- distinct :清晰的;独特的
- distinctive :独特的;可分辨的
- instinct : 本能
- instinctive : 与生俱来的;天生的
- distinguish : 区分 (v.)
- distinguishable :可分辨的
- distinguished : 卓越的;突出的
- intuitive : 凭直觉的;直觉上的
- intuition :直觉 (其实和本能也有点像)
stall :停顿;抛锚
- Humans have a habit of stalling their own progress.
History is littered with innovations that sparked resistance before becoming fixtures in everyday life.
- litter : 乱扔;遍布(指不好的东西)
- spark : v.引发;n.火花
- fixture : 设备
Just take a look at the futile efforts of music publishers to stop the transition to digital music.
- futile : 无用的
- futile efforts
- futile : 无用的
The expansion of equipment reduced the need of farm labor,and the shift in population away from rural areas had significant political implications.
- rural : 田园的;乡下的;农业的