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mcutils is broken down into 3 different packages: bukkit
, bungee
, and common
The two packages you will use are bukkit
and bungee
. common
is bundled into both bukkit
and bungee
so you don't need to add an extra dependency.
To include mcutils, please follow the guide in the readme.
Here are a few usage examples of the different features of mcutils.
override fun onCommand(sender: CommandSender, command: Command, label: String, args: Array<out String>): Boolean {
// send a colored message to someone
sender.send("Sending a CommandSender a &3colored &fmessage.")
val player = sender as Player
// send a player a message and translate all placeholderapi placeholders
player.send("&aHey %player_name%, your uuid is %player_uuid%!", player)
// check if a player is in a certain radius of a location
if (player.inRadiusOfLocation(Location(Bukkit.getWorld("name"), 1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 5)) {
player.send("&bYou are within 5 blocks of the coordinates &3(1,2,3) &bin world &3\"name\"")
return true
class MyPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
override fun onEnable() {
log("This is a message to console!")
log("This is a warning in console", Severity.WARNING)
log("This is an error in console", Severity.ERROR)
.setName("&3&lEnchanted &bDiamond Block")
.addLore(" &3- This is a nice diamond block!")
" &3 - Lore 2",
" &3 - Lore 3"
).get() // returns an itemstack with the above configuration
This is very similar to the bukkit features.
override fun execute(sender: CommandSender, args: Array<out String>) {
sender.send("&3This &ais &9a &5colored &6message!")
val player = sender as ProxiedPlayer
player.send("&3This &ais &9a &5colored &6message!")
class MyBungeePlugin: Plugin() {
override fun onEnable() {
log("This is a message to console!")
log("This is a warning in console", Severity.WARNING)
log("This is an error in console", Severity.ERROR)
These are available in both packages
println(10.toRomanNumeral()) // prints X
println(50.toRomanNumeral()) // prints L
println(60.toTimeFormatted()) // prints {years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=1, seconds=0}
println(1029323421.toTimeFormatted()) // prints {years=32, months=7, weeks=3, days=2, hours=11, minutes=10, seconds=21}
println(1029323421.toTimeFormatted()[Times.MINUTES]) // prints 10
For getting the Times, it is an enum to make it easy and eliminate potential bugs that could occur with strings for example. The enum can be found here.
This will let you turn seconds into a formatted time string really easily, or convert a number to a roman numeral for levels or something. Just a few things I have found useful over my time making plugins so I added them.
Come chat with us at discord.jaims.dev! You can receive support in my discord above or in the issues tab!