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Writeup for Inclusion room on

URL for this room is

Table of Contents

Port Scan

First I have conducted a SYN scan using nmap to discover open ports on the target machine. The results are as follows:

# Nmap 7.60 scan initiated Mon Nov 22 10:41:13 2021 as: nmap -vv -sS -oN port_scan.txt
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up, received arp-response (0.00076s latency).
Scanned at 2021-11-22 10:41:13 GMT for 2s
Not shown: 998 closed ports
Reason: 998 resets
22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 64
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 64
MAC Address: 02:B9:D7:43:FA:2B (Unknown)

Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
# Nmap done at Mon Nov 22 10:41:15 2021 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.64 seconds

The scan detected ssh port 22 and http port 80 as being open.


Navigating to the specified IP address leads to a simple Bootstrap Hello World website.

LFI webpage

Clicking on "View details" button below LFI-attack paragraph leads to an unformatted HTML page telling about LFI attack. It also gives a name parameter that could be exploited with this attack.

LFI parameter

Initial Exploitation

There is a SSH service running on this specific webserver. So it is necessary to search for SSH login credentials.

Doing a Path Traversal to /etc/passwd file gives the username of falconfeast and it's password.

Username path traversal

With this information available it is possible to log in as the falconfeast user and get the user flag.

User flag

Privillege Escalation

Executing sudo -l command shows what processes falconfeast can run with root privilleges.

Run as root

As it can be seen from the picture above, falconfeast can run socat command as root. Now going to GTFOBins and searching for socat gives multiple exploitation methods of the command. For this challenge I am using reverse shell method. Firstly, on the attacking machine I am going to set up a netcat listener on port 1234 with nc -lvnp 1234.

Netcat listener

Then I am setting up a reverse shell on a target machine.

Reverse shell

And the connection is successful!

Successful connection

Now navigate to /root folder and get the root flag.

Root flag

Room completed!