- remove auto start of portal-hyprland-hyprland
- removal of Virtual-1 monitor in Monitors.conf
- updated wallpaper-switcher script for better flexibility
- keybinds updated to enable notify-send for keyboard brightness
- changed script to install waybar-hyprland-git instead. Issue in building waybar-hyprland
- updated waybar modules and weather to align with jetbrains font update
- updated paru and yay hyprland scripts to add logging of installation inoder to debug easily
- updated screenshot script to delay 1 secs for notification
- updated wofi-beats script for better notifications
- Scripts, keybinds updated for swww utility (see https://youtu.be/6ZGzOjMJBe4 )
- added Catpuccin themes for Hyprland. By default, catppuccin-mocha is pre-configured
- Replaced / updated wallpaper in preparation for wallpaper-utility
- updated readme for Gentoo
- added blueman-manager in windows rules to launch in float mode
- Edited Mako notifications. Sound enabled by default and moved to top-center location
- Clean up codes / script, folders and wallpaper
- updated Thunar and XFCE4 folder
- update brightness script
- updated script to make thunar as optional
- paru and yay hyprland scripts updated. Bluetooth stuffs will be optional
- paru and yay hyprland scripts updated to install waybar-hyprland only and not the git packages.
- And also, Dracula icons and themes including Bibata Cursor themes are now optional!
- Added note on install-hyprland script to use either paru or yay-hyprland script
- Updated installer script to install only waybar-hyprland and not the git version. waybar-hyprland-git conflicts with cava
- Added Nvidia-Hyprland Notes on Readme
- clean up configs. Updated install-hyprland script (remove lxappearance and replaced with nwg-look-bin)
- commented blurls = waybar on hyprland.conf to have a full transparent waybar
- updated Readme Arch Linux installation notes
- added playerctl for multimedia keyboard hotkeys
- update swaylock clock and date format . kindly change in ~/.config/swaylock/config for desired format
- updated paru-installer
- added yay auto installer (yay-hyprland)
- uploaded btop config folder
- Updated paru-hyprland script to choose hyprland or hyprland-nvidia
- replaced and delete some wallpapers
-replaced xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git with xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland on both scripts. xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland now in Arch community repo
- Tweaked keybinds for keyboard lighting to send a mako notifications (however, cant find a way to show in percentage)
- Changes made in config/hypr/configs/keybinds.conf
- Added script in config/hypr/scripts/brightness-kbd
- please see the follow up I made
- https://youtu.be/eq-qBW9Ds2k