It MUST have a single root element. There is no exception.
As it is detailed in the Style guide (for Vue 2, for Vue 3), single name components are a bad practice.
Avoid it or you might have collision with native HTML elementsm, today or in the future.
Document your props, as the style guide also suggests.
It will make the component more robust and clear to understand.
A component can be:
- locally registered
- globally registered
Global components are not ideal, because, even if you don't use it, then the build tool (ex.: Webpack) will include it in the bundles, even if it is not used in the application.
Vue.component("plan-picker", {
// <== this is a global register
template: "#plan-picker-template",
components: {
"plan-item": PlanComponent, // <== this is a local register
data() {
return { plans: ["The Single", "The Curious", "The Addict"] };
Locally-registered plans are not visible unless used within the parent component they live in.
Base button, base inputs, etc. are fine.
We use Props.
WARNING: HTML attributes are case sensitive, name the props from the parent in Kebab case (ex.: this-attribute
instead of thisAttribut
We use Custom events.
Custom events use the directive $emit
that takes an event name and a payload.
PS1: The payload isn't required.
PS2: Name the event well and use kebab-case in the child component AND the parent's template to avoid headaches!
PS3: as a best practice, you can wrap all arguments into a single object payload: {post, thread, user}
so that you don't have to remmember the argument order and so you can use the object destructuring. However, if you use TypeScript, it will be be easier to know the interface of the custom event.
See the course about that.
Slots and Props are similar, but they provide very different approaches and are useful in different usecases.
As a rule of thumb, use slots when you need to pass on HTML of other markup to a component.
For example, a template using slots could be:
<script type="text/x-template" id="todo-item-template">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="completed">
<span :class="{done: completed}">
<!-- Here is rendered the content of todo-item, e.g. "Eat Bananas" -->
<!-- The usage in the next example below "<template #description>" for the named slot below -->
<slot name="description">No description</slot>
<!-- The word "Highlight" below is the default slot value, in case you don't specify a slot button in the usage of "Eat Bananas" above -->
<slot name="button-text">Highlight</slot>
The usage could be:
<!-- This the content tha goes into <slot></slot> -->
<!-- Anything that is not in a named slot will into the unnamed slot -->
Buy Bananas
<!--Using the named slot "description" -->
<template #description>
<p>Bananas are good for your health.</p>
<!--Using the named slot "button-text" -->
<template #button-text> Make it rain </template>
<!-- This will be rendered before the named slot just above. It kinda mess up the HTML... so you should use a named slot for it. -->
<p>The End.</p>
<!-- This usage will use the default value for the named templates -->
<todo-item> Eat Bananas </todo-item>
See more notes on slots.
This is used to dynamically switch between components.
The following:
<FormPlanPicker v-if="currentStepNumber === 1" @setPlan="processStep" />
Can be replaced by:
v-if="currentStepNumber === 1"