Triaged reports
bash: root prompt should be red -> we don't want to pin bash just for that
xplayer does not adapt to the size of the video being played. In Preferences, Display, there is the option 'Resize the window when opening a new movie'. By removing the check from that, you can resize the window manually. Otherwise on the sides and above or below the video, annoying black bands appear. --> it must depend on the video size and resolution. I can't reproduce it here. Simple System monitor desklet "not working".
lightdm: DM appears briefly in automatic login mode
hplip: I couldn’t do the installation of my HP Laserjet 1132MFP, following the installation of the hplip file from hp, in the final step it says that it requires a binary file, and enters in a loop that never ends.
Booting from USB stick take pause for 10-30 seconds with no USB mouse light and no light on USB stick then light up boot continue. Pause for USB ports reset ?
Ubiquity: Wrong default French layout: