diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
index 192b8ddd1..3fd03d493 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ using Parameters
using Interpolations
using MRIBase
-@reexport using MRIBase: Profile, RawAcquisitionData, AcquisitionData, AcquisitionHeader, EncodingCounters, Limit
+@reexport using MRIBase:
+ Profile, RawAcquisitionData, AcquisitionData, AcquisitionHeader, EncodingCounters, Limit
using MAT # For loading example phantoms
-global γ = 42.5774688e6; # Hz/T gyromagnetic constant for H1, JEMRIS uses 42.5756 MHz/T
+global γ = 42.5774688e6 # Hz/T gyromagnetic constant for H1, JEMRIS uses 42.5756 MHz/T
# Hardware
@@ -43,7 +44,15 @@ export times, ampls, freqs
# This are also used for simulation
export kfoldperm, trapz, cumtrapz
# Phantom
-export brain_phantom2D, brain_phantom3D, pelvis_phantom2D
+export brain_phantom2D, brain_phantom3D, pelvis_phantom2D, heart_phantom
+# Motion
+export MotionModel
+export NoMotion, SimpleMotion, ArbitraryMotion
+export SimpleMotionType
+export Translation, Rotation, HeartBeat
+export PeriodicTranslation, PeriodicRotation, PeriodicHeartBeat
+export get_spin_coords, sort_motions!
+export LinearInterpolator
# Secondary
export get_kspace, rotx, roty, rotz
# Additionals
@@ -57,6 +66,8 @@ export PulseDesigner
#Package version, KomaMRIBase.__VERSION__
using Pkg
-__VERSION__ = VersionNumber(Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "Project.toml"))["version"])
+__VERSION__ = VersionNumber(
+ Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "Project.toml"))["version"]
end # module KomaMRIBase
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
index a125cb438..62c1ac81f 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+abstract type MotionModel{T<:Real} end
+#Motion models:
- obj = Phantom(name, x, y, z, ρ, T1, T2, T2s, Δw, Dλ1, Dλ2, Dθ, ux, uy, uz)
+ obj = Phantom(name, x, y, z, ρ, T1, T2, T2s, Δw, Dλ1, Dλ2, Dθ, motion)
The Phantom struct. Most of its field names are vectors, with each element associated with
a property value representing a spin. This struct serves as an input for the simulation.
@@ -17,9 +24,7 @@ a property value representing a spin. This struct serves as an input for the sim
- `Dλ1`: (`::AbstractVector{T<:Real}`) spin Dλ1 (diffusion) parameter vector
- `Dλ2`: (`::AbstractVector{T<:Real}`) spin Dλ2 (diffusion) parameter vector
- `Dθ`: (`::AbstractVector{T<:Real}`) spin Dθ (diffusion) parameter vector
-- `ux`: (`::Function`) displacement field in the x-axis
-- `uy`: (`::Function`) displacement field in the y-axis
-- `uz`: (`::Function`) displacement field in the z-axis
+- `motion`: (`::MotionModel{T<:Real}`) motion model
# Returns
- `obj`: (`::Phantom`) Phantom struct
@@ -31,27 +36,25 @@ julia> obj = Phantom(x=[0.0])
julia> obj.ρ
- @with_kw mutable struct Phantom{T<:Real}
- name::String = "spins"
- x::AbstractVector{T}
- y::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(size(x))
- z::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(size(x))
- ρ::AbstractVector{T} = ones(size(x))
- T1::AbstractVector{T} = ones(size(x)) * 1_000_000
- T2::AbstractVector{T} = ones(size(x)) * 1_000_000
- T2s::AbstractVector{T} = ones(size(x)) * 1_000_000
+@with_kw mutable struct Phantom{T<:Real}
+ name::String = "spins"
+ x :: AbstractVector{T}
+ y::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(eltype(x), size(x))
+ z::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(eltype(x), size(x))
+ ρ::AbstractVector{T} = ones(eltype(x), size(x))
+ T1::AbstractVector{T} = ones(eltype(x), size(x)) * 1_000_000
+ T2::AbstractVector{T} = ones(eltype(x), size(x)) * 1_000_000
+ T2s::AbstractVector{T} = ones(eltype(x), size(x)) * 1_000_000
#Off-resonance related
- Δw::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(size(x))
+ Δw::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(eltype(x), size(x))
- Dλ1::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(size(x))
- Dλ2::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(size(x))
- Dθ::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(size(x))
+ Dλ1::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(eltype(x), size(x))
+ Dλ2::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(eltype(x), size(x))
+ Dθ::AbstractVector{T} = zeros(eltype(x), size(x))
#Diff::Vector{DiffusionModel} #Diffusion map
- ux::Function = (x,y,z,t)->0
- uy::Function = (x,y,z,t)->0
- uz::Function = (x,y,z,t)->0
+ motion::MotionModel{T} = NoMotion{eltype(x)}()
"""Size and length of a phantom"""
@@ -59,117 +62,144 @@ size(x::Phantom) = size(x.ρ)
Base.length(x::Phantom) = length(x.ρ)
# To enable to iterate and broadcast over the Phantom
Base.iterate(x::Phantom) = (x[1], 2)
-Base.iterate(x::Phantom, i::Integer) = (i <= length(x)) ? (x[i], i+1) : nothing
+Base.iterate(x::Phantom, i::Integer) = (i <= length(x)) ? (x[i], i + 1) : nothing
Base.lastindex(x::Phantom) = length(x)
Base.getindex(x::Phantom, i::Integer) = x[i:i]
"""Compare two phantoms"""
-Base.isapprox(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = begin
- obj1.x ≈ obj2.x &&
- obj1.y ≈ obj2.y &&
- obj1.z ≈ obj2.z &&
- obj1.ρ ≈ obj2.ρ &&
- obj1.T1 ≈ obj2.T1 &&
- obj1.T2 ≈ obj2.T2 &&
- obj1.T2s ≈ obj2.T2s &&
- obj1.Δw ≈ obj2.Δw &&
- obj1.Dλ1 ≈ obj2.Dλ1 &&
- obj1.Dλ2 ≈ obj2.Dλ2 &&
- obj1.Dθ ≈ obj2.Dθ
+Base.:(==)(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = reduce(
+ &,
+ [
+ getfield(obj1, field) == getfield(obj2, field) for
+ field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))
+ ],
+Base.:(≈)(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = reduce(&, [getfield(obj1, field) ≈ getfield(obj2, field) for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))])
+Base.:(==)(m1::MotionModel, m2::MotionModel) = false
+Base.:(≈)(m1::MotionModel, m2::MotionModel) = false
Separate object spins in a sub-group
-Base.getindex(obj::Phantom, p::AbstractRange) = begin
- Phantom(name=obj.name,
- x=obj.x[p],
- y=obj.y[p],
- z=obj.z[p],
- ρ=obj.ρ[p],
- T1=obj.T1[p],
- T2=obj.T2[p],
- T2s=obj.T2s[p],
- Δw=obj.Δw[p],
- #Diff=obj.Diff[p], #TODO!
- Dλ1=obj.Dλ1[p],
- Dλ2=obj.Dλ2[p],
- Dθ=obj.Dθ[p],
- #Χ=obj.Χ[p], #TODO!
- ux=obj.ux,
- uy=obj.uy,
- uz=obj.uz
- )
+Base.getindex(obj::Phantom, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = begin
+ fields = []
+ for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))
+ push!(fields, (field, getfield(obj, field)[p]))
+ end
+ return Phantom(; name=obj.name, fields...)
"""Separate object spins in a sub-group (lightweigth)."""
-Base.view(obj::Phantom, p::AbstractRange) = begin
- @views Phantom(name=obj.name,
- x=obj.x[p],
- y=obj.y[p],
- z=obj.z[p],
- ρ=obj.ρ[p],
- T1=obj.T1[p],
- T2=obj.T2[p],
- T2s=obj.T2s[p],
- Δw=obj.Δw[p],
- #Diff=obj.Diff[p], #TODO!
- Dλ1=obj.Dλ1[p],
- Dλ2=obj.Dλ2[p],
- Dθ=obj.Dθ[p],
- #Χ=obj.Χ[p], #TODO!
- ux=obj.ux,
- uy=obj.uy,
- uz=obj.uz
- )
+Base.view(obj::Phantom, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = @views obj[p]
"""Addition of phantoms"""
-+(s1::Phantom,s2::Phantom) = begin
- Phantom(name=s1.name*"+"*s2.name,
- x=[s1.x;s2.x],
- y=[s1.y;s2.y],
- z=[s1.z;s2.z],
- ρ=[s1.ρ;s2.ρ],
- T1=[s1.T1;s2.T1],
- T2=[s1.T2;s2.T2],
- T2s=[s1.T2s;s2.T2s],
- Δw=[s1.Δw;s2.Δw],
- #Diff=obj.Diff[p], #TODO!
- Dλ1=[s1.Dλ1;s2.Dλ1],
- Dλ2=[s1.Dλ2;s2.Dλ2],
- Dθ=[s1.Dθ;s2.Dθ],
- #Χ=obj.Χ[p], #TODO!
- ux=s1.ux,
- uy=s1.uy,
- uz=s1.uz
- )
++(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = begin
+ fields = []
+ for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))
+ push!(fields, (field, [getfield(obj1, field); getfield(obj2, field)]))
+ end
+ Nmaxchars = 50
+ name = first(obj1.name * "+" * obj2.name, Nmaxchars)
+ return Phantom(; name=name, fields...)
"""Scalar multiplication of a phantom"""
-*(α::Real,obj::Phantom) = begin
- Phantom(name=obj.name,
- x=obj.x,
- y=obj.y,
- z=obj.z,
- ρ=α*obj.ρ, #Only affects the proton density
- T1=obj.T1,
- T2=obj.T2,
- T2s=obj.T2s,
- Δw=obj.Δw,
- #Diff=obj.Diff[p], #TODO!
- Dλ1=obj.Dλ1,
- Dλ2=obj.Dλ2,
- Dθ=obj.Dθ,
- #Χ=obj.Χ[p], #TODO!
- ux=obj.ux,
- uy=obj.uy,
- uz=obj.uz
+*(α::Real, obj::Phantom) = begin
+ obj1 = copy(obj)
+ obj1.ρ .*= α
+ return obj1
+dims = get_dims(obj)
+function get_dims(obj::Phantom)
+ dims = Bool[]
+ push!(dims, any(x -> x != 0, obj.x))
+ push!(dims, any(x -> x != 0, obj.y))
+ push!(dims, any(x -> x != 0, obj.z))
+ return dims
+function sort_motions!(motion::MotionModel)
+ return nothing
+ obj = heart_phantom(...)
+Heart-like LV phantom. The variable `circumferential_strain` and `radial_strain` are for streching (if positive)
+or contraction (if negative). `rotation_angle` is for rotation.
+# Arguments
+- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
+- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
+- `rotation_angle`: (`::Real`, `=1`) rotation parameter
+# Returns
+- `phantom`: (`::Phantom`) Heart-like LV phantom struct
+function heart_phantom(
+ circumferential_strain=-0.3,
+ radial_strain=-0.3,
+ rotation_angle=15.0;
+ heart_rate=60,
+ asymmetry=0.2,
+ FOV = 10e-2 # [m] Diameter ventricule
+ N = 21
+ Δxr = FOV / (N - 1) #Aprox rec resolution, use Δx_pix and Δy_pix
+ Ns = 50 #number of spins per voxel
+ Δx = Δxr / sqrt(Ns) #spin separation
+ x = y = (-FOV / 2):Δx:(FOV / 2 - Δx) #spin coordinates
+ x, y = x .+ y' * 0, x * 0 .+ y' #grid points
+ ⚪(R) = (x .^ 2 .+ y .^ 2 .<= R^2) * 1.0 #Circle of radius R
+ period = 60 / heart_rate # [s] Period
+ # Water spins
+ R = 9 / 10 * FOV / 2
+ r = 6 / 11 * FOV / 2
+ ring = ⚪(R) .- ⚪(r)
+ ρ = ⚪(r) .+ 0.9 * ring #proton density
+ # Diffusion tensor model
+ D = 2e-9 #Diffusion of free water m2/s
+ D1, D2 = D, D / 20
+ Dλ1 = D1 * ⚪(R) #Diffusion map
+ Dλ2 = D1 * ⚪(r) .+ D2 * ring #Diffusion map
+ Dθ = atan.(x, -y) .* ring #Diffusion map
+ T1 = (1400 * ⚪(r) .+ 1026 * ring) * 1e-3 #Myocardial T1
+ T2 = (308 * ⚪(r) .+ 42 * ring) * 1e-3 #T2 map [s]
+ # Generating Phantoms
+ phantom = Phantom(;
+ name="LeftVentricle",
+ x=x[ρ .!= 0],
+ y=y[ρ .!= 0],
+ ρ=ρ[ρ .!= 0],
+ T1=T1[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2=T2[ρ .!= 0],
+ Dλ1=Dλ1[ρ .!= 0],
+ Dλ2=Dλ2[ρ .!= 0],
+ Dθ=Dθ[ρ .!= 0],
+ motion=SimpleMotion([
+ PeriodicHeartBeat(;
+ period=period,
+ asymmetry=asymmetry,
+ circumferential_strain=circumferential_strain,
+ radial_strain=radial_strain,
+ longitudinal_strain=0.0,
+ ),
+ PeriodicRotation(;
+ period=period, asymmetry=asymmetry, yaw=rotation_angle, pitch=0.0, roll=0.0
+ ),
+ ]),
+ return phantom
- obj = brain_phantom2D(; axis="axial", ss=4, us=1)
+ phantom = brain_phantom2D(;axis="axial", ss=4)
Creates a two-dimensional brain Phantom struct.
Default ss=4 sample spacing is 2 mm. Original file (ss=1) sample spacing is .5 mm.
@@ -200,91 +230,95 @@ julia> plot_phantom_map(obj, :ρ)
function brain_phantom2D(; axis="axial", ss=4, us=1)
# check and filter input
ssx, ssy, ssz, usx, usy, usz = check_phantom_arguments(2, ss, us)
# Get data from .mat file
path = @__DIR__
- data = MAT.matread(path*"/phantom/brain2D.mat")
+ data = MAT.matread(path * "/phantom/brain2D.mat")
# subsample or upsample the phantom data
- class = repeat(data[axis][1:ssx:end,1:ssy:end], inner=[usx, usy])
+ class = repeat(data[axis][1:ssx:end, 1:ssy:end]; inner=[usx, usy])
# Define spin position vectors
- Δx = .5e-3*ssx/usx
- Δy = .5e-3*ssy/usy
+ Δx = .5e-3 * ssx / usx
+ Δy = .5e-3 * ssy / usy
M, N = size(class)
- FOVx = (M-1)*Δx #[m]
- FOVy = (N-1)*Δy #[m]
- x = -FOVx/2:Δx:FOVx/2 #spin coordinates
- y = -FOVy/2:Δy:FOVy/2 #spin coordinates
- x, y = x .+ y'*0, x*0 .+ y' #grid points
+ FOVx = (M - 1) * Δx #[m]
+ FOVy = (N - 1) * Δy #[m]
+ x = (-FOVx / 2):Δx:(FOVx / 2) #spin coordinates
+ y = (-FOVy / 2):Δy:(FOVy / 2) #spin coordinates
+ x, y = x .+ y' * 0, x * 0 .+ y' #grid points
# Define spin property vectors
- T2 = (class.==23)*329 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*83 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*70 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*70 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*47 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*329 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*70 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*329 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*70 #MARROW
- T2s = (class.==23)*58 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*69 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*61 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*58 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*30 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*58 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*61 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*58 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*61 .+#MARROW
- (class.==255)*70 #MARROW
- T1 = (class.==23)*2569 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*833 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*500 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*350 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*900 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*569 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*500 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*2569 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*500 #MARROW
- ρ = (class.==23)*1 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*.86 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*.77 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*1 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*1 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*.7 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*.77 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*1 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*.77 #MARROW
- Δw_fat = -220*2π
- Δw = (class.==93)*Δw_fat .+ #FAT1
- (class.==209)*Δw_fat #FAT2
- T1 = T1*1e-3
- T2 = T2*1e-3
- T2s = T2s*1e-3
+ T2 =
+ (class .== 23) * 329 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 83 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 70 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 70 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 47 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 329 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 70 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 329 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 70 #MARROW
+ T2s =
+ (class .== 23) * 58 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 69 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 61 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 58 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 30 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 58 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 61 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 58 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 61 .+#MARROW
+ (class .== 255) * 70 #MARROW
+ T1 =
+ (class .== 23) * 2569 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 833 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 500 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 350 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 900 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 569 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 500 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 2569 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 500 #MARROW
+ ρ =
+ (class .== 23) * 1 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 0.86 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 0.77 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 1 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 1 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 0.7 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 0.77 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 1 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 0.77 #MARROW
+ Δw_fat = -220 * 2π
+ Δw =
+ (class .== 93) * Δw_fat .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 209) * Δw_fat #FAT2
+ T1 = T1 * 1e-3
+ T2 = T2 * 1e-3
+ T2s = T2s * 1e-3
# Define and return the Phantom struct
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(
- name = "brain2D_"*axis,
- x = y[ρ.!=0],
- y = x[ρ.!=0],
- z = 0*x[ρ.!=0],
- ρ = ρ[ρ.!=0],
- T1 = T1[ρ.!=0],
- T2 = T2[ρ.!=0],
- T2s = T2s[ρ.!=0],
- Δw = Δw[ρ.!=0],
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(;
+ name="brain2D_" * axis,
+ x=y[ρ .!= 0],
+ y=x[ρ .!= 0],
+ z=0 * x[ρ .!= 0],
+ ρ=ρ[ρ .!= 0],
+ T1=T1[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2=T2[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2s=T2s[ρ .!= 0],
+ Δw=Δw[ρ .!= 0],
return obj
@@ -319,97 +353,104 @@ julia> obj = brain_phantom3D(; us=[2, 2, 1])
julia> plot_phantom_map(obj, :ρ)
-function brain_phantom3D(;ss=4, us=1, start_end=[160, 200])
+function brain_phantom3D(; ss=4, us=1, start_end=[160, 200])
# check and filter input
ssx, ssy, ssz, usx, usy, usz = check_phantom_arguments(3, ss, us)
# Get data from .mat file
path = @__DIR__
- data = MAT.matread(path*"/phantom/brain3D.mat")
+ data = MAT.matread(path * "/phantom/brain3D.mat")
# subsample or upsample the phantom data
- class = repeat(data["data"][1:ssx:end,1:ssy:end, start_end[1]:ssz:start_end[2]], inner=[usx, usy, usz])
+ class = repeat(
+ data["data"][1:ssx:end, 1:ssy:end, start_end[1]:ssz:start_end[2]];
+ inner=[usx, usy, usz],
+ )
# Define spin position vectors
- Δx = .5e-3*ssx/usx
- Δy = .5e-3*ssy/usy
- Δz = .5e-3*ssz/usz
+ Δx = .5e-3 * ssx / usx
+ Δy = .5e-3 * ssy / usy
+ Δz = .5e-3 * ssz / usz
M, N, Z = size(class)
- FOVx = (M-1)*Δx #[m]
- FOVy = (N-1)*Δy #[m]
- FOVz = (Z-1)*Δz #[m]
- xx = reshape(-FOVx/2:Δx:FOVx/2,M,1,1) #spin coordinates
- yy = reshape(-FOVy/2:Δy:FOVy/2,1,N,1) #spin coordinates
- zz = reshape(-FOVz/2:Δz:FOVz/2,1,1,Z) #spin coordinates
- x = 1*xx .+ 0*yy .+ 0*zz
- y = 0*xx .+ 1*yy .+ 0*zz
- z = 0*xx .+ 0*yy .+ 1*zz
+ FOVx = (M - 1) * Δx #[m]
+ FOVy = (N - 1) * Δy #[m]
+ FOVz = (Z - 1) * Δz #[m]
+ xx = reshape((-FOVx / 2):Δx:(FOVx / 2), M, 1, 1) #spin coordinates
+ yy = reshape((-FOVy / 2):Δy:(FOVy / 2), 1, N, 1) #spin coordinates
+ zz = reshape((-FOVz / 2):Δz:(FOVz / 2), 1, 1, Z) #spin coordinates
+ x = 1 * xx .+ 0 * yy .+ 0 * zz
+ y = 0 * xx .+ 1 * yy .+ 0 * zz
+ z = 0 * xx .+ 0 * yy .+ 1 * zz
# Define spin property vectors
- T2 = (class.==23)*329 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*83 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*70 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*70 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*47 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*329 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*70 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*329 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*70 #MARROW
- T2s = (class.==23)*58 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*69 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*61 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*58 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*30 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*58 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*61 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*58 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*61 .+#MARROW
- (class.==255)*70 #MARROW
- T1 = (class.==23)*2569 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*833 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*500 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*350 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*900 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*569 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*500 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*2569 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*500 #MARROW
- ρ = (class.==23)*1 .+ #CSF
- (class.==46)*.86 .+ #GM
- (class.==70)*.77 .+ #WM
- (class.==93)*1 .+ #FAT1
- (class.==116)*1 .+ #MUSCLE
- (class.==139)*.7 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
- (class.==162)*0 .+ #SKULL
- (class.==185)*0 .+ #VESSELS
- (class.==209)*.77 .+ #FAT2
- (class.==232)*1 .+ #DURA
- (class.==255)*.77 #MARROW
- Δw_fat = -220*2π
- Δw = (class.==93)*Δw_fat .+ #FAT1
- (class.==209)*Δw_fat #FAT2
- T1 = T1*1e-3
- T2 = T2*1e-3
- T2s = T2s*1e-3
+ T2 =
+ (class .== 23) * 329 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 83 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 70 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 70 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 47 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 329 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 70 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 329 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 70 #MARROW
+ T2s =
+ (class .== 23) * 58 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 69 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 61 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 58 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 30 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 58 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 61 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 58 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 61 .+#MARROW
+ (class .== 255) * 70 #MARROW
+ T1 =
+ (class .== 23) * 2569 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 833 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 500 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 350 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 900 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 569 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 500 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 2569 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 500 #MARROW
+ ρ =
+ (class .== 23) * 1 .+ #CSF
+ (class .== 46) * 0.86 .+ #GM
+ (class .== 70) * 0.77 .+ #WM
+ (class .== 93) * 1 .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 116) * 1 .+ #MUSCLE
+ (class .== 139) * 0.7 .+ #SKIN/MUSCLE
+ (class .== 162) * 0 .+ #SKULL
+ (class .== 185) * 0 .+ #VESSELS
+ (class .== 209) * 0.77 .+ #FAT2
+ (class .== 232) * 1 .+ #DURA
+ (class .== 255) * 0.77 #MARROW
+ Δw_fat = -220 * 2π
+ Δw =
+ (class .== 93) * Δw_fat .+ #FAT1
+ (class .== 209) * Δw_fat #FAT2
+ T1 = T1 * 1e-3
+ T2 = T2 * 1e-3
+ T2s = T2s * 1e-3
# Define and return the Phantom struct
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(
- name = "brain3D",
- x = y[ρ.!=0],
- y = x[ρ.!=0],
- z = z[ρ.!=0],
- ρ = ρ[ρ.!=0],
- T1 = T1[ρ.!=0],
- T2 = T2[ρ.!=0],
- T2s = T2s[ρ.!=0],
- Δw = Δw[ρ.!=0],
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(;
+ name="brain3D",
+ x=y[ρ .!= 0],
+ y=x[ρ .!= 0],
+ z=z[ρ .!= 0],
+ ρ=ρ[ρ .!= 0],
+ T1=T1[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2=T2[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2s=T2s[ρ .!= 0],
+ Δw=Δw[ρ .!= 0],
return obj
@@ -437,61 +478,64 @@ julia> pelvis_phantom2D(obj, :ρ)
function pelvis_phantom2D(; ss=4, us=1)
# check and filter input
ssx, ssy, ssz, usx, usy, usz = check_phantom_arguments(2, ss, us)
# Get data from .mat file
path = @__DIR__
- data = MAT.matread(path*"/phantom/pelvis2D.mat")
+ data = MAT.matread(path * "/phantom/pelvis2D.mat")
# subsample or upsample the phantom data
- class = repeat(data["pelvis3D_slice"][1:ssx:end,1:ssy:end], inner=[usx, usy])
+ class = repeat(data["pelvis3D_slice"][1:ssx:end, 1:ssy:end]; inner=[usx, usy])
# Define spin position vectors
- Δx = .5e-3*ssx/usx
- Δy = .5e-3*ssy/usy
+ Δx = .5e-3 * ssx / usx
+ Δy = .5e-3 * ssy / usy
M, N = size(class)
- FOVx = (M-1)*Δx # [m]
- FOVy = (N-1)*Δy # [m]
- x = -FOVx/2:Δx:FOVx/2 # spin coordinates
- y = -FOVy/2:Δy:FOVy/2 # spin coordinates
- x, y = x .+ y'*0, x*0 .+ y' # grid points
+ FOVx = (M - 1) * Δx # [m]
+ FOVy = (N - 1) * Δy # [m]
+ x = (-FOVx / 2):Δx:(FOVx / 2) # spin coordinates
+ y = (-FOVy / 2):Δy:(FOVy / 2) # spin coordinates
+ x, y = x .+ y' * 0, x * 0 .+ y' # grid points
# Define spin property vectors
- ρ = (class.==102)*.86 .+ # Fat
- (class.==153)*.9 .+ # SoftTissue
- (class.==204)*.4 .+ # SpongyBone
- (class.==255)*.2 # CorticalBone
- T1 = (class.==102)*366 .+ # Fat
- (class.==153)*1200 .+ # SoftTissue
- (class.==204)*381 .+ # SpongyBone
- (class.==255)*100 # CorticalBone
- T2 = (class.==102)*70 .+ # Fat
- (class.==153)*80 .+ # SoftTissue
- (class.==204)*52 .+ # SpongyBone
- (class.==255)*.3 # CorticalBone
- T2s = (class.==102)*70 .+ # Fat
- (class.==153)*80 .+ # SoftTissue
- (class.==204)*52 .+ # SpongyBone
- (class.==255)*.3 # CorticalBone
+ ρ =
+ (class .== 102) * 0.86 .+ # Fat
+ (class .== 153) * 0.9 .+ # SoftTissue
+ (class .== 204) * 0.4 .+ # SpongyBone
+ (class .== 255) * 0.2 # CorticalBone
+ T1 =
+ (class .== 102) * 366 .+ # Fat
+ (class .== 153) * 1200 .+ # SoftTissue
+ (class .== 204) * 381 .+ # SpongyBone
+ (class .== 255) * 100 # CorticalBone
+ T2 =
+ (class .== 102) * 70 .+ # Fat
+ (class .== 153) * 80 .+ # SoftTissue
+ (class .== 204) * 52 .+ # SpongyBone
+ (class .== 255) * 0.3 # CorticalBone
+ T2s =
+ (class .== 102) * 70 .+ # Fat
+ (class .== 153) * 80 .+ # SoftTissue
+ (class .== 204) * 52 .+ # SpongyBone
+ (class .== 255) * 0.3 # CorticalBone
Δw_fat = -220 * 2π
- Δw = (class.==102) * Δw_fat # FAT1
- T1 = T1*1e-3
- T2 = T2*1e-3
- T2s = T2s*1e-3
+ Δw = (class .== 102) * Δw_fat # FAT1
+ T1 = T1 * 1e-3
+ T2 = T2 * 1e-3
+ T2s = T2s * 1e-3
# Define and return the Phantom struct
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(
- name = "pelvis2D",
- x = y[ρ.!=0],
- y = x[ρ.!=0],
- z = 0*x[ρ.!=0],
- ρ = ρ[ρ.!=0],
- T1 = T1[ρ.!=0],
- T2 = T2[ρ.!=0],
- T2s = T2s[ρ.!=0],
- Δw = Δw[ρ.!=0],
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(;
+ name="pelvis2D",
+ x=y[ρ .!= 0],
+ y=x[ρ .!= 0],
+ z=0 * x[ρ .!= 0],
+ ρ=ρ[ρ .!= 0],
+ T1=T1[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2=T2[ρ .!= 0],
+ T2s=T2s[ρ .!= 0],
+ Δw=Δw[ρ .!= 0],
return obj
@@ -516,8 +560,7 @@ julia> ssx, ssy, ssz, usx, usy, usz = check_phantom_arguments(2, 1, 1)
julia> ssx, ssy, ssz, usx, usy, usz = check_phantom_arguments(3, 4, [2, 2, 2])
-function check_phantom_arguments( nd, ss, us)
+function check_phantom_arguments(nd, ss, us)
# check for valid input
ssz = -9999
usz = -9999
@@ -529,33 +572,49 @@ function check_phantom_arguments( nd, ss, us)
@assert length(ss) <= 3 "ss=$(ss) invalid, ss can have up to three components [ssx, ssy, ssz] for a 3D phantom"
@assert length(us) <= 3 "us=$(us) invalid, us can have up to three components [usx, usy, usz] for a 3D phantom"
if length(us) == 1
- usx = us[1]; usy = us[1]; usz = us[1]
- elseif length( us) == 2
- usx = us[1]; usy = us[2]; usz = us[2]
+ usx = us[1]
+ usy = us[1]
+ usz = us[1]
+ elseif length(us) == 2
+ usx = us[1]
+ usy = us[2]
+ usz = us[2]
@warn "Using us=$([usx, usy, usz]) in place of us=$([usx, usy])."
- usx = us[1]; usy = us[2]; usz = us[3]
+ usx = us[1]
+ usy = us[2]
+ usz = us[3]
if length(ss) == 1
- ssx = ss[1]; ssy = ss[1]; ssz = ss[1]
- elseif length( ss) == 2
- ssx = ss[1]; ssy = ss[2]; ssz = ss[2]
+ ssx = ss[1]
+ ssy = ss[1]
+ ssz = ss[1]
+ elseif length(ss) == 2
+ ssx = ss[1]
+ ssy = ss[2]
+ ssz = ss[2]
@warn "Using ss=$([ssx, ssy, ssz]) in place of ss=$([ssx, ssy])."
- ssx = ss[1]; ssy = ss[2]; ssz = ss[3]
- end
- elseif nd == 2
+ ssx = ss[1]
+ ssy = ss[2]
+ ssz = ss[3]
+ end
+ elseif nd == 2
@assert length(ss) <= 2 "ss=$(ss) invalid, ss can have up to two components [ssx, ssy] for a 2D phantom"
@assert length(us) <= 2 "us=$(us) invalid, us can have up to two components [usx, usy] for a 2D phantom"
- if length(us) == 1
- usx = us[1]; usy = us[1]
+ if length(us) == 1
+ usx = us[1]
+ usy = us[1]
- usx = us[1]; usy = us[2]
+ usx = us[1]
+ usy = us[2]
if length(ss) == 1
- ssx = ss[1]; ssy = ss[1]
+ ssx = ss[1]
+ ssy = ss[1]
- ssx = ss[1]; ssy = ss[2]
+ ssx = ss[1]
+ ssy = ss[2]
return ssx, ssy, ssz, usx, usy, usz
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3c3bc644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# TODO: Consider different Extrapolations apart from periodic LinerInterpolator{T,ETPType}
+# Interpolator{T,Degree,ETPType},
+# Degree = Linear,Cubic....
+# ETPType = Periodic, Flat...
+const LinearInterpolator = Interpolations.Extrapolation{
+ T,
+ 1,
+ Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{T,1,V,Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}},Tuple{V}},
+ Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}},
+ Periodic{Nothing},
+} where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
+Arbitrary Motion
+x = x + ux
+struct ArbitraryMotion{T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}} <: MotionModel{T}
+ period_durations::Vector{T}
+ dx::Array{T,2}
+ dy::Array{T,2}
+ dz::Array{T,2}
+ ux::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
+ uy::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
+ uz::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
+function ArbitraryMotion(
+ period_durations::AbstractVector{T},
+ Δx::AbstractArray{T,2},
+ Δy::AbstractArray{T,2},
+ Δz::AbstractArray{T,2},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ @warn "Note that ArbitraryMotion is under development so it is not optimized so far" maxlog = 1
+ Ns = size(Δx)[1]
+ num_pieces = size(Δx)[2] + 1
+ limits = times(period_durations, num_pieces)
+ #! format: off
+ Δ = zeros(Ns,length(limits),4)
+ Δ[:,:,1] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),Δx),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
+ Δ[:,:,2] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),Δy),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
+ Δ[:,:,3] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),Δz),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
+ etpx = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,1], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
+ etpy = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,2], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
+ etpz = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,3], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
+ #! format: on
+ return ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, Δx, Δy, Δz, etpx, etpy, etpz)
+function Base.getindex(
+ motion::ArbitraryMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}
+ fields = []
+ for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)
+ if field in (:dx, :dy, :dz)
+ push!(fields, getfield(motion, field)[p, :])
+ elseif field in (:ux, :uy, :uz)
+ push!(fields, getfield(motion, field)[p])
+ else
+ push!(fields, getfield(motion, field))
+ end
+ end
+ return ArbitraryMotion(fields...)
+Base.:(==)(m1::ArbitraryMotion, m2::ArbitraryMotion) = reduce(&, [getfield(m1, field) == getfield(m2, field) for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)])
+Base.:(≈)(m1::ArbitraryMotion, m2::ArbitraryMotion) = reduce(&, [getfield(m1, field) ≈ getfield(m2, field) for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)])
+function Base.vcat(m1::ArbitraryMotion, m2::ArbitraryMotion)
+ fields = []
+ @assert m1.period_durations == m2.period_durations "period_durations of both ArbitraryMotions must be the same"
+ for field in
+ Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :period_durations), fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion))
+ push!(fields, [getfield(m1, field); getfield(m2, field)])
+ end
+ return ArbitraryMotion(m1.period_durations, fields...)
+ limits = times(obj.motion)
+function times(motion::ArbitraryMotion)
+ period_durations = motion.period_durations
+ num_pieces = size(motion.dx)[2] + 1
+ return times(period_durations, num_pieces)
+function times(period_durations::AbstractVector, num_pieces::Int)
+ # Pre-allocating memory
+ limits = zeros(eltype(period_durations), num_pieces * length(period_durations) + 1)
+ idx = 1
+ for i in 1:length(period_durations)
+ segment_increment = period_durations[i] / num_pieces
+ cumulative_sum = limits[idx] # Start from the last computed value in limits
+ for j in 1:num_pieces
+ cumulative_sum += segment_increment
+ limits[idx + 1] = cumulative_sum
+ idx += 1
+ end
+ end
+ return limits
+# TODO: Calculate interpolation functions "on the fly"
+function get_spin_coords(
+ motion::ArbitraryMotion{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ xt = x .+ reduce(vcat, [etp.(t) for etp in motion.ux])
+ yt = y .+ reduce(vcat, [etp.(t) for etp in motion.uy])
+ zt = z .+ reduce(vcat, [etp.(t) for etp in motion.uz])
+ return xt, yt, zt
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a453d98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/NoMotion.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+No Motion
+x = x
+struct NoMotion{T<:Real} <: MotionModel{T} end
+Base.getindex(motion::NoMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = motion
+Base.:(==)(m1::NoMotion, m2::NoMotion) = true
+Base.:(≈)(m1::NoMotion, m2::NoMotion) = true
+Base.vcat(m1::NoMotion{T}, m2::NoMotion{T}) where {T<:Real} = NoMotion{T}()
+function get_spin_coords(
+ motion::NoMotion,
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ return x, y, z
+function times(motion::NoMotion)
+ return [0.0]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9387f337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# ------ SimpleMotionType
+abstract type SimpleMotionType{T<:Real} end
+is_composable(motion_type::SimpleMotionType{T}) where {T<:Real} = false
+ motion = SimpleMotion(types)
+SimpleMotion model
+# Arguments
+- `types`: (`::Vector{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}`) vector of simple motion types
+# Returns
+- `motion`: (`::SimpleMotion`) SimpleMotion struct
+struct SimpleMotion{T<:Real} <: MotionModel{T}
+ types::Vector{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}
+Base.getindex(motion::SimpleMotion, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = motion
+function Base.getindex(
+ motion::SimpleMotion,
+ p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon},
+ q::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon},
+ return motion
+Base.vcat(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = SimpleMotion([m1.types; m2.types])
+Base.:(==)(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = reduce(&, [m1.types[i] == m2.types[i] for i in 1:length(m1.types)])
+Base.:(≈)(m1::SimpleMotion, m2::SimpleMotion) = reduce(&, [m1.types[i] ≈ m2.types[i] for i in 1:length(m1.types)])
+# When they are the same type
+Base.:(==)(t1::T, t2::T) where {T<:SimpleMotionType} = reduce(&, [getfield(t1, field) == getfield(t2, field) for field in fieldnames(T)])
+Base.:(≈)(t1::T, t2::T) where {T<:SimpleMotionType} = reduce(&, [getfield(t1, field) ≈ getfield(t2, field) for field in fieldnames(T)])
+# When they are not (default)
+Base.:(==)(t1::SimpleMotionType, t2::SimpleMotionType) = false
+Base.:(≈)(t1::SimpleMotionType, t2::SimpleMotionType) = false
+ x, y, z = het_spin_coords(motion, x, y, z, t')
+Calculates the position of each spin at a set of arbitrary time instants, i.e. the time steps of the simulation.
+# Arguments
+- `motion`: (`::MotionModel`) phantom motion
+- `x`: (`::AbstractVector{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) spin x-position vector
+- `y`: (`::AbstractVector{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) spin y-position vector
+- `z`: (`::AbstractVector{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) spin z-position vector
+- `t`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`) horizontal array of time instants
+# Returns
+- `z, y, z`: (`::Tuple{AbstractArray, AbstractArray, AbstractArray}`) spin positions over time
+function get_spin_coords(
+ motion::SimpleMotion{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ xt, yt, zt = x .+ 0*t, y .+ 0*t, z .+ 0*t
+ # Composable motions: they need to be run sequentially
+ for motion in Iterators.filter(is_composable, motion.types)
+ aux = xt .+ 0, yt .+ 0, zt .+ 0
+ xt .+= displacement_x(motion, aux..., t)
+ yt .+= displacement_y(motion, aux..., t)
+ zt .+= displacement_z(motion, aux..., t)
+ end
+ # Additive motions: these motions can be run in parallel
+ for motion in Iterators.filter(!is_composable, motion.types)
+ xt .+= displacement_x(motion, x, y, z, t)
+ yt .+= displacement_y(motion, x, y, z, t)
+ zt .+= displacement_z(motion, x, y, z, t)
+ end
+ return xt, yt, zt
+function times(motion::SimpleMotion)
+ nodes = reduce(vcat, [times(type) for type in motion.types])
+ nodes = unique(sort(nodes))
+ return nodes
+function sort_motions!(motion::SimpleMotion)
+ return sort!(motion.types; by=m -> times(m)[1])
+# --------- Simple Motion Types: -------------
+# Non-periodic types: defined by an initial time (t_start), an end time (t_end) and a displacement
+function unit_time(t::AbstractArray{T}, t_start::T, t_end::T) where {T<:Real}
+ if t_start == t_end
+ return (t .>= t_start) .* one(T) # The problem with this is that it returns a BitVector (type stability issues)
+ else
+ return min.(max.((t .- t_start) ./ (t_end - t_start), zero(T)), one(T))
+ end
+# Periodic types: defined by the period, the temporal symmetry and a displacement (amplitude)
+function unit_time_triangular(t, period, asymmetry)
+ t_rise = period * asymmetry
+ t_fall = period * (1 - asymmetry)
+ t_relative = mod.(t, period)
+ t_unit =
+ ifelse.(
+ t_relative .< t_rise,
+ t_relative ./ t_rise,
+ 1 .- (t_relative .- t_rise) ./ t_fall,
+ )
+ return t_unit
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9e6b30b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/HeartBeat.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+@doc raw"""
+ heartbeat = HeartBeat(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+HeartBeat struct. It produces a heartbeat-like motion, characterised by three types of strain:
+Circumferential, Radial and Longitudinal
+# Arguments
+- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
+- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
+- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`, `=1`) contraction parameter
+- `t_start`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) initial time
+- `t_end`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) final time
+# Returns
+- `heartbeat`: (`::HeartBeat`) HeartBeat struct
+@with_kw struct HeartBeat{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
+ circumferential_strain :: T
+ radial_strain :: T
+ longitudinal_strain::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
+ t_start::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
+ t_end::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
+ @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be major or equal than t_start"
+is_composable(motion_type::HeartBeat) = true
+function displacement_x(
+ motion_type::HeartBeat{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ r = sqrt.(x .^ 2 + y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(y, x)
+ Δ_circunferential = motion_type.circumferential_strain * maximum(r)
+ Δ_radial = -motion_type.radial_strain * (maximum(r) .- r)
+ Δr = t_unit .* (Δ_circunferential .+ Δ_radial)
+ # Map negative radius to r=0
+ neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
+ Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
+ Δr .-= neg .* r
+ return Δr .* cos.(θ)
+function displacement_y(
+ motion_type::HeartBeat{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ r = sqrt.(x .^ 2 + y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(y, x)
+ Δ_circunferential = motion_type.circumferential_strain * maximum(r)
+ Δ_radial = -motion_type.radial_strain * (maximum(r) .- r)
+ Δr = t_unit .* (Δ_circunferential .+ Δ_radial)
+ # Map negative radius to r=0
+ neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
+ Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
+ Δr .-= neg .* r
+ return Δr .* sin.(θ)
+function displacement_z(
+ motion_type::HeartBeat{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ return t_unit .* (z .* motion_type.longitudinal_strain)
+times(motion_type::HeartBeat) = begin
+ return [motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c201848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicHeartBeat.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+@doc raw"""
+ periodic_heartbeat = PeriodicHeartBeat(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+HeartBeat struct. It produces a heartbeat-like motion, characterised by three types of strain:
+Circumferential, Radial and Longitudinal
+# Arguments
+- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
+- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
+- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`, `=1`) contraction parameter
+- `period`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) period
+- `asymmetry`: (`::Real`) asymmetry factor, between 0 and 1
+# Returns
+- `periodic_heartbeat`: (`::PeriodicHeartBeat`) PeriodicHeartBeat struct
+@with_kw struct PeriodicHeartBeat{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
+ circumferential_strain :: T
+ radial_strain :: T
+ longitudinal_strain::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
+ period::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.0)
+ asymmetry::T = typeof(circumferential_strain)(0.5)
+is_composable(motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat) = true
+function displacement_x(
+ motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ r = sqrt.(x .^ 2 + y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(y, x)
+ Δ_circunferential = motion_type.circumferential_strain * maximum(r)
+ Δ_radial = -motion_type.radial_strain * (maximum(r) .- r)
+ Δr = t_unit .* (Δ_circunferential .+ Δ_radial)
+ # Map negative radius to r=0
+ neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
+ Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
+ Δr .-= neg .* r
+ return Δr .* cos.(θ)
+function displacement_y(
+ motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ r = sqrt.(x .^ 2 + y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(y, x)
+ Δ_circunferential = motion_type.circumferential_strain * maximum(r)
+ Δ_radial = -motion_type.radial_strain * (maximum(r) .- r)
+ Δr = t_unit .* (Δ_circunferential .+ Δ_radial)
+ # Map negative radius to r=0
+ neg = (r .+ Δr) .< 0
+ Δr = (.!neg) .* Δr
+ Δr .-= neg .* r
+ return Δr .* sin.(θ)
+function displacement_z(
+ motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ return t_unit .* (z .* motion_type.longitudinal_strain)
+function times(motion_type::PeriodicHeartBeat)
+ return [0, motion_type.period * motion_type.asymmetry, motion_type.period]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b80af6463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicRotation.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+@doc raw"""
+ periodic_rotation = PeriodicRotation(period, asymmetry, pitch, roll, yaw)
+PeriodicRotation motion struct. It produces a rotation of the phantom in the three axes:
+x (pitch), y (roll), and z (yaw)
+# Arguments
+- `pitch`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in x
+- `roll`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in y
+- `yaw`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in z
+- `period`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) period
+- `asymmetry`: (`::Real`) asymmetry factor, between 0 and 1
+# Returns
+- `periodic_rotation`: (`::PeriodicRotation`) PeriodicRotation struct
+@with_kw struct PeriodicRotation{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
+ pitch :: T
+ roll :: T
+ yaw :: T
+ period::T = typeof(pitch)(0.0)
+ asymmetry::T = typeof(pitch)(0.5)
+is_composable(motion_type::PeriodicRotation) = true
+function displacement_x(
+ motion_type::PeriodicRotation{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
+ β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
+ γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
+ return cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .- sind.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
+ (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .+ sind.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- x
+function displacement_y(
+ motion_type::PeriodicRotation{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
+ β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
+ γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
+ return sind.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .+ cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
+ (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .- cosd.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- y
+function displacement_z(
+ motion_type::PeriodicRotation{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
+ β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
+ γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
+ return -sind.(β) .* x + cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y .- z
+function times(motion_type::PeriodicRotation)
+ return [0, motion_type.period * motion_type.asymmetry, motion_type.period]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4347ad33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/PeriodicTranslation.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+@doc raw"""
+ periodic_translation = PeriodicTranslation(period, asymmetry, dx, dy, dz)
+PeriodicTranslation motion struct. It produces a periodic translation of the phantom in the three directions x, y and z.
+The amplitude of the oscillation will be defined by dx, dy and dz
+# Arguments
+- `dx`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in x
+- `dy`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in y
+- `dz`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in z
+- `period`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) period
+- `asymmetry`: (`::Real`) asymmetry factor, between 0 and 1
+# Returns
+- `periodic_translation`: (`::PeriodicTranslation`) PeriodicTranslation struct
+@with_kw struct PeriodicTranslation{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
+ dx :: T
+ dy :: T
+ dz :: T
+ period::T = typeof(dx)(0.0)
+ asymmetry::T = typeof(dx)(0.5)
+function displacement_x(
+ motion_type::PeriodicTranslation{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ return t_unit .* motion_type.dx
+function displacement_y(
+ motion_type::PeriodicTranslation{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ return t_unit .* motion_type.dy
+function displacement_z(
+ motion_type::PeriodicTranslation{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time_triangular(t, motion_type.period, motion_type.asymmetry)
+ return t_unit .* motion_type.dz
+function times(motion_type::PeriodicTranslation)
+ return [0, motion_type.period * motion_type.asymmetry, motion_type.period]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a81920d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+@doc raw"""
+ rotation = Rotation(t_start, t_end, pitch, roll, yaw)
+Rotation motion struct. It produces a rotation of the phantom in the three axes:
+x (pitch), y (roll), and z (yaw)
+ux &= cos(\gamma)cos(\beta)x \\
+ &+ (cos(\gamma)sin(\beta)sin(\alpha) - sin(\gamma)cos(\alpha))y\\
+ &+ (cos(\gamma)sin(\beta)cos(\alpha) + sin(\gamma)sin(\alpha))z\\
+ &- x
+uy &= sin(\gamma)cos(\beta)x \\
+ &+ (sin(\gamma)sin(\beta)sin(\alpha) + cos(\gamma)cos(\alpha))y\\
+ &+ (sin(\gamma)sin(\beta)cos(\alpha) - cos(\gamma)sin(\alpha))z\\
+ &- y
+uz &= -sin(\beta)x \\
+ &+ cos(\beta)sin(\alpha)y\\
+ &+ cos(\beta)cos(\alpha)z\\
+ &- z
+\alpha = \left\{\begin{matrix}
+0, & t <= t_start \\
+\frac{pitch}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end \\
+pitch, & t >= t_end
+\beta = \left\{\begin{matrix}
+0, & t <= t_start \\
+\frac{roll}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end \\
+roll, & t >= t_end
+\gamma = \left\{\begin{matrix}
+0, & t <= t_start \\
+\frac{yaw}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end \\
+yaw, & t >= t_end
+# Arguments
+- `pitch`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in x
+- `roll`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in y
+- `yaw`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in z
+- `t_start`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) initial time
+- `t_end`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) final time
+# Returns
+- `rotation`: (`::Rotation`) Rotation struct
+@with_kw struct Rotation{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
+ pitch :: T
+ roll :: T
+ yaw :: T
+ t_start::T = typeof(pitch)(0.0)
+ t_end = typeof(pitch)(0.0)
+ @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be major or equal than t_start"
+is_composable(motion_type::Rotation) = true
+function displacement_x(
+ motion_type::Rotation{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ α = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
+ β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
+ γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
+ return cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .- sind.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
+ (cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .+ sind.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- x
+function displacement_y(
+ motion_type::Rotation{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
+ β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
+ γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
+ return sind.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
+ (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .+ cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
+ (sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .- cosd.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- y
+function displacement_z(
+ motion_type::Rotation{T},
+ x::AbstractArray{T},
+ y::AbstractArray{T},
+ z::AbstractArray{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
+ β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
+ γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
+ return -sind.(β) .* x + cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y .- z
+times(motion_type::Rotation) = begin
+ return [motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c002be489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Translation.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+@doc raw"""
+ translation = Translation(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
+Translation motion struct. It produces a translation of the phantom in the three directions x, y and z.
+0, & t <= t_start\\
+\frac{dx}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end\\
+dx, & t >= t_end
+0, & t <= t_start\\
+\frac{dy}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end\\
+dy, & t >= t_end
+0, & t <= t_start\\
+\frac{dz}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end\\
+dz, & t >= t_end
+# Arguments
+- `dx`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in x
+- `dy`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in y
+- `dz`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in z
+- `t_start`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) initial time
+- `t_end`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) final time
+# Returns
+- `translation`: (`::Translation`) Translation struct
+@with_kw struct Translation{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
+ dx :: T
+ dy :: T
+ dz :: T
+ t_start::T = typeof(dx)(0.0)
+ t_end::T = typeof(dx)(0.0)
+ @assert t_end >= t_start "t_end must be major or equal than t_start"
+function displacement_x(
+ motion_type::Translation{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ return t_unit .* motion_type.dx
+function displacement_y(
+ motion_type::Translation{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ return t_unit .* motion_type.dy
+function displacement_z(
+ motion_type::Translation{T},
+ x::AbstractVector{T},
+ y::AbstractVector{T},
+ z::AbstractVector{T},
+ t::AbstractArray{T},
+) where {T<:Real}
+ t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
+ return t_unit .* motion_type.dz
+times(motion_type::Translation) = begin
+ return [motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end]
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/Grad.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/Grad.jl
index 600ef2c83..456d6694f 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/Grad.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/Grad.jl
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ Rotates vector counter-clockwise with respect to the x-axis.
# Returns
- `Rx`: (`::Matrix{Int64}`) rotation matrix
-rotx(θ::Real) = [1 0 0
- 0 cos(θ) -sin(θ);
- 0 sin(θ) cos(θ)]
+rotx(θ::Real) = [
+ 1 0 0
+ 0 cos(θ) -sin(θ)
+ 0 sin(θ) cos(θ)
Ry = roty(θ::Real)
@@ -24,9 +26,11 @@ Rotates vector counter-clockwise with respect to the y-axis.
# Returns
- `Ry`: (`::Matrix{Int64}`) rotation matrix
-roty(θ::Real) = [cos(θ) 0 sin(θ);
- 0 1 0;
- -sin(θ) 0 cos(θ)]
+roty(θ::Real) = [
+ cos(θ) 0 sin(θ)
+ 0 1 0
+ -sin(θ) 0 cos(θ)
Rz = rotz(θ::Real)
@@ -39,9 +43,11 @@ Rotates vector counter-clockwise with respect to the z-axis.
# Returns
- `Rz`: (`::Matrix{Int64}`) rotation matrix
-rotz(θ::Real) = [cos(θ) -sin(θ) 0;
- sin(θ) cos(θ) 0;
- 0 0 1]
+rotz(θ::Real) = [
+ cos(θ) -sin(θ) 0
+ sin(θ) cos(θ) 0
+ 0 0 1
gr = Grad(A, T)
@@ -70,28 +76,43 @@ julia> seq = Sequence([gr]); plot_seq(seq)
mutable struct Grad
- A
- T
- rise::Real
- fall::Real
- delay::Real
- first
- last
+ A
+ T
+ rise::Real
+ fall::Real
+ delay::Real
+ first
+ last
function Grad(A, T, rise, fall, delay)
- all(T .< 0) || rise < 0 || fall < 0 || delay < 0 ? error("Gradient timings must be positive.") : new(A, T, rise, fall, delay, 0.0, 0.0)
+ return if all(T .< 0) || rise < 0 || fall < 0 || delay < 0
+ error("Gradient timings must be positive.")
+ else
+ new(A, T, rise, fall, delay, 0.0, 0.0)
+ end
- function Grad(A, T, rise, delay)
- all(T .< 0) < 0 || rise < 0 || delay < 0 ? error("Gradient timings must be positive.") : new(A, T, rise, rise, delay, 0.0, 0.0)
+ function Grad(A, T, rise, delay)
+ return if all(T .< 0) < 0 || rise < 0 || delay < 0
+ error("Gradient timings must be positive.")
+ else
+ new(A, T, rise, rise, delay, 0.0, 0.0)
+ end
- function Grad(A, T, rise)
- all(T .< 0) < 0 || rise < 0 ? error("Gradient timings must be positive.") : new(A, T, rise, rise, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ function Grad(A, T, rise)
+ return if all(T .< 0) < 0 || rise < 0
+ error("Gradient timings must be positive.")
+ else
+ new(A, T, rise, rise, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ end
- function Grad(A, T)
- all(T .< 0) < 0 ? error("Gradient timings must be positive.") : new(A, T, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ function Grad(A, T)
+ return if all(T .< 0) < 0
+ error("Gradient timings must be positive.")
+ else
+ new(A, T, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ end
gr = Grad(f::Function, T::Real, N::Integer; delay::Real)
@@ -117,12 +138,11 @@ julia> seq = Sequence([gx]); plot_seq(seq)
Grad(f::Function, T::Real, N::Integer=300; delay::Real=0) = begin
- t = range(0.0, T; length=N)
- G = f.(t)
- return Grad(G, T, 0.0, 0.0, delay)
+ t = range(0.0, T; length=N)
+ G = f.(t)
+ return Grad(G, T, 0.0, 0.0, delay)
str = show(io::IO, x::Grad)
@@ -135,19 +155,30 @@ Displays information about the Grad struct `x` in the julia REPL.
- `str` (`::String`) output string message
Base.show(io::IO, x::Grad) = begin
- r(x) = round.(x,digits=4)
- compact = get(io, :compact, false)
- if !compact
- wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? r(x.A*1e3) : "∿"
- if x.rise == x.fall == 0.
- print(io, (x.delay>0 ? "←$(r(x.delay*1e3)) ms→ " : "")*"Grad($(wave) mT, $(r(sum(x.T)*1e3)) ms)")
- else
- print(io, (x.delay>0 ? "←$(r(x.delay*1e3)) ms→ " : "")*"Grad($(wave) mT, $(r(sum(x.T)*1e3)) ms, ↑$(r(x.rise*1e3)) ms, ↓$(r(x.fall*1e3)) ms)")
- end
- else
- wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? "⊓" : "∿"
- print(io, (is_on(x) ? wave : "⇿")*"($(r((x.delay+x.rise+x.fall+sum(x.T))*1e3)) ms)")
- end
+ r(x) = round.(x, digits=4)
+ compact = get(io, :compact, false)
+ if !compact
+ wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? r(x.A * 1e3) : "∿"
+ if x.rise == x.fall == 0.0
+ print(
+ io,
+ (x.delay > 0 ? "←$(r(x.delay*1e3)) ms→ " : "") *
+ "Grad($(wave) mT, $(r(sum(x.T)*1e3)) ms)",
+ )
+ else
+ print(
+ io,
+ (x.delay > 0 ? "←$(r(x.delay*1e3)) ms→ " : "") *
+ "Grad($(wave) mT, $(r(sum(x.T)*1e3)) ms, ↑$(r(x.rise*1e3)) ms, ↓$(r(x.fall*1e3)) ms)",
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? "⊓" : "∿"
+ print(
+ io,
+ (is_on(x) ? wave : "⇿") * "($(r((x.delay+x.rise+x.fall+sum(x.T))*1e3)) ms)",
+ )
+ end
@@ -167,45 +198,58 @@ directly without the need to iterate elementwise.
- `y`: (`::Vector{Any}` or `::Matrix{Any}`) vector or matrix with the property defined
by the symbol `f` for all elements of the Grad vector or matrix `x`
-getproperty(x::Vector{Grad}, f::Symbol) = getproperty.(x,f)
+getproperty(x::Vector{Grad}, f::Symbol) = getproperty.(x, f)
getproperty(x::Matrix{Grad}, f::Symbol) = begin
- if f == :x
- x[1,:]
- elseif f == :y && size(x,1) >= 2
- x[2,:]
- elseif f == :z && size(x,1) >= 3
- x[3,:]
- elseif f == :dur
- maximum(dur.(x), dims=1)[:]
- else
- getproperty.(x,f)
- end
+ if f == :x
+ x[1, :]
+ elseif f == :y && size(x, 1) >= 2
+ x[2, :]
+ elseif f == :z && size(x, 1) >= 3
+ x[3, :]
+ elseif f == :dur
+ maximum(dur.(x); dims=1)[:]
+ else
+ getproperty.(x, f)
+ end
# Gradient comparison
-Base.isapprox(gr1::Grad, gr2::Grad) = begin
- return all(length(getfield(gr1, k)) ≈ length(getfield(gr2, k)) for k ∈ fieldnames(Grad)) &&
- all(getfield(gr1, k) ≈ getfield(gr2, k) for k ∈ fieldnames(Grad))
+function Base.isapprox(gr1::Grad, gr2::Grad)
+ return all(
+ length(getfield(gr1, k)) ≈ length(getfield(gr2, k)) for k in fieldnames(Grad)
+ ) && all(getfield(gr1, k) ≈ getfield(gr2, k) for k in fieldnames(Grad))
# Gradient operations
-*(x::Grad,α::Real) = Grad(α*x.A,x.T,x.rise,x.fall,x.delay)
-*(α::Real,x::Grad) = Grad(α*x.A,x.T,x.rise,x.fall,x.delay)
-*(A::Matrix{Float64},GR::Matrix{Grad}) = begin
- N, M = size(GR)
- [sum(A[i,1:N] .* GR[:,j]) for i=1:N, j=1:M]
+*(x::Grad, α::Real) = Grad(α * x.A, x.T, x.rise, x.fall, x.delay)
+*(α::Real, x::Grad) = Grad(α * x.A, x.T, x.rise, x.fall, x.delay)
+function *(A::Matrix{Float64}, GR::Matrix{Grad})
+ N, M = size(GR)
+ return [sum(A[i, 1:N] .* GR[:, j]) for i in 1:N, j in 1:M]
-Base.zero(::Grad) = Grad(0.0,0.0)
+Base.zero(::Grad) = Grad(0.0, 0.0)
size(g::Grad, i::Int64) = 1 #To fix [g;g;;] concatenation of Julia 1.7.3
-/(x::Grad,α::Real) = Grad(x.A/α,x.T,x.rise,x.fall,x.delay)
-+(x::Grad,y::Grad) = Grad(x.A.+y.A,x.T,x.rise,x.fall,x.delay)
-+(x::Array{Grad,1}, y::Array{Grad,1}) = [x[i]+y[i] for i=1:length(x)]
--(x::Grad) = -1*x
--(x::Grad,y::Grad) = Grad(x.A.-y.A,x.T,x.rise,x.fall,x.delay)
+/(x::Grad, α::Real) = Grad(x.A / α, x.T, x.rise, x.fall, x.delay)
++(x::Grad, y::Grad) = Grad(x.A .+ y.A, x.T, x.rise, x.fall, x.delay)
++(x::Array{Grad,1}, y::Array{Grad,1}) = [x[i] + y[i] for i in 1:length(x)]
+-(x::Grad) = -1 * x
+-(x::Grad, y::Grad) = Grad(x.A .- y.A, x.T, x.rise, x.fall, x.delay)
# Gradient functions
-vcat(x::Array{Grad,1},y::Array{Grad,1}) = [i==1 ? x[j] : y[j] for i=1:2,j=1:length(x)]
-vcat(x::Array{Grad,1},y::Array{Grad,1},z::Array{Grad,1}) = [i==1 ? x[j] : i==2 ? y[j] : z[j] for i=1:3,j=1:length(x)]
+function vcat(x::Array{Grad,1}, y::Array{Grad,1})
+ return [i == 1 ? x[j] : y[j] for i in 1:2, j in 1:length(x)]
+function vcat(x::Array{Grad,1}, y::Array{Grad,1}, z::Array{Grad,1})
+ return [
+ if i == 1
+ x[j]
+ elseif i == 2
+ y[j]
+ else
+ z[j]
+ end for i in 1:3, j in 1:length(x)
+ ]
y = dur(x::Grad)
@@ -221,4 +265,4 @@ the duration is the maximum duration of all the elements of the gradient vector.
- `y`: (`::Float64`, `[s]`) duration of the RF struct or RF array
dur(x::Grad) = x.delay + x.rise + sum(x.T) + x.fall
-dur(x::Vector{Grad}) = maximum(dur.(x), dims=1)[:]
+dur(x::Vector{Grad}) = maximum(dur.(x); dims=1)[:]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/RF.jl b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/RF.jl
index 7d2268505..9d303e5bb 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/RF.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/sequence/RF.jl
@@ -24,18 +24,22 @@ julia> seq = Sequence(); seq += rf; plot_seq(seq)
mutable struct RF
- A
- T
- Δf
- delay::Real
- function RF(A, T, Δf, delay)
- any(T .< 0) || delay < 0 ? error("RF timings must be non-negative.") : new(A, T, Δf, delay)
+ A
+ T
+ Δf
+ delay::Real
+ function RF(A, T, Δf, delay)
+ return if any(T .< 0) || delay < 0
+ error("RF timings must be non-negative.")
+ else
+ new(A, T, Δf, delay)
+ end
- function RF(A, T, Δf)
- any(T .< 0) ? error("RF timings must be non-negative.") : new(A, T, Δf, 0.)
+ function RF(A, T, Δf)
+ return any(T .< 0) ? error("RF timings must be non-negative.") : new(A, T, Δf, 0.0)
- function RF(A, T)
- any(T .< 0) ? error("RF timings must be non-negative.") : new(A, T, 0., 0.)
+ function RF(A, T)
+ return any(T .< 0) ? error("RF timings must be non-negative.") : new(A, T, 0.0, 0.0)
@@ -51,15 +55,19 @@ Displays information about the RF struct `x` in the julia REPL.
- `str`: (`::String`) output string message
Base.show(io::IO, x::RF) = begin
- r(x) = round.(x,digits=4)
- compact = get(io, :compact, false)
- if !compact
- wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? r(x.A*1e6) : "∿"
- print(io, (x.delay>0 ? "←$(r(x.delay*1e3)) ms→ " : "")*"RF($(wave) uT, $(r(sum(x.T)*1e3)) ms, $(r(x.Δf)) Hz)")
- else
- wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? "⊓" : "∿"
- print(io, (sum(abs.(x.A)) > 0 ? wave : "⇿")*"($(r((x.delay+sum(x.T))*1e3)) ms)")
- end
+ r(x) = round.(x, digits=4)
+ compact = get(io, :compact, false)
+ if !compact
+ wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? r(x.A * 1e6) : "∿"
+ print(
+ io,
+ (x.delay > 0 ? "←$(r(x.delay*1e3)) ms→ " : "") *
+ "RF($(wave) uT, $(r(sum(x.T)*1e3)) ms, $(r(x.Δf)) Hz)",
+ )
+ else
+ wave = length(x.A) == 1 ? "⊓" : "∿"
+ print(io, (sum(abs.(x.A)) > 0 ? wave : "⇿") * "($(r((x.delay+sum(x.T))*1e3)) ms)")
+ end
@@ -78,34 +86,35 @@ directly without the need to iterate elementwise.
- `y`: (`::Vector{Any}` or `::Matrix{Any}`) vector with the property defined by the
symbol `f` for all elements of the RF vector or matrix `x`
-getproperty(x::Vector{RF}, f::Symbol) = getproperty.(x,f)
+getproperty(x::Vector{RF}, f::Symbol) = getproperty.(x, f)
getproperty(x::Matrix{RF}, f::Symbol) = begin
- if f == :Bx
- real.(getproperty.(x,:A))
- elseif f == :By
- imag.(getproperty.(x,:A))
- elseif f == :Δf
- getproperty.(x,:Δf)
- elseif f == :T || f == :delay
- getproperty.(x[1,:],f)
- elseif f == :dur
- T, delay = x.T, x.delay
- ΔT = [sum(t) for t=T] .+ delay
- ΔT
- else
- getproperty.(x,f)
- end
+ if f == :Bx
+ real.(getproperty.(x, :A))
+ elseif f == :By
+ imag.(getproperty.(x, :A))
+ elseif f == :Δf
+ getproperty.(x, :Δf)
+ elseif f == :T || f == :delay
+ getproperty.(x[1, :], f)
+ elseif f == :dur
+ T, delay = x.T, x.delay
+ ΔT = [sum(t) for t in T] .+ delay
+ ΔT
+ else
+ getproperty.(x, f)
+ end
# RF comparison
-Base.isapprox(rf1::RF, rf2::RF) = begin
- return all(length(getfield(rf1, k)) == length(getfield(rf2, k)) for k ∈ fieldnames(RF))
- all(≈(getfield(rf1, k), getfield(rf2, k), atol=1e-9) for k ∈ fieldnames(RF))
+function Base.isapprox(rf1::RF, rf2::RF)
+ return all(length(getfield(rf1, k)) == length(getfield(rf2, k)) for k in fieldnames(RF))
+ return all(≈(getfield(rf1, k), getfield(rf2, k); atol=1e-9) for k in fieldnames(RF))
# Properties
size(r::RF, i::Int64) = 1 #To fix [r;r;;] concatenation of Julia 1.7.3
-*(α::Complex{T}, x::RF) where {T<:Real} = RF(α*x.A,x.T,x.Δf,x.delay)
+*(α::Complex{T}, x::RF) where {T<:Real} = RF(α * x.A, x.T, x.Δf, x.delay)
+*(α::Real, x::RF) = RF(α * x.A, x.T, x.Δf, x.delay)
y = dur(x::RF)
@@ -121,8 +130,10 @@ Duration time in [s] of RF struct or RF array.
- `y`: (`::Float64`, [`s`]) duration of the RF struct or RF array
dur(x::RF) = sum(x.T)
-dur(x::Array{RF,1}) = sum(sum(x[i].T) for i=1:size(x,1))
-dur(x::Array{RF,2}) = maximum(sum([sum(x[i,j].T) for i=1:size(x,1),j=1:size(x,2)],dims=2))
+dur(x::Array{RF,1}) = sum(sum(x[i].T) for i in 1:size(x, 1))
+function dur(x::Array{RF,2})
+ return maximum(sum([sum(x[i, j].T) for i in 1:size(x, 1), j in 1:size(x, 2)]; dims=2))
rf = RF_fun(f::Function, T::Real, N::Int64)
@@ -141,9 +152,9 @@ Generate an RF sequence with amplitudes sampled from a function waveform.
- `rf`:(`::RF`) RF struct with amplitud defined by the function `f`
RF(f::Function, T::Real, N::Int64=301; delay::Real=0, Δf=0) = begin
- t = range(0,T;length=N)
- A = f.(t)
- RF(A,T,Δf,delay)
+ t = range(0, T; length=N)
+ A = f.(t)
+ RF(A, T, Δf, delay)
diff --git a/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl b/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl
index 38368f46a..f15bfaca2 100644
--- a/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIBase/test/runtests.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using TestItems, TestItemRunner
-@run_package_tests filter=ti->!(:skipci in ti.tags)&&(:base in ti.tags) #verbose=true
+@run_package_tests filter=t_start->!(:skipci in t_start.tags)&&(:base in t_start.tags) #verbose=true
@testitem "Sequence" tags=[:base] begin
@testset "Init" begin
@@ -359,66 +359,188 @@ end
-@testitem "Phantom" tags=[:base] begin
+@testitem "Phantom" tags = [:base] begin
+ using Suppressor
# Test phantom struct creation
name = "Bulks"
- x = [-2e-3; -1e-3; 0.; 1e-3; 2e-3]
- y = [-4e-3; -2e-3; 0.; 2e-3; 4e-3]
- z = [-6e-3; -3e-3; 0.; 3e-3; 6e-3]
- ρ = [.2; .4; .6; .8; 1.]
- T1 = [.9; .9; .5; .25; .4]
- T2 = [.09; .05; .04; .07; .005]
- T2s = [.1; .06; .05; .08; .015]
- Δw = [-2e-6; -1e-6; 0.; 1e-6; 2e-6]
- Dλ1 = [-4e-6; -2e-6; 0.; 2e-6; 4e-6]
- Dλ2 = [-6e-6; -3e-6; 0.; 3e-6; 6e-6]
- Dθ = [-8e-6; -4e-6; 0.; 4e-6; 8e-6]
- u = (x,y,z,t)->0
- obj = Phantom(name=name, x=x, y=y, z=z, ρ=ρ, T1=T1, T2=T2, T2s=T2s, Δw=Δw, Dλ1=Dλ1, Dλ2=Dλ2, Dθ=Dθ, ux=u, uy=u, uz=u)
- obj2 = Phantom(name=name, x=x, y=y, z=z, ρ=ρ, T1=T1, T2=T2, T2s=T2s, Δw=Δw, Dλ1=Dλ1, Dλ2=Dλ2, Dθ=Dθ, ux=u, uy=u, uz=u)
- @test obj ≈ obj2
+ x = [-2e-3; -1e-3; 0.0; 1e-3; 2e-3]
+ y = [-4e-3; -2e-3; 0.0; 2e-3; 4e-3]
+ z = [-6e-3; -3e-3; 0.0; 3e-3; 6e-3]
+ ρ = [0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1.0]
+ T1 = [0.9; 0.9; 0.5; 0.25; 0.4]
+ T2 = [0.09; 0.05; 0.04; 0.07; 0.005]
+ T2s = [0.1; 0.06; 0.05; 0.08; 0.015]
+ Δw = [-2e-6; -1e-6; 0.0; 1e-6; 2e-6]
+ Dλ1 = [-4e-6; -2e-6; 0.0; 2e-6; 4e-6]
+ Dλ2 = [-6e-6; -3e-6; 0.0; 3e-6; 6e-6]
+ Dθ = [-8e-6; -4e-6; 0.0; 4e-6; 8e-6]
+ obj1 = Phantom(name=name, x=x, y=y, z=z, ρ=ρ, T1=T1, T2=T2, T2s=T2s, Δw=Δw, Dλ1=Dλ1, Dλ2=Dλ2, Dθ=Dθ)
+ obj2 = Phantom(name=name, x=x, y=y, z=z, ρ=ρ, T1=T1, T2=T2, T2s=T2s, Δw=Δw, Dλ1=Dλ1, Dλ2=Dλ2, Dθ=Dθ)
+ @test obj1 == obj2
# Test size and length definitions of a phantom
- @test size(obj) == size(ρ)
- #@test length(obj) == length(ρ)
+ @test size(obj1) == size(ρ)
+ @test length(obj1) == length(ρ)
+ # Test obtaining spin psositions
+ @testset "SimpleMotion" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ t_start=0.0; t_end=1.0
+ t = collect(range(t_start, t_end, 11))
+ period = 2.0
+ asymmetry = 0.5
+ # Translation
+ dx, dy, dz = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ vx, vy, vz = [dx, dy, dz] ./ (t_end - t_start)
+ translation = SimpleMotion([Translation(dx, dy, dz, t_start, t_end)])
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(translation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt == ph.x .+ vx.*t'
+ @test yt == ph.y .+ vy.*t'
+ @test zt == ph.z .+ vz.*t'
+ # PeriodicTranslation
+ periodictranslation = SimpleMotion([PeriodicTranslation(dx, dy, dz, period, asymmetry)])
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(periodictranslation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt == ph.x .+ vx.*t'
+ @test yt == ph.y .+ vy.*t'
+ @test zt == ph.z .+ vz.*t'
+ # Rotation (2D)
+ pitch = 0.0
+ roll = 0.0
+ yaw = 45.0
+ rotation = SimpleMotion([Rotation(pitch, roll, yaw, t_start, t_end)])
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(rotation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* cosd(yaw) - ph.y .* sind(yaw)
+ @test yt[:,end] == ph.x .* sind(yaw) + ph.y .* cosd(yaw)
+ @test zt[:,end] == ph.z
+ # PeriodicRotation (2D)
+ periodicrotation = SimpleMotion([PeriodicRotation(pitch, roll, yaw, period, asymmetry)])
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(periodicrotation, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* cosd(yaw) - ph.y .* sind(yaw)
+ @test yt[:,end] == ph.x .* sind(yaw) + ph.y .* cosd(yaw)
+ @test zt[:,end] == ph.z
+ # HeartBeat
+ circumferential_strain = -0.1
+ radial_strain = 0.0
+ longitudinal_strain = -0.1
+ heartbeat = SimpleMotion([HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, t_start, t_end)])
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(heartbeat, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ r = sqrt.(ph.x .^ 2 + ph.y .^ 2)
+ θ = atan.(ph.y, ph.x)
+ @test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* cos.(θ))
+ @test yt[:,end] == ph.y .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* sin.(θ))
+ @test zt[:,end] == ph.z .* (1 .+ longitudinal_strain)
+ # PeriodicHeartBeat
+ periodicheartbeat = SimpleMotion([PeriodicHeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, period, asymmetry)])
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(heartbeat, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt[:,end] == ph.x .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* cos.(θ))
+ @test yt[:,end] == ph.y .* (1 .+ circumferential_strain * maximum(r) .* sin.(θ))
+ @test zt[:,end] == ph.z .* (1 .+ longitudinal_strain)
+ end
+ @testset "ArbitraryMotion" begin
+ ph = Phantom(x=[1.0], y=[1.0])
+ Ns = length(ph)
+ period_durations = [1.0]
+ num_pieces = 10
+ dx = dy = dz = rand(Ns, num_pieces - 1)
+ arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, dx, dy, dz)
+ t = times(arbitrarymotion)
+ xt, yt, zt = get_spin_coords(arbitrarymotion, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ @test xt[:,2:end-1] == ph.x .+ dx
+ @test yt[:,2:end-1] == ph.y .+ dy
+ @test zt[:,2:end-1] == ph.z .+ dz
+ end
+ simplemotion = SimpleMotion([
+ PeriodicTranslation(dx=0.05, dy=0.05, dz=0.0, period=0.5, asymmetry=0.5),
+ Rotation(pitch=0.0, roll=0.0, yaw=π / 2, t_start=0.05, t_end=0.5),
+ ])
- # Test phantom comparison
- ue = (x,y,z,t)->1
- obe = Phantom(name, x, y, z, ρ, T1, T2, T2s, Δw, Dλ1, Dλ2, Dθ, ue, ue, ue)
- @test obj ≈ obe
+ Ns = length(obj1)
+ K = 10
+ arbitrarymotion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion([1.0], 0.01 .* rand(Ns, K - 1), 0.01 .* rand(Ns, K - 1), 0.01 .* rand(Ns, K - 1))
# Test phantom subset
+ obs1 = Phantom(
+ name,
+ x,
+ y,
+ z,
+ ρ,
+ T1,
+ T2,
+ T2s,
+ Δw,
+ Dλ1,
+ Dλ2,
+ Dθ,
+ simplemotion
+ )
rng = 1:2:5
- ug = (x,y,z,t)->-1
- obg = Phantom(name, x[rng], y[rng], z[rng], ρ[rng], T1[rng], T2[rng], T2s[rng], Δw[rng],
- Dλ1[rng], Dλ2[rng], Dθ[rng], ug, ug, ug)
- @test obj[rng] ≈ obg
- @test @view(obj[rng]) ≈ obg
+ obs2 = Phantom(
+ name,
+ x[rng],
+ y[rng],
+ z[rng],
+ ρ[rng],
+ T1[rng],
+ T2[rng],
+ T2s[rng],
+ Δw[rng],
+ Dλ1[rng],
+ Dλ2[rng],
+ Dθ[rng],
+ simplemotion[rng],
+ )
+ @test obs1[rng] == obs2
+ @test @view(obs1[rng]) == obs2
+ obs1.motion = arbitrarymotion
+ obs2.motion = arbitrarymotion[rng]
+ @test obs1[rng] == obs2
+ # @test @view(obs1[rng]) == obs2
# Test addition of phantoms
- ua = (x,y,z,t)->2
- oba = Phantom(name, [x; x[rng]], [y; y[rng]], [z; z[rng]], [ρ; ρ[rng]],
- [T1; T1[rng]], [T2; T2[rng]], [T2s; T2s[rng]], [Δw; Δw[rng]],
- [Dλ1; Dλ1[rng]], [Dλ2; Dλ2[rng]], [Dθ; Dθ[rng]], ua, ua, ua)
- @test obj + obg ≈ oba
+ oba = Phantom(
+ name,
+ [x; x[rng]],
+ [y; y[rng]],
+ [z; z[rng]],
+ [ρ; ρ[rng]],
+ [T1; T1[rng]],
+ [T2; T2[rng]],
+ [T2s; T2s[rng]],
+ [Δw; Δw[rng]],
+ [Dλ1; Dλ1[rng]],
+ [Dλ2; Dλ2[rng]],
+ [Dθ; Dθ[rng]],
+ [obs1.motion; obs2.motion]
+ )
+ @test obs1 + obs2 == oba
# Test scalar multiplication of a phantom
- c = 7.
- obc = Phantom(name, x, y, z, c*ρ, T1, T2, T2s, Δw, Dλ1, Dλ2, Dθ, u, u, u)
- @test c*obj ≈ obc
+ c = 7
+ obc = Phantom(name=name, x=x, y=y, z=z, ρ=c*ρ, T1=T1, T2=T2, T2s=T2s, Δw=Δw, Dλ1=Dλ1, Dλ2=Dλ2, Dθ=Dθ)
+ @test c * obj1 == obc
#Test brain phantom 2D
ph = brain_phantom2D()
- @test ph.name=="brain2D_axial"
+ @test ph.name == "brain2D_axial"
+ @test KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph) == Bool[1, 1, 0]
#Test brain phantom 3D
ph = brain_phantom3D()
- @test ph.name=="brain3D"
+ @test ph.name == "brain3D"
+ @test KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph) == Bool[1, 1, 1]
#Test pelvis phantom 2D
ph = pelvis_phantom2D()
- @test ph.name=="pelvis2D"
+ @test ph.name == "pelvis2D"
+ @test KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph) == Bool[1, 1, 0]
+ #Test heart phantom
+ ph = heart_phantom()
+ @test ph.name == "LeftVentricle"
+ @test KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph) == Bool[1, 1, 0]
@testitem "Scanner" tags=[:base] begin
@@ -432,8 +554,6 @@ end
@testitem "TrapezoidalIntegration" tags=[:base] begin
dt = Float64[1 1 1 1]
x = Float64[0 1 2 1 0]
@test KomaMRIBase.trapz(dt, x)[1] ≈ 4 #Triangle area = bh/2, with b = 4 and h = 2
@test KomaMRIBase.cumtrapz(dt, x) ≈ [0.5 2 3.5 4]
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/other/DiffusionModel.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/other/DiffusionModel.jl
index e4fbb2b74..d993840c1 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/other/DiffusionModel.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/other/DiffusionModel.jl
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
"""Matrix A such as A ⋅ b = n × b"""
cross(n) = begin
- nx,ny,nz = n
- [0 -nz ny;
- nz 0 -nx;
- -ny nx 0]
+ nx, ny, nz = n
+ [
+ 0 -nz ny
+ nz 0 -nx
+ -ny nx 0
+ ]
"""Rodrigues' formula: Rotation matrix that when applied rotates with respect to "n" in an angle θ anti clock-wise"""
-Un(θ,n) = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] * cos(θ) + sin(θ) * cross(n) + (1-cos(θ)) * (n * n')
+Un(θ, n) = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] * cos(θ) + sin(θ) * cross(n) + (1 - cos(θ)) * (n * n')
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochDictSimulationMethod.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochDictSimulationMethod.jl
index 27ac99ec4..11d0f57c6 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochDictSimulationMethod.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochDictSimulationMethod.jl
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
Base.@kwdef struct BlochDict <: SimulationMethod
- save_Mz::Bool=false
+ save_Mz::Bool = false
export BlochDict
Base.show(io::IO, s::BlochDict) = begin
- print(io, "BlochDict(save_Mz=$(s.save_Mz))")
+ print(io, "BlochDict(save_Mz=$(s.save_Mz))")
-function sim_output_dim(obj::Phantom{T}, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner, sim_method::BlochDict) where {T<:Real}
+function sim_output_dim(
+ obj::Phantom{T}, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner, sim_method::BlochDict
+) where {T<:Real}
out_state_dim = sim_method.save_Mz ? 2 : 1
return (sum(seq.ADC.N), length(obj), out_state_dim)
@@ -27,15 +29,18 @@ precession.
- `S`: (`Vector{ComplexF64}`) raw signal over time
- `M0`: (`::Vector{Mag}`) final state of the Mag vector
-function run_spin_precession!(p::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
- M::Mag{T}, sim_method::BlochDict) where {T<:Real}
+function run_spin_precession!(
+ p::Phantom{T},
+ seq::DiscreteSequence{T},
+ sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
+ M::Mag{T},
+ sim_method::BlochDict,
+) where {T<:Real}
- xt = p.x .+ p.ux(p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
- yt = p.y .+ p.uy(p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
- zt = p.z .+ p.uz(p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
+ x, y, z = get_spin_coords(p.motion, p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
#Effective field
- Bz = xt .* seq.Gx' .+ yt .* seq.Gy' .+ zt .* seq.Gz' .+ p.Δw / T(2π * γ)
+ Bz = x .* seq.Gx' .+ y .* seq.Gy' .+ z .* seq.Gz' .+ p.Δw / T(2π * γ)
if is_ADC_on(seq)
ϕ = T(-2π * γ) .* cumtrapz(seq.Δt', Bz)
@@ -47,13 +52,12 @@ function run_spin_precession!(p::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::Abst
dur = sum(seq.Δt) # Total length, used for signal relaxation
Mxy = [M.xy M.xy .* exp.(1im .* ϕ .- tp' ./ p.T2)] #This assumes Δw and T2 are constant in time
M.xy .= Mxy[:, end]
#Acquired signal
- sig[:,:,1] .= transpose(Mxy[:, findall(seq.ADC)])
+ sig[:, :, 1] .= transpose(Mxy[:, findall(seq.ADC)])
if sim_method.save_Mz
Mz = [M.z M.z .* exp.(-tp' ./ p.T1) .+ p.ρ .* (1 .- exp.(-tp' ./ p.T1))] #Calculate intermediate points
- sig[:,:,2] .= transpose(Mz[:, findall(seq.ADC)]) #Save state to signal
+ sig[:, :, 2] .= transpose(Mz[:, findall(seq.ADC)]) #Save state to signal
M.z .= Mz[:, end]
M.z .= M.z .* exp.(-dur ./ p.T1) .+ p.ρ .* (1 .- exp.(-dur ./ p.T1)) #Jump to the last point
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl
index 0b088d613..65a5fed0d 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl
@@ -5,16 +5,21 @@ export Bloch
include("Magnetization.jl") #Defines Mag <: SpinStateRepresentation
@functor Mag #Gives gpu acceleration capabilities, see GPUFunctions.jl
-function sim_output_dim(obj::Phantom{T}, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner, sim_method::SimulationMethod) where {T<:Real}
+function sim_output_dim(
+ obj::Phantom{T}, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner, sim_method::SimulationMethod
+) where {T<:Real}
return (sum(seq.ADC.N), 1) #Nt x Ncoils, This should consider the coil info from sys
"""Magnetization initialization for Bloch simulation method."""
-function initialize_spins_state(obj::Phantom{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod) where {T<:Real}
+function initialize_spins_state(
+ obj::Phantom{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod
+) where {T<:Real}
Nspins = length(obj)
Mxy = zeros(T, Nspins)
Mz = obj.ρ
Xt = Mag{T}(Mxy, Mz)
+ sort_motions!(obj.motion)
return Xt, obj
@@ -33,15 +38,18 @@ precession.
- `S`: (`Vector{ComplexF64}`) raw signal over time
- `M0`: (`::Vector{Mag}`) final state of the Mag vector
-function run_spin_precession!(p::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
- M::Mag{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod) where {T<:Real}
+function run_spin_precession!(
+ p::Phantom{T},
+ seq::DiscreteSequence{T},
+ sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
+ M::Mag{T},
+ sim_method::SimulationMethod,
+) where {T<:Real}
- xt = p.x .+ p.ux(p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
- yt = p.y .+ p.uy(p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
- zt = p.z .+ p.uz(p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
+ x, y, z = get_spin_coords(p.motion, p.x, p.y, p.z, seq.t')
#Effective field
- Bz = xt .* seq.Gx' .+ yt .* seq.Gy' .+ zt .* seq.Gz' .+ p.Δw / T(2π * γ)
+ Bz = x .* seq.Gx' .+ y .* seq.Gy' .+ z .* seq.Gz' .+ p.Δw / T(2π * γ)
if is_ADC_on(seq)
ϕ = T(-2π * γ) .* cumtrapz(seq.Δt', Bz)
@@ -49,13 +57,14 @@ function run_spin_precession!(p::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::Abst
ϕ = T(-2π * γ) .* trapz(seq.Δt', Bz)
#Mxy precession and relaxation, and Mz relaxation
- tp = cumsum(seq.Δt) # t' = t - t0
- dur = sum(seq.Δt) # Total length, used for signal relaxation
- Mxy = [M.xy M.xy .* exp.(1im .* ϕ .- tp' ./ p.T2)] #This assumes Δw and T2 are constant in time
+ tp = cumsum(seq.Δt) # t' = t - t0
+ dur = sum(seq.Δt) # Total length, used for signal relaxation
+ Mxy = [M.xy M.xy .* exp.(1im .* ϕ .- tp' ./ p.T2)] #This assumes Δw and T2 are constant in time
M.xy .= Mxy[:, end]
M.z .= M.z .* exp.(-dur ./ p.T1) .+ p.ρ .* (1 .- exp.(-dur ./ p.T1))
#Acquired signal
sig .= transpose(sum(Mxy[:, findall(seq.ADC)]; dims=1)) #<--- TODO: add coil sensitivities
return nothing
@@ -74,25 +83,28 @@ It gives rise to a rotation of `M0` with an angle given by the efective magnetic
a part of the complete Mag vector and it's a part of the initial state for the next
precession simulation step)
-function run_spin_excitation!(p::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
- M::Mag{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod) where {T<:Real}
+function run_spin_excitation!(
+ p::Phantom{T},
+ seq::DiscreteSequence{T},
+ sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
+ M::Mag{T},
+ sim_method::SimulationMethod,
+) where {T<:Real}
- for s ∈ seq #This iterates over seq, "s = seq[i,:]"
+ for s in seq #This iterates over seq, "s = seq[i,:]"
- xt = p.x .+ p.ux(p.x, p.y, p.z, s.t)
- yt = p.y .+ p.uy(p.x, p.y, p.z, s.t)
- zt = p.z .+ p.uz(p.x, p.y, p.z, s.t)
+ x, y, z = get_spin_coords(p.motion, p.x, p.y, p.z, s.t)
#Effective field
- ΔBz = p.Δw ./ T(2π * γ) .- s.Δf ./ T(γ) # ΔB_0 = (B_0 - ω_rf/γ), Need to add a component here to model scanner's dB0(xt,yt,zt)
- Bz = (s.Gx .* xt .+ s.Gy .* yt .+ s.Gz .* zt) .+ ΔBz
+ ΔBz = p.Δw ./ T(2π * γ) .- s.Δf ./ T(γ) # ΔB_0 = (B_0 - ω_rf/γ), Need to add a component here to model scanner's dB0(x,y,z)
+ Bz = (s.Gx .* x .+ s.Gy .* y .+ s.Gz .* z) .+ ΔBz
B = sqrt.(abs.(s.B1) .^ 2 .+ abs.(Bz) .^ 2)
B[B .== 0] .= eps(T)
#Spinor Rotation
φ = T(-2π * γ) * (B .* s.Δt) # TODO: Use trapezoidal integration here (?), this is just Forward Euler
- mul!( Q(φ, s.B1 ./ B, Bz ./ B), M )
+ mul!(Q(φ, s.B1 ./ B, Bz ./ B), M)
M.xy .= M.xy .* exp.(-s.Δt ./ p.T2)
- M.z .= M.z .* exp.(-s.Δt ./ p.T1) .+ p.ρ .* (1 .- exp.(-s.Δt ./ p.T1))
+ M.z .= M.z .* exp.(-s.Δt ./ p.T1) .+ p.ρ .* (1 .- exp.(-s.Δt ./ p.T1))
#Acquired signal
#sig .= -1.4im #<-- This was to test if an ADC point was inside an RF block
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/GPUFunctions.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/GPUFunctions.jl
index 79bb978bb..dff9725b4 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/GPUFunctions.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/GPUFunctions.jl
@@ -11,36 +11,58 @@ Simple function to print the CUDA devices available in the host.
function print_gpus()
if use_cuda[]
- cuda_devices = [Symbol("($(i-1)$(i == 1 ? "*" : " "))") => name(d) for (i,d) = enumerate(devices())]
- @info "$(length(devices())) CUDA capable device(s)." cuda_devices...
+ cuda_devices = [
+ Symbol("($(i-1)$(i == 1 ? "*" : " "))") => name(d) for
+ (i, d) in enumerate(devices())
+ ]
+ @info "$(length(devices())) CUDA capable device(s)." cuda_devices...
@info "0 CUDA capable devices(s)."
- return
+ return nothing
Checks if the PC has a functional CUDA installation. Inspired by Flux's `check_use_cuda` funciton.
function check_use_cuda()
- if use_cuda[] === nothing
- use_cuda[] = CUDA.functional()
- if !(use_cuda[])
- @info """The GPU function is being called but the GPU is not accessible.
- Defaulting back to the CPU. (No action is required if you want to run on the CPU).""" maxlog=1
- end
- end
+ if use_cuda[] === nothing
+ use_cuda[] = CUDA.functional()
+ if !(use_cuda[])
+ @info """The GPU function is being called but the GPU is not accessible.
+ Defaulting back to the CPU. (No action is required if you want to run on the CPU).""" maxlog =
+ 1
+ end
+ end
#Aux. funcitons to check if the variable we want to convert to CuArray is numeric
_isbitsarray(::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = true
-_isbitsarray(::AbstractArray{T}) where T = isbitstype(T)
+_isbitsarray(::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} = isbitstype(T)
_isbitsarray(x) = false
_isleaf(x) = _isbitsarray(x) || isleaf(x)
# GPU adaptor
struct KomaCUDAAdaptor end
adapt_storage(to::KomaCUDAAdaptor, x) = CUDA.cu(x)
+adapt_storage(to::KomaCUDAAdaptor, x::NoMotion) = NoMotion{Float32}()
+adapt_storage(to::KomaCUDAAdaptor, x::SimpleMotion) = f32(x)
+function adapt_storage(to::KomaCUDAAdaptor, x::ArbitraryMotion)
+ fields = []
+ for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)
+ if field in (:ux, :uy, :uz)
+ push!(fields, adapt(KomaCUDAAdaptor(), getfield(x, field)))
+ else
+ push!(fields, f32(getfield(x, field)))
+ end
+ end
+ return ArbitraryMotion(fields...)
+function adapt_storage(
+ to::KomaCUDAAdaptor, x::Vector{LinearInterpolator{T,V}}
+) where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}
+ return CUDA.cu.(x)
@@ -59,8 +81,8 @@ x = x |> gpu
function gpu(x)
- check_use_cuda()
- use_cuda[] ? fmap(x -> adapt(KomaCUDAAdaptor(), x), x; exclude = _isleaf) : x
+ check_use_cuda()
+ return use_cuda[] ? fmap(x -> adapt(KomaCUDAAdaptor(), x), x; exclude=_isleaf) : x
#CPU adaptor
@@ -87,10 +109,19 @@ cpu(x) = fmap(x -> adapt(KomaCPUAdaptor(), x), x)
paramtype(T::Type{<:Real}, m) = fmap(x -> adapt(T, x), m)
-adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = convert.(T, xs) #Type piracy
-adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Complex}) = convert.(Complex{T}, xs) #Type piracy
-adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Bool}) = xs #Type piracy
+adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::Real) = convert(T, xs)
+adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = convert.(T, xs)
+adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Complex}) = convert.(Complex{T}, xs)
+adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::AbstractArray{<:Bool}) = xs
+adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::SimpleMotion) = SimpleMotion(paramtype(T, xs.types))
+adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::NoMotion) = NoMotion{T}()
+function adapt_storage(T::Type{<:Real}, xs::ArbitraryMotion)
+ fields = []
+ for field in fieldnames(ArbitraryMotion)
+ push!(fields, paramtype(T, getfield(xs, field)))
+ end
+ return ArbitraryMotion(fields...)
@@ -114,6 +145,14 @@ f64(m) = paramtype(Float64, m)
#The functor macro makes it easier to call a function in all the parameters
@functor Phantom
+@functor Translation
+@functor Rotation
+@functor HeartBeat
+@functor PeriodicTranslation
+@functor PeriodicRotation
+@functor PeriodicHeartBeat
@functor Spinor
@functor DiscreteSequence
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/SimulatorCore.jl b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/SimulatorCore.jl
index e5b906121..31c6b0029 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/SimulatorCore.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/src/simulation/SimulatorCore.jl
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ abstract type SimulationMethod end #get all available types by using subtypes(Ko
abstract type SpinStateRepresentation{T<:Real} end #get all available types by using subtypes(KomaMRI.SpinStateRepresentation)
#Defined methods:
-include("Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl") #Defines Bloch simulation method
-include("Bloch/BlochDictSimulationMethod.jl") #Defines BlochDict simulation method
+include("Bloch/BlochSimulationMethod.jl") #Defines Bloch simulation method
+include("Bloch/BlochDictSimulationMethod.jl") #Defines BlochDict simulation method
sim_params = default_sim_params(sim_params=Dict{String,Any}())
@@ -43,7 +43,11 @@ allowing the user to define some of them.
function default_sim_params(sim_params=Dict{String,Any}())
sampling_params = KomaMRIBase.default_sampling_params()
- get!(sim_params, "gpu", true); if sim_params["gpu"] check_use_cuda(); sim_params["gpu"] &= use_cuda[] end
+ get!(sim_params, "gpu", true)
+ if sim_params["gpu"]
+ check_use_cuda()
+ sim_params["gpu"] &= use_cuda[]
+ end
get!(sim_params, "gpu_device", 0)
get!(sim_params, "Nthreads", sim_params["gpu"] ? 1 : Threads.nthreads())
get!(sim_params, "Nblocks", 20)
@@ -75,15 +79,21 @@ separating the spins of the phantom `obj` in `Nthreads`.
next simulation step (the next step can be another precession step or an excitation
-function run_spin_precession_parallel!(obj::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
- Xt::SpinStateRepresentation{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod;
- Nthreads=Threads.nthreads()) where {T<:Real}
+function run_spin_precession_parallel!(
+ obj::Phantom{T},
+ seq::DiscreteSequence{T},
+ sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
+ Xt::SpinStateRepresentation{T},
+ sim_method::SimulationMethod;
+ Nthreads=Threads.nthreads(),
+) where {T<:Real}
parts = kfoldperm(length(obj), Nthreads)
- dims = [Colon() for i=1:ndims(sig)-1] # :,:,:,... Ndim times
+ dims = [Colon() for i in 1:(ndims(sig) - 1)] # :,:,:,... Ndim times
ThreadsX.foreach(enumerate(parts)) do (i, p)
- run_spin_precession!(@view(obj[p]), seq, @view(sig[dims...,i]), @view(Xt[p]), sim_method)
+ run_spin_precession!(
+ @view(obj[p]), seq, @view(sig[dims..., i]), @view(Xt[p]), sim_method
+ )
return nothing
@@ -108,15 +118,21 @@ different number threads to excecute the process.
- `M0`: (`::Vector{Mag}`) final state of the Mag vector after a rotation (or the initial
state for the next precession simulation step)
-function run_spin_excitation_parallel!(obj::Phantom{T}, seq::DiscreteSequence{T}, sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
- Xt::SpinStateRepresentation{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod;
- Nthreads=Threads.nthreads()) where {T<:Real}
+function run_spin_excitation_parallel!(
+ obj::Phantom{T},
+ seq::DiscreteSequence{T},
+ sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
+ Xt::SpinStateRepresentation{T},
+ sim_method::SimulationMethod;
+ Nthreads=Threads.nthreads(),
+) where {T<:Real}
parts = kfoldperm(length(obj), Nthreads)
- dims = [Colon() for i=1:ndims(sig)-1] # :,:,:,... Ndim times
+ dims = [Colon() for i in 1:(ndims(sig) - 1)] # :,:,:,... Ndim times
ThreadsX.foreach(enumerate(parts)) do (i, p)
- run_spin_excitation!(@view(obj[p]), seq, @view(sig[dims...,i]), @view(Xt[p]), sim_method)
+ run_spin_excitation!(
+ @view(obj[p]), seq, @view(sig[dims..., i]), @view(Xt[p]), sim_method
+ )
return nothing
@@ -147,30 +163,49 @@ take advantage of CPU parallel processing.
- `S_interp`: (`::Vector{ComplexF64}`) interpolated raw signal
- `M0`: (`::Vector{Mag}`) final state of the Mag vector
-function run_sim_time_iter!(obj::Phantom, seq::DiscreteSequence, sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
- Xt::SpinStateRepresentation{T}, sim_method::SimulationMethod;
- Nblocks=1, Nthreads=Threads.nthreads(), parts=[1:length(seq)], excitation_bool=ones(Bool, size(parts)), w=nothing) where {T<:Real}
+function run_sim_time_iter!(
+ obj::Phantom,
+ seq::DiscreteSequence,
+ sig::AbstractArray{Complex{T}},
+ Xt::SpinStateRepresentation{T},
+ sim_method::SimulationMethod;
+ Nblocks=1,
+ Nthreads=Threads.nthreads(),
+ parts=[1:length(seq)],
+ excitation_bool=ones(Bool, size(parts)),
+ w=nothing,
+) where {T<:Real}
# Simulation
rfs = 0
samples = 1
- progress_bar = Progress(Nblocks)
- for (block, p) = enumerate(parts)
+ progress_bar = Progress(Nblocks; desc="Running simulation...")
+ for (block, p) in enumerate(parts)
seq_block = @view seq[p]
# Params
# excitation_bool = is_RF_on(seq_block) #&& is_ADC_off(seq_block) #PATCH: the ADC part should not be necessary, but sometimes 1 sample is identified as RF in an ADC block
Nadc = sum(seq_block.ADC)
- acq_samples = samples:samples+Nadc-1
- dims = [Colon() for i=1:ndims(sig)-1] # :,:,:,... Ndim times
+ acq_samples = samples:(samples + Nadc - 1)
+ dims = [Colon() for i in 1:(ndims(sig) - 1)] # :,:,:,... Ndim times
# Simulation wrappers
if excitation_bool[block]
- run_spin_excitation_parallel!(obj, seq_block, @view(sig[acq_samples, dims...]), Xt, sim_method; Nthreads)
+ run_spin_excitation_parallel!(
+ obj, seq_block, @view(sig[acq_samples, dims...]), Xt, sim_method; Nthreads
+ )
rfs += 1
- run_spin_precession_parallel!(obj, seq_block, @view(sig[acq_samples, dims...]), Xt, sim_method; Nthreads)
+ run_spin_precession_parallel!(
+ obj, seq_block, @view(sig[acq_samples, dims...]), Xt, sim_method; Nthreads
+ )
samples += Nadc
#Update progress
- next!(progress_bar, showvalues=[(:simulated_blocks, block), (:rf_blocks, rfs), (:acq_samples, samples-1)])
+ next!(
+ progress_bar;
+ showvalues=[
+ (:simulated_blocks, block), (:rf_blocks, rfs), (:acq_samples, samples - 1)
+ ],
+ )
update_blink_window_progress!(w, block, Nblocks)
return nothing
@@ -187,72 +222,71 @@ RF-on or RF-off. The function returns the ranges of the discrete sequence blocks
with a boolean vector indicating whether each block has RF.
function get_sim_ranges(seqd::DiscreteSequence; Nblocks)
- ranges = UnitRange{Int}[]
- ranges_bool = Bool[]
- start_idx_rf_block = 0
- start_idx_gr_block = 0
- #Split 1:N into Nblocks like kfoldperm
- N = length(seqd.Δt)
- k = min(N, Nblocks)
- n, r = divrem(N, k) #N >= k, N < k
- breaks = collect(1:n:N+1)
- for i in eachindex(breaks)
- breaks[i] += i > r ? r : i-1
- end
- breaks = breaks[2:end-1] #Remove borders,
- #Iterate over B1 values to decide the simulation UnitRanges
- for i in eachindex(seqd.Δt)
- if abs(seqd.B1[i]) > 1e-9 #TODO: This is needed as the function ⏢ in get_rfs is not very accurate
- if start_idx_rf_block == 0 #End RF block
- start_idx_rf_block = i
- end
- if start_idx_gr_block > 0 #End of GR block
- push!(ranges, start_idx_gr_block:i-1)
- push!(ranges_bool, false)
- start_idx_gr_block = 0
- end
- else
- if start_idx_gr_block == 0 #Start GR block
- start_idx_gr_block = i
- end
- if start_idx_rf_block > 0 #End of RF block
- push!(ranges, start_idx_rf_block:i-1)
- push!(ranges_bool, true)
- start_idx_rf_block = 0
- end
- end
- #More subdivisions
- if i in breaks
- if start_idx_rf_block > 0 #End of RF block
- if length(start_idx_rf_block:i-1) > 1
- push!(ranges, start_idx_rf_block:i-1)
- push!(ranges_bool, true)
- start_idx_rf_block = i
- end
- end
- if start_idx_gr_block > 0 #End of RF block
- if length(start_idx_gr_block:i-1) > 1
- push!(ranges, start_idx_gr_block:i-1)
- push!(ranges_bool, false)
- start_idx_gr_block = i
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #Finishing the UnitRange's
- if start_idx_rf_block > 0
- push!(ranges, start_idx_rf_block:N)
- push!(ranges_bool, true)
- end
- if start_idx_gr_block > 0
- push!(ranges, start_idx_gr_block:N)
- push!(ranges_bool, false)
- end
- #Output
- return ranges, ranges_bool
+ ranges = UnitRange{Int}[]
+ ranges_bool = Bool[]
+ start_idx_rf_block = 0
+ start_idx_gr_block = 0
+ #Split 1:N into Nblocks like kfoldperm
+ N = length(seqd.Δt)
+ k = min(N, Nblocks)
+ n, r = divrem(N, k) #N >= k, N < k
+ breaks = collect(1:n:(N + 1))
+ for i in eachindex(breaks)
+ breaks[i] += i > r ? r : i - 1
+ end
+ breaks = breaks[2:(end - 1)] #Remove borders,
+ #Iterate over B1 values to decide the simulation UnitRanges
+ for i in eachindex(seqd.Δt)
+ if abs(seqd.B1[i]) > 1e-9 #TODO: This is needed as the function ⏢ in get_rfs is not very accurate
+ if start_idx_rf_block == 0 #End RF block
+ start_idx_rf_block = i
+ end
+ if start_idx_gr_block > 0 #End of GR block
+ push!(ranges, start_idx_gr_block:(i - 1))
+ push!(ranges_bool, false)
+ start_idx_gr_block = 0
+ end
+ else
+ if start_idx_gr_block == 0 #Start GR block
+ start_idx_gr_block = i
+ end
+ if start_idx_rf_block > 0 #End of RF block
+ push!(ranges, start_idx_rf_block:(i - 1))
+ push!(ranges_bool, true)
+ start_idx_rf_block = 0
+ end
+ end
+ #More subdivisions
+ if i in breaks
+ if start_idx_rf_block > 0 #End of RF block
+ if length(start_idx_rf_block:(i - 1)) > 1
+ push!(ranges, start_idx_rf_block:(i - 1))
+ push!(ranges_bool, true)
+ start_idx_rf_block = i
+ end
+ end
+ if start_idx_gr_block > 0 #End of RF block
+ if length(start_idx_gr_block:(i - 1)) > 1
+ push!(ranges, start_idx_gr_block:(i - 1))
+ push!(ranges_bool, false)
+ start_idx_gr_block = i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #Finishing the UnitRange's
+ if start_idx_rf_block > 0
+ push!(ranges, start_idx_rf_block:N)
+ push!(ranges_bool, true)
+ end
+ if start_idx_gr_block > 0
+ push!(ranges, start_idx_gr_block:N)
+ push!(ranges_bool, false)
+ end
+ #Output
+ return ranges, ranges_bool
out = simulate(obj::Phantom, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner; sim_params, w)
@@ -286,15 +320,15 @@ julia> plot_signal(raw)
function simulate(
- obj::Phantom, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner;
- sim_params=Dict{String,Any}(), w=nothing
+ obj::Phantom, seq::Sequence, sys::Scanner; sim_params=Dict{String,Any}(), w=nothing
#Simulation parameter unpacking, and setting defaults if key is not defined
sim_params = default_sim_params(sim_params)
# Simulation init
seqd = discretize(seq; sampling_params=sim_params) # Sampling of Sequence waveforms
parts, excitation_bool = get_sim_ranges(seqd; Nblocks=sim_params["Nblocks"]) # Generating simulation blocks
- t_sim_parts = [seqd.t[p[1]] for p ∈ parts]; append!(t_sim_parts, seqd.t[end])
+ t_sim_parts = [seqd.t[p[1]] for p in parts]
+ append!(t_sim_parts, seqd.t[end])
# Spins' state init (Magnetization, EPG, etc.), could include modifications to obj (e.g. T2*)
Xt, obj = initialize_spins_state(obj, sim_params["sim_method"])
# Signal init
@@ -303,31 +337,49 @@ function simulate(
# Objects to GPU
if sim_params["gpu"] #Default
- gpu_name = name.(devices())[sim_params["gpu_device"]+1]
- obj = obj |> gpu #Phantom
+ gpu_name = name.(devices())[sim_params["gpu_device"] + 1]
+ obj = obj |> gpu #Phantom
seqd = seqd |> gpu #DiscreteSequence
- Xt = Xt |> gpu #SpinStateRepresentation
- sig = sig |> gpu #Signal
+ Xt = Xt |> gpu #SpinStateRepresentation
+ sig = sig |> gpu #Signal
if sim_params["precision"] == "f32" #Default
- obj = obj |> f32 #Phantom
+ obj = obj |> f32 #Phantom
seqd = seqd |> f32 #DiscreteSequence
- Xt = Xt |> f32 #SpinStateRepresentation
- sig = sig |> f32 #Signal
+ Xt = Xt |> f32 #SpinStateRepresentation
+ sig = sig |> f32 #Signal
elseif sim_params["precision"] == "f64"
- obj = obj |> f64 #Phantom
+ obj = obj |> f64 #Phantom
seqd = seqd |> f64 #DiscreteSequence
- Xt = Xt |> f64 #SpinStateRepresentation
- sig = sig |> f64 #Signal
+ Xt = Xt |> f64 #SpinStateRepresentation
+ sig = sig |> f64 #Signal
# Simulation
- @info "Running simulation in the $(sim_params["gpu"] ? "GPU ($gpu_name)" : "CPU with $(sim_params["Nthreads"]) thread(s)")" koma_version=__VERSION__ sim_method = sim_params["sim_method"] spins = length(obj) time_points = length(seqd.t) adc_points=Ndims[1]
- @time timed_tuple = @timed run_sim_time_iter!(obj, seqd, sig, Xt, sim_params["sim_method"]; Nblocks=length(parts), Nthreads=sim_params["Nthreads"], parts, excitation_bool, w)
+ @info "Running simulation in the $(sim_params["gpu"] ? "GPU ($gpu_name)" : "CPU with $(sim_params["Nthreads"]) thread(s)")" koma_version =
+ __VERSION__ sim_method = sim_params["sim_method"] spins = length(obj) time_points = length(
+ seqd.t
+ ) adc_points = Ndims[1]
+ @time timed_tuple = @timed run_sim_time_iter!(
+ obj,
+ seqd,
+ sig,
+ Xt,
+ sim_params["sim_method"];
+ Nblocks=length(parts),
+ Nthreads=sim_params["Nthreads"],
+ parts,
+ excitation_bool,
+ w,
+ )
# Result to CPU, if already in the CPU it does nothing
- sig = sum(sig; dims=length(Ndims)+1) |> cpu #Sum over threads
+ sig = sum(sig; dims=length(Ndims) + 1) |> cpu #Sum over threads
sig .*= get_adc_phase_compensation(seq)
Xt = Xt |> cpu
- if sim_params["gpu"] GC.gc(true); CUDA.reclaim() end
+ if sim_params["gpu"]
+ GC.gc(true)
+ CUDA.reclaim()
+ end
# Output
if sim_params["return_type"] == "state"
out = Xt
@@ -344,7 +396,10 @@ function simulate(
sim_params_raw["Nblocks"] = length(parts)
sim_params_raw["sim_time_sec"] = timed_tuple.time
sim_params_raw["allocations_bytes"] = timed_tuple.bytes
- out = signal_to_raw_data(sig, seq; phantom_name=obj.name, sys=sys, sim_params=sim_params_raw)
+ out = signal_to_raw_data(
+ sig, seq; phantom_name=obj.name, sys=sys, sim_params=sim_params_raw
+ )
return out
@@ -366,12 +421,11 @@ Returns magnetization of spins distributed along `z` after running the Sequence
- `mag`: (`::SpinStateRepresentation`) final state of the magnetization vector
function simulate_slice_profile(
- seq::Sequence;
- z=range(-2.e-2, 2.e-2, 200), sim_params=Dict{String,Any}("Δt_rf" => 1e-6)
+ seq::Sequence; z=range(-2.e-2, 2.e-2, 200), sim_params=Dict{String,Any}("Δt_rf" => 1e-6)
sim_params["return_type"] = "state"
sys = Scanner()
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=zeros(size(z)), z=Array(z))
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(; x=zeros(size(z)), z=Array(z))
mag = simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
return mag
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl b/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl
index cbd456429..9306533e0 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/test/runtests.jl
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ end
using Suppressor
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
- sig_jemris = signal_jemris()
+ sig_jemris = signal_sphere_jemris()
seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
obj = phantom_sphere()
sys = Scanner()
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ end
using Suppressor
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
- sig_jemris = signal_jemris()
+ sig_jemris = signal_sphere_jemris()
seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
obj = phantom_sphere()
sys = Scanner()
@@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ end
-@testitem "Bloch_GPU" tags=[:important, :skipci, :core] begin
+@testitem "Bloch_GPU" tags=[:important, :skipci, :core, :gpu] begin
using Suppressor
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
- sig_jemris = signal_jemris()
+ sig_jemris = signal_sphere_jemris()
seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
obj = phantom_sphere()
sys = Scanner()
@@ -220,7 +220,8 @@ end
sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
- "return_type"=>"mat"
+ "return_type"=>"mat",
+ "precision"=>"f64"
sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ end
N = 6
sys = Scanner()
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0.],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
rf_phase = [0, π/2]
seq = Sequence()
@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ end
N = 6
sys = Scanner()
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0.],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
rf_phase = [0, π/2]
seq = Sequence()
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ end
@test error0 + error1 + error2 < 0.1 #NMRSE < 0.1%
-@testitem "Bloch_GPU_RF_accuracy" tags=[:important, :core] begin
+@testitem "Bloch_GPU_RF_accuracy" tags=[:important, :core, :skipci, :gpu] begin
using Suppressor
Tadc = 1e-3
@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ end
N = 6
sys = Scanner()
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0.],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
rf_phase = [0, π/2]
seq = Sequence()
@@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ end
N = 6
sys = Scanner()
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
+ obj = Phantom{Float64}(x=[0.],T1=[T1],T2=[T2],Δw=[Δw])
rf_phase = 2π*rand()
seq1 = Sequence()
@@ -400,6 +401,156 @@ end
+@testitem "Bloch CPU_single_thread SimpleMotion" tags=[:important, :core] begin
+ using Suppressor
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
+ sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
+ sys = Scanner()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ obj.motion = SimpleMotion([Translation(t_end=10.0, dx=0.0, dy=1.0, dz=0.0)])
+ sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
+ "gpu"=>false,
+ "Nthreads"=>1,
+ "sim_method"=>KomaMRICore.Bloch(),
+ "return_type"=>"mat"
+ )
+ sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
+ sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
+ NMRSE(x, x_true) = sqrt.( sum(abs.(x .- x_true).^2) ./ sum(abs.(x_true).^2) ) * 100.
+ @test NMRSE(sig, sig_jemris) < 1 #NMRSE < 1%
+@testitem "Bloch CPU_single_thread ArbitraryMotion" tags=[:important, :core] begin
+ using Suppressor
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
+ sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
+ sys = Scanner()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ Ns = length(obj)
+ period_durations=[20.0]
+ dx = dz = zeros(Ns, 1)
+ dy = 1.0 .* ones(Ns, 1)
+ obj.motion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(
+ period_durations,
+ dx,
+ dy,
+ dz)
+ sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
+ "gpu"=>false,
+ "Nthreads"=>1,
+ "sim_method"=>KomaMRICore.Bloch(),
+ "return_type"=>"mat"
+ )
+ sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
+ sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
+ NMRSE(x, x_true) = sqrt.( sum(abs.(x .- x_true).^2) ./ sum(abs.(x_true).^2) ) * 100.
+ @test NMRSE(sig, sig_jemris) < 1 #NMRSE < 1%
+@testitem "Bloch CPU_multi_thread SimpleMotion" tags=[:important, :core] begin
+ using Suppressor
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
+ sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
+ sys = Scanner()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ obj.motion = SimpleMotion([Translation(t_end=10.0, dx=0.0, dy=1.0, dz=0.0)])
+ sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
+ "gpu"=>false,
+ "sim_method"=>KomaMRICore.Bloch(),
+ "return_type"=>"mat"
+ )
+ sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
+ sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
+ NMRSE(x, x_true) = sqrt.( sum(abs.(x .- x_true).^2) ./ sum(abs.(x_true).^2) ) * 100.
+ @test NMRSE(sig, sig_jemris) < 1 #NMRSE < 1%
+@testitem "Bloch CPU_multi_thread ArbitraryMotion" tags=[:important, :core] begin
+ using Suppressor
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
+ sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
+ sys = Scanner()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ Ns = length(obj)
+ period_durations=[20.0]
+ dx = dz = zeros(Ns, 1)
+ dy = 1.0 .* ones(Ns, 1)
+ obj.motion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(
+ period_durations,
+ dx,
+ dy,
+ dz)
+ sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
+ "gpu"=>false,
+ "sim_method"=>KomaMRICore.Bloch(),
+ "return_type"=>"mat"
+ )
+ sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
+ sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
+ NMRSE(x, x_true) = sqrt.( sum(abs.(x .- x_true).^2) ./ sum(abs.(x_true).^2) ) * 100.
+ @test NMRSE(sig, sig_jemris) < 1 #NMRSE < 1%
+@testitem "Bloch GPU SimpleMotion" tags=[:important, :core, :skipci, :gpu] begin
+ using Suppressor
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
+ sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
+ sys = Scanner()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ obj.motion = SimpleMotion([Translation(t_end=10.0, dx=0.0, dy=1.0, dz=0.0)])
+ sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
+ "gpu"=>true,
+ "sim_method"=>KomaMRICore.Bloch(),
+ "return_type"=>"mat",
+ "precision"=>"f64"
+ )
+ sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
+ sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
+ NMRSE(x, x_true) = sqrt.( sum(abs.(x .- x_true).^2) ./ sum(abs.(x_true).^2) ) * 100.
+ @test NMRSE(sig, sig_jemris) < 1 #NMRSE < 1%
+@testitem "Bloch GPU ArbitraryMotion" tags=[:important, :core, :skipci, :gpu] begin
+ using Suppressor
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
+ sig_jemris = signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ seq = seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
+ sys = Scanner()
+ obj = phantom_brain()
+ Ns = length(obj)
+ period_durations=[20.0]
+ dx = dz = zeros(Ns, 1)
+ dy = 1.0 .* ones(Ns, 1)
+ obj.motion = @suppress ArbitraryMotion(
+ period_durations,
+ dx,
+ dy,
+ dz)
+ sim_params = Dict{String, Any}(
+ "gpu"=>true,
+ "sim_method"=>KomaMRICore.Bloch(),
+ "return_type"=>"mat",
+ "precision"=>"f64"
+ )
+ sig = @suppress simulate(obj, seq, sys; sim_params)
+ sig = sig / prod(size(obj))
+ NMRSE(x, x_true) = sqrt.( sum(abs.(x .- x_true).^2) ./ sum(abs.(x_true).^2) ) * 100.
+ @test NMRSE(sig, sig_jemris) < 1 #NMRSE < 1%
@testitem "BlochDict_CPU_single_thread" tags=[:important, :core] begin
using Suppressor
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files", "utils.jl"))
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/jemris_signals_epi_brain_motion.h5 b/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/jemris_signals_epi_brain_motion.h5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89955503e
Binary files /dev/null and b/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/jemris_signals_epi_brain_motion.h5 differ
diff --git a/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl b/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl
index 553bd8706..d10066810 100644
--- a/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl
+++ b/KomaMRICore/test/test_files/utils.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using HDF5
-function signal_jemris()
+function signal_sphere_jemris()
path = @__DIR__
sig = h5open(joinpath(path, "jemris_signals_epi_sphere_cs.h5"))["/signal/channels/00"]
sig = sig[1,:] + 1im*sig[2,:]
@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@ function signal_jemris()
return sig
+function signal_brain_motion_jemris()
+ path = @__DIR__
+ sig = h5open(joinpath(path, "jemris_signals_epi_brain_motion.h5"))["/signal/channels/00"]
+ sig = sig[1,:] + 1im*sig[2,:]
+ sig = sig[:]
+ return sig
function phantom_sphere()
path = @__DIR__
fid = h5open(joinpath(path, "phantom_sphere.h5"), "r")
@@ -16,6 +24,47 @@ function phantom_sphere()
return Phantom(; name="sphere", x, y, z, ρ, T1, T2, T2s, Δw)
+function phantom_brain()
+ path = @__DIR__
+ fid = h5open(joinpath(path, "../../../examples/2.phantoms/brain.h5"), "r")
+ data = read(fid["sample/data"])
+ Δx = read(fid["sample/resolution"]) * 1e-3 #[m]
+ offset = read(fid["sample/offset"]) * 1e-3 #[m]
+ mask = data[1, :, :, :] .!= 0
+ #Maps
+ ρ = data[1, :, :, :]
+ T1 = 1e-3 ./ data[2, :, :, :]
+ T2 = 1e-3 ./ data[3, :, :, :]
+ T2s = 1e-3 ./ data[4, :, :, :]
+ Δw = data[5, :, :, :]
+ #Positions
+ X, Y, Z = size(ρ)
+ FOVx = (X - 1) * Δx[1] #[m]
+ FOVy = (Y - 1) * Δx[2] #[m]
+ FOVz = (Z - 1) * Δx[3] #[m]
+ xx = reshape(((-FOVx / 2):Δx[1]:(FOVx / 2)), :, 1, 1) #[(-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2)...;]
+ yy = reshape(((-FOVy / 2):Δx[2]:(FOVy / 2)), 1, :, 1) #[(-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2)...;;]
+ zz = reshape(((-FOVz / 2):Δx[3]:(FOVz / 2)), 1, 1, :) #[(-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2)...;;;]
+ x = xx * 1 .+ yy * 0 .+ zz * 0 .+ offset[1] #spin x coordinates
+ y = xx * 0 .+ yy * 1 .+ zz * 0 .+ offset[2] #spin y coordinates
+ z = xx * 0 .+ yy * 0 .+ zz * 1 .+ offset[3] #spin z coordinates
+ v = 0 # m/s
+ obj = Phantom(;
+ name="brain",
+ x=x[mask],
+ y=y[mask],
+ z=z[mask],
+ ρ=ρ[mask],
+ T1=T1[mask],
+ T2=T2[mask],
+ T2s=T2s[mask],
+ Δw=Δw[mask],
+ )
+ return obj
function seq_epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230()
# Gyromagnetic constant
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/Project.toml b/KomaMRIFiles/Project.toml
index 65d422118..8957ee4c2 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/Project.toml
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/Project.toml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ version = "0.8.2"
FileIO = "5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549"
HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"
+InteractiveUtils = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240"
KomaMRIBase = "d0bc0b20-b151-4d03-b2a4-6ca51751cb9c"
MAT = "23992714-dd62-5051-b70f-ba57cb901cac"
MRIFiles = "5a6f062f-bf45-497d-b654-ad17aae2a530"
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/src/KomaMRIFiles.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/src/KomaMRIFiles.jl
index b4304bb9e..259639a62 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/src/KomaMRIFiles.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/src/KomaMRIFiles.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module KomaMRIFiles
using KomaMRIBase
-using Scanf, FileIO, HDF5, MAT # IO related
+using Scanf, FileIO, HDF5, MAT, InteractiveUtils # IO related
using Reexport
using MRIFiles
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ import MRIFiles: insertNode
-export read_seq # Pulseq
-export read_phantom_jemris, read_phantom_MRiLab # Phantom
+export read_seq # Pulseq
+export read_phantom_jemris, read_phantom_MRiLab, read_phantom, write_phantom # Phantom
# Package version: KomaMRIFiles.__VERSION__
using Pkg
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/JEMRIS.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/JEMRIS.jl
index 239160cbb..05039aa0d 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/JEMRIS.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/JEMRIS.jl
@@ -19,49 +19,49 @@ julia> plot_phantom_map(obj, :ρ)
function read_phantom_jemris(filename)
- # A(:,:,:,1)=Sample.M0;
- # I=find(Sample.T1); R1 =zeros(size(Sample.T1)); R1(I) =1./Sample.T1(I);
- # I=find(Sample.T2); R2 =zeros(size(Sample.T2)); R2(I) =1./Sample.T2(I);
- # I=find(Sample.T2S);R2S=zeros(size(Sample.T2S)); R2S(I)=1./Sample.T2S(I);
- # A(:,:,:,2)=R1; #1/T1
- # A(:,:,:,3)=R2; #1/T2
- # A(:,:,:,4)=R2S; #1/T2s
- # A(:,:,:,5)=Sample.DB;
- fid = HDF5.h5open(filename)
- data = read(fid["sample/data"])
- Δx = read(fid["sample/resolution"]) * 1e-3 #[m]
- offset = read(fid["sample/offset"]) * 1e-3 #[m]
- mask = data[1,:,:,:] .!= 0
- #Maps
- ρ = data[1,:,:,:]
- T1 = 1e-3 ./ data[2,:,:,:]
- T2 = 1e-3 ./ data[3,:,:,:]
- T2s = 1e-3 ./ data[4,:,:,:]
- Δw = data[5,:,:,:]
- #Positions
- X, Y, Z = size(ρ)
- FOVx = (X-1)*Δx[1] #[m]
- FOVy = (Y-1)*Δx[2] #[m]
- FOVz = (Z-1)*Δx[3] #[m]
- xx = reshape((-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2),:,1,1) #[(-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2)...;]
- yy = reshape((-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2),1,:,1) #[(-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2)...;;]
- zz = reshape((-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2),1,1,:) #[(-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2)...;;;]
- x = xx*1 .+ yy*0 .+ zz*0 .+ offset[1] #spin x coordinates
- y = xx*0 .+ yy*1 .+ zz*0 .+ offset[2] #spin y coordinates
- z = xx*0 .+ yy*0 .+ zz*1 .+ offset[3] #spin z coordinates
- v = 0 # m/s
+ # A(:,:,:,1)=Sample.M0;
+ # I=find(Sample.T1); R1 =zeros(size(Sample.T1)); R1(I) =1./Sample.T1(I);
+ # I=find(Sample.T2); R2 =zeros(size(Sample.T2)); R2(I) =1./Sample.T2(I);
+ # I=find(Sample.T2S);R2S=zeros(size(Sample.T2S)); R2S(I)=1./Sample.T2S(I);
+ # A(:,:,:,2)=R1; #1/T1
+ # A(:,:,:,3)=R2; #1/T2
+ # A(:,:,:,4)=R2S; #1/T2s
+ # A(:,:,:,5)=Sample.DB;
+ fid = HDF5.h5open(filename)
+ data = read(fid["sample/data"])
+ Δx = read(fid["sample/resolution"]) * 1e-3 #[m]
+ offset = read(fid["sample/offset"]) * 1e-3 #[m]
+ mask = data[1, :, :, :] .!= 0
+ #Maps
+ ρ = data[1, :, :, :]
+ T1 = 1e-3 ./ data[2, :, :, :]
+ T2 = 1e-3 ./ data[3, :, :, :]
+ T2s = 1e-3 ./ data[4, :, :, :]
+ Δw = data[5, :, :, :]
+ #Positions
+ X, Y, Z = size(ρ)
+ FOVx = (X - 1) * Δx[1] #[m]
+ FOVy = (Y - 1) * Δx[2] #[m]
+ FOVz = (Z - 1) * Δx[3] #[m]
+ xx = reshape(((-FOVx / 2):Δx[1]:(FOVx / 2)), :, 1, 1) #[(-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2)...;]
+ yy = reshape(((-FOVy / 2):Δx[2]:(FOVy / 2)), 1, :, 1) #[(-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2)...;;]
+ zz = reshape(((-FOVz / 2):Δx[3]:(FOVz / 2)), 1, 1, :) #[(-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2)...;;;]
+ x = xx * 1 .+ yy * 0 .+ zz * 0 .+ offset[1] #spin x coordinates
+ y = xx * 0 .+ yy * 1 .+ zz * 0 .+ offset[2] #spin y coordinates
+ z = xx * 0 .+ yy * 0 .+ zz * 1 .+ offset[3] #spin z coordinates
+ v = 0 # m/s
- obj = Phantom{Float64}(
- name = basename(filename),
- x = x[mask],
- y = y[mask],
- z = z[mask],
- ρ = ρ[mask],
- T1 = T1[mask],
- T2 = T2[mask],
- T2s = T2s[mask],
- Δw = Δw[mask],
- ux = (x,y,z,t)->v*t,
- )
- return obj
+ obj = Phantom(;
+ name=basename(filename),
+ x=x[mask],
+ y=y[mask],
+ z=z[mask],
+ ρ=ρ[mask],
+ T1=T1[mask],
+ T2=T2[mask],
+ T2s=T2s[mask],
+ Δw=Δw[mask],
+ )
+ return obj
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/MRiLab.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/MRiLab.jl
index 26a6696a4..f6f5ee3d4 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/MRiLab.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/MRiLab.jl
@@ -18,55 +18,55 @@ julia> obj = read_phantom_MRiLab(obj_file)
julia> plot_phantom_map(obj, :ρ)
-function read_phantom_MRiLab(filename; B0=1.5, offset=[0,0,0], FRange_filename="")
+function read_phantom_MRiLab(filename; B0=1.5, offset=[0, 0, 0], FRange_filename="")
data = MAT.matread(filename)["VObj"]
- Δx = [data["XDimRes"], data["YDimRes"], data["ZDimRes"]] #[m]
- mask = data["Rho"] .!= 0
- if FRange_filename!=""
- data_mask = MAT.matread(FRange_filename)["VMag"]
- mask .*= data_mask["FRange"]
- end
- #Maps
- ρ = data["Rho"]
- T1 = data["T1"]
- T2 = data["T2"]
- T2s = data["T2Star"]
+ Δx = [data["XDimRes"], data["YDimRes"], data["ZDimRes"]] #[m]
+ mask = data["Rho"] .!= 0
+ if FRange_filename != ""
+ data_mask = MAT.matread(FRange_filename)["VMag"]
+ mask .*= data_mask["FRange"]
+ end
+ #Maps
+ ρ = data["Rho"]
+ T1 = data["T1"]
+ T2 = data["T2"]
+ T2s = data["T2Star"]
CS = data["ChemShift"] #[Hz/T]
- Δw = 2π .* CS .* B0 .* ones(size(ρ))
- #Positions
- X, Y, Z = size(ρ)
- FOVx = (X-1)*Δx[1] #[m]
- FOVy = (Y-1)*Δx[2] #[m]
- FOVz = (Z-1)*Δx[3] #[m]
+ Δw = 2π .* CS .* B0 .* ones(size(ρ))
+ #Positions
+ X, Y, Z = size(ρ)
+ FOVx = (X - 1) * Δx[1] #[m]
+ FOVy = (Y - 1) * Δx[2] #[m]
+ FOVz = (Z - 1) * Δx[3] #[m]
# [row,col,layer]=size(VOex.Mz);
# VVar.ObjLoc =
- # [((col+1)/2)*VOex.XDimRes;
- # ((row+1)/2)*VOex.YDimRes ;
- # ((layer+1)/2)*VOex.ZDimRes]; % Set matrix center as Object position for motion simulation
+ # [((col+1)/2)*VOex.XDimRes;
+ # ((row+1)/2)*VOex.YDimRes ;
+ # ((layer+1)/2)*VOex.ZDimRes]; % Set matrix center as Object position for motion simulation
# VVar.ObjTurnLoc =
- # [((col+1)/2)*VOex.XDimRes;
- # ((row+1)/2)*VOex.YDimRes ;
- # ((layer+1)/2)*VOex.ZDimRes]; % Set matrix center as Object origin for motion simulation
- xx = reshape((-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2),:,1,1) #[(-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2)...;]
- yy = reshape((-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2),1,:,1) #[(-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2)...;;]
- zz = reshape((-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2),1,1,:) #[(-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2)...;;;]
- x = xx*1 .+ yy*0 .+ zz*0 .+ offset[1] #spin x coordinates
- y = xx*0 .+ yy*1 .+ zz*0 .+ offset[2] #spin y coordinates
- z = xx*0 .+ yy*0 .+ zz*1 .+ offset[3] #spin z coordinates
- v = 0 # m/s
+ # [((col+1)/2)*VOex.XDimRes;
+ # ((row+1)/2)*VOex.YDimRes ;
+ # ((layer+1)/2)*VOex.ZDimRes]; % Set matrix center as Object origin for motion simulation
+ xx = reshape(((-FOVx / 2):Δx[1]:(FOVx / 2)), :, 1, 1) #[(-FOVx/2:Δx[1]:FOVx/2)...;]
+ yy = reshape(((-FOVy / 2):Δx[2]:(FOVy / 2)), 1, :, 1) #[(-FOVy/2:Δx[2]:FOVy/2)...;;]
+ zz = reshape(((-FOVz / 2):Δx[3]:(FOVz / 2)), 1, 1, :) #[(-FOVz/2:Δx[3]:FOVz/2)...;;;]
+ x = xx * 1 .+ yy * 0 .+ zz * 0 .+ offset[1] #spin x coordinates
+ y = xx * 0 .+ yy * 1 .+ zz * 0 .+ offset[2] #spin y coordinates
+ z = xx * 0 .+ yy * 0 .+ zz * 1 .+ offset[3] #spin z coordinates
+ v = 0 # m/s
- obj = Phantom(
- name = basename(filename),
- x = y[mask],
- y = -x[mask],
- z = -z[mask],
- ρ = ρ[mask],
- T1 = T1[mask],
- T2 = T2[mask],
- T2s = T2s[mask],
- Δw = Δw[mask],
- ux = (x,y,z,t)->v*t,
- )
- return obj
+ obj = Phantom(;
+ name=basename(filename),
+ x=x[mask],
+ y=y[mask],
+ z=z[mask],
+ ρ=ρ[mask],
+ T1=T1[mask],
+ T2=T2[mask],
+ T2s=T2s[mask],
+ Δw=Δw[mask],
+ )
+ return obj
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd2bf15d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/src/Phantom/Phantom.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ phantom = read_phantom(filename)
+Reads a (.phantom) file and creates a Phantom structure from it
+function read_phantom(filename::String)
+ fid = HDF5.h5open(filename, "r")
+ fields = []
+ version = read_attribute(fid, "Version")
+ dims = read_attribute(fid, "Dims")
+ Ns = read_attribute(fid, "Ns")
+ # Name
+ name = read_attribute(fid, "Name")
+ push!(fields, (:name, name))
+ # Position and contrast
+ for key in ["position", "contrast"]
+ group = fid[key]
+ for label in HDF5.keys(group)
+ param = group[label]
+ values = read_param(param)
+ if values != "Default"
+ push!(fields, (Symbol(label), values))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Motion
+ motion_group = fid["motion"]
+ model = read_attribute(motion_group, "model")
+ import_motion!(fields, Ns, Symbol(model), motion_group)
+ obj = Phantom(; fields...)
+ close(fid)
+ return obj
+function read_param(param::HDF5.Group)
+ if "type" in HDF5.keys(attrs(param))
+ type = attrs(param)["type"]
+ if type == "Explicit"
+ values = read(param["values"])
+ elseif type == "Indexed"
+ index = read(param["values"])
+ @assert Ns == length(index) "Error: $(label) vector dimensions mismatch"
+ table = read(param["table"])
+ N = read_attribute(param, "N")
+ @assert N == length(table) "Error: $(label) table dimensions mismatch"
+ values = table[index]
+ elseif type == "Default"
+ values = "Default"
+ end
+ else
+ values = read(param["values"])
+ end
+ return values
+function import_motion!(fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Symbol, motion_group::HDF5.Group)
+ return import_motion!(fields, Ns, Val(model), motion_group)
+function import_motion!(
+ fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:NoMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
+ return nothing
+function import_motion!(
+ fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:SimpleMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
+ types_group = motion_group["types"]
+ types = SimpleMotionType[]
+ for key in keys(types_group)
+ type_group = types_group[key]
+ type_str = split(key, "_")[2]
+ @assert type_str in last.(split.(string.(subtypes(SimpleMotionType)), ".")) "Simple Motion Type: $(type_str) has not been implemented in KomaMRIBase $(KomaMRIBase.__VERSION__)"
+ for SMT in subtypes(SimpleMotionType)
+ args = []
+ if type_str == last(split(string(SMT), "."))
+ for key in fieldnames(SMT)
+ push!(args, read_attribute(type_group, string(key)))
+ end
+ push!(types, SMT(args...))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return push!(fields, (:motion, SimpleMotion(vcat(types...))))
+function import_motion!(
+ fields::Array, Ns::Int, model::Val{:ArbitraryMotion}, motion_group::HDF5.Group
+ dur = read(motion_group["period_durations"])
+ K = read_attribute(motion_group, "K")
+ dx = zeros(Ns, K - 1)
+ dy = zeros(Ns, K - 1)
+ dz = zeros(Ns, K - 1)
+ for key in HDF5.keys(motion_group)
+ if key != "period_durations"
+ values = read_param(motion_group[key])
+ if key == "dx"
+ dx = values
+ elseif key == "dy"
+ dy = values
+ elseif key == "dz"
+ dz = values
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return push!(fields, (:motion, ArbitraryMotion(dur, dx, dy, dz)))
+ phantom = write_phantom(ph,filename)
+Writes a (.phantom) file from a Phantom struct.
+function write_phantom(
+ # By the moment, only "Explicit" type
+ # is considered when writing .phantom files
+ obj::Phantom,
+ filename::String;
+ store_coords=[:x, :y, :z],
+ store_contrasts=[:ρ, :T1, :T2, :T2s, :Δw],
+ store_motion=true,
+ # Create HDF5 phantom file
+ fid = h5open(filename, "w")
+ # Root attributes
+ HDF5.attributes(fid)["Version"] = string(KomaMRIFiles.__VERSION__)
+ HDF5.attributes(fid)["Name"] = obj.name
+ HDF5.attributes(fid)["Ns"] = length(obj.x)
+ dims = KomaMRIBase.get_dims(obj)
+ HDF5.attributes(fid)["Dims"] = sum(dims)
+ # Positions
+ pos = create_group(fid, "position")
+ for x in store_coords
+ create_group(pos, String(x))["values"] = getfield(obj, x)
+ end
+ # Contrast (Rho, T1, T2, T2s Deltaw)
+ contrast = create_group(fid, "contrast")
+ for x in store_contrasts
+ param = create_group(contrast, String(x))
+ HDF5.attributes(param)["type"] = "Explicit" #TODO: consider "Indexed" type
+ param["values"] = getfield(obj, x)
+ end
+ # Motion
+ if store_motion
+ motion_group = create_group(fid, "motion")
+ export_motion!(motion_group, obj.motion)
+ end
+ return close(fid)
+function export_motion!(motion_group::HDF5.Group, motion::NoMotion)
+ return HDF5.attributes(motion_group)["model"] = "NoMotion"
+function export_motion!(motion_group::HDF5.Group, motion::SimpleMotion)
+ HDF5.attributes(motion_group)["model"] = "SimpleMotion"
+ types_group = create_group(motion_group, "types")
+ counter = 1
+ for (counter, sm_type) in enumerate(motion.types)
+ simple_motion_type = typeof(sm_type).name.name
+ type_group = create_group(types_group, "$(counter)_$simple_motion_type")
+ fields = fieldnames(typeof(sm_type))
+ for field in fields
+ HDF5.attributes(type_group)[string(field)] = getfield(sm_type, field)
+ end
+ end
+function export_motion!(motion_group::HDF5.Group, motion::ArbitraryMotion)
+ HDF5.attributes(motion_group)["model"] = "ArbitraryMotion"
+ HDF5.attributes(motion_group)["K"] = size(motion.dx)[2] + 1
+ motion_group["period_durations"] = motion.period_durations
+ for key in ["dx", "dy", "dz"]
+ d_group = create_group(motion_group, key)
+ HDF5.attributes(d_group)["type"] = "Explicit" #TODO: consider "Indexed" type
+ d_group["values"] = getfield(motion, Symbol(key))
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl b/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl
index a658fbd3e..deccbf82d 100644
--- a/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIFiles/test/runtests.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using TestItems, TestItemRunner
-@run_package_tests filter=ti->!(:skipci in ti.tags)&&(:files in ti.tags) #verbose=true
+@run_package_tests filter=t_start->!(:skipci in t_start.tags)&&(:files in t_start.tags) #verbose=true
@testitem "Files" tags=[:files] begin
using Suppressor
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ using TestItems, TestItemRunner
obj = read_phantom_jemris(path*"/test_files/column1d.h5")
@test obj.name == "column1d.h5"
- # Test JEMRIS
+ # Test MRiLab
@testset "MRiLab" begin
path = @__DIR__
filename = path * "/test_files/brain_mrilab.mat"
@@ -48,6 +48,49 @@ using TestItems, TestItemRunner
obj = read_phantom_MRiLab(filename; FRange_filename)
@test obj.name == "brain_mrilab.mat"
+ # Test Phantom (.phantom)
+ @testset "Phantom" begin
+ using KomaMRIBase
+ path = @__DIR__
+ # NoMotion
+ filename = path * "/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom"
+ obj1 = brain_phantom2D()
+ write_phantom(obj1, filename)
+ obj2 = read_phantom(filename)
+ @test obj1 == obj2
+ # SimpleMotion
+ filename = path * "/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom"
+ obj1 = brain_phantom2D()
+ obj1.motion = SimpleMotion([
+ PeriodicRotation(
+ period=1.0,
+ yaw=45.0,
+ pitch=0.0,
+ roll=0.0),
+ Translation(
+ t_start=0.0,
+ t_end=0.5,
+ dx=0.0,
+ dy=0.02,
+ dz=0.0
+ )])
+ write_phantom(obj1, filename)
+ obj2 = read_phantom(filename)
+ @test obj1 == obj2
+ # ArbitraryMotion
+ filename = path * "/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom"
+ obj1 = brain_phantom2D()
+ Ns = length(obj1)
+ K = 10
+ obj1.motion = ArbitraryMotion(
+ [1.0],
+ 0.01.*rand(Ns, K-1),
+ 0.01.*rand(Ns, K-1),
+ 0.01.*rand(Ns, K-1))
+ write_phantom(obj1, filename)
+ obj2 = read_phantom(filename)
+ @test obj1 == obj2
+ end
@testitem "Pulseq compat" tags=[:files, :pulseq] begin
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e33788427
Binary files /dev/null and b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_arbitrarymotion.phantom differ
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a487a64b8
Binary files /dev/null and b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_nomotion.phantom differ
diff --git a/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c72c99584
Binary files /dev/null and b/KomaMRIFiles/test/test_files/brain_simplemotion.phantom differ
diff --git a/KomaMRIPlots/src/KomaMRIPlots.jl b/KomaMRIPlots/src/KomaMRIPlots.jl
index 754b2aa29..8594482e9 100644
--- a/KomaMRIPlots/src/KomaMRIPlots.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIPlots/src/KomaMRIPlots.jl
@@ -9,11 +9,23 @@ include("ui/DisplayFunctions.jl")
using Reexport
@reexport using PlotlyJS: savefig
-export plot_seq, plot_M0, plot_M1, plot_M2, plot_eddy_currents, plot_seqd,
- plot_slew_rate, plot_kspace, plot_phantom_map, plot_signal, plot_image, plot_dict
+export plot_seq,
+ plot_M0,
+ plot_M1,
+ plot_M2,
+ plot_eddy_currents,
+ plot_seqd,
+ plot_slew_rate,
+ plot_kspace,
+ plot_phantom_map,
+ plot_signal,
+ plot_image,
+ plot_dict
#Package version, KomaMRIPlots.__VERSION__
using Pkg
-__VERSION__ = VersionNumber(Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "Project.toml"))["version"])
+__VERSION__ = VersionNumber(
+ Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "Project.toml"))["version"]
diff --git a/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl b/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
index 0741b4a43..4691b4256 100644
--- a/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
@@ -14,74 +14,94 @@ Define colors for dark or light mode.
- `sep_color`: (`::String`) color of separator lines
function theme_chooser(darkmode)
- if darkmode
- bgcolor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"#"rgb(13,16,17)"
- text_color = "gray"
- plot_bgcolor = "rgb(22,26,29)" #"rgb(33,37,41)"
- grid_color = "rgb(40,52,66)" #rgb(40,40,40)
- sep_color = "white"
- else
- bgcolor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"#"white"
- text_color = "gray"#"rgb(49,70,101)"
- plot_bgcolor = "rgb(229,236,246)"
- grid_color = "white"
- sep_color = "black"
- end
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color
+ if darkmode
+ bgcolor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"#"rgb(13,16,17)"
+ text_color = "gray"
+ plot_bgcolor = "rgb(22,26,29)" #"rgb(33,37,41)"
+ grid_color = "rgb(40,52,66)" #rgb(40,40,40)
+ sep_color = "white"
+ else
+ bgcolor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"#"white"
+ text_color = "gray"#"rgb(49,70,101)"
+ plot_bgcolor = "rgb(229,236,246)"
+ grid_color = "white"
+ sep_color = "black"
+ end
+ return bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color
-function generate_seq_time_layout_config(title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0)
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- l = Layout(;title=title, hovermode="closest",
- xaxis_title="",
- modebar=attr(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", xanchor="right", y=1, x=0, bgcolor=bgcolor, color=text_color, activecolor=plot_bgcolor),
- legend=attr(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", xanchor="left", y=1, x=0),
- plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- font_color=text_color,
- yaxis_fixedrange = false,
- xaxis=attr(
- ticksuffix=" ms",
- domain=range[:],
- range=range[:],
- rangeslider=attr(visible=slider),
- rangeselector=attr(
- buttons=[
- attr(count=1,
- label="1m",
- step=10,
- stepmode="backward"),
- attr(step="all")
- ]
- ),
- ),
- margin=attr(t=0,l=0,r=0,b=0)
- )
+function generate_seq_time_layout_config(
+ title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0
+ bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
+ l = Layout(;
+ title=title,
+ hovermode="closest",
+ xaxis_title="",
+ modebar=attr(;
+ orientation="h",
+ yanchor="bottom",
+ xanchor="right",
+ y=1,
+ x=0,
+ bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ color=text_color,
+ activecolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ ),
+ legend=attr(; orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", xanchor="left", y=1, x=0),
+ plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ font_color=text_color,
+ yaxis_fixedrange=false,
+ xaxis=attr(;
+ ticksuffix=" ms",
+ domain=range[:],
+ range=range[:],
+ rangeslider=attr(; visible=slider),
+ rangeselector=attr(;
+ buttons=[
+ attr(; count=1, label="1m", step=10, stepmode="backward"),
+ attr(; step="all"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ margin=attr(; t=0, l=0, r=0, b=0),
+ )
if show_seq_blocks
l.xaxis["tickvals"] = T0 * 1e3
- if height !== nothing
- l.height = height
- end
- if width !== nothing
- l.width = width
- end
- config = PlotConfig(
- displaylogo=false,
- toImageButtonOptions=attr(
- format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
- ).fields,
- modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "select2d", "lasso2d", "autoScale", "resetScale2d", "pan",
- "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"]
- )
- l, config
+ if height !== nothing
+ l.height = height
+ end
+ if width !== nothing
+ l.width = width
+ end
+ config = PlotConfig(;
+ displaylogo=false,
+ toImageButtonOptions=attr(;
+ format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
+ ).fields,
+ modeBarButtonsToRemove=[
+ "zoom",
+ "select2d",
+ "lasso2d",
+ "autoScale",
+ "resetScale2d",
+ "pan",
+ "tableRotation",
+ "resetCameraLastSave",
+ "zoomIn",
+ "zoomOut",
+ ],
+ )
+ return l, config
@@ -102,15 +122,15 @@ Interpolates a color map. This is used for plotting the kspace (refer to
function interp_map(c_map, t_interp)
- idx = [c[1] for c = c_map]
- R = [parse.(Int, split(c[2][5:end-1],", "))[1] for c = c_map]
- G = [parse.(Int, split(c[2][5:end-1],", "))[2] for c = c_map]
- B = [parse.(Int, split(c[2][5:end-1],", "))[3] for c = c_map]
- r = linear_interpolation(idx,R)(t_interp)
- g = linear_interpolation(idx,G)(t_interp)
- b = linear_interpolation(idx,B)(t_interp)
- c_map_interp = ["hsv($r, $g, $b)" for (r,g,b)=zip(r,g,b)]
- c_map_interp
+ idx = [c[1] for c in c_map]
+ R = [parse.(Int, split(c[2][5:(end - 1)], ", "))[1] for c in c_map]
+ G = [parse.(Int, split(c[2][5:(end - 1)], ", "))[2] for c in c_map]
+ B = [parse.(Int, split(c[2][5:(end - 1)], ", "))[3] for c in c_map]
+ r = linear_interpolation(idx, R)(t_interp)
+ g = linear_interpolation(idx, G)(t_interp)
+ b = linear_interpolation(idx, B)(t_interp)
+ c_map_interp = ["hsv($r, $g, $b)" for (r, g, b) in zip(r, g, b)]
+ return c_map_interp
@@ -147,23 +167,23 @@ julia> plot_seq(seq)
function plot_seq(
- seq::Sequence;
- width=nothing,
- height=nothing,
- slider=false,
- show_seq_blocks=false,
- darkmode=false,
- range=[],
- title="",
- xaxis="x",
- yaxis="y",
- showlegend=true,
- freq_in_phase=false,
- # Performance related
- gl=false,
- max_rf_samples=100,
- show_adc=false
- )
+ seq::Sequence;
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=false,
+ show_seq_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ title="",
+ xaxis="x",
+ yaxis="y",
+ showlegend=true,
+ freq_in_phase=false,
+ # Performance related
+ gl=false,
+ max_rf_samples=100,
+ show_adc=false,
# Aux functions
scatter_fun = gl ? scattergl : scatter
@@ -347,33 +367,63 @@ julia> plot_M0(seq)
function plot_M0(
- seq::Sequence;
- width=nothing,
- height=nothing,
- slider=true,
- show_seq_blocks=false,
- darkmode=false,
- range=[],
- title="",
- skip_rf=zeros(Bool, sum(is_RF_on.(seq)))
- )
- #Times
- t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
- t = t[1:end-1]
- T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
- #M0
- ts = t .+ Δt
- rf_idx, rf_type = KomaMRIBase.get_RF_types(seq, t)
- k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_kspace(seq; Δt=1, skip_rf)
- #plots M0
- p = [scatter() for j=1:4]
- p[1] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,1], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms)", name="M0x", legendgroup="Gx", marker=attr(color="#636EFA"))
- p[2] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,2], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms)", name="M0y", legendgroup="Gy", marker=attr(color="#EF553B"))
- p[3] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,3], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms)", name="M0z", legendgroup="Gz", marker=attr(color="#00CC96"))
- p[4] = scatter(x=t[rf_idx]*1e3,y=rf_type,name="RFs",marker=attr(symbol="cross",size=8,color="orange"), mode="markers", showlegend=false)
- #Layout and config
- l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0)
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ seq::Sequence;
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=true,
+ show_seq_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ title="",
+ skip_rf=zeros(Bool, sum(is_RF_on.(seq))),
+ #Times
+ t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
+ t = t[1:(end - 1)]
+ T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
+ #M0
+ ts = t .+ Δt
+ rf_idx, rf_type = KomaMRIBase.get_RF_types(seq, t)
+ k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_kspace(seq; Δt=1, skip_rf)
+ #plots M0
+ p = [scatter() for j in 1:4]
+ p[1] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 1],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms)",
+ name="M0x",
+ legendgroup="Gx",
+ marker=attr(; color="#636EFA"),
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 2],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms)",
+ name="M0y",
+ legendgroup="Gy",
+ marker=attr(; color="#EF553B"),
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 3],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms)",
+ name="M0z",
+ legendgroup="Gz",
+ marker=attr(; color="#00CC96"),
+ )
+ p[4] = scatter(;
+ x=t[rf_idx] * 1e3,
+ y=rf_type,
+ name="RFs",
+ marker=attr(; symbol="cross", size=8, color="orange"),
+ mode="markers",
+ showlegend=false,
+ )
+ #Layout and config
+ l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(
+ title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
@@ -406,36 +456,65 @@ julia> plot_M1(seq)
function plot_M1(
- seq::Sequence;
- width=nothing,
- height=nothing,
- slider=true,
- show_seq_blocks=false,
- darkmode=false,
- range=[],
- title="",
- skip_rf=zeros(Bool, sum(is_RF_on.(seq)))
- )
- #Times
- t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
- t = t[1:end-1]
- T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
- #M1
- ts = t .+ Δt
- rf_idx, rf_type = KomaMRIBase.get_RF_types(seq, t)
- k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_M1(seq; Δt=1, skip_rf)
- #plots M1
- p = [scatter() for j=1:4]
- p[1] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,1], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms²)", name="M1x", legendgroup="Gx", marker=attr(color="#636EFA"))
- p[2] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,2], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms²)", name="M1y", legendgroup="Gy", marker=attr(color="#EF553B"))
- p[3] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,3], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms²)", name="M1z", legendgroup="Gz", marker=attr(color="#00CC96"))
- p[4] = scatter(x=t[rf_idx]*1e3,y=rf_type,name="RFs",marker=attr(symbol="cross",size=8,color="orange"), mode="markers", showlegend=false)
- #Layout and config
- l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0)
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ seq::Sequence;
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=true,
+ show_seq_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ title="",
+ skip_rf=zeros(Bool, sum(is_RF_on.(seq))),
+ #Times
+ t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
+ t = t[1:(end - 1)]
+ T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
+ #M1
+ ts = t .+ Δt
+ rf_idx, rf_type = KomaMRIBase.get_RF_types(seq, t)
+ k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_M1(seq; Δt=1, skip_rf)
+ #plots M1
+ p = [scatter() for j in 1:4]
+ p[1] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 1],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms²)",
+ name="M1x",
+ legendgroup="Gx",
+ marker=attr(; color="#636EFA"),
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 2],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms²)",
+ name="M1y",
+ legendgroup="Gy",
+ marker=attr(; color="#EF553B"),
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 3],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms²)",
+ name="M1z",
+ legendgroup="Gz",
+ marker=attr(; color="#00CC96"),
+ )
+ p[4] = scatter(;
+ x=t[rf_idx] * 1e3,
+ y=rf_type,
+ name="RFs",
+ marker=attr(; symbol="cross", size=8, color="orange"),
+ mode="markers",
+ showlegend=false,
+ )
+ #Layout and config
+ l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(
+ title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
p = plot_M2(seq::Sequence; kwargs...)
@@ -466,35 +545,64 @@ julia> plot_M2(seq)
function plot_M2(
- seq::Sequence;
- width = nothing,
- height = nothing,
- slider = true,
- show_seq_blocks = false,
- darkmode = false,
- range = [],
- title = ""
- )
- #Times
- t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
- t = t[1:end-1]
- T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
- #M2
- ts = t .+ Δt
- rf_idx, rf_type = KomaMRIBase.get_RF_types(seq, t)
- k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_M2(seq; Δt=1)
- #Plor M2
- p = [scatter() for j=1:4]
- p[1] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,1], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms³)", name="M2x", legendgroup="Gx", marker=attr(color="#636EFA"))
- p[2] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,2], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms³)", name="M2y", legendgroup="Gy", marker=attr(color="#EF553B"))
- p[3] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,3], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms³)", name="M2z", legendgroup="Gz", marker=attr(color="#00CC96"))
- p[4] = scatter(x=t[rf_idx]*1e3,y=rf_type,name="RFs",marker=attr(symbol="cross",size=8,color="orange"), mode="markers", showlegend=false)
- #Layout and config
- l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0)
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ seq::Sequence;
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=true,
+ show_seq_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ title="",
+ #Times
+ t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
+ t = t[1:(end - 1)]
+ T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
+ #M2
+ ts = t .+ Δt
+ rf_idx, rf_type = KomaMRIBase.get_RF_types(seq, t)
+ k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_M2(seq; Δt=1)
+ #Plor M2
+ p = [scatter() for j in 1:4]
+ p[1] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 1],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms³)",
+ name="M2x",
+ legendgroup="Gx",
+ marker=attr(; color="#636EFA"),
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 2],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms³)",
+ name="M2y",
+ legendgroup="Gy",
+ marker=attr(; color="#EF553B"),
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 3],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m⋅ms³)",
+ name="M2z",
+ legendgroup="Gz",
+ marker=attr(; color="#00CC96"),
+ )
+ p[4] = scatter(;
+ x=t[rf_idx] * 1e3,
+ y=rf_type,
+ name="RFs",
+ marker=attr(; symbol="cross", size=8, color="orange"),
+ mode="markers",
+ showlegend=false,
+ )
+ #Layout and config
+ l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(
+ title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
p = plot_eddy_currents(seq::Sequence, λ; kwargs...)
@@ -527,35 +635,59 @@ julia> plot_eddy_currents(seq, 80e-3)
function plot_eddy_currents(
- seq::Sequence, λ;
- α = ones(size(λ)),
- width = nothing,
- height = nothing,
- slider = true,
- show_seq_blocks = false,
- darkmode = false,
- range = [],
- title = ""
- )
- #Times
- t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq + ADC(100, 100e-3); Δt=1)
- t = t[2:end]
- T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
- Gx, Gy, Gz = KomaMRIBase.get_grads(seq, t)
- #Eddy currents per lambda
- Gec = zeros(length(t), 3)
- for (i, l) in enumerate(λ)
- aux, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_eddy_currents(seq + ADC(100, 100e-3); Δt=1, λ=l)
- Gec .+= α[i] .* aux
- end
- #Plot eddy currents
- p = [scatter() for j=1:4]
- p[1] = scatter(x=t*1e3, y=(Gx*0 .+ Gec[:,1])*1e3, hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m)", name="ECx", legendgroup="Gx", marker=attr(color="#636EFA"))
- p[2] = scatter(x=t*1e3, y=(Gy*0 .+ Gec[:,2])*1e3, hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m)", name="ECy", legendgroup="Gy", marker=attr(color="#EF553B"))
- p[3] = scatter(x=t*1e3, y=(Gz*0 .+ Gec[:,3])*1e3, hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m)", name="ECz", legendgroup="Gz", marker=attr(color="#00CC96"))
- #Layout and config
- l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0)
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ seq::Sequence,
+ λ;
+ α=ones(size(λ)),
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=true,
+ show_seq_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ title="",
+ #Times
+ t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq + ADC(100, 100e-3); Δt=1)
+ t = t[2:end]
+ T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
+ Gx, Gy, Gz = KomaMRIBase.get_grads(seq, t)
+ #Eddy currents per lambda
+ Gec = zeros(length(t), 3)
+ for (i, l) in enumerate(λ)
+ aux, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_eddy_currents(seq + ADC(100, 100e-3); Δt=1, λ=l)
+ Gec .+= α[i] .* aux
+ end
+ #Plot eddy currents
+ p = [scatter() for j in 1:4]
+ p[1] = scatter(;
+ x=t * 1e3,
+ y=(Gx * 0 .+ Gec[:, 1]) * 1e3,
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m)",
+ name="ECx",
+ legendgroup="Gx",
+ marker=attr(; color="#636EFA"),
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter(;
+ x=t * 1e3,
+ y=(Gy * 0 .+ Gec[:, 2]) * 1e3,
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m)",
+ name="ECy",
+ legendgroup="Gy",
+ marker=attr(; color="#EF553B"),
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter(;
+ x=t * 1e3,
+ y=(Gz * 0 .+ Gec[:, 3]) * 1e3,
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m)",
+ name="ECz",
+ legendgroup="Gz",
+ marker=attr(; color="#00CC96"),
+ )
+ #Layout and config
+ l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(
+ title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
@@ -588,33 +720,55 @@ julia> plot_slew_rate(seq)
function plot_slew_rate(
- seq::Sequence;
- width = nothing,
- height = nothing,
- slider = true,
- show_seq_blocks = false,
- darkmode = false,
- range = [],
- title = ""
- )
- #Times
- t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
- t = t[1:end-1]
- T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
- ts = t .+ Δt
- #Eddy currents per lambda
- k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_slew_rate(seq; Δt=1)
- #Plot eddy currents
- p = [scatter() for j=1:4]
- p[1] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,1], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m/ms)", name="SRx", legendgroup="Gx", marker=attr(color="#636EFA"))
- p[2] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,2], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m/ms)", name="SRy", legendgroup="Gy", marker=attr(color="#EF553B"))
- p[3] = scatter(x=ts*1e3, y=k[:,3], hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m/ms)", name="SRz", legendgroup="Gz", marker=attr(color="#00CC96"))
- #Layout and config
- l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0)
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ seq::Sequence;
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=true,
+ show_seq_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ title="",
+ #Times
+ t, Δt = KomaMRIBase.get_variable_times(seq; Δt=1)
+ t = t[1:(end - 1)]
+ T0 = get_block_start_times(seq)
+ ts = t .+ Δt
+ #Eddy currents per lambda
+ k, _ = KomaMRIBase.get_slew_rate(seq; Δt=1)
+ #Plot eddy currents
+ p = [scatter() for j in 1:4]
+ p[1] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 1],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m/ms)",
+ name="SRx",
+ legendgroup="Gx",
+ marker=attr(; color="#636EFA"),
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 2],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m/ms)",
+ name="SRy",
+ legendgroup="Gy",
+ marker=attr(; color="#EF553B"),
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter(;
+ x=ts * 1e3,
+ y=k[:, 3],
+ hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.2f} mT/m/ms)",
+ name="SRz",
+ legendgroup="Gz",
+ marker=attr(; color="#00CC96"),
+ )
+ #Layout and config
+ l, config = generate_seq_time_layout_config(
+ title, width, height, range, slider, show_seq_blocks, darkmode; T0
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
p = plot_image(image; height, width, zmin, zmax, darkmode, title)
@@ -635,43 +789,60 @@ Plots an image matrix.
- `p`: (`::PlotlyJS.SyncPlot`) plot of the image matrix
function plot_image(
- image;
- height = 600,
- width = nothing,
- zmin = minimum(abs.(image[:])),
- zmax = maximum(abs.(image[:])),
- darkmode = false,
- title = ""
- )
- #Layout
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- l = Layout(;title=title,yaxis_title="y",
- xaxis_title="x",margin=attr(t=50,l=0,r=0,b=0),
- yaxis=attr(scaleanchor="x"),
- font_color=text_color,
- modebar=attr(orientation="v",bgcolor=bgcolor,color=text_color,activecolor=plot_bgcolor),xaxis=attr(constrain="domain"),hovermode="closest",
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
- xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color)
+ image;
+ height=600,
+ width=nothing,
+ zmin=minimum(abs.(image[:])),
+ zmax=maximum(abs.(image[:])),
+ darkmode=false,
+ title="",
+ #Layout
+ bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
+ l = Layout(;
+ title=title,
+ yaxis_title="y",
+ xaxis_title="x",
+ margin=attr(; t=50, l=0, r=0, b=0),
+ yaxis=attr(; scaleanchor="x"),
+ font_color=text_color,
+ modebar=attr(;
+ orientation="v", bgcolor=bgcolor, color=text_color, activecolor=plot_bgcolor
+ ),
+ xaxis=attr(; constrain="domain"),
+ hovermode="closest",
+ paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ )
if height !== nothing
l.height = height
if width !== nothing
l.width = width
- #Plot
- p = heatmap(z=image,transpose=false,zmin=zmin,zmax=zmax,colorscale="Greys")
- config = PlotConfig(
- displaylogo=false,
- toImageButtonOptions=attr(
- format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
- ).fields,
- modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "autoScale", "resetScale2d", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"]
- )
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ #Plot
+ p = heatmap(; z=image, transpose=false, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, colorscale="Greys")
+ config = PlotConfig(;
+ displaylogo=false,
+ toImageButtonOptions=attr(;
+ format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
+ ).fields,
+ modeBarButtonsToRemove=[
+ "zoom",
+ "autoScale",
+ "resetScale2d",
+ "pan",
+ "tableRotation",
+ "resetCameraLastSave",
+ "zoomIn",
+ "zoomOut",
+ ],
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
@@ -699,72 +870,121 @@ julia> seq = read_seq(seq_file)
julia> plot_kspace(seq)
-function plot_kspace(
- seq::Sequence;
- width=nothing,
- height=nothing,
- darkmode=false
- )
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- #Calculations of theoretical k-space
- kspace, kspace_adc = get_kspace(seq; Δt=1) #sim_params["Δt"])
- t_adc = KomaMRIBase.get_adc_sampling_times(seq)
- #Colormap
- c_map = [[t, "hsv($(floor(Int,(1-t)*255)), 100, 50)"] for t=range(0,1;length=10)] # range(s,b,N) only works in Julia 1.7.3
- c = "gray"
- c2_idx = []
- counter = 0
- for s in seq
- if is_ADC_on(s)
- N = s.ADC.N[1]
- append!(c2_idx, counter:N+counter-1)
- counter += N
- end
- end
- c2 = interp_map(c_map, c2_idx ./ maximum(c2_idx))
- #Layout
- mink = minimum(kspace_adc,dims=1)
- maxk = maximum(kspace_adc,dims=1)
- dW = maximum(maxk .- mink, dims=2) * .3
- mink .-= dW
- maxk .+= dW
- #Layout
- l = Layout(;
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- scene=attr(xaxis=attr(title="kx [m⁻¹]",range=[mink[1],maxk[1]],backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- yaxis=attr(title="ky [m⁻¹]",range=[mink[2],maxk[2]],backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- zaxis=attr(title="kz [m⁻¹]",range=[mink[3],maxk[3]],backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color)),
- modebar=attr(orientation="h",yanchor="bottom",xanchor="right",y=1,x=0,bgcolor=bgcolor,color=text_color,activecolor=plot_bgcolor),
- legend=attr(orientation="h",yanchor="bottom",xanchor="left",y=1,x=0),
- font_color=text_color,
- scene_camera_eye=attr(x=0, y=0, z=1.7),
- scene_camera_up=attr(x=0, y=1., z=0),
- scene_aspectmode="cube",
- margin=attr(t=0,l=0,r=0))
+function plot_kspace(seq::Sequence; width=nothing, height=nothing, darkmode=false)
+ bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
+ #Calculations of theoretical k-space
+ kspace, kspace_adc = get_kspace(seq; Δt=1) #sim_params["Δt"])
+ t_adc = KomaMRIBase.get_adc_sampling_times(seq)
+ #Colormap
+ c_map = [[t, "hsv($(floor(Int,(1-t)*255)), 100, 50)"] for t in range(0, 1; length=10)] # range(s,b,N) only works in Julia 1.7.3
+ c = "gray"
+ c2_idx = []
+ counter = 0
+ for s in seq
+ if is_ADC_on(s)
+ N = s.ADC.N[1]
+ append!(c2_idx, counter:(N + counter - 1))
+ counter += N
+ end
+ end
+ c2 = interp_map(c_map, c2_idx ./ maximum(c2_idx))
+ #Layout
+ mink = minimum(kspace_adc; dims=1)
+ maxk = maximum(kspace_adc; dims=1)
+ dW = maximum(maxk .- mink; dims=2) * 0.3
+ mink .-= dW
+ maxk .+= dW
+ #Layout
+ l = Layout(;
+ paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ scene=attr(;
+ xaxis=attr(;
+ title="kx [m⁻¹]",
+ range=[mink[1], maxk[1]],
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ ),
+ yaxis=attr(;
+ title="ky [m⁻¹]",
+ range=[mink[2], maxk[2]],
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ ),
+ zaxis=attr(;
+ title="kz [m⁻¹]",
+ range=[mink[3], maxk[3]],
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ ),
+ ),
+ modebar=attr(;
+ orientation="h",
+ yanchor="bottom",
+ xanchor="right",
+ y=1,
+ x=0,
+ bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ color=text_color,
+ activecolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ ),
+ legend=attr(; orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", xanchor="left", y=1, x=0),
+ font_color=text_color,
+ scene_camera_eye=attr(; x=0, y=0, z=1.7),
+ scene_camera_up=attr(; x=0, y=1.0, z=0),
+ scene_aspectmode="cube",
+ margin=attr(; t=0, l=0, r=0),
+ )
if height !== nothing
l.height = height
if width !== nothing
l.width = width
- #Plot
- p = [scatter() for j=1:3]
- p[1] = scatter3d(x=kspace[:,1],y=kspace[:,2],z=kspace[:,3],mode="lines",
- line=attr(color=c),name="Trajectory",hoverinfo="skip")
- p[2] = scatter3d(x=kspace_adc[:,1],y=kspace_adc[:,2],z=kspace_adc[:,3],text=round.(t_adc*1e3,digits=3),mode="markers",
- line=attr(color=c2),marker=attr(size=2),name="ADC",hovertemplate="kx: %{x:.1f} m⁻¹ ky: %{y:.1f} m⁻¹ kz: %{z:.1f} m⁻¹t_acq : %{text} ms ")
- p[3] = scatter3d(x=[0],y=[0],z=[0],name="k=0",marker=attr(symbol="cross",size=10,color="red"))
- config = PlotConfig(
- displaylogo=false,
- toImageButtonOptions=attr(
- format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
- ).fields,
- modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave3d", "orbitRotation", "resetCameraDefault3d"]
- )
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ #Plot
+ p = [scatter() for j in 1:3]
+ p[1] = scatter3d(;
+ x=kspace[:, 1],
+ y=kspace[:, 2],
+ z=kspace[:, 3],
+ mode="lines",
+ line=attr(; color=c),
+ name="Trajectory",
+ hoverinfo="skip",
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter3d(;
+ x=kspace_adc[:, 1],
+ y=kspace_adc[:, 2],
+ z=kspace_adc[:, 3],
+ text=round.(t_adc * 1e3, digits=3),
+ mode="markers",
+ line=attr(; color=c2),
+ marker=attr(; size=2),
+ name="ADC",
+ hovertemplate="kx: %{x:.1f} m⁻¹ ky: %{y:.1f} m⁻¹ kz: %{z:.1f} m⁻¹t_acq : %{text} ms ",
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter3d(;
+ x=[0], y=[0], z=[0], name="k=0", marker=attr(; symbol="cross", size=10, color="red")
+ )
+ config = PlotConfig(;
+ displaylogo=false,
+ toImageButtonOptions=attr(;
+ format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
+ ).fields,
+ modeBarButtonsToRemove=[
+ "zoom",
+ "pan",
+ "tableRotation",
+ "resetCameraLastSave3d",
+ "orbitRotation",
+ "resetCameraDefault3d",
+ ],
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
p = plot_phantom_map(obj::Phantom, key::Symbol; kwargs...)
@@ -776,7 +996,6 @@ Plots a phantom map for a specific spin parameter given by `key`.
displaying different parameters of the phantom spins
# Keywords
-- `t0`: (`::Real`, `=0`, `[ms]`) time to see displacement of the phantom
- `height`: (`::Integer`, `=600`) plot height
- `width`: (`::Integer`, `=nothing`) plot width
- `darkmode`: (`::Bool`, `=false`) boolean to indicate whether to display darkmode style
@@ -800,123 +1019,336 @@ julia> plot_phantom_map(obj3D, :ρ)
function plot_phantom_map(
- ph::Phantom,
- key::Symbol;
- t0=0,
- height=600,
- width=nothing,
- darkmode=false,
- view_2d=false,
- colorbar=true,
- kwargs...
- )
- path = @__DIR__
- cmin_key = minimum(getproperty(ph,key))
- cmax_key = maximum(getproperty(ph,key))
- if key == :T1 || key == :T2 || key == :T2s
- cmin_key = 0
- factor = 1e3
- unit = " ms"
- if key == :T1
- cmax_key = 2500/factor
- colors = MAT.matread(path*"/assets/T1cm.mat")["T1colormap"]
- N, _ = size(colors)
- idx = range(0,1;length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
- colormap = [[idx[n], "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))"] for n=1:N]
- elseif key == :T2 || key == :T2s
- if key == :T2
- cmax_key = 250/factor
- end
- colors = MAT.matread(path*"/assets/T2cm.mat")["T2colormap"]
- N, _ = size(colors)
- idx = range(0,1;length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
- colormap = [[idx[n], "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))"] for n=1:N]
- end
- elseif key == :x || key == :y || key == :z
- factor = 1e2
- unit = " cm"
- colormap="Greys"
- elseif key == :Δw
- factor = 1/(2π)
- unit = " Hz"
- colormap="Greys"
- else
- factor = 1
- cmin_key = 0
- unit=""
- colormap="Greys"
- end
- cmin_key = get(kwargs, :cmin, factor * cmin_key)
- cmax_key = get(kwargs, :cmax, factor * cmax_key)
- x0 = -maximum(abs.([ph.x ph.y ph.z]))*1e2
- xf = maximum(abs.([ph.x ph.y ph.z]))*1e2
- #Layout
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- l = Layout(;title=ph.name*": "*string(key),
- xaxis_title="x",
- yaxis_title="y",
- plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- font_color=text_color,
- scene=attr(
- xaxis=attr(title="x",range=[x0,xf],ticksuffix=" cm",backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- yaxis=attr(title="y",range=[x0,xf],ticksuffix=" cm",backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- zaxis=attr(title="z",range=[x0,xf],ticksuffix=" cm",backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- aspectmode="manual",
- aspectratio=attr(x=1,y=1,z=1)),
- margin=attr(t=50,l=0,r=0),
- modebar=attr(orientation="h",bgcolor=bgcolor,color=text_color,activecolor=plot_bgcolor),
- xaxis=attr(constrain="domain"),
- yaxis=attr(scaleanchor="x"),
- hovermode="closest")
+ ph::Phantom,
+ key::Symbol;
+ height=700,
+ width=nothing,
+ darkmode=false,
+ view_2d=sum(KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph)) < 3,
+ colorbar=true,
+ intermediate_time_samples=0,
+ max_time_samples=100,
+ max_spins=50000,
+ dt_frame=250,
+ kwargs...,
+ function process_times(motion::SimpleMotion)
+ t = times(motion)
+ # Interpolate time points (as many as indicated by intermediate_time_samples)
+ itp = interpolate(
+ (
+ 1:(intermediate_time_samples + 1):(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)),
+ ),
+ t,
+ Gridded(Linear()),
+ )
+ return itp.(1:(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)))
+ end
+ function process_times(motion::ArbitraryMotion)
+ t = times(motion)
+ # Interpolate time points (as many as indicated by intermediate_time_samples)
+ itp = interpolate(
+ (
+ 1:(intermediate_time_samples + 1):(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)),
+ ),
+ t,
+ Gridded(Linear()),
+ )
+ t = itp.(1:(length(t) + intermediate_time_samples * (length(t) - 1)))
+ # Decimate time points so their number is smaller than max_time_samples
+ ss = length(t) > max_time_samples ? length(t) ÷ max_time_samples : 1
+ return t[1:ss:end]
+ end
+ process_times(motion::MotionModel) = times(motion)
+ # IDEA: subsample phantoms which are too large
+ function decimate_uniform_phantom(ph::Phantom, num_points::Int)
+ dimx, dimy, dimz = KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph)
+ ss = Int(ceil((length(ph) / num_points)^(1 / sum(KomaMRIBase.get_dims(ph)))))
+ ssx = dimx ? ss : 1
+ ssy = dimy ? ss : 1
+ ssz = dimz ? ss : 1
+ ix = sortperm(ph.x)[1:ssx:end]
+ iy = sortperm(ph.y)[1:ssy:end]
+ iz = sortperm(ph.z)[1:ssz:end]
+ idx = intersect(ix, iy, iz)
+ return ph[idx]
+ end
+ n_spins_before_decimate = length(ph)
+ ph = decimate_uniform_phantom(ph, max_spins)
+ n_spins_after_decimate = length(ph)
+ if n_spins_before_decimate > n_spins_after_decimate
+ @warn "Only $(n_spins_after_decimate) (approximately evenly spaced) of $(n_spins_before_decimate) spins are displayed in order to avoid CPU overload.
+ This affects display functions but not simulation functions."
+ end
+ path = @__DIR__
+ cmin_key = minimum(getproperty(ph, key))
+ cmax_key = maximum(getproperty(ph, key))
+ if key == :T1 || key == :T2 || key == :T2s
+ cmin_key = 0
+ factor = 1e3
+ unit = " ms"
+ if key == :T1
+ cmax_key = 2500 / factor
+ colors = MAT.matread(path * "/assets/T1cm.mat")["T1colormap"]
+ N, _ = size(colors)
+ idx = range(0, 1; length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
+ colormap = [
+ [
+ idx[n],
+ "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))",
+ ] for n in 1:N
+ ]
+ elseif key == :T2 || key == :T2s
+ if key == :T2
+ cmax_key = 250 / factor
+ end
+ colors = MAT.matread(path * "/assets/T2cm.mat")["T2colormap"]
+ N, _ = size(colors)
+ idx = range(0, 1; length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
+ colormap = [
+ [
+ idx[n],
+ "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))",
+ ] for n in 1:N
+ ]
+ end
+ elseif key == :x || key == :y || key == :z
+ factor = 1e2
+ unit = " cm"
+ colormap = "Greys"
+ elseif key == :Δw
+ factor = 1 / (2π)
+ unit = " Hz"
+ colormap = "Greys"
+ else
+ factor = 1
+ cmin_key = 0
+ unit = ""
+ colormap = "Greys"
+ end
+ cmin_key = get(kwargs, :cmin, factor * cmin_key)
+ cmax_key = get(kwargs, :cmax, factor * cmax_key)
+ sort_motions!(ph.motion)
+ t = process_times(ph.motion)
+ x, y, z = get_spin_coords(ph.motion, ph.x, ph.y, ph.z, t')
+ x0 = -maximum(abs.([x y z])) * 1e2
+ xf = maximum(abs.([x y z])) * 1e2
+ if view_2d
+ trace = [
+ scatter(;
+ x=(x[:, 1]) * 1e2,
+ y=(y[:, 1]) * 1e2,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=attr(;
+ color=getproperty(ph, key) * factor,
+ showscale=colorbar,
+ colorscale=colormap,
+ colorbar=attr(; ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
+ cmin=cmin_key,
+ cmax=cmax_key,
+ size=4,
+ ),
+ showlegend=false,
+ text=round.(getproperty(ph, key) * factor, digits=4),
+ hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm y: %{y:.1f} cm$(string(key)) : %{text}$unit ",
+ ),
+ ]
+ frames = PlotlyFrame[
+ frame(;
+ data=[
+ attr(;
+ x=(x[:, i]) * 1e2,
+ y=(y[:, i]) * 1e2,
+ z=(z[:, i]) * 1e2,
+ zmin=0,
+ zmax=1,
+ ),
+ ],
+ name="frame_$i",
+ traces=[0],
+ ) for i in 1:length(t)
+ ]
+ else
+ trace = [
+ scatter3d(;
+ x=(x[:, 1]) * 1e2,
+ y=(y[:, 1]) * 1e2,
+ z=(z[:, 1]) * 1e2,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=attr(;
+ color=getproperty(ph, key) * factor,
+ showscale=colorbar,
+ colorscale=colormap,
+ colorbar=attr(; ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
+ cmin=cmin_key,
+ cmax=cmax_key,
+ size=2,
+ ),
+ showlegend=false,
+ text=round.(getproperty(ph, key) * factor, digits=4),
+ hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm y: %{y:.1f} cm z: %{z:.1f} cm$(string(key)) : %{text}$unit ",
+ ),
+ ]
+ frames = PlotlyFrame[
+ frame(;
+ data=[
+ attr(;
+ x=(x[:, i]) * 1e2,
+ y=(y[:, i]) * 1e2,
+ z=(z[:, i]) * 1e2,
+ zmin=0,
+ zmax=1,
+ ),
+ ],
+ name="frame_$i",
+ traces=[0],
+ ) for i in 1:length(t)
+ ]
+ end
+ sliders_attr = [
+ attr(;
+ visible=length(t) > 1,
+ pad=attr(; b=10, t=60),
+ len=0.85,
+ x=0.15,
+ y=0.1,
+ t=0,
+ steps=[
+ attr(;
+ label=round(t0; digits=2),
+ method="animate",
+ args=[
+ ["frame_$i"],
+ attr(;
+ visible=[fill(false, i - 1); true; fill(false, length(t) - i)],
+ mode="immediate",
+ transition=attr(; duration=0),
+ frame=attr(; duration=5, redraw=true),
+ ),
+ ],
+ ) for (i, t0) in enumerate(t)
+ ],
+ currentvalue=attr(;
+ prefix="t = ",
+ suffix=" s",
+ xanchor="right",
+ font=attr(; color="#888", size=20),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]
+ buttons_attr = [
+ attr(;
+ label="▶", # play symbol
+ method="animate",
+ args=[
+ nothing,
+ attr(;
+ fromcurrent=true,
+ transition=(duration=dt_frame,),
+ frame=attr(; duration=dt_frame, redraw=true),
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ attr(;
+ label="◼", # pause symbol
+ method="animate",
+ args=[
+ [nothing],
+ attr(;
+ mode="immediate",
+ fromcurrent=true,
+ transition=attr(; duration=dt_frame),
+ frame=attr(; duration=dt_frame, redraw=true),
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
+ #Layout
+ bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
+ l = Layout(;
+ title=ph.name * ": " * string(key),
+ xaxis_title="x",
+ yaxis_title="y",
+ xaxis_range=[x0, xf],
+ yaxis_range=[x0, xf],
+ xaxis_ticksuffix=" cm",
+ yaxis_ticksuffix=" cm",
+ plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ font_color=text_color,
+ updatemenus=[
+ attr(;
+ visible=length(t) > 1,
+ x=0.1,
+ y=0.05,
+ yanchor="top",
+ xanchor="center",
+ showactive=true,
+ direction="left",
+ type="buttons",
+ pad=attr(; r=10, t=70),
+ buttons=buttons_attr,
+ ),
+ ],
+ sliders=sliders_attr,
+ scene=attr(;
+ xaxis=attr(;
+ title="x",
+ range=[x0, xf],
+ ticksuffix=" cm",
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ ),
+ yaxis=attr(;
+ title="y",
+ range=[x0, xf],
+ ticksuffix=" cm",
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ ),
+ zaxis=attr(;
+ title="z",
+ range=[x0, xf],
+ ticksuffix=" cm",
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ ),
+ aspectmode="manual",
+ aspectratio=attr(; x=1, y=1, z=1),
+ ),
+ margin=attr(; t=50, l=0, r=0, b=0),
+ modebar=attr(;
+ orientation="h", bgcolor=bgcolor, color=text_color, activecolor=plot_bgcolor
+ ),
+ xaxis=attr(; constrain="domain"),
+ yaxis=attr(; scaleanchor="x"),
+ hovermode="closest",
+ )
if height !== nothing
l.height = height
if width !== nothing
l.width = width
- if view_2d
- h = scatter( x=(ph.x .+ ph.ux(ph.x,ph.y,ph.z,t0*1e-3))*1e2,
- y=(ph.y .+ ph.uy(ph.x,ph.y,ph.z,t0*1e-3))*1e2,
- mode="markers",
- marker=attr(color=getproperty(ph,key)*factor,
- showscale=colorbar,
- colorscale=colormap,
- colorbar=attr(ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
- cmin=cmin_key,
- cmax=cmax_key,
- size=4
- ),
- text=round.(getproperty(ph,key)*factor,digits=4),
- hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm y: %{y:.1f} cm$(string(key)) : %{text}$unit ")
- else
- h = scatter3d( x=(ph.x .+ ph.ux(ph.x,ph.y,ph.z,t0*1e-3))*1e2,
- y=(ph.y .+ ph.uy(ph.x,ph.y,ph.z,t0*1e-3))*1e2,
- z=(ph.z .+ ph.uz(ph.x,ph.y,ph.z,t0*1e-3))*1e2,
- mode="markers",
- marker=attr(color=getproperty(ph,key)*factor,
- showscale=colorbar,
- colorscale=colormap,
- colorbar=attr(ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
- cmin=cmin_key,
- cmax=cmax_key,
- size=2
- ),
- text=round.(getproperty(ph,key)*factor,digits=4),
- hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm y: %{y:.1f} cm z: %{z:.1f} cm$(string(key)) : %{text}$unit ")
- end
- config = PlotConfig(
- displaylogo=false,
- toImageButtonOptions=attr(
- format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
- ).fields,
- modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave3d", "orbitRotation", "resetCameraDefault3d"]
- )
- return plot_koma(h, l; config)
+ return Plot(trace, l, frames)
@@ -950,96 +1382,114 @@ julia> plot_signal(raw)
function plot_signal(
- raw::RawAcquisitionData;
- width=nothing,
- height=nothing,
- slider=true,
- show_sim_blocks=false,
- darkmode=false,
- range=[],
- gl=false
- )
- not_Koma = raw.params["systemVendor"] != "KomaMRI.jl"
- t = []
- signal = []
- current_t0 = 0
- for p in raw.profiles
- dt = p.head.sample_time_us != 0 ? p.head.sample_time_us * 1e-3 : 1
- t0 = p.head.acquisition_time_stamp * 1e-3 #This parameter is used in Koma to store the time offset
- N = p.head.number_of_samples != 0 ? p.head.number_of_samples : 1
- if not_Koma
- t0 = current_t0 * dt
- current_t0 += N
- end
- if N != 1
- append!(t, t0.+(0:dt:dt*(N-1)))
- else
- append!(t, t0)
- end
- append!(signal, p.data[:,1]) #Just one coil
- #To generate gap
- append!(t, t[end])
- append!(signal, [Inf + Inf*1im])
- end
- #Show simulation blocks
- shapes = []
- annotations = []
- type_names = ["precession", "excitation"]
- if !not_Koma && show_sim_blocks
- t_sim_parts = raw.params["userParameters"]["t_sim_parts"]
- type_sim_parts = raw.params["userParameters"]["type_sim_parts"]
- current_type = -1
- for i = eachindex(t_sim_parts[1:end-1])
- aux = rect(
- xref="x", yref="paper",
- x0=t_sim_parts[i]*1e3, y0=0,
- x1=t_sim_parts[i+1]*1e3, y1=1,
- fillcolor=type_sim_parts[i] ? "Purple" : "Blue",
- opacity=.1,
- layer="below", line_width=2,
- )
- push!(shapes, aux)
- if type_sim_parts[i] != current_type
- aux = attr(xref="x", yref="paper", x=t_sim_parts[i]*1e3, y=1, showarrow=false, text=type_names[type_sim_parts[i]+1])
- push!(annotations, aux)
- current_type = type_sim_parts[i]
- end
- end
- end
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- l = Layout(; hovermode="closest",
- xaxis_title="",
- modebar=attr(orientation="h",yanchor="bottom",xanchor="right",y=1,x=0,bgcolor=bgcolor,color=text_color,activecolor=plot_bgcolor),
- legend=attr(orientation="h",yanchor="bottom",xanchor="left",y=1,x=0),
- plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- font_color=text_color,
- yaxis_fixedrange = false,
- xaxis=attr(
- ticksuffix=" ms",
- range=range[:],
- rangeslider=attr(visible=slider),
- rangeselector=attr(
- buttons=[
- attr(count=1,
- label="1m",
- step=10,
- stepmode="backward"),
- attr(step="all")
- ]
- ),
- ),
- shapes = shapes,
- annotations = annotations,
- margin=attr(t=0,l=0,r=0,b=0)
- )
+ raw::RawAcquisitionData;
+ width=nothing,
+ height=nothing,
+ slider=true,
+ show_sim_blocks=false,
+ darkmode=false,
+ range=[],
+ gl=false,
+ not_Koma = raw.params["systemVendor"] != "KomaMRI.jl"
+ t = []
+ signal = []
+ current_t0 = 0
+ for p in raw.profiles
+ dt = p.head.sample_time_us != 0 ? p.head.sample_time_us * 1e-3 : 1
+ t0 = p.head.acquisition_time_stamp * 1e-3 #This parameter is used in Koma to store the time offset
+ N = p.head.number_of_samples != 0 ? p.head.number_of_samples : 1
+ if not_Koma
+ t0 = current_t0 * dt
+ current_t0 += N
+ end
+ if N != 1
+ append!(t, t0 .+ (0:dt:(dt * (N - 1))))
+ else
+ append!(t, t0)
+ end
+ append!(signal, p.data[:, 1]) #Just one coil
+ #To generate gap
+ append!(t, t[end])
+ append!(signal, [Inf + Inf * 1im])
+ end
+ #Show simulation blocks
+ shapes = []
+ annotations = []
+ type_names = ["precession", "excitation"]
+ if !not_Koma && show_sim_blocks
+ t_sim_parts = raw.params["userParameters"]["t_sim_parts"]
+ type_sim_parts = raw.params["userParameters"]["type_sim_parts"]
+ current_type = -1
+ for i in eachindex(t_sim_parts[1:(end - 1)])
+ aux = rect(;
+ xref="x",
+ yref="paper",
+ x0=t_sim_parts[i] * 1e3,
+ y0=0,
+ x1=t_sim_parts[i + 1] * 1e3,
+ y1=1,
+ fillcolor=type_sim_parts[i] ? "Purple" : "Blue",
+ opacity=0.1,
+ layer="below",
+ line_width=2,
+ )
+ push!(shapes, aux)
+ if type_sim_parts[i] != current_type
+ aux = attr(;
+ xref="x",
+ yref="paper",
+ x=t_sim_parts[i] * 1e3,
+ y=1,
+ showarrow=false,
+ text=type_names[type_sim_parts[i] + 1],
+ )
+ push!(annotations, aux)
+ current_type = type_sim_parts[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
+ l = Layout(;
+ hovermode="closest",
+ xaxis_title="",
+ modebar=attr(;
+ orientation="h",
+ yanchor="bottom",
+ xanchor="right",
+ y=1,
+ x=0,
+ bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ color=text_color,
+ activecolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ ),
+ legend=attr(; orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", xanchor="left", y=1, x=0),
+ plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
+ xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
+ xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ font_color=text_color,
+ yaxis_fixedrange=false,
+ xaxis=attr(;
+ ticksuffix=" ms",
+ range=range[:],
+ rangeslider=attr(; visible=slider),
+ rangeselector=attr(;
+ buttons=[
+ attr(; count=1, label="1m", step=10, stepmode="backward"),
+ attr(; step="all"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ shapes=shapes,
+ annotations=annotations,
+ margin=attr(; t=0, l=0, r=0, b=0),
+ )
if height !== nothing
l.height = height
@@ -1047,19 +1497,34 @@ function plot_signal(
l.width = width
scatter_fun = gl ? scattergl : scatter
- p = [scatter_fun() for j=1:3]
- p[1] = scatter(x=t,y=abs.(signal), name="|S(t)|",hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.3f} a.u.)")
- p[2] = scatter_fun(x=t,y=real.(signal),name="Re{S(t)}",hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.3f} a.u.)")
- p[3] = scatter_fun(x=t,y=imag.(signal),name="Im{S(t)}",hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.3f} a.u.)")
- config = PlotConfig(
- displaylogo=false,
- toImageButtonOptions=attr(
- format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
- ).fields,
- modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "autoScale", "resetScale2d", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"]
- # modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "select2d", "lasso2d", "autoScale", "resetScale2d", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"]
- )
- return plot_koma(p, l; config)
+ p = [scatter_fun() for j in 1:3]
+ p[1] = scatter(;
+ x=t, y=abs.(signal), name="|S(t)|", hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.3f} a.u.)"
+ )
+ p[2] = scatter_fun(;
+ x=t, y=real.(signal), name="Re{S(t)}", hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.3f} a.u.)"
+ )
+ p[3] = scatter_fun(;
+ x=t, y=imag.(signal), name="Im{S(t)}", hovertemplate="(%{x:.4f} ms, %{y:.3f} a.u.)"
+ )
+ config = PlotConfig(;
+ displaylogo=false,
+ toImageButtonOptions=attr(;
+ format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
+ ).fields,
+ modeBarButtonsToRemove=[
+ "zoom",
+ "autoScale",
+ "resetScale2d",
+ "pan",
+ "tableRotation",
+ "resetCameraLastSave",
+ "zoomIn",
+ "zoomOut",
+ ],
+ # modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "select2d", "lasso2d", "autoScale", "resetScale2d", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"]
+ )
+ return plot_koma(p, l; config)
@@ -1074,29 +1539,29 @@ Generates an HTML table based on the dictionary `dict`.
- `str`: (`::String`) dictionary as an HTML table
function plot_dict(dict::Dict)
- html = """
- #
- Name
- Value
- """
- i = 1
- for (key,val) = dict
- html *= """
- $i
- $(string(key))
- $(string(val))
- """
- i += 1
- end
- html *= "
+ html = """
+ #
+ Name
+ Value
+ """
+ i = 1
+ for (key, val) in dict
+ html *= """
+ $i
+ $(string(key))
+ $(string(val))
+ """
+ i += 1
+ end
+ return html *= "
@@ -1124,13 +1589,56 @@ julia> plot_seqd(seq)
function plot_seqd(seq::Sequence; sampling_params=KomaMRIBase.default_sampling_params())
- seqd = KomaMRIBase.discretize(seq; sampling_params)
- Gx = scattergl(x=seqd.t*1e3, y=seqd.Gx*1e3, name="Gx", mode="markers+lines", marker_symbol=:circle)
- Gy = scattergl(x=seqd.t*1e3, y=seqd.Gy*1e3, name="Gy", mode="markers+lines", marker_symbol=:circle)
- Gz = scattergl(x=seqd.t*1e3, y=seqd.Gz*1e3, name="Gz", mode="markers+lines", marker_symbol=:circle)
- B1_abs = scattergl(x=seqd.t*1e3, y=abs.(seqd.B1*1e6), name="|B1|", mode="markers+lines", marker_symbol=:circle)
- B1_angle = scattergl(x=seqd.t*1e3, y=angle.(seqd.B1), name="∠B1", mode="markers+lines", marker_symbol=:circle)
- ADC = scattergl(x=seqd.t[seqd.ADC]*1e3, y=ones(sum(seqd.ADC)), name="ADC", mode="markers", marker_symbol=:x)
- B1_Δf = scattergl(x=seqd.t*1e3, y=abs.(seqd.Δf*1e-3), name="B1_Δf", mode="markers+lines", marker_symbol=:circle, visible="legendonly")
- plot_koma([Gx,Gy,Gz,B1_abs,B1_angle,ADC,B1_Δf])
+ seqd = KomaMRIBase.discretize(seq; sampling_params)
+ Gx = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t * 1e3,
+ y=seqd.Gx * 1e3,
+ name="Gx",
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ marker_symbol=:circle,
+ )
+ Gy = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t * 1e3,
+ y=seqd.Gy * 1e3,
+ name="Gy",
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ marker_symbol=:circle,
+ )
+ Gz = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t * 1e3,
+ y=seqd.Gz * 1e3,
+ name="Gz",
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ marker_symbol=:circle,
+ )
+ B1_abs = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t * 1e3,
+ y=abs.(seqd.B1 * 1e6),
+ name="|B1|",
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ marker_symbol=:circle,
+ )
+ B1_angle = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t * 1e3,
+ y=angle.(seqd.B1),
+ name="∠B1",
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ marker_symbol=:circle,
+ )
+ ADC = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t[seqd.ADC] * 1e3,
+ y=zeros(sum(seqd.ADC)),
+ name="ADC",
+ mode="markers",
+ marker_symbol=:x,
+ )
+ B1_Δf = scattergl(;
+ x=seqd.t * 1e3,
+ y=abs.(seqd.Δf * 1e-3),
+ name="B1_Δf",
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ marker_symbol=:circle,
+ visible="legendonly",
+ )
+ return plot_koma([Gx, Gy, Gz, B1_abs, B1_angle, ADC, B1_Δf])
diff --git a/docs/src/reference/2-koma-base.md b/docs/src/reference/2-koma-base.md
index fa27fa4c4..9778de4c9 100644
--- a/docs/src/reference/2-koma-base.md
+++ b/docs/src/reference/2-koma-base.md
@@ -16,6 +16,30 @@ Phantom
+### `MotionModel`
+### `SimpleMotion <: MotionModel`
+### `ArbitraryMotion <: MotionModel`
## `Sequence`-related functions
diff --git a/docs/src/reference/4-koma-files.md b/docs/src/reference/4-koma-files.md
index eec615a82..2640f7205 100644
--- a/docs/src/reference/4-koma-files.md
+++ b/docs/src/reference/4-koma-files.md
@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ read_seq
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/2.phantoms/brain_motion.phantom b/examples/2.phantoms/brain_motion.phantom
index 99adac4bb..c3412d7f0 100644
Binary files a/examples/2.phantoms/brain_motion.phantom and b/examples/2.phantoms/brain_motion.phantom differ
diff --git a/examples/2.phantoms/contracting_ring.phantom b/examples/2.phantoms/contracting_ring.phantom
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5c7fb7c1
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/2.phantoms/contracting_ring.phantom differ
diff --git a/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl b/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl
index 7e3c9933c..e2f63f0d9 100644
--- a/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl
+++ b/examples/5.koma_paper/comparison_accuracy/d.brain_motion/run_koma.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using KomaMRI, Suppressor, MAT
obj = @suppress read_phantom_jemris("../../../2.phantoms/brain.h5")
-obj.uy = (x,y,z,t)-> 0.1f0 * t
+obj.uy = (x,y,z,t)-> 0.1f0 * t # Hacer que el fichero brain_motion.phantom tenga este movimiento (con SimpleMotion y ArbitraryMotion)
seq = @suppress read_seq("../sequences/EPI/epi_100x100_TE100_FOV230.seq")
sys = Scanner()
diff --git a/src/ui/ExportUIFunctions.jl b/src/ui/ExportUIFunctions.jl
index 22aa68fb1..665b38609 100644
--- a/src/ui/ExportUIFunctions.jl
+++ b/src/ui/ExportUIFunctions.jl
@@ -5,47 +5,50 @@ function setup_blink_window(; darkmode=true, frame=true, dev_tools=false, show_w
komamri_src_ui = @__DIR__
komamri_root = dirname(dirname(komamri_src_ui))
# Asset folders
- assets = AssetRegistry.register(komamri_root*"/assets/")
- scripts = AssetRegistry.register(komamri_src_ui*"/scripts/")
- css = AssetRegistry.register(komamri_src_ui*"/css/")
+ assets = AssetRegistry.register(komamri_root * "/assets/")
+ scripts = AssetRegistry.register(komamri_src_ui * "/scripts/")
+ css = AssetRegistry.register(komamri_src_ui * "/css/")
# Images
logo = joinpath(assets, "logo-dark.svg")
home_image = joinpath(assets, "home-image.svg")
- app_icon = komamri_root*"/assets/app-icon.png"
+ app_icon = komamri_root * "/assets/app-icon.png"
# JS
bsjs = joinpath(scripts, "bootstrap.bundle.min.js") #this already has Popper
- bscss = joinpath(css,"bootstrap.min.css")
- bsiconcss = joinpath(css,"bootstrap-icons.css")
- jquery = joinpath(scripts,"jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js")
+ bscss = joinpath(css, "bootstrap.min.css")
+ bsiconcss = joinpath(css, "bootstrap-icons.css")
+ jquery = joinpath(scripts, "jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js")
# mathjaxsetup = joinpath(scripts, "mathjaxsetup.js")
# KaTeX
katexrender = joinpath(scripts, "auto-render.min.js")
- katexjs = joinpath(scripts,"katex.min.js")
- katexcss = joinpath(css,"katex.min.css")
+ katexjs = joinpath(scripts, "katex.min.js")
+ katexcss = joinpath(css, "katex.min.css")
# User defined JS and CSS
- customcss = joinpath(css,"custom.css")
- customjs = joinpath(scripts,"custom.js")
- sidebarcss = joinpath(css,"sidebars.css")
+ customcss = joinpath(css, "custom.css")
+ customjs = joinpath(scripts, "custom.js")
+ sidebarcss = joinpath(css, "sidebars.css")
# Custom icons
- icons = joinpath(css,"icons.css")
+ icons = joinpath(css, "icons.css")
- w = Blink.Window(Dict(
- "title"=>"KomaUI",
- "autoHideMenuBar"=>true,
- "frame"=>frame, #removes title bar
- "node-integration"=>true,
- :icon=>app_icon,
- "width"=>1200,
- "height"=>800,
- :show=>show_window
- ), async=false);
+ w = Blink.Window(
+ Dict(
+ "title" => "KomaUI",
+ "autoHideMenuBar" => true,
+ "frame" => frame, #removes title bar
+ "node-integration" => true,
+ :icon => app_icon,
+ "width" => 1200,
+ "height" => 800,
+ :show => show_window,
+ );
+ async=false,
+ )
- sidebar = open(f->read(f, String), komamri_src_ui*"/html/sidebar.html")
- sidebar = replace(sidebar, "LOGO"=>logo)
+ sidebar = open(f -> read(f, String), komamri_src_ui * "/html/sidebar.html")
+ sidebar = replace(sidebar, "LOGO" => logo)
- index = open(f->read(f, String), komamri_src_ui*"/html/index.html")
- index = replace(index, "ICON"=>home_image)
+ index = open(f -> read(f, String), komamri_src_ui * "/html/index.html")
+ index = replace(index, "ICON" => home_image)
@sync begin
## CSS
@@ -66,9 +69,9 @@ function setup_blink_window(; darkmode=true, frame=true, dev_tools=false, show_w
#Update GUI's home
- body!(w, *(sidebar, index), async=false) #async false is important to set the background correctly
+ body!(w, *(sidebar, index); async=false) #async false is important to set the background correctly
if darkmode
- @js_ w document.getElementById("main").style="background-color:rgb(13,16,17);"
+ @js_ w document.getElementById("main").style = "background-color:rgb(13,16,17);"
# Return the Blink window
if dev_tools
@@ -129,30 +132,32 @@ function setup_raw()
"encodedSize" => [2, 2, 1],
"reconSize" => [2, 2, 1],
"number_of_samples" => 4,
- "encodedFOV" => [100., 100., 1],
- "trajectory" => "other"
+ "encodedFOV" => [100.0, 100.0, 1],
+ "trajectory" => "other",
- KomaMRICore.Profile(AcquisitionHeader(
- trajectory_dimensions=2, sample_time_us=1),
- [0. 0. 1 1; 0 1 1 1]./2,
- reshape([0.; 0im; 0; 0], 4, 1)
- )
- ]
+ KomaMRICore.Profile(
+ AcquisitionHeader(; trajectory_dimensions=2, sample_time_us=1),
+ [0.0 0.0 1 1; 0 1 1 1] ./ 2,
+ reshape([0.0; 0im; 0; 0], 4, 1),
+ ),
+ ],
# Return the default RawAcquisitionData struct
return raw
Updates the blink window with a loading content
function display_loading!(w::Window, msg::String)
komamri_src_ui = @__DIR__
- loading = replace(open((f) -> read(f, String), komamri_src_ui*"/html/loading.html"), "LOADDES"=>msg)
- content!(w, "div#content", loading)
+ loading = replace(
+ open((f) -> read(f, String), komamri_src_ui * "/html/loading.html"),
+ "LOADDES" => msg,
+ )
+ return content!(w, "div#content", loading)
@@ -161,25 +166,32 @@ Fileficker callback when sequence is loaded
function callback_filepicker(filename::String, w::Window, seq::Sequence)
if filename != ""
filename_extension = splitext(filename)[end]
- if filename_extension ==".seqk" # Koma
- seq = JLD2.load(FileIO.File{FileIO.DataFormat{:JLD2}}(filename),"seq")
+ if filename_extension == ".seqk" # Koma
+ seq = JLD2.load(FileIO.File{FileIO.DataFormat{:JLD2}}(filename), "seq")
elseif filename_extension == ".seq" # Pulseq
seq = read_seq(filename) # Pulseq read
- @js_ w (@var name = $(basename(filename));
- document.getElementById("seqname").innerHTML = "" + name + " ";
- Toasty("0", "Loaded " + name + " successfully", """
- Updating Sequence plots ...
- Ready to simulate ?
- """))
+ @js_ w (
+ @var name = $(basename(filename));
+ document.getElementById("seqname").innerHTML =
+ "" + name + " ";
+ Toasty(
+ "0",
+ "Loaded " + name + " successfully",
+ """
+ Updating Sequence plots ...
+ Ready to simulate ?
+ )
+ )
return seq
return seq
@@ -192,24 +204,31 @@ function callback_filepicker(filename::String, w::Window, obj::Phantom)
if filename != ""
filename_extension = splitext(filename)[end]
if filename_extension == ".phantom" # Koma
- obj = JLD2.load(FileIO.File{FileIO.DataFormat{:JLD2}}(filename),"phantom")
+ obj = read_phantom(filename)
elseif filename_extension == ".h5" # JEMRIS
obj = read_phantom_jemris(filename)
- @js_ w (@var name = $(basename(filename));
- document.getElementById("phaname").innerHTML="" + name + " ";;
- Toasty("0", "Loaded " + name + " successfully", """
- Updating Phantom plots ...
- Ready to simulate ?
- """))
+ @js_ w (
+ @var name = $(basename(filename));
+ document.getElementById("phaname").innerHTML =
+ "" + name + " ";
+ Toasty(
+ "0",
+ "Loaded " + name + " successfully",
+ """
+ Updating Phantom plots ...
+ Ready to simulate ?
+ )
+ )
return obj
return obj
@@ -224,20 +243,27 @@ function callback_filepicker(filename::String, w::Window, raw::RawAcquisitionDat
if raw.params["systemVendor"] != "KomaMRI.jl"
@warn "ISMRMRD files generated externally could cause problems during the reconstruction. We are currently improving compatibility."
- @js_ w (@var name = $(basename(filename));
- document.getElementById("rawname").innerHTML="" + name + " ";;
- Toasty("0", "Loaded " + name + " successfully", """
- Updating Raw data plots ...
- Ready to reconstruct ?
- """))
+ @js_ w (
+ @var name = $(basename(filename));
+ document.getElementById("rawname").innerHTML =
+ "" + name + " ";
+ Toasty(
+ "0",
+ "Loaded " + name + " successfully",
+ """
+ Updating Raw data plots ...
+ Ready to reconstruct ?
+ )
+ )
return raw
return raw
@@ -281,20 +307,40 @@ end
Updates the UI with phantom plots
-function view_ui_phantom!(obj::Phantom, w::Window, seq::Sequence, buttons_obj::Vector{Widget{:button, Int64}}; key=:ρ, darkmode=true)
+function view_ui_phantom!(
+ obj::Phantom,
+ w::Window,
+ seq::Sequence,
+ buttons_obj::Vector{Widget{:button,Int64}};
+ key=:ρ,
+ darkmode=true,
display_loading!(w, "Plotting phantom ...")
- widget_plot = @manipulate for t0_ms in 1e3*range(0, dur(seq); length=5)
- plot_phantom_map(obj, key; t0=t0_ms, darkmode)
- end
+ widget_plot = plot_phantom_map(obj, key; intermediate_time_samples=5, darkmode)
div_content = dom"div"(hbox(buttons_obj...), widget_plot)
content!(w, "div#content", div_content)
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "phantom"
-function view_ui!(obj::Phantom, w::Window, seq::Sequence, buttons_obj::Vector{Widget{:button, Int64}}; key=:ρ, darkmode=true)
- view_ui_phantom!(obj, w, seq, buttons_obj; key, darkmode)
+function view_ui!(
+ obj::Phantom,
+ w::Window,
+ seq::Sequence,
+ buttons_obj::Vector{Widget{:button,Int64}};
+ key=:ρ,
+ darkmode=true,
+ return view_ui_phantom!(obj, w, seq, buttons_obj; key, darkmode)
-function view_ui!(cnt::Integer, w::Window, obj::Phantom, seq::Sequence, buttons_obj::Vector{Widget{:button, Int64}}; key=:ρ, darkmode=true)
- view_ui_phantom!(obj, w, seq, buttons_obj; key, darkmode)
+function view_ui!(
+ cnt::Integer,
+ w::Window,
+ obj::Phantom,
+ seq::Sequence,
+ buttons_obj::Vector{Widget{:button,Int64}};
+ key=:ρ,
+ darkmode=true,
+ return view_ui_phantom!(obj, w, seq, buttons_obj; key, darkmode)
@@ -302,35 +348,36 @@ Updates the UI with scanner information
function view_ui!(sys::Scanner, w::Window)
display_loading!(w, "Displaying scanner parameters ...")
- sys_dict = Dict("B0" => sys.B0,
- "B1" => sys.B1,
- "Gmax" => sys.Gmax,
- "Smax" => sys.Smax,
- "ADC_dt" => sys.ADC_Δt,
- "seq_dt" => sys.seq_Δt,
- "GR_dt" => sys.GR_Δt,
- "RF_dt" => sys.RF_Δt,
- "RF_ring_down_T" => sys.RF_ring_down_T,
- "RF_dead_time_T" => sys.RF_dead_time_T,
- "ADC_dead_time_T" => sys.ADC_dead_time_T)
+ sys_dict = Dict(
+ "B0" => sys.B0,
+ "B1" => sys.B1,
+ "Gmax" => sys.Gmax,
+ "Smax" => sys.Smax,
+ "ADC_dt" => sys.ADC_Δt,
+ "seq_dt" => sys.seq_Δt,
+ "GR_dt" => sys.GR_Δt,
+ "RF_dt" => sys.RF_Δt,
+ "RF_ring_down_T" => sys.RF_ring_down_T,
+ "RF_dead_time_T" => sys.RF_dead_time_T,
+ "ADC_dead_time_T" => sys.ADC_dead_time_T,
+ )
plt = plot_dict(sys_dict)
title = """Scanner parameters """
- content!(w, "div#content", title*plt)
+ content!(w, "div#content", title * plt)
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "scanneparams"
Updates the UI with simulation parameters information
-function view_ui!(sim_params::Dict{String, Any}, w::Window)
+function view_ui!(sim_params::Dict{String,Any}, w::Window)
display_loading!(w, "Displaying simulation parameters ...")
plt = plot_dict(sim_params)
title = """Simulation parameters """
- content!(w, "div#content", title*plt)
+ content!(w, "div#content", title * plt)
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "simparams"
Updates the UI with raw signal plot
@@ -344,11 +391,11 @@ end
Updates the UI with reconstruction parameters information
-function view_ui!(rec_params::Dict{Symbol, Any}, w::Window)
+function view_ui!(rec_params::Dict{Symbol,Any}, w::Window)
display_loading!(w, "Displaying reconstruction parameters ...")
plt = plot_dict(rec_params)
title = """Reconstruction parameters """
- content!(w, "div#content", title*plt)
+ content!(w, "div#content", title * plt)
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "recparams"
@@ -361,7 +408,13 @@ function view_ui!(img::Array, w::Window; type="absi", darkmode=true)
display_loading!(w, "Plotting image magnitude ...")
widget_plot = @manipulate for slice in 1:size(img, 3)
aux = abs.(img) * prod(size(img)[1:2])
- plot_image(aux[:, :, slice], zmin=minimum(aux[:]), zmax=maximum(aux[:]); darkmode, title="Reconstruction ($slice/$(size(img, 3)))")
+ plot_image(
+ aux[:, :, slice];
+ zmin=minimum(aux[:]),
+ zmax=maximum(aux[:]),
+ darkmode,
+ title="Reconstruction ($slice/$(size(img, 3)))",
+ )
content!(w, "div#content", dom"div"(widget_plot))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "absi"
@@ -369,7 +422,13 @@ function view_ui!(img::Array, w::Window; type="absi", darkmode=true)
display_loading!(w, "Plotting image phase ...")
widget_plot = @manipulate for slice in 1:size(img, 3)
aux = angle.(img[:, :, slice])
- plot_image(aux, zmin=-π, zmax=π; darkmode, title="Reconstruction ($slice/$(size(img, 3)))")
+ plot_image(
+ aux;
+ zmin=-π,
+ zmax=π,
+ darkmode,
+ title="Reconstruction ($slice/$(size(img, 3)))",
+ )
content!(w, "div#content", dom"div"(widget_plot))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "angi"
@@ -378,7 +437,13 @@ function view_ui!(img::Array, w::Window; type="absi", darkmode=true)
widget_plot = @manipulate for slice in 1:size(img, 3)
kspace = fftc(img)
aux = log.(abs.(kspace[:, :, slice]) .+ 1)
- plot_image(aux, zmin=0, zmax=.1*maximum(aux[:]); darkmode, title="Reconstruction ($slice/$(size(img, 3)))")
+ plot_image(
+ aux;
+ zmin=0,
+ zmax=0.1 * maximum(aux[:]),
+ darkmode,
+ title="Reconstruction ($slice/$(size(img, 3)))",
+ )
content!(w, "div#content", dom"div"(widget_plot))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "absk"
@@ -388,30 +453,42 @@ end
Saves to .mat in the UI (displays a Toast message en the UI)
-function save_ui!(w::Window, seq::Sequence, obj::Phantom, sys::Scanner, raw, img, rec_params, mat_folder; type="all")
- if type=="all"
- str_toast = export_2_mat(seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type, matfilename="")
- @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files" , msg);)
+function save_ui!(
+ w::Window,
+ seq::Sequence,
+ obj::Phantom,
+ sys::Scanner,
+ raw,
+ img,
+ rec_params,
+ mat_folder;
+ type="all",
+ if type == "all"
+ str_toast = export_2_mat(
+ seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type, matfilename=""
+ )
+ @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files", msg))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "matfolder"
- elseif type=="sequence"
+ elseif type == "sequence"
str_toast = export_2_mat(seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type)
- @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files" , msg);)
+ @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files", msg))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "matfolderseq"
- elseif type=="phantom"
+ elseif type == "phantom"
str_toast = export_2_mat(seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type)
- @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files" , msg);)
+ @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files", msg))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "matfolderpha"
- elseif type=="scanner"
+ elseif type == "scanner"
str_toast = export_2_mat(seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type)
- @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files" , msg);)
+ @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files", msg))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "matfoldersca"
- elseif type=="raw"
+ elseif type == "raw"
str_toast = export_2_mat(seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type)
- @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files" , msg);)
+ @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files", msg))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "matfolderraw"
- elseif type=="image"
+ elseif type == "image"
str_toast = export_2_mat(seq, obj, sys, raw, rec_params, img, mat_folder; type)
- @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files" , msg);)
+ @js_ w (@var msg = $str_toast; Toasty("1", "Saved .mat files", msg))
@js_ w document.getElementById("content").dataset.content = "matfolderima"
- end
+ end