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B+Tree Base

This is advanced c++ implementation of B+Tree data structure.

This implementation allows you to inject your own custom code between different stages of execution tree commands using predefined hooks.

Is is expected that you would extend the "Base" classes and take control over the predefined hooks.

For some examples look at the Advanced Usage section.

Table of contest


Library was tested using GNU G++ compiler with flag -std=c++14. So it is recommended to use C++ 14 or higher version of compiler. Compiling with another compilers might need code corrections.

Basic Usage Classes

class BPlusTreeBase<class Key, class T>

Base class for creating structure


  • BPlusTreeBase<typename Key, typename T>::value_type = std::pair<Key, T>
  • BPlusTreeBase<typename Key, typename T>::iterator = BPlusTreeIterator<Key, T>

For simplification we will use the shorter form (just value_type) in the next sections.

BPlusTreeBase(int factor)

Basic constructor. Requires one int parameter to be passed that represents minimal size of non root tree nodes.

long long int size()

Returns number of elements inside the tree.

void insert(std::pair<Key, T> item, bool overwrite = false)

Insert element to the tree with key as item.first and value as item.second. This method allows you to provide additional parameter to determine whenever you want to overwrite previous value. If overwrite is set to false (by default false), if the value with the same key exists in the tree, new value will not overwrite previous one.

void erase(Key key)

Removes item with specific key from the tree. Requires one parameter to be passed and returns nothing. Complexity: Log(n)

void erase(iterator it)

Removes item from tree the same as method above, but instead of Key it requires iterator for the element you want to delete to be provided as first argument. Complexity: Log(n)

void clear()

Removes all items from tree.

iterator find(Key key)

Finds item with specific key and return iterator for the item. If no item found with specific key, it returns end iteraotr. Similar to the std data structures. Complexity: Log(n)

iterator begin()

Returns iterator pointing to the first element in the tree. If there is no elements in the tree, returns end iterator. Complexity: Log(n)

iterator end()

Returns end iterator

iterator lower_bound(Key key)

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the container whose key is not considered to go before key (i.e., either it is equivalent or goes after). Complexity: Log(n)

iterator upper_bound(Key key)

has the same behavior as lower_bound, except in the case that the tree contains an element with a key equivalent to key: In this case, lower_bound returns an iterator pointing to that element, whereas upper_bound returns an iterator pointing to the next element. Complexity: Log(n)

T& operator[](Key key)

returns value of item with provided key. If no item with specific key exists in the tree, item will be created.

class BPlusTreeIterator<class Key, class T>

Iterator class used to travel along the tree. There is also alias for the iterator through the tree class: BPlusTreeBase<Key, T>::iterator.


BPlusTreeIterator<class Key, class T>::entry_item = std::pair<const Key&, T>

iterator& operator++()

Operator of prefix increment (++it) Moves current iterator pointer to the next item. Returns itself. If no next item found, become end iterator.


BPlusTreeBase<int, int> tree(50);

BPlusTreeBase<int,int>::iterator it = tree.begin();

cout << (*it).first << endl; // 5

iterator operator++(int)

Operator of suffix increment (it++) Moves current iterator pointer to the next item, but return previous iterator. If no next item found, become end iterator.

iterator& operator--()

Operator of prefix decrement (--it) Moves current iterator pointer to the previous item. Returns itself. If no previous item found, become end iterator.

iterator operator--(int)

Operator of suffix decrement (it--) Moves current iterator pointer to the previous item, but returns next previous iterator (behaviour similar to int--). If not previous item found, become end iterator.

entry_item& operator*()

Dereferencing operator. Used to get access to the current item key and value similar how std::map iterator::operator*() works.

entry_item operator->()

Used to get access to the pointer of current item pair.


BPlusTreeBase<int, int> tree(50);

BPlusTreeBase<int,int>::iterator it = tree.begin();
cout << "Key: " << (it->first) << "; Value: " << (it->second) << endl; // Key: 1; Value: 2

const Key& get_key()

Returns const reference to the current iterator item key.

T& get_value()

Returns reference to the current iterator item value.

bool expired()

Checks whenever iterator is referencing to the correct value. In cases when you removed item to which pointing iterator, this method will return false as iterator was corrupted and accessing its values could cause undefined behaviour.

Basic Usage Example

You could use this data structure as simple generic data structure similar to std::map


BPlusTreeBase<int, string> tree(50);
tree.insert(make_pair(15, "Freaking"));
tree.insert(make_pair(18, "World!"));
tree.insert(make_pair(10, "Hello"));


std::cout << tree[10] + " " + tree[18] << std::endl; // Hello World!

auto it = tree.begin();

it->second = "Guten Tag";
it->second = "Welt!";

for(auto& it : tree){
	cout << it.second << " ";
// Guten Tag Welt!

Advanced Usage Classes

Main difference between default std containers and this BPlusTreeBase container that current implementation allows you to extend the classes and inject your own code and logic to the code execution!

Here we will go through the additional classes and methods allowed to be extended and implemented for your own unique case. And in the next section there will be couple of useful examples of how you can apply it.

class BPlusTreeBaseInternalNode<class Key, class T> : BPlusTreeBaseNode<class Key, class T>

Class used internally in BPlusTreeBase class. It accepts the same generic parameters as main class. It is used to provide logic for the intermediate nodes that tie all leaf node's values.

class BPlusTreeBaseLeafNode<class Key, class T> : BPlusTreeBaseNode<class Key, class T>

Class used internally in BPlusTreeBase class. It accepts the same generic parameters as main class. It is used to provide logic for the final nodes that contains all the items in the tree. Basically pointers to those nodes located in the iterators.

BPlusTree<class Key, class T> protected hook methods

Those hooks allows you to inject your code to the internal execution processes.

Lets introduce some additional aliases and enum classes:

  • BPlusTree<class Key, class T>::Node = BPlusTreeBaseNode<class Key, class T>
  • BPlusTree<class Key, class T>::node_ptr = std::shared_ptr<Node>
  • BPlusTree<class Key, class T>::PROCESS_TYPE = enum class { READ, WRITE }
  • BPlusTree<class Key, class T>::LEAF_REF = enum class { PREV, NEXT }
  • BPlusTree<class Key, class T>::child_item_ptr = std::shared_ptr<BPlusTreeBaseNode<Key, T>::child_item_type>

Hooks methods follows

void processSearchNodeStart(node_ptr node, PROCESS_TYPE type)

This method called every time before each Node is accessed. For example consider there is a tree initialised with factor of 3 and it contains 6 elements from 1 to 6. For simplification consider only keys here, so the internal node structure looks something like:

graph TB
A[Stem] --> B[Root: 4]
B --> C(First_Leaf: 1, 2, 3)
B --> D(Second_Leaf: 4, 5, 6)

Notice: There is always one additional InternalNode called stem

Lets say find(5) command called: first of all processSearchNodeStart will be called for stem node, then for root node (4) and the for the node containing the key we consider to find (Second Leaf). Second parameter for all methods will be equal to PROCESS_TYPE::READ as there will not be any changes applied to the tree.

void processSearchNodeEnd(node_ptr node, PROCESS_TYPE type)

Method called every time when node is no longer needed. Lets consider the same example as above

graph TB
A[Stem] --> B[Root: 4]
B --> C(First_Leaf: 1, 2, 3)
B --> D(Second_Leaf: 4, 5, 6)

And the same find(5) method called, then the order of methods calls will looks like:

  1. processSearchNodeStart(stem, READ)
  2. processSearchNodeStart(root, READ)
  3. processSearchNodeEnd(stem, READ)
  4. processSearchNodeStart(Second_Leaf, READ)
  5. processSearchNodeEnd(root, READ)
  6. processSearchNodeEnd(Second_Leaf, READ)

So before "ending" previous node, next node will be "entered". The reason of such behaviour will be explained in the further sections.

void processInsertNode(node_ptr node)

Method calls each time when node content was changed and its current state needs to be "saved". This method will be called for the nodes after inserting or deleting new element(s). Also this method will be called for the newly created nodes.

Example: tree with factor of 3

graph TB
A[Stem] --> B(Root: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8)

Lets see for the hooks that will be called after inserting new element with key = 4

  1. processSearchNodeStart(Stem, WRITE)
  2. processSearchNodeStart(Root, WRITE) Here after inserting new element to the Root node, this node will split and new node will be created. And also new Root node will be created
  3. processSearchNodeStart(Second_Leaf, WRITE) <-- newly created leaf node
  4. processInsertNode(Second_Leaf)
  5. processInsertNode(First_Leaf) <-- Root node that split and become First_Leaf
  6. processSearchNodeEnd(Second_Leaf, WRITE)
  7. processSearchNodeEnd(First_Leaf, WRITE)
  8. processSearchNodeStart(Root, WRITE) <-- newly created Root node
  9. processInsertNode(Root)
  10. processSearchNodeEnd(Root, WRITE)
  11. processSearchNodeEnd(Stem, WRITE)

And so the structure become:

graph TB
A[Stem] --> B[Root: 5]
B --> C(First_Leaf: 1, 3, 4)
B --> D(Second_Leaf: 5, 6, 8)

Notice: All Start/End hooks was called with WRITE second parameter as insert method consider to change the tree

void processDeleteNode(node_ptr node)

Method calls only when the node is going to be remove (and potentially destructed) from the tree. It is called between the processSearchNodeStart and processSearchNodeEnd hooks. There is only 2 public methods in BPlusTreeBase that could cause this method to be called: erase and clear.

void processLeafInsertItem(node_ptr node, childs_item_ptr item)

This hook calls every time when insert method called. Hook called for the node after processSearchNodeStart and before processInsertNode. Second parameter represents data structure of inserted item. It contains next attributes:

  • std::weak_ptr<Node> node - node linked to the item.
  • std::shared_ptr<record_type> item - the actual item containing key and value

record_type is another alias of std::pair<const Key&, T>

Note: This method requires you to reserve this item node as ItemRelease hooks will be called for the item to release the node

Note: This method requires you to lock the Leaf node and the item

void processLeafDeleteItem(node_ptr node, childs_item_ptr item)

This hook calls every time when erase method called. Hook called for the node from which the item will be removed. parameters similar to the processLeafInsertItem

Note: This method requires you to reserve this item node as ItemRelease hooks will be called for the item to release the node

Note: This method requires you to lock the Leaf node and the item

void processLeafSplit(node_ptr node, node_ptr new_node, node_ptr link_node)

This hook calls when internal node split its elements to 2 separate nodes. It accepts Actual node that going to lose elements as node, newly created node that accepts elements from node - new_node, and node that going to be changed by setting up prev_node or next_node linkage (and "saved" with processInsertNode) because new_node needs to be linked to the chain of the leaf nodes - link_node Method called after processLeafInsertItem and before processInsertNode

Note: _This method requires you to lock all of the Leaf nodes as LeafFree will be called for each of them separately.

void processLeafJoin(node_ptr node, node_ptr join_node, node_ptr link_node)

This hook calls when internal node join another node elements after which this other node is going to be removed from the tree (and processDeleteNode will be called on it). Similarly to processLeafSplit this method receives node that going to accept elements from join_node - node, node that gives all its elements and going to be removed from the tree - join_node and similarly to previous hook, node that going to be changed by setting up leaf node chaining. Method called after processLeafDeleteItem and before processInsetNode or processDeleteNode

Note: _This method requires you to lock all of the Leaf nodes as LeafFree will be called for each of them separately.

void processLeafShift(node_ptr node, node_ptr shift_node)

This hook calls when internal node shifts (accepts one item from another node). It happens on erase method called. This method receives node that going to accept one element - node, and the node that going to give one element - shift_node. Notice, no link_node passed as no node is going to be added or deleted. Method called after processLeafDeleteItem and before processInsertNode hooks.

Note: _This method requires you to lock all of the Leaf nodes as LeafFree will be called for each of them separately.

void processLeafLock(node_ptr node)

This hook called for Leaf node that must not be changed from another thread, if you're using multithreading. There is couple of hooks that requires you to lock Leaf node from modifying from another threads.

Note: There is a notice on every such hook :P

void processLeafFree(node_ptr node)

Hook that called when Leaf node must be unlocked and could be modified from another threads.

void processItemMove(node_ptr node, childs_item_ptr item)

This hooks calls for the item that moved from one node to another (Or newly created item to the node) And the method requires you to assign the node to the item->node. (currently everything this method do is actually this assignment item->node = node_weak(node); , but you can also apply your own weird logic here on your own risk ofc :P)

void processLeafRef(node_ptr node, node_ptr ref_node, LEAF_REF ref)

This hook calls for the Leaf node that needs to update its reference node (previous or next node reference). It accepts node that needs to update its reference, ref_node is the node that needs to be linked, and the ref pointe what reference (previous or next) needs to be updated. Likewise the previous hook, you must update it by yourself (and that is exactly what this methods do originally, but you can also apply your own logic here as well).

void processLeafReserve(node_ptr node, PROCESS_TYPE type)

Hooks calls for the Leaf node that needs to be reserved. Reserved node memory should not be released before release hook called. Moreover, if reserve was called couple of times for one node, the same time of release hooks will be called, and you should not free memory for the node until "count" of reserve/release hooks equals 0.

Note: couple of other hooks will require you to reserve node. Every hooks that need to required node will have notice in its description. I know everything sounds pretty complicated, and some of the hooks might looks weird and unneeded, but everything. Maybe it does :D But if you want to dig deep to the structure, you can find every hooks useful and meaningful...

void processLeafRelease(node_ptr node, PROCESS_TYPE type)

Hook that notify you to release the Leaf node.

void processOffsetLeafReserve(node_ptr node, int offset)

The same as processLeafReserve but reservation should be done for the node that is shifted by some offset number. You can get to the new node using node->next_leaf() or node->prev_leaf().

Note: The number could be equal to 0, 1 or -1.

void processOffsetLeafRelease(node_ptr node, int offset)

The same as processLeafRelease but release should be done for the node that is shifted by some offset number. You can get to the new node using node->next_leaf() or node->prev_leaf().

Note: The number could be equal to 0, 1 or -1.

void processItemReserve(childs_item_ptr item, PROCESS_TYPE type)

Likewise the LeafRelease this hook notify you that item (And its node) should be reserved in the same way LeafReserve do.

void processItemRelease(childs_item_ptr item, PROCESS_TYPE type)

Hook that notify you to release the item and its node.

void processIteratorMoveStart(childs_type_iterator item, int step)

Hook called right before the iterator pointer moves forward or back. step parameter define the number of items you should go for. This value could be negative, which means that the pointer moves to the previous item.

Note: the value of step could be either 1 or -1.

void processIteratorMoveEnd(childs_type_iterator item, int step)

Hook called right after the iterator pointer already moved to the new item. step parameter defines the number of items it went for. This value could be negative which means that pointer moved to the previous item.

Note: the value of step could be either 1 or -1.

Advanced Usage Example

This example shows how to extend the classes to protect the container from race conditions and make the structure threading safe for insert/delete operations.

template<class Key, class T>
class MyInternal : public BPlusTreeBaseInternalNode<Key, T> {
		std::mutex my_mutex;

template<class Key, class T>
class MyLeaf : public BPlusTreeBaseLeafNode<Key, T> {
		std::mutex my_mutex;

template<class Key, class T>
class MyIterator : public BPlusTreeBaseIterator<Key, T> {
	using BPlusTreeBaseIterator<Key, T>::BPlusTreeBaseIterator;

template<class Key, class T>
class MyBPT : public BPlusTreeBase<Key, T, MyInternal<Key, T>, MyLeaf<Key, T>, MyIterator<Key, T> >{
		typedef typename BPlusTreeBase<Key,T>::node_ptr node_ptr;
		typedef typename BPlusTreeBase<Key,T>::PROCESS_TYPE PROCESS_TYPE;
		MyBPT(int c) : BPlusTreeBase<Key, T, MyInternal<Key, T>, MyLeaf<Key, T>, MyIterator<Key, T> >(c){};
		void processSearchNodeStart(node_ptr node, PROCESS_TYPE type){ 
				auto rnode = std::static_pointer_cast<MyLeaf<Key, T> >(node);
			} else {
				auto rnode = std::static_pointer_cast<MyInternal<Key, T> >(node);
		void processSearchNodeEnd(node_ptr node, PROCESS_TYPE type){ 
				auto rnode = std::static_pointer_cast<MyLeaf<Key, T> >(node);
			} else {
				auto rnode = std::static_pointer_cast<MyInternal<Key, T> >(node);

Now MyBPT Now using insert/erase methods in multiple threads are completely safe!


MyBPT<int,int> tree(10);
int tc = 100;
int cnt = 10000;
vector<thread> trds;

for(int i=0;i<tc;i++){
	thread t([&cnt,&tree,&tc](int i){
	}, i);

for(auto &t : trds){

Additional Information

My Pleasure

For most people basic usage will be enough, but for those who want to struggle in agony like a freak build your own complicated application based on B+Tree structure, you will find Advanced Usage pretty useful for you!

But you should consider that you may need to dig deep into the code, and this code might be pretty complicated (like any balanced tree but anyway, acknowledge means prepared!)

And feel free to leave comments or contact me if you need some help with understanding hooks or internal code.


There is couple of thinks I think would be great to implement, but I'm to lazy to spend time on it right now. But I leave it here just in case anybody would want to contribute :P

  • Reverse Iterators
  • Const Iterators
  • Optimize InternalNode to use more convenient structure for holding other nodes then just a std::vector
  • BPlusTreeBase::insert to return pair of bool/iterator (like std::map do)
  • Implement +=/-= iterator operators
  • Allocator template item
  • Compare function (for some sake final order)



Have fun :)