The idea is to expose internal state of a component while retaining the ability to validate what the user passes to it.
For example,
a modal usually has its own trigger, there are cases when you want to toggle the same modal with another trigger.
sometimes, the user may just want to know some internal values. This is the case of logical components like mouse position.
Through defineExpose
utility function, you decide to expose any refs, computed or methods from the component to the outside.
<script setup>
import { ref, defineExpose } from "vue";
const isOpen = ref(false);
const open = () => (isOpen.value = true);
const close = () => (isOpen.value = false);
//this exposes the open method to any parent component
In the parent, it looks like this:
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import Modal from "./components/script_setup/Modal.vue";
const modal = ref(null);
<!-- the is the exposed method -->
<button @click="">Outside trigger</button>
<Modal ref="modal" />
Using the Options API, it works as follows:
export default {
expose: ["open"],
methods: {
open() {
this.isOpen = true;
There is a JSX way, but I am not very keen to mix template and javascript...
See the lesson on the mouse coordinates for a complete example.
I have saved the code-along project in my GitHub.
See the library zap-js
and its documentation detailing usage for elements like:
- Accordion
- Avatar
- Carousel
- Checkbox
- ColorPicker
- Combobox
- Dialog
- Editable
- File Upload
- Hover Card
- Menu
- Context Menu
- Nested Menu
- Number Input
- Pagination
- Pin Input
- Progress - Linear New
- Progress - Circular New
- Popover
- Radio Group
- Segmented Control
- Range Slider
- Rating Group
- Select
- Slider
- Splitter New
- Switch
- Tabs
- Tags Input
- Toast
- Toggle Group
- Tooltip