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Telegram bot that interacts with Cloudflare Workers and utilizes Google Sheets for data storage. No dependencies and no packages are required.

Just create and deploy a worker, create a bot with BotFather, create GoogleCloud free tier account, and set sheets webhook - that's all there's to it. Adress the guide below.

This bot can:

  1. Retrieve and search data in a google sheet to reply to your search query.
  2. Provide language toggle for users
  3. Send messages on /welcome, /help, /stop, and more
  4. Uses different kinds of telegram inline keyboards
  5. Replies to the user's "hi", "bye", and "thank you" with a set of multiple responses


Get Started with Workers

Create a Worker

You can check out this small workers beginner course.

# supposing you've got a repo created
$ git clone && cd REPO_NAME

# might require sudo
$ npm init cloudflare my-worker worker

After I decided to move scripts from my-worker/ into src/ and config files into the project root.


$ git clone
$ cd telegram-bot-cf-workers-and-gle-sheets


To preview worker locally, run the following:

$ npx wrangler dev --remote
# open a link in your browser

To publish local changes to Cloudflare:

  1. Make sure you're logged in:

     $ npx wrangler login
  2. Add your Cloudflare account_id to wrangler.toml:

     # you can view account details
     $ npx wrangler whoami
  3. Deploy your Worker:

     $ npx wrangler deploy
  4. Connect a new webhook to the bot with the key you received from BotFather:

     # in your browser
     $ <YOUR_WORKER_URL>/setWebhook?bot=<BOT_API_TOKEN>
  5. Create secrets: BOT_API_TOKEN (from BotFather), BOT_API_SECRET (info how here), ADMIN_CHAT_ID (for maintenance messages - you can create it later when you know admin chat id).

  6. SHEET_API_TOKEN and SHEET_ID secrets (great and full guide here, this bot doesn't use g-sheets-api package though).

  7. Redeploy and that's it.


  • Secrets and environment variables can be added via the Cloudflare Worker Dashboard. You can also add them via your terminal:

    $ npx wrangler secret put <KEY>
  • Add Environmental Variables to wrangler.toml. More info here:

    # wrangler.toml
    LANG = "en"
  • Access Secret Keys and Vars. Nice tutorial here:

// ES Worker
// Service Worker
  • Add and use KVs. More info here:

      # add KV namespace
      $ npx wrangler kv:namespace create <NAMESPACE_BINDING>
      # put a key-value pair into the namespace
      $ npx wrangler kv:key put --binding=<NAMESPACE_BINDING> "<KEY>" "<VALUE>"
// Service Worker

const lang = await kv_bot_prefs.get("LANG");

if (lang === null) {
    await kv_bot_prefs.put("LANG", "en");


Bot can receive updates via an outgoing webhook. More info on webhooks here. src/worker.js comes with a several functions to set up a webhook. In order for them to work, ensure BOT_API_TOKEN and BOT_API_SECRET were added as worker secrets.

  1. Set a Webhook

     # You can open a link in your browser to set up a webhook directly:<YOUR_BOT_API>/setWebhook?url=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>&secret_token=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_SECRET_TOKEN>

    It is recommended to manage Webhooks locally, but this worker also provides the ability to set it from your worker url. For additional security (so that no one else just opens the link and resets the webhook), provide your BOT_API_TOKEN as bot parameter:

     # In your browser:
     # Response:
     {"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"}
  2. Similarly to 1, use these urls to Delete webhook or get info about it. The returned response is stringified json out of the fetched url request to telegram api.

     # In your browser:
     # Response:
     {"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was deleted"}
     # In your browser:
     # Response: