Since version 0.2.0
the deeper-cli includes a newrelic-setup
flag you can use to easily and quickly setup all the required configuration to enable the integration to ship data to New Relic.
- Download the appropriate package from the main page here. to your host.
- Use whichever method you prefer to download the package, via a browser, wget, fetch, curl etc.
- Package can be placed anywhere for now
- Unpack the download (you can use your package/archive manager, or do it via command line whatever your preference.
- You will need your New Relic account id during setup, to find your account id, in New Relic, in the top right hand drop down menu, go to "Manage your plan", you will see your account number next to "Plan management". Scribble it down somewhere or refer to the page later when prompted for it.
If you have installed an earlier version of the CLI that could still potentially be running, you can remove the files from the following locations, the naming conventions will be similar as below:
- /etc/newrelic-infra/integrations.d/deeper-cli-integration.....yml
- /etc/newrelic-infra/logging.d/deeper-cli-logging.....yml
- /var/db/newrelic-infra/newrelic-integrations/bin/deeper-cli
- Download the relevant CLI Package using your preferred method, and extract the package
- Run the following command with sudo or as root to begin setup
sudo ./deeper-cli --newrelic-setup -v
You will then be prompted a series of options to fill out as below.
Once completed continue here.
If you have installed an earlier version of the CLI that could still potentially be running, you can remove the files from the following locations, the naming conventions will be similar as below:
- C:\Program Files\New Relic\newrelic-infra\integrations.d\deeper-cli-integration.....yml
- C:\Program Files\New Relic\newrelic-infra\logging.d\deeper-cli-logging.....yml
- C:\Program Files\New Relic\newrelic-infra\newrelic-integrations\deeper-cli.exe
- Download the latest CLI via your browser, place into preferred directory
- Right click the download and select "Extract All" > "Extract", or or use whichever archive manager you prefer
- Depending whether you extracted with Windows inbuilt extraction or 7zip, there could be an additional nested folder.
- Run Powershell in administrator mode (right click powershell icon click
Run as administrator
) - Navigate to the directory where you have extracted the
package, then - Run the following command to begin setup
.\deeper-cli.exe --newrelic-setup -v
You will then be prompted a series of options to fill out as below.
If all went successfully it is now for the exciting part!
Head back to New Relic here.
If all went successfully, you will see your Deeper Connect device listed
Clicking on your Deeper Connect device, will take you to a prebuilt dashboard (Your logs may take a few minutes to appear, or you may not have any new logs as yet).