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HPlusBot - A transhumanist twitter bot!


This is the repository of the HPlusBot in Twitter. The bot account in Twitter follows transhumanist thinkers, associations, webpages, and the like; and tweets and retweets about transhumanism and future related stuff. It also stores tweets posted in real time and inserts them in a database (using PostgreSQL).

Table of Contents

What the bot does?

  1. Periodically retweets recents tweets of the followed users that:
    • reach a certain number of likes
    • matches one or more keywords or hashtags
  2. Inserts data from tweets and tweeters into tables of the project database
  3. Tweets scrapped data (titles and urls) from:

Used modules

The bot utilizes the Twitter, The New York Times, and Reddit APIs. The bot is built in Python employing the following libraries:

Things to consider

Project database:

The script uses a stream listener that captures in real time tweets that comply with a certain filter. In this case, we use the keyword 'transhumanism'. With the captured tweet, we scrap data from it and insert them in the project database. We use two tables: 'twitter_user' and 'twitter_tweet'. Below we show the schema and a example. For actual examples, see the 'twitter_user.csv' and 'twitter_tweet.csv' files in the 'data' folder in this repository. Also, you can see, in that same folder, the query that was used to create the tables.


user_id_str user_screen_name description location followers friends statuses favourites
1226216507581116417 HplusBot Hello! I am bot that follows transhumanist thinkers and tweets/retweets about Transhumanism and future related stuff. Any suggestions? Send me a message! Argentina (Bs. As.) 115 57 4,024 1


id tweet_id_str text created_at tweet_quoted user_id_str
1 1268006196524572672 Hello! This is a test :) transhumanism 2020-06-02 11:26:10 NULL 1226216507581116417

In the other hand, the project database also have two tables that holds and retrieve data relative to New York Times links and the last tweet id that was retweeted. You can see:


id link


id last_tweet_id
1 1246479431750672385

Keywords and Hashtags:

The keywords and hashtags are the elements we use to filter all the tweets and the NYT articles and select only those that comply with the criteria. They are very similar to each other, but while in Twitter we use both, to search for articles we use only the keywords. Also, there is a lot of redundancy because we have in mind the singular and plural use of the words.

-isms Technologies Nouns Verbs
'futurism' 'ai' 'cyborg' 'enhance'
'posthumanism' 'biohacking' 'cyborgs' performance-enhancing'
'transhumanism' 'biotechnology' 'futurist' 're-engineering'
'crispr' 'immortality'
'cybernetics' 'posthumanist'
'nanotechnology' 'robots'
-isms Technologies Nouns Verbs
'#futurism' '#agi' '#augmentation' '#biohacking'
'#posthumanism' '#ai' '#bionic'
'#transhumanism' '#artificialintelligence' '#cyborg'
'#augmentedreality' '#genetics'
'#crispr' '#longevity'
'#cybernetics' '#machineintelligence'
'#nanotech' '#posthumanist'
'#nanotechnology' '#singularity'
'#robotics' '#transhumanist'

Ratio of likes of a tweet to be retweeted

The ratio_of_likes() function was called the 20/03/2020 The chosen id tweet from 01/03/2020 (to start the search) was: 1233972953169252352 [from Last_ID_Tweet.txt] The bot checked 3277 tweets (no rt) from 48 Followings. Only 189 tweets complied with the criteria of keywords and hashtags.

[500>>] [50-499] [0-49]
Quantity 1 10 178
Total likes 887 737 1385
Ratio 887.0 73.7 7.78

As the quantity of tweets with more than 49 likes is almost trivial, the chosen ratio from which decide if the status is going to be retweeted by the bot is: 7 likes.

Other notes

  • The original Last_Tweet_ID was: 1246479431750672385 (a tweet from 4/4/20 by @zoltan_istvan)

  • The search of gather_data() in resulted in a total of 866 links:

Query Number of Links
  • The list of links from NYT was subject to removing duplicates links and checking manually all the links (as even if them complied to the searching criteria of the code, some links weren´t related to the actual content we want to post, i.e. some are about art, old or uninteresting news, etc.). The final list consist of 342 links total.

Old issues

Heroku deployment:

The "Last_Tweet_ID.txt" file was intended to be used as a starting point in each iteration of the retweet function, in which the ID it contains is renewed at the end of each iteration (the ID of the last tweet retweeted is written). This is done this way to avoid going all the way through a lot of tweets in an user timeline (from x to y; ej: from a tweet of 1st March all the way to the last one in 31st of March). So, the file should change in each iteration and this should be so indefinitely.

In case of "Links_to_post.txt", this file contains all links that directs to New York Times website. As the links are tweeted randomly, the scripts deletes them to ensure that there are no duplicated tweets with the same link.

Both of the files names, in Heroku, have very limited use and do not work as intended because changes made directly to the filesystem on Heroku dynos will be lost whenever the dyno restarts; the content of the file are restored in each cycle, they will be as the last push to Heroku.

This happens frequently: Dynos are restarted (cycled) at least once per day to help maintain the health of applications running on Heroku. Any changes to the local filesystem will be deleted. The cycling happens once every 24 hours. Check out:

With "Last_Tweet_ID.txt", to avoid in some way going all the way through a lot of tweets in an user timeline (as it was intended originally), once in a while is needed a manual overwriting of the file and push to heroku master. One can simply forget about "Links_to_post.txt", but ideally should be a way to make things work as intended.

  • TODO: The next step is employ the Heroku-Postgres (Hobby Dev) database. It will contain the tweet ID and the NYT links, so we can avoid the deletion of changed files when the dyno restart.

Naming convention:

I made mistakes with the naming of the files; I did not respect the convention of naming files with all characters in lowercase. But I can´t change the filenames without losing the changes history. In the future I´ll keep more in mind the PEP8 convention.

Next things to do