This is a list of ideas for classes that I can add as I progress through OSSP-CS.
Be sure and add the appropriate courses to the appropriate folders as you go along. This file is basically just a dump of ideas.
- MIT OCW: Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting
- BOOK: "Finance and Accounting for Entrepreneurs" by Suzanne Caplan
- 1993: Blanchard and Bowles: "Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service"
- 2003: Mark Stevens: "Your Marketing Sucks: see details inside"
- 2004: Blanchard, Ballard, and Finch: "Customer Mania! It's Never Too Late to Build a Customer-Focused Company"
- 2005: Jeffrey Gitomer's "Little Red Book of Selling"
- 2011: Gary Vaynerchuck: "The Thank You Economy"
- 1989: National Research Council: "Improving Risk Communication"
- 2016: Grobman & Cerra: "The Second Economy: The Race for Trust, Treasure and Time in the Cybersecurity War"
- 1936: John Maynard Keynes: "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money"
- N. Gregory Mankiw: Essentials of Economics
- Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson
- Milton Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom
- Alan Mass: The Case for Socialism
- Marx & Engels: The Communist Manifesto
- 2009: Levitt & Dubner: "Super Freakonomics"
MIT OCW: Principles of Microeconomics
- U.S. Dept. of Labor EBSA: "Savings Fitness" (blue, on top shelf)
- Open Yale ECON 159: Game Theory
- MIT OCW 17.810: Game Theory
- MIT OCW 14.12: Economic Applications of Game Theory
- 2001: Rappaport & Mauboussin: Expectations Investing: Reading Stock Prices for Better Returns"
- 2008: Roger Lowenstein: "Buffet: The Making of an American Capitalist"
- 2012: Robert Kiyosaki: "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing"
- 2018: Grant Cardone: "How to Create Wealth Investing in Real Estate"
- 1982: Peters & Waterman: "In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies"
- 1996: Freiberg & Freiberg: "Nuts! Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success"
- 2001: Tom DeMarco: "Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency"
- 2006: Peter F. Drucker: "The Effective Executive"
- 2007: Timothy Ferris: "The 4-Hour Workweek"
- 2011: Dave Ramsey: "EntreLeadership"
- 2017: Mark Moses: "Make Big Happen"
- 2018: Harvard Business Review: "Entrepreneur's Handbook"
- 1936: Dale Carnegie: "How to Win Friends & Influence People"
- 1981: Blanchard & Johnson: "The One Minute Manager"
- 1992: James H. Shonk: "Team-Based Organizations: Developing a Successful Team Environment"
- 1996: Emmet C. Murphy: "Leadership IQ"
- 2002: Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee: "Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence"
- 2002: Jeffrey J. Fox: "How to Become a Great Boss"
- 2008: Patterson, et al.: "Influencer: The Power to Change Anything"
- 2001: Michael E. McGrath: "Product Strategy for High-Technology Companies"
- 2009: Sam Wyly: "1,000 Dollars & an Idea"
- 2010: Jack Garson: "How to Build a Business and Sell It for Millions"
- 2017: Brad Stone: "The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changing the World"
- 2018: Harvard Business Review: "Entrepreneur's Handbook"
- Y Combinator: Startup School.
This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of automation and its role in the modern workplace. The course will cover the fundamental concepts of automation and provide an overview of the tools and techniques used in automation.
- 2018: Larry Boyer: "The Robot in the Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know to Adapt and Succeed in the Automation Age"
- 2018: Kai-Fu Lee: "AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order"
- 2020: Al Sweigart: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: 2nd Edition
- 2020: Behrman, Deza, Gheorghiu, & Gift: Python for DevOps
- OpenAI's ChatGPT
- Python
NetworkChuck Free CCNA Training
- 2008: Stuttard & Pinto: "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws"
- 2017: Wil Allsopp: Advanced Penetration Testing
- Hack the Box Academy
- Hack the Box
Study and assemble a home secuity system with a focus on user control of the data.
Study and assemble a vehicular secuity system with a focus on user control of the data.
Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum
- ARRL Courses
- Join the local ARRL club.
- Get FCC licensed at Technician or higher. Get a vanity call sign, if you can.
- 2008: Steve Ford: "The ARRL Satellite Handbook"
The languages listed here are strategically chosen due to their particular importance in the context of a cybersecurity career.
- Duolingo
- See BPL selection
- Duolingo
- See BPL selection
- Duolingo
- 1989: Stephen Covey: "Los 7 habitos de la gente altamente efectiva"
- 1997: Robert Kiyosaki: "Padre Rico Padre Pobre"
- 2002: George Orwell: "1984" (es)
- 2007: Steve Miller: "Dibujar Dinosauriuos"
- More: See BPL selection
- Mother Nature: A history of mothers, infants, and natural selection.
MIT OCW: HST.071: Human Reproductive Biology
- 1988: Stephen Hawking: "A Brief History of Time: from the Big Bang to black holes"
- 1981: Robert L. Garretson: "Conducting Choral Music, Fifth Edition"
- 1953: Edwin Patterson: "Jurisprudence: Men and Ideas of the Law"
- 1977: Reader's Digest: You and the Law: A Practical Guide to Everyday Law and How It Affects You and Your Family, Second Revised Edition
- 1996: The 90 Second Lawyer: Answers to Common Personal and Business Legal Questions
- 2017: various: "The U.S. Constitution and Other Writings"
- Dr. Edna L. Negrón: Public Health and the Environment
- James Collman: Naturally Dangerous
- Smith & Lourie: Slow Death by Rubber Duck
- John Brockman, et al: What Should We Be Worried About?
A study of the research on the impact genetics has on one's political views.
MIT OCW: How to Stage a Revolution
- Bartlesville Police Department: Citizen's Police Academy
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: University Module Series: Cybercrime
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: University Module Series: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
- 1983: George Cole: The American System of Criminal Justice, Third Edition
- 1998: Walker & Wood: Crime Scene Investigations: Real-Life Science Labs for Grades 6-12
- 2014: Chriss Lyon: A Killing In Capone's Playground: The True Story of the Hunt for the Most Dangerous Man Alive
- 2018: Bryan Stevenson: Just Mercy: A True Story of the Fight for Justice
- 1967: Richard Wurmbrand: "Tortured for Christ"
- 1982: William j. Murray: "My Life Without God"
- 1986: Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid's Tale
- 1990: Carson & Murphey: "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story"
- 1995: Carl Sagan: "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark"
- 1997: Carl Sagan: "Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millenium"
- 2002: Rick Warren: "The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth am I Here For?"
- 2002: Charles Kimball: "When Religion Becomes Evil"
- 2006: Richard Dawkins: "The God Delusion"
- 2006: Bobby Henderson: "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"
- 2006: André Comte-Sponville: "The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality"
- 2006: Jonathan Haidt: "The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom"
- 2008: Jeff Sharlet: "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power"
- 2010: Dan Ariely: "The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home"
- 2010: B. R. Myers: "The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters"
- 2010: Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations"
- 2011: Duncan Watts: "Everything Is Obvious: How Common Sense Fails Us"
- 2011: Bart D. Ehrman: "Forged: Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are"
- 2014: Sam Harris: "Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion"
- 2019: Max Lucado: "How Happiness Happens"
- Consider ordination in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Write a devotional aimed at an atheistic Satanist audience.
The Devil's Daily Devotional: 366 (un)Holy Readings for Scientists, Skeptics, Satanists, and other Citizens of Hell
A course to explore methods of ministry and organization and how these methods are, could be, or shouldn't be employed by Satanists.
- 1981: Andrew M. Greeley: "The Cardinal Sins"
- 2006: General Conference Stewardship Department (SDA): "Strategic Church Finances: A Biblical Approach".
- 2008: Richard R. Osmer: "Practical Theology"
- xxxx: Nolo: "Starting and Building a Nonprofit" & related books.
Jonathan A. McCormick, Jr.
A course to study the intersection between "Satan", anthropology, natural selection, and religious liberty.
- 201-300 CE: Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana
- 1909: Charles Darwin: "The Origin of Species"
- 1936: Dale Carnegie: "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
- 1976: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
- 1992: "The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal" by Jared Diamond
- 1994: Andrews U: Satanic Influences on Disturbed Christians
- 1995: Howard Bloom: "The Lucifer Principle"
- 2003: Lance Morrow: "Evil: An Investigation"
- 2007: Donald Trump: "Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life"
- 2007: Andrew Napolitano: "A Nation of Sheep"
- 2014: Glenn Beck: "Dreamers and Deceivers: True Stories of the Heroes and Villains Who Made America"
- 2018: Lawrence W. Reed: "Are We Good Enough For Liberty?"
Explore the reasons behind envy, inferiority complex, arrogance, and why putting one's IQ on a resume is apparently a bad idea
This course will explore the various types of family structures that exist, including traditional nuclear families, single-parent families, blended families, same-sex parent families, polyamorous families, and more. Students will examine the historical, cultural, and social factors that have influenced the development and prevalence of these structures, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each. Additionally, the course will consider innovative concepts and emerging trends that challenge traditional family structures.
- What is a family?
- Nuclear family
- exclusive
- supplemented
- Single-parent family
- by chance
- by choice
- Blended family
- Extended family
- Same-sex family
- Polyamorous family
- Childless couple
- Childless single
- Fraudulent relationships
- FBI: How We Can Help You: Romance Scams
- Fox26 Houston: Investigation exposes romance scam links after man loses $100,000
- FTC: What to Know About Romance Scams
- FTC: Data Spotlight: Romance scammers’ favorite lies exposed
- Guardian, The: ‘It felt like losing a husband’: the fraudsters breaking hearts – and emptying bank accounts
- Insider: The troubling rise of the romance scam: How digital grifters are bilking the lonely out of $1.3 billion a year
- New York Post: How to know if your online boyfriend is a scammer: study
- NortonLifeLock: How We Scammed a Romance Scammer
- Secret Service: Stay Safe Online: Avoid Romance Scams
- WRTV: 'I fell in love': Westfield woman, 84, heartbroken after losing $98K in online romance scam
- Government involvement in family life
- Marriage laws & licenses
- Divorce, property distribution, child custody, child support, and alimony.
- Education
- Child protective services
- Adoption and foster care
- Contraception and abortion
- Welfare programs and tax breaks
- First responders
- Areas of possible policy changes
- Queer families
- Polyamorous families
- Alternative reproductive arrangements
- Prostitution
- 1992: Stephanie Coontz: "The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap"
- 1997: Dr. Laura Schlessinger: "Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives"
- 2008: Tristan Taormino: "Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships"
- 2015: Patrick and Patrick: "Dude's Guide to Marriage: Ten Skills Every Husband Must Develop to Love His Wife Well"
- 2017: Hardy and Easton: "The Ethical Slut, Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love"
- 2021: Chase Tkach: "Sexual Liberty: Memoirs Of A Sex Worker's Fight For Freedom"
- Wikipedia: Family
- 2010: CDC: Family Structure and Children’s Health in the United States
- 2013: Pew Research: Breadwinner Moms
- 2013: Pew Research: More of today’s single mothers have never been married
- 2013: TED Talk: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?
- 2015: Pew Research: PARENTING IN AMERICA: 1. The American family today
- 2017-07-05: Science Daily: Children in single-mother-by-choice families do just as well as those in two-parent families
- 2018-04-25: Pew Research: The Changing Profile of Unmarried Parents
- 2019-02-13: Vox: The history of dating reveals how consumerism has hijacked courtship
- 2019: Insider: THEN AND NOW: How American families have changed since the early 1900s
- 2021-04-28: USA Today: Willow Smith details her lifestyle on 'Red Table Talk': What you should know about polyamory
- 2021-11-25: Vox: The modern family
- 2022-03-24: Insider: I'm pregnant and single on purpose. Here's why I'm glad I made this choice.
- 2022: Insider: Nick Cannon says 'consensual non-monogamy' has made him a better version of himself after being a 'toxic' cheater
- 2022: Insider: I told my partner I wanted to try being polyamorous. It's changed how we coparent, and how I view our relationship.
- 2022-10-05: USA Today: Is an open relationship right for you?
- 2023: Insider: 6 women share why they had affairs, why they don't regret it, and how they didn't get caught
- 2023-03-24: New York Post: I let my husband sleep with other women while I clean our home
- 2023-04-07: New York Post: I made my husband quit porn — some say I’m dramatic but it’s cheating
- 2023-04-11: USA Today: What is polyamory? What to know about poly relationships.
- 2023-04-20: Yahoo Finance: 'When you're 22, you think you know everything': Young US couples are moving in together to save money — but 4-in-10 regret it. Here's what you need to do before shacking up
- 2023-04-26: Refinery29: Now I’m Single, I Only Date Men In Open Relationships
- 1994: "The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life" by Herrnstein & Murray
- 1995: "The Bell Curve Debate: History, Documents, Opinions" Edited by Jacoby and Glauberman
- 1995: "The Bell Curve Wars: Race, Intelligence, and the Future of America" Edited by Steven Fraser
- 2002: "Genetic politics: From eugenics to genome" by Anne Kerr and Tom Shakespeare
- 2010: Hoffman & McGinley: "Identity Theft"
- 2012: J. J. Luna: "How to Be Invisible"
- 2017: Claypoole & Payton: "Protecting Your Internet Identity"
- 2017: Kevin Mitnick: "The Art of Invisibility"
- 2017: R. Marie Griffith: "Moral Combat: How Sex Divided American Christians & Fractured American Politics."
- 2017: Richard O. Prum: "The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin's Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World--and Us."
≈ 4-years batchelor's degree
See ./Term-05
MIT 18.01.3x Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series.
[UC Riverside CS120B] (
[UC Riverside CS122A] (
MIT 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science
University of Maryland Coursera (Note: Android platform)
Udacity UD585 (Note: iOS platform)
MIT 3.15.1x Electronic Materials and Devices.
MIT 6.857 Network and Computer Security. OR MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security.
MIT 6.875 Cryptography and Cryptnalysis.
MIT 15.615 Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager.
- Write a heartfelt message to MIT's OCW team about the impact that OCW has had on your ability to self-educate.
- Send messages to each individual instructor that you learned under.
- Get senior photos. Make them awesome! :)
- Plan a ceremony.
- Speech
- Tribute to family, faculty, etc.
- Degree presentation
- Book event
- Prep & send invites
≈ 6-years master's degree
MIT 6.876J Advanced Topics in Cryptography.
MIT ESD.72 Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis.
MIT ESD.932 Engineering Ethics