Releases: Jonathan-Greve/GuildWarsMapBrowser
Guild Wars Map Browser v4.0
In this release the major feature is terrain textures. The terrain textures aren't rendered exactly like in-game but It's still a lot better to look at than a plain or checkered terrain. The notable new features are:
- Show the terrain with textures.
- Display the texture atlas for the current loaded map. I.e. see all the textures used by the current terrain.
Guild Wars Map Browser v3.3
Added back the models that weren't being parsed in the previous release. Caching textures for much faster map loading.
Feature list:
- Renders more models like older versions.
- Caching textures for much faster map loading.
- Remember the filepath of where the .dat file was last loaded from.
Guild Wars Map Browser v3.2
Handles alpha blending more correctly. This release renders texture a lot better than the last. Doesn't do EOtN maps very well yet. Also parses a few less model files than before.
Guild Wars Map Browser v3.1
This release features a lot better texture rendering including alpha blending. New features include:
- Better texture rendering. Still not handling alpha blending correctly for some textures.
- Added a 'Save decompressed data to file' option when right clicking an item in the dat browser.
Removed the option to change the rasterizer state manually.
Guild Wars Map Browser v3.0
New major release. With this release comes the addition of textures applied to models. It is still buggy for many models.
Features added:
- Fixed textures showing incorrect colors.
- Use keyboard to switch between selected items in the dat browser (for example use Arrow Keys to move up and down and Enter to select).
- Models are bigger when selected individually in the dat browser.
- Textures applied to models
NOTE: Map loads are much much slower than before. On my 10400f some maps I've tested take 30 sec. to load. The program appear to freeze while it is loading because I'm doing it on the UI thread.
Guild Wars Map Browser v2.2
New in this release is being able to display almost all the texture files. In particular:
- The texture window showing the texture can be resized to make the texture larger or smaller.
- Export the texture files as .png files
The code for reading all the texture files except DDS files were taken from GWDatBrowser with a few small modifications to make it fit into my code + glue code to make it work with the GUI.
Guild Wars Map Browser v2.1
The main feature of this release is being able to view model files individually by selecting them in the 'Browse .dat file contents' window. The models are scaled to be 500x500 and translated to be at position (0,0,0). You move around them using the usual camera controls.
New features:
- View individual model files.
- Can parse even more model files (I think interactive props might be amongst them
- Added 3 new fields to 'Browse .dat file contents' window: Name, Map Id, PvP
- Can filter maps based on Name and Map ids. Can sort all three new fields.
- Slightly faster .dat file loading. 10-20%. (~7 sec. to load on [6c/12t] i5-10400f).
- Bug fixes.
Guild Wars Map Browser v2.0
The biggest change in this release is the addition on props (3D models). Feature additions:
- Render most 3D models/props.
- A 'Prop models' info window which shows: indices, vertices and other model file info.
- A 'Prop Visibility' where you can select whichs props (and which models within the prop) to render.
- A lighting window where you can control the direction and color of the light.
- SOther minor additions here and there.
- Bug fixes.
Note: Some props have various version of themselves drawn on top of eachother. For example a bridge might have a normal version and a destroyed version. Also many props are see-through in-game like portals. But here the portal is just a flat non see-through mesh.
Also haven't tested all maps and props so crashes can happen.
Guild Wars Map Browser v1.1
Many new features including:
- Choosing between perspective and orthographic cameras
- Setting movement speed.
- Setting terrain shaders.
- Setting rasterization state (Solid, Wireframe, Solid no cull, and Wireframe no cull).
- Showing water.
- Fine tuning camera position with sliders (Ctrl-click sliders to manually insert numbers).
Fixed a bug where the terrain was renderer incorrectly with the y-axis flipped.
Guild Wars Map Browser v1.0
First release of my .dat browser tool. The .exe file should be self contained.
- Use the WASD keys to move. Click and hold right mouse button
to pan camera.
The zip archive contains the .exe:
Update 1/1/2024: Added the .exe to release assets (same .exe as inside the zip)