 2 wires to one end and 1 to the other like below. Use heat shrink to wrap the connection. Solder the single end wire to a GND pin on the button (shared pins on the provided button are opposite of each other, in doubt check the specifications in the bill of materials). Solder one of the double end wires to pin 33 on the TinyPICO.
soldering | heat shrinking | connecting to TinyPICO |
Prepare the FSR connections by carefully soldering 2 wires to its terminals, using the extra wire form the resistor as one of the terminals. Be cautious not to melt the plastic on the FSR if possible by soldering quickly. Heat shrink the terminals when complete.
soldering | heat shrinking |
Solder the other FSR wire and another wire (which will connect to the IMU) to the 3V3 pin on the TinyPICO (yellow and orange in the picture below). Twisting the 2 wires together before inserting into the pin will make this task easier.
twisting and soldering | view of 3V3 pin |
Solder 2 wires to each of the IMU's GND, VCC, SDA and SCL pins. One of the VCC wires and one of the GND wires should be the extra 3V3 and GND wires from the TinyPICO that you put in in the above steps. Connect one of the SDA wires to pin 21 of the TinyPICO, and one of the SCL wires to pin 22 of the TinyPICO.
twisting and soldering | connecting to TinyPICO | imu wiring |
At this stage, the IMU should have unconnected wires (1 of each) from SDA, SCL, GND and VCC. Run the 4 unconnected wires through the pole and solder to the corresponding labeled pins on the Trill (with the VCC pin of the IMU connected to the +V pin of the Trill).
trill connections | alternate view |
Now for the fun part ;). Solder wires onto each of the 15 copper strips, running them through the poles to the Trill board when necessary. When cutting wires for this part, allow enough length to get to the Trill, but not too long to clutter the internals. Solder the other ends of the wires in order from pico towards the end cap to pins 0-14 on the Trill board. On the Sopranino design, leave the strip at the extremity on the side of the TinyPICO unconnected, and connect the 15 other strips.
copper soldering | alternate view |
Connect long wires from the 5V and GND pins of the TinyPICO (for the battery), and run them through the poles to the other end. Mount the IMU and Trill boards to their beds, and insert the TinyPICO into its slot in the end cap with the button. Slide the entire frame with the button cap into the PVC, making sure the long power wires can be accessed from the open end. Attach the FSR to the outside of the PVC, cutting the end if it's too long. Use the end cap's slot for the FSR wires to come out of the frame.
Important Note: In the design with the removable 3.7V battery, the switch is not present and the T-Stick will be powered on and off with the button. The battery container should be linked to the GND and Bat pins of the TinyPICO. The battery slot will be placed on the opposite end of the TinyPICO and should be pullable out of the opening of the cap for battery replacement.
IMU Mounting Note: Please install the IMU so that this configuration is kept consistent with the design.
Insert the power switch into the other end cap. Solder the power wire of the battery to the power switch as in the picture below, twisting together the long power wire from the TinyPICO sticking out the end. Solder the long GND wire to the battery's GND.
Important Note: 2nd picture below should have ran the wires through the poles and inserted into the frame before soldering to the TinyPICO, be sure to do this before soldering the battery to the TinyPICO.
power soldering | power circuit view |
Hooray, you built a T-Stick!
Instructions to upload (flash) the T-Stick firmware and configuration files can be found here.
Read and follow ALL the instructions at before upload it to the board. There are some steps to prepare your machine and the ESP32 before flash it for the first time.
It is recommended to use the board test firmwares located at https://github.com/IDMIL/TStick/tree/master/Sopranino/2GW/19X/Tests to test the capsense board and the IMU after install them.
Nightly builds and beta firmwares can be downloaded at https://github.com/edumeneses/TStick. Before using them, contact the IDMIL's lab team.
Version 1.2: Brady Boettcher
Version 1.1: Edu Meneses - eduardo.meneses@mail.mcgill.ca
Version 1.0: Created by: Alex Nieva - alex.nieva@mail.mcgill.ca
Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory
Schulich School of Music
McGill University
550 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 500
Montreal, QC, H3A 1E