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Libraries database setup

These are instructions to set up a spatial database using the Libraries Taskforce basic core dataset.

This database is used to create a dashboard currently located at


  • A PostgreSQL database server. These instructions completed with version 9.6.1.
  • The PostGIS database server extensions for PostgreSQL. These instructions completed with version 2.3.2.


A script has been created to run through all these tasks one by though, though they are all detailed below.

Database setup

  • Create a new database
-- database: englandlibs.  create new db.
create database englandlibs;
  • We want this to be a spatial database, so on the database run the command to add PostGIS extensions.
-- extension: postgis.  add spatial extensions to the database.
create extension postgis;

Dataset: OS Code-point Open

The Ordnance Survey have an open data product listing all postcodes in the UK, complete with geo-cordinates (set to the centre of the postcode), and various codes specifying the areas that each postcode falls within.

  • Download code-point open from OS Open Data. It's open data but unfortunately you need to sign up. A zip file of postcodes is included in the data/os directory of this project.

This data is provided as a series of CSV files for each postcode area. It would be a lot simpler to import the data as a single CSV file. There are many ways to combine CSV files into one, depending on your operating system.

  • For Windows, run the following command at a command prompt.
copy *.csv postcodes.csv

Once the data is in a single CSV file it can be imported into a database. A copy of postcodes.csv is included in the data/os folder in this project.

  • Create the table.
-- table: postcodes.
create table postcodes
  postcode character varying(8) not null,
  positional_quality_indicator integer,
  eastings numeric,
  northings numeric,
  country_code character varying(9),
  nhs_regional_ha_code character varying(9),
  nhs_ha_code character varying(9),
  admin_county_code character varying(9),
  admin_district_code character varying(9),
  admin_ward_code character varying(9),
  constraint pk_postcodes_postcode primary key (postcode)

-- index: cuix_postcodes_postcode.  a unique clustered index for postcode.
create unique index cuix_postcodes_postcode on postcodes using btree (postcode);
alter table postcodes cluster on cuix_postcodes_postcode;

-- index: ix_postcodes_postcode_coords.  a unique index for postcode and the postcode coordinates.
create unique index ix_postcodes_postcode_coords on postcodes using btree (postcode, eastings, northings);
  • Import the postcodes data into the new table.
copy postcodes from '\data\os\postcodes.csv' delimiter ',' csv;
  • Add a geometry column to make use of the eastings and northings.
-- add the geometry column for the table
select AddGeometryColumn ('postcodes','geom',27700,'POINT',2);
-- and update the column to store the coordinates
update postcodes set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(eastings, northings), 27700);
select UpdateGeometrySRID('postcodes', 'geom', 27700);

-- index: uix_postcodes_geom.  a spatial index on the geometry.
create index ix_postcodes_geom ON postcodes using gist (geom);

Dataset: Postcode head counts

Postcode head count data tells us how many people live at a particular postcode. This can be useful for counting people within a certain area but is also useful for this project because it tells us if there are any residents in a library postcode. The postcode headcount web page includes the following comment: 'Postcodes with no usual residents have not been included in these tables.' When libraries are in postcodes that have no usual residents we can be more optimistic about the accuracy of the centre point of that postcode location. This will be useful later on.

  • Download Table 1: All postcodes from nomisweb.

  • Add a table to store the data

-- table: postcodes.
create table postcodes_headcounts
  postcode character varying(8) not null,
  total integer,
  males integer,
  females integer,
  households integer,
  constraint pk_postcodeheadcounts_postcode primary key (postcode)

-- index: cuix_postcodeheadcounts_postcode.  a unique clustered index for postcode.
create unique index cuix_postcodeheadcounts_postcode on postcodes_headcounts using btree (postcode);
alter table postcodes_headcounts cluster on cuix_postcodeheadcounts_postcode;
  • And import the data
copy postcodes_headcounts from '\data\ons\postcode_estimates.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;

Dataset: OS authority boundaries

  • Download Boundary Lines from the OS Open Data portal. Alternatively, copies of the relevant boundary line files (county_region and district_borough_unitary_region) are included in the data/os directory of this project.

  • From a command prompt, run the following commands (requires shp2pgsql which should be installed with PostgreSQL/PostGIS). This will prompt for the password of your database server (for the specified username) and automatically create the relevant tables.

shp2pgsql "county_region.shp" | psql -d englandlibs -U "username"
shp2pgsql "district_borough_unitary_region.shp" | psql -d englandlibs -U "username"

That will create some tables with the boundary data in, but doesn't create the indexes. We'll merge together the tables into a new one and then index that.

  • Create the new table
-- table: regions.  a table to store local authority boundaries.
create table regions
  name character varying(60),
  area_code character varying(3),
  code character varying(9),
  hectares double precision,
  area double precision,
  geom geometry(MultiPolygon),
  constraint pk_regions_code primary key (code)

-- insert data into regions.
insert into regions
(select name, area_code, code, hectares, area, geom from county_region
select name, area_code, code, hectares, area, geom from district_borough_unitary_region);

-- geometry: set srid.
select updategeometrysrid('regions', 'geom', 27700);

-- get rid of the old tables
drop table county_region;
drop table district_borough_unitary_region;
  • Run the following commands on the database to do some indexing.
-- index: cuix_regions_code.  a unique clustered index on the authority code.
create unique index cuix_regions_code on regions using btree (code);
alter table regions cluster on cuix_regions_code;

-- Index: ix_regions_geom.  a spatial index on the geometry.
create index ix_regions_geom on regions using gist (geom);

Dataset: ONS UK and Authorities population estimates mid-2015

-- table: population
create table regions_population
  code character varying(9) not null,
  name character varying(60),
  population integer,
  constraint pk_population_code primary key (code)

-- index: cuix_population_code.  a unique clustered index on the authority code.
create unique index cuix_population_code on regions_population using btree (code);
alter table regions_population cluster on cuix_population_code;

-- index: uix_population_code_population.  a unique index on authority code and population count.
create unique index uix_population_code_population on regions_population using btree (code, population);
  • Import the data from the CSV file into the table.
-- table: population.  populate the table
copy regions_population FROM '\data\ons\ukpopulation.csv' delimiter ',' csv;

Dataset: ONS Output area boundaries

shp2pgsql "Output_Area_December_2011_Full_Clipped_Boundaries_in_England_and_Wales.shp" | psql -d englandlibs -U "username"
  • Then modify the table a little and add some indexes.
-- table: rename to oa_boundaries
alter table "output_area_december_2011_full_clipped_boundaries_in_england_an" rename to oa_boundaries

-- geometry: set srid.
select updategeometrysrid('oa_boundaries', 'geom', 27700);

-- index: cuix_oaboundaries_code.  a unique clustered index on output area code.
create unique index cuix_oaboundaries_code on oa_boundaries using btree (oa11cd);
alter table oa_boundaries cluster on cuix_oaboundaries_code;

-- index: ix_oaboundaries_geom.  a spatial index on the output area geometry.
create index ix_oaboundaries_geom on oa_boundaries using gist (geom);

Dataset: Output area population mid-2015.

Download the following Census Output Area population statistics:

These files are in Excel format but the second worksheet in each one can be converted to CSV to get at the data. Copies of all the CSVs are held in this project in the data/ons folder.

  • Create a database table to hold these population stats.
-- table: oa_populations.  a table of population stats, split by output area.
create table oa_population
	oa character varying(9) not null,
	lsoa character varying(9) not null,
	all_ages integer,
	age_0 integer,age_1 integer,age_2 integer,age_3 integer,age_4 integer,age_5 integer,age_6 integer,age_7 integer,age_8 integer,age_9 integer,
	age_10 integer,age_11 integer,age_12 integer,age_13 integer,age_14 integer,age_15 integer,age_16 integer,age_17 integer,age_18 integer,age_19 integer,
	age_20 integer,age_21 integer,age_22 integer,age_23 integer,age_24 integer,age_25 integer,age_26 integer,age_27 integer,age_28 integer,age_29 integer,
	age_30 integer,age_31 integer,age_32 integer,age_33 integer,age_34 integer,age_35 integer,age_36 integer,age_37 integer,age_38 integer,age_39 integer,
	age_40 integer,age_41 integer,age_42 integer,age_43 integer,age_44 integer,age_45 integer,age_46 integer,age_47 integer,age_48 integer,age_49 integer,
	age_50 integer,age_51 integer,age_52 integer,age_53 integer,age_54 integer,age_55 integer,age_56 integer,age_57 integer,age_58 integer,age_59 integer,
	age_60 integer,age_61 integer,age_62 integer,age_63 integer,age_64 integer,age_65 integer,age_66 integer,age_67 integer,age_68 integer,age_69 integer,
	age_70 integer,age_71 integer,age_72 integer,age_73 integer,age_74 integer,age_75 integer,age_76 integer,age_77 integer,age_78 integer,age_79 integer,
	age_80 integer,age_81 integer,age_82 integer,age_83 integer,age_84 integer,age_85 integer,age_86 integer,age_87 integer,age_88 integer,age_89 integer,
	age_90 integer,
	constraint pk_oapopulations_oa primary key (oa)

-- index: cuix_oapopulations_lsoa_oa.  a unique clustered index on lsoa code and oa code.
create unique index cuix_oapopulations_lsoa_oa on oa_population using btree (lsoa, oa);
alter table oa_population cluster on cuix_oapopulations_lsoa_oa;

-- index: uix_oapopulations_oa_population.  an index on oa code and population count.
create unique index uix_oapopulations_oa_population on oa_population using btree (oa, all_ages);
  • Then import the data from the CSV files.
-- table:  oa_population.  populate the table.
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-east.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-eastmidlands.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-london.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-northeast.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-northwest.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-southeast.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-southwest.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-wales.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-westmidlands.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
copy oa_population from '\data\ons\coa-population-mid2015-yorkshireandthehumber.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;

Dataset: ONS Lower layer super output area boundaries

shp2pgsql "Lower_Layer_Super_Output_Areas_December_2011_Full_Clipped__Boundaries_in_England_and_Wales.shp" | psql -d englandlibs -U "username"
  • Then modify the table and add some indexes.
-- table: rename to lsoa_boundaries.
alter table Lower_Layer_Super_Output_Areas_December_2011_Full_Clipped__Boun rename to lsoa_boundaries

-- index: cuix_lsoaboundaries_code.  a unique clustered index on lsoa code.
create unique index cuix_lsoaboundaries_code on lsoa_boundaries using btree (lsoa11cd);
alter table lsoa_boundaries cluster on cuix_lsoaboundaries_code;
-- Set the SRID for the geometry
select UpdateGeometrySRID('lsoa_boundaries', 'geom', 27700);

-- index: ix_lsoaboundaries_geom.  a spatial index on the lsoa geometry.
create index ix_lsoaboundaries_geom on lsoa_boundaries using gist (geom);

Dataset: ONS Lower layer super output areas population weighted centroids

shp2pgsql "LSOA_December_2011_Population_Weighted_Centroids.shp" | psql -d englandlibs -U "username"
  • Then modify the table and add some indexes.
-- table: rename to lsoa_population_weighted.
alter table LSOA_December_2011_Population_Weighted_Centroids rename to lsoa_population_weighted;

-- index: cuix_lsoapopulationweighted_code.
create unique index cuix_lsoapopulationweighted_code on lsoa_population_weighted using btree (lsoa11cd);
alter table lsoa_population_weighted cluster on cuix_lsoapopulationweighted_code;
select UpdateGeometrySRID('lsoa_population_weighted', 'geom', 27700);

-- index: ix_lsoapopulationweighted_geom.
create index ix_lsoapopulationweighted_geom on lsoa_population_weighted using gist (geom);

Dataset: ONS Lower layer super output areas population estimates mid-2015

-- table: lsoa_population
create table lsoa_population
	code character varying(9) not null,
	name text,
	all_ages integer,
	age_0 integer,age_1 integer,age_2 integer,age_3 integer,age_4 integer,age_5 integer,age_6 integer,age_7 integer,age_8 integer,age_9 integer,
	age_10 integer,age_11 integer,age_12 integer,age_13 integer,age_14 integer,age_15 integer,age_16 integer,age_17 integer,age_18 integer,age_19 integer,
	age_20 integer,age_21 integer,age_22 integer,age_23 integer,age_24 integer,age_25 integer,age_26 integer,age_27 integer,age_28 integer,age_29 integer,
	age_30 integer,age_31 integer,age_32 integer,age_33 integer,age_34 integer,age_35 integer,age_36 integer,age_37 integer,age_38 integer,age_39 integer,
	age_40 integer,age_41 integer,age_42 integer,age_43 integer,age_44 integer,age_45 integer,age_46 integer,age_47 integer,age_48 integer,age_49 integer,
	age_50 integer,age_51 integer,age_52 integer,age_53 integer,age_54 integer,age_55 integer,age_56 integer,age_57 integer,age_58 integer,age_59 integer,
	age_60 integer,age_61 integer,age_62 integer,age_63 integer,age_64 integer,age_65 integer,age_66 integer,age_67 integer,age_68 integer,age_69 integer,
	age_70 integer,age_71 integer,age_72 integer,age_73 integer,age_74 integer,age_75 integer,age_76 integer,age_77 integer,age_78 integer,age_79 integer,
	age_80 integer,age_81 integer,age_82 integer,age_83 integer,age_84 integer,age_85 integer,age_86 integer,age_87 integer,age_88 integer,age_89 integer,
	age_90 integer,
	constraint pk_lsoapopulation_code primary key (code)

-- index: cuix_lsoapopulation_code.  a unique clustered index on lsoa code.
create unique index cuix_lsoapopulation_code on lsoa_population using btree (code);
alter table lsoa_population cluster on cuix_lsoapopulation_code;

-- index: uix_lsoapopulation_code_population.   a unique index on lsoa code and population.
create unique index uix_lsoapopulation_code_population on lsoa_population using btree (code, all_ages);
  • Import the data
copy lsoa_population from '\data\ons\lsoa-population-mid2015.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;

Dataset: Indices of deprivation

  • Download the CSV File 7: all ranks, deciles and scores for the indices of deprivation, and population denominators from statistics. A copy of this file is included in the data/ons folder of this project.

  • Create a table to store the data.

-- table: lsoa_imd.  a table to store deprivation statistics.
create table lsoa_imd
  lsoa_code character varying(9) not null, lsoa_name text, district_code character varying(9), district_name text,
  imd_score numeric, imd_rank integer, imd_decile integer,
  income_score numeric, income_rank integer, income_decile integer,
  employment_score numeric, employment_rank integer, employment_decile integer,
  education_score numeric, education_rank integer, education_decile integer,
  health_score numeric, health_rank integer, health_decile integer,
  crime_score numeric, crime_rank integer, crime_decile integer,
  housing_score numeric, housing_rank integer, housing_decile integer,
  environment_score numeric, environment_rank integer, environment_decile integer,
  idaci_score numeric, idaci_rank integer, idaci_decile integer,
  idaopi_score numeric, idaopi_rank integer, idaopi_decile integer,
  children_score numeric, children_rank integer, children_decile integer,
  adultskills_score numeric, adultskills_rank integer, adultskills_decile integer,
  geographical_score numeric, geographical_rank integer, geographical_decile integer,
  wider_score numeric, wider_rank integer, wider_decile integer,
  indoors_score numeric, indoors_rank integer, indoors_decile integer,
  outdoors_score numeric, outdoors_rank integer, outdoors_decile integer,
  population_total integer, dependent_children integer, sixteen_fiftynine integer, over_sixty integer, working_age numeric,
  constraint pk_imd_code primary key (lsoa_code)

-- index: cuix_imd_code.  a unique clustered index on lsoa code
create unique index cuix_imd_code on lsoa_imd using btree (lsoa_code);
alter table lsoa_imd cluster on cuix_imd_code;
  • Copy the data from the CSV into the table.
copy lsoa_imd from '\data\ons\lsoa-imd.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;

Dataset: Libraries Taskforce source data

-- table: libraries_raw.  stores the raw data from the libraries taskforce.
create table libraries_raw
  authority text, library text, address text, postcode text, statutoryapril2010 text, statutoryjuly2016 text, libtype text, closed text,
  yearclosed text, new text, replacement text, notes text, hours text, staffhours text, email text, url text
  • Import the data.
copy libraries_raw from '\data\libraries\libraries_raw.csv' delimiter ',' csv;

Table: Authorities.

  • Create the basic table structure.
-- table: authorities.  table to store a list of library services data.
create table authorities
  id serial, name text, code character varying(9), 
  constraint pk_authority primary key (id)

-- index: cuix_authorities_id. clustered index on the authority code.
create unique index cuix_authorities_id on authorities USING btree (id);
alter table authorities cluster on cuix_authorities_id;

-- index: uix_authorities_code.
create unique index uix_authorities_code on authorities USING btree (code);
  • Insert all the unique authority names from the raw library data.
insert into authorities(name)
select distinct trim(both from authority)
from libraries_raw order by trim(both from authority);

Then to have a dataset that we can reliably merge from data elsewhere we're going to add the authority codes used in datasets like those published by the Office for National Statistics, and Ordnance Survey. That data can come from the authority boundaries.

  • Try to match using the region table.
update authorities a
set code = (
	select code from regions r
	where regexp_replace(,' City| London Boro| \(B\)| District|City of | County', '','g') =
where a.code is null;

That will still leave 10 with no matching code. The reason for this will be authorities in the taskforce dataset that are named irregularly (e.g. Bath and NE Somerset instead of Bath and North East Somerset).

  • Edit the table manually to fill in the missing values.
-- table: authorities.  populate the table.
update authorities set code = 'E06000022' where name = 'Bath and NE Somerset';
update authorities set code = 'E06000043' where name = 'Brighton and Hove';
update authorities set code = 'E09000001' where name = 'City of London';
update authorities set code = 'E06000047' where name = 'Durham';
update authorities set code = 'E06000019' where name = 'Herefordshire';
update authorities set code = 'E06000016' where name = 'Leicester City';
update authorities set code = 'E06000033' where name = 'Southend on Sea';
update authorities set code = 'E08000013' where name = 'St Helens';
update authorities set code = 'E06000004' where name = 'Stockton on Tees';
update authorities set code = 'E06000021' where name = 'Stoke on Trent';

Get all the OAs for each LSOA.

  • Create a table to hold the LSOA/OA lookup.
-- table: lsoa_oas.  stores a lookup to match lsoa code to a code.
create table lsoa_oas
  lsoa_code character varying(9), oa_code character varying(9),
  constraint pk_lsoasoas_code primary key (lsoa_code, oa_code)

-- index: cuix_lsoasoas_lsoa_oa.  unique clustered index on lsoa and oa code.
create unique index cuix_lsoasoas_lsoa_oa on lsoa_oas using btree (lsoa_code, oa_code);
alter table lsoa_oas cluster on cuix_lsoasoas_lsoa_oa;
  • And then insert the data into that table.
-- table:  lsoa_oas.  populate the table.
insert into lsoa_oas
select l.lsoa11cd, o.oa11cd
from lsoa_boundaries l
join oa_boundaries o
on ST_Intersects(l.geom, o.geom)
and ST_Area(ST_Intersection(l.geom, o.geom))/ST_Area(o.geom) > 0.5;

Get all the LSOAs for each authority

  • Create a table to hold the LSOA lookups.
-- table: authorities_lsoas.  stores a lookup to match authority code to lsoa code.
create table authorities_lsoas
  code character varying(9), lsoa_code character varying(9),
  constraint pk_authoritieslsoas_code primary key (code, lsoa_code)

-- index: cuix_authoritieslsoas_code_lsoa.  unique clustered index on authority and lsoa code.
create unique index cuix_authoritieslsoas_code_lsoa on authorities_lsoas using btree (code, lsoa_code);
alter table authorities_lsoas cluster on cuix_authoritieslsoas_code_lsoa;
  • And then insert the data into that table.
-- table:  authorities_lsoas.  populate the table.
insert into authorities_lsoas
select r.code, ls.lsoa11cd
from authorities a
join regions r
on a.code = r.code
join lsoa_boundaries ls
on ST_Intersects(ls.geom, r.geom)
and ST_Area(ST_Intersection(r.geom, ls.geom))/ST_Area(ls.geom) > 0.5;

Get all the OAs for each authority

  • Create the table to hold the output area lookups.
-- table: authorities_oas.  holds output area codes for each authority.
create table authorities_oas
  code character varying(9), lsoa_code character varying(9), oa_code character varying(9),
  constraint pk_authoritiesoas_code primary key (code, lsoa_code, oa_code)

-- index: cuix_authoritiesoas_code_lsoa_oa.
create unique index cuix_authoritiesoas_code_lsoa_oa on authorities_oas using btree (code, lsoa_code, oa_code);
alter table authorities_oas cluster on cuix_authoritiesoas_code_lsoa_oa;
  • And import the data
-- table:  authorities_oas.  populate the table.
insert into authorities_oas
select r.code, ls.lsoa11cd, oa.oa11cd
from authorities a
join regions r
on a.code = r.code
join lsoa_boundaries ls
on ST_Intersects(ls.geom, r.geom)
and ST_Area(ST_Intersection(r.geom, ls.geom))/ST_Area(ls.geom) > 0.5
join oa_boundaries oa
on ST_Intersects(oa.geom, ls.geom)
and ST_Area(ST_Intersection(ls.geom, oa.geom))/ST_Area(oa.geom) > 0.5

Export the authorities details

  • Export an authorities CSV file.
-- export: authorities.
copy (
	select as authority_id, as name,
	r.code as code,
	r.hectares as hectares,
	round(avg(i.imd_decile), 3) as multiple,
	round(avg(i.income_decile), 3) as income,
	round(avg(i.employment_decile), 3) as employment,
	round(avg(i.education_decile), 3) as education,
	round(avg(i.health_decile), 3) as health,
	round(avg(i.crime_decile), 3) as crime,
	round(avg(i.housing_decile), 3) as housing,
	round(avg(i.environment_decile), 3) as environment,
	round(avg(i.idaci_decile), 3) as idaci,
	round(avg(i.idaopi_decile), 3) as idaopi,
	round(avg(i.children_decile), 3) as education,
	round(avg(i.adultskills_decile), 3) as adultskills,
	round(avg(i.geographical_decile), 3) as services,
	round(avg(i.wider_decile), 3) as wider,
	round(avg(i.indoors_decile), 3) as indoors,
	round(avg(i.outdoors_decile), 3) as outdoors,
	p.population as population,
	sum(lsp.age_0 + lsp.age_1 + lsp.age_2 + lsp.age_3 + lsp.age_4 + lsp.age_5 + lsp.age_6 + lsp.age_7 + lsp.age_8 +
	lsp.age_9 + lsp.age_10 + lsp.age_11 + lsp.age_12 + lsp.age_13 + lsp.age_14 + lsp.age_15) as dependent_children,
	sum(lsp.age_16 + lsp.age_17 + lsp.age_18 + lsp.age_19 + lsp.age_20 + lsp.age_21 + lsp.age_22 + lsp.age_23 + lsp.age_24 +
	lsp.age_25 + lsp.age_26 + lsp.age_27 + lsp.age_28 + lsp.age_29 + lsp.age_30 + lsp.age_31 + lsp.age_32 + lsp.age_33 + lsp.age_34 +
	lsp.age_35 + lsp.age_36 + lsp.age_37 + lsp.age_38 + lsp.age_39 + lsp.age_40 + lsp.age_41 + lsp.age_42 + lsp.age_43 + lsp.age_44 +
	lsp.age_45 + lsp.age_46 + lsp.age_47 + lsp.age_48 + lsp.age_49 + lsp.age_50 + lsp.age_51 + lsp.age_52 + lsp.age_53 + lsp.age_54 +
	lsp.age_55 + lsp.age_56 + lsp.age_57 + lsp.age_58 + lsp.age_59 + lsp.age_60 + lsp.age_61 + lsp.age_62 + lsp.age_63) as working_age,
	sum(lsp.age_16 + lsp.age_17 + lsp.age_18 + lsp.age_19 + lsp.age_20 + lsp.age_21 + lsp.age_22 + lsp.age_23 + lsp.age_24 + 
	lsp.age_25 + lsp.age_26 + lsp.age_27 + lsp.age_28 + lsp.age_29 + lsp.age_30 + lsp.age_31 + lsp.age_32 + lsp.age_33 + lsp.age_34 + 
	lsp.age_35 + lsp.age_36 + lsp.age_37 + lsp.age_38 + lsp.age_39 + lsp.age_40 + lsp.age_41 + lsp.age_42 + lsp.age_43 + lsp.age_44 + 
	lsp.age_45 + lsp.age_46 + lsp.age_47 + lsp.age_48 + lsp.age_49 + lsp.age_50 + lsp.age_51 + lsp.age_52 + lsp.age_53 + lsp.age_54 + 
	lsp.age_55 + lsp.age_56 + lsp.age_57 + lsp.age_58 + lsp.age_59) as sixteen_fiftynine,
	sum(lsp.age_60 + lsp.age_61 + lsp.age_62 + lsp.age_63 + lsp.age_64 + lsp.age_65 + lsp.age_66 + lsp.age_67 + lsp.age_68 + 
	lsp.age_69 + lsp.age_70 + lsp.age_71 + lsp.age_72 + lsp.age_73 + lsp.age_74 + lsp.age_75 + lsp.age_76 + lsp.age_77 + lsp.age_78 + 
	lsp.age_80 + lsp.age_81 + lsp.age_82 + lsp.age_83 + lsp.age_84 + lsp.age_85 + lsp.age_86 + lsp.age_87 + lsp.age_88 + lsp.age_89 + lsp.age_90) as over_sixty
		from authorities a
		join regions r
		on a.code = r.code
		join regions_population p
		on p.code = a.code
		join authorities_lsoas ls
		on ls.code = r.code
		join lsoa_imd i
		on i.lsoa_code = ls.lsoa_code
		join lsoa_population lsp
		on lsp.code = ls.lsoa_code
		group by,, r.code, r.hectares, p.population
		order by
) to 'authorities.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
  • Export the authorities as GeoJSON.
-- export:  authorities_geo.
copy (
	select row_to_json(fc)
	from (
		select 'FeatureCollection' As type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) as features
		from (
			select 'Feature' As type, ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geom)::json As geometry, row_to_json((select l from (select authority_id, name, code) As l)) as properties
			from (
				select as authority_id, as name, r.code as code, ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), 0.002) as geom 
				from authorities a
				join regions r
				on a.code = r.code
				order by
			) As lg
		) As f
	)  As fc
) To 'authorities_geo.json'

Create libraries table

  • Create the table.
-- table: libraries.  stores the library data.
create table libraries
  id serial, name text, authority_id integer, address text,
  postcode character varying(8), easting numeric, northing numeric,
  type character varying(4),
  closed character varying(4), closed_year text,
  statutory2010 boolean, statutory2016 boolean,
  opened_year text, replacement boolean,
  notes text, hours text, staffhours text,
  email text, url text,
  constraint pk_library primary key (id)

-- index: cuix_libraries_id_authid.
create unique index cuix_libraries_id_authid on libraries using btree (id, authority_id);
alter table libraries cluster on cuix_libraries_id_authid;

-- index: uix_libraries_authid.
create index uix_libraries_authid on libraries using btree (authority_id);
  • Take data from lots of tables and put it into the libraries table.
-- correct invalid postcode entries
update libraries_raw set postcode = 'HU18 1PA' where postcode = 'HU 18 1PA';
update libraries_raw set postcode = 'NE3234AU' where postcode = 'NE32 34AU';
update libraries_raw set postcode = 'TA21 8AQ' where postcode = 'TA21  8AQ';

-- there is an invalid library - Leicester Forest East in Leicestershire and Leicester City
delete from libraries_raw where name = 'Forest East Community Library' and authority = 'Leicester City'

-- table: libraries.  populate the library data.
insert into libraries(
	name, authority_id, address, postcode, easting, northing, type, closed, closed_year, statutory2010, 
	statutory2016, opened_year, replacement, notes, hours, staffhours, email, url)
select trim(both from r.library),, trim(both from r.address), 
	coalesce(p.postcode, r.postcode),
	p.eastings, p.northings, trim(both from r.libtype),
	trim(both from r.closed),
	trim(both from r.yearclosed),
	case when lower(trim(both from r.statutoryapril2010)) = 'yes' then true else false end,
	case when lower(trim(both from r.statutoryjuly2016)) = 'yes' then true else false end,
	trim(both from,
	case when lower(trim(both from replacement)) not like 'no%' and trim(both from replacement) != '' then true else false end,
	trim(both from r.notes), trim(both from r.hours), trim(both from r.staffhours), trim(both from, trim(both from r.url)
from libraries_raw r
join authorities a
on = trim(both from r.authority)
left outer join postcodes p
on replace(upper(r.postcode), ' ', '') = replace(p.postcode, ' ', '')
order by r.authority, r.library;

There are some decisions to be made about cleaning up the data. For library types there are the following in the dataset:

Library type Count Description
1 No library type and no closed status. Marked as unofficial book drop. Delete.
235 No library type, but they are all closed libraries. It's a shame that we don't have the library type for closed libraries but leave as is.
ICL+ 8 Seem to be the same as ICL, aside from having paid staff. Will convert these to ICL.
LAL 2247 Library building funded, run and managed by local authority staff. Leave as is.
CRL 279 Libraries operating now as a library with some level of ongoing support from a local authority. Leave as is.
CL 406 Libraries commissioned and funded by a local authority. Leave as is.
ICL 34 Libraries transferred to the management of a non local authority body, either community group or third party, which is outside the local authority network. Leave as is.
LAL- 30 These appear to be book drops and other non-libraries. Will remove these.
CRL+ 29 Seem to be the same as CRL. Will convert to CRL.

Now, what about the closed status?

Closed type Count Description
3021 No closed indicator. Hopefully they're not closed. Leave as is.
XL 119 Closed library. Leave as is.
XLR 114 Library replaced. Leave as is.
XLT 15 Library temporarily closed. Leave as is.

That makes for 248 closed libraries. Aside from the statuses, there are then some oddities.

Issue Count Resolution
No closed status but a closed year. What's going on here? Set them to closed. 5 Set closed status to XL. Set statutory2016 value to No.
Less replaced libraries than replacements 114/216 There are 114 libraries set as replaced. And 216 libraries marked as replacements. The likelihood here is that library services have included new libraries but not listed the ones they replaced. Can't do much about that, except account for it in the dashboard.
Closed status but also library type. Would like this to always be the case but it is generally not so can't really use it. 13 Remove the library type where the library is closed.

So that's a set of rules for library type. Then there is the statutory and non-statutory indicator for 2010 and 2016. Services completing the data return should indicate (Yes/No) whether the library was included as part of their statutory service both in April 2010 and July 2016. If the library is new then it should be marked as No in 2010. There are the following slightly odd responses:

Issue Count Resolution
Library, not marked as new or replacement, marked as statutory in 2016 but not in 2010. Some of these appear to be libraries that haven't changed status. Others are micro libraries or collections that are replacements for mobile library services. 31 Change statutory 2016 value to No.
Independent community library marked as statutory in 2016. If these are supported by the authority, would expect them to be marked as CRL. 1 Change statutory 2016 value to No.
Have a closed year but marked as statutory in 2016. Some may be temporary closures, others indefinite. 6 Change statutory 2016 value to No.
New, but also marked as statutory in 2010. 122 Change statutory 2010 value to No
Have a closed status but marked as statutory in 2016. 9 Change statutory 2016 value to No

Then, there's the closed and opened years.

Issue Count Resolution
No closed year, but closed status. 13 Set to closed in 2016.
Invalid closed year. If completed, these should be a year (e.g. 2015). Some of them are dates like Sep-2015. 13 Manually correct. Could prob do it cleverly but not much point.
Invalid opened year. If completed, these should be a year (e.g. 2015). Some of them are dates like Sep-2015. There are 4 occasions that authorities think it's appropriate to put 'Yes' to a question on closed year. 19 Manually correct. Could prob do it cleverly but not much point.

What about addresses?

Issue Count Resolution
No postcode or invalid postcode 97 Must fix these manually.
  • Clean up the data. Run the following scripts to implement the rules above.
-- library type rules
delete from libraries where type is null and closed is null;
delete from libraries where type = 'LAL-';
update libraries set type = 'ICL' where type = 'ICL+';
update libraries set type = 'CRL' where type = 'CRL+';

-- closed oddities
update libraries set closed = 'XL', type = null where closed_year is not null and closed is null;
update libraries set type = null where type is not null and closed is not null;

-- statutory indicator rules
update libraries set statutory2016 = 'f' where statutory2016 = 't' and statutory2010 = 'f' and opened_year is null;
update libraries set statutory2016 = 'f' where type = 'ICL' and statutory2016 = 't';
update libraries set statutory2016 = 'f' where closed_year is not null and statutory2016 = 't';
update libraries set statutory2010 = 'f' where opened_year is not null and statutory2010 = 't';
update libraries set statutory2016 = 'f' where closed is not null and statutory2016 = 't';

-- corrections to closed years
update libraries set closed_year = '2013' where authority_id = 1 and name = 'Castle Green' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2010' where authority_id = 1 and name = 'Fanshawe' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2012' where authority_id = 1 and name = 'Markyate' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2013' where authority_id = 1 and name = 'Rush Green' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2016' where authority_id = 16 and name = 'Cheltenham Road' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2014' where authority_id = 54 and name = 'Rainham Library' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2016' where authority_id = 69 and name = 'Burley library' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2016' where authority_id = 71 and name = 'Barwell' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2016' where authority_id = 111 and name = 'Central library' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2012' where authority_id = 121 and name = 'Dialstone Library' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2014' where authority_id = 149 and name = 'Ashmore Park Library' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2010' where authority_id = 149 and name = 'Wednesfield Library' and closed_year is not null;
update libraries set closed_year = '2016' where authority_id = 151 and name = 'Haxby' and closed_year is not null;

-- corrections to opened years
update libraries set opened_year = '2010' where authority_id = 1 and name = 'Dagenham' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2016' where authority_id = 2 and name = 'Grahame Park (now called Colindale)' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2010' where authority_id = 20 and name = 'King Cross' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2016' where authority_id = 44 and name = 'Chopwell Library' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2016' where authority_id = 44 and name = 'Felling Library' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2015' where authority_id = 44 and name = 'Wrekenton Library' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2016' where authority_id = 51 and name = 'Marcus Garvey Library' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2014' where authority_id = 54 and name = 'Rainham Library' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2010' where authority_id = 89 and name = 'Corby' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2015' where authority_id = 89 and name = 'Towcester' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2012' where authority_id = 89 and name = 'Wootton' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2013' where authority_id = 110 and name = 'Craven Arms' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2016' where authority_id = 111 and name = 'Library @ The Curve' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2014' where authority_id = 121 and name = 'Adswood and Bridgehall' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2014' where authority_id = 121 and name = 'Offerton' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2010' where authority_id = 127 and name = 'Library @ The Life Centre' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2013' where authority_id = 127 and name = 'Library @ Westcroft Centre' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2012' where authority_id = 129 and name = 'Hattersley' and opened_year is not null;
update libraries set opened_year = '2014' where authority_id = 149 and name = 'Wednesfield Library' and opened_year is not null;

-- fill in missing and invalid postcodes
update libraries set postcode = 'BH5 1EZ' where name = 'Boscombe Library' and authority_id = 11 and postcode = 'BH1 1BY';
update libraries set postcode = 'SL1 1EL' where name = 'Central library' and authority_id = 111 and postcode = 'SL1 1EA';
update libraries set postcode = 'S70 2SR' where name = 'Central' and authority_id = 3 and postcode = 'S70 2JF';
update libraries set postcode = 'BS39 7QG' where name = 'Paulton (The Hub)' and authority_id = 4 and postcode = 'BS29 7QG';
update libraries set postcode = 'B34 7AZ' where name = 'Shard End Library' and authority_id = 7 and postcode = 'B34 7AG';
update libraries set postcode = 'BD16 1AJ' where name = 'Bingley' and authority_id = 13 and postcode = 'BD16 1AW';
update libraries set postcode = 'BD21 3RY' where name = 'Keighley' and authority_id = 13 and postcode = 'BD21 3SX';
update libraries set postcode = 'HA9 8PP' where name = 'Preston' and authority_id = 14 and postcode = 'HA9 8PL';
update libraries set postcode = 'HA9 9HP' where name = 'Town Hall' and authority_id = 14 and postcode = 'HA9 9HU';
update libraries set postcode = 'MK18 3DL' where name = 'Winslow' and authority_id = 18 and postcode = 'MK18 3RB';
update libraries set postcode = 'PE26 1AF' where name = 'Ramsey Library' and authority_id = 21 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'EC3A 8BY' where name = 'Camomile Street Library' and authority_id = 26 and postcode = 'EC3A 7EX';
update libraries set postcode = 'CA16 6QN' where name = 'Appleby Library' and authority_id = 30 and postcode = 'CA16 1QP';
update libraries set postcode = 'CA8 1NW' where name = 'Brampton Library' and authority_id = 30 and postcode = 'CA8 8NX';
update libraries set postcode = 'LA6 1NA' where name = 'Burton Book Drop' and authority_id = 30 and postcode = 'LA6 7NA';
update libraries set postcode = 'DN6 8HE' where name = 'Carcroft' and authority_id = 35 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'DH8 5SD' where name = 'Consett Library' and authority_id = 38 and postcode = 'DH8 5AT';
update libraries set postcode = 'DL5 4EJ' where name = 'Newton Aycliffe Library' and authority_id = 38 and postcode = 'DL5 5QG';
update libraries set postcode = 'TN6 1FE' where name = 'Crowborough Library' and authority_id = 41 and postcode = 'TN6 1DH';
update libraries set postcode = 'CM1 3UP' where name = 'Chelmsford library' and authority_id = 43 and postcode = 'CM1 1LH';
update libraries set postcode = 'CO13 9DA' where name = 'Frinton library' and authority_id = 43 and postcode = 'C013 9DA';
update libraries set postcode = 'SE10 0RL' where name = 'East Greenwich Library' and authority_id = 46 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'SE3 9FA' where name = 'Ferrier Library' and authority_id = 46 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'SO24 9AQ' where name = 'Alresford' and authority_id = 50 and postcode = 'S024 9AQ';
update libraries set postcode = 'WD6 1EB' where name = 'Borehamwood' and authority_id = 56 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'AL10 8TN' where name = 'Central Resources Library' and authority_id = 56 and postcode = 'AL10 8XG';
update libraries set postcode = 'AL5 4ED' where name = 'Harpenden' and authority_id = 56 and postcode = 'AL5 4EN';
update libraries set postcode = 'AL3 7BP' where name = 'Redbourn' and authority_id = 56 and postcode = 'AL3 3JQ';
update libraries set postcode = 'ME16 0PR' where name = 'Allington Library' and authority_id = 62 and postcode = 'ME6 0PR';
update libraries set postcode = 'TN23 1AS' where name = 'Ashford Library' and authority_id = 62 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'TN8 5BD' where name = 'Edenbridge' and authority_id = 62 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'CT12 6FA' where name = 'Newington Library' and authority_id = 62 and postcode = 'CT12 6NB';
update libraries set postcode = 'TN23 5TH' where name = 'Stanhope Library' and authority_id = 62 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'BR8 7AE' where name = 'Swanley' and authority_id = 62 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'HU9 2BN' where name = 'Holderness Road Customer Service Centre Library' and authority_id = 63 and postcode = 'HU9 2AH';
update libraries set postcode = 'L32 8RR' where name = 'Kirkby' and authority_id = 66 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'L34 5GA' where name = 'Prescot' and authority_id = 66 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'L28 1AB' where name = 'Stockbridge Village' and authority_id = 66 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'NE31 1PN' where name = 'Hebburn' and authority_id = 115 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'SE1 7AE' where name = 'Waterloo' and authority_id = 67 and postcode = 'SE1 7AG';
update libraries set postcode = 'FY7 8EG' where name = 'Chatsworth' and authority_id = 68 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'BB12 9QH' where name = 'Wheatley Lane' and authority_id = 68 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'LS25 1EH' where name = 'Garforth library and one stop centre' and authority_id = 69 and postcode = 'LS25 1DU';
update libraries set postcode = 'LU1 5RE' where name = 'Farley Community Centre' and authority_id = 75 and postcode = 'LU2 5RE';
update libraries set postcode = 'LU2 9RT' where name = 'Wigmore' and authority_id = 75 and postcode = 'LU2 8DJ';
update libraries set postcode = 'M19 3AF' where name = 'Arcadia library and leisure centre' and authority_id = 76 and postcode = 'M19 3PH';
update libraries set postcode = 'NE5 4BR' where name = 'Newbiggin Hall Library' and authority_id = 81 and postcode = 'NE5 4BZ';
update libraries set postcode = 'E6 2RT' where name = 'East Ham Library' and authority_id = 82 and postcode = 'E6 4EL';
update libraries set postcode = 'IP22 4DD' where name = 'Diss Library' and authority_id = 83 and postcode = 'IP22 3DD';
update libraries set postcode = 'BS41 9AH' where name = 'Long Ashton' and authority_id = 86 and postcode = 'BS4 9AH';
update libraries set postcode = 'BS20 7AL' where name = 'Portishead' and authority_id = 86 and postcode = 'BS20 9EW';
update libraries set postcode = 'BS23 1PG' where name = 'Weston-super-Mare' and authority_id = 86 and postcode = 'BS23 1PL';
update libraries set postcode = 'NE12 7LJ' where name = 'Forest Hall' and authority_id = 87 and postcode = 'NE12 0LJ';
update libraries set postcode = 'NE27 0HJ' where name = 'Shiremoor' and authority_id = 87 and postcode = 'NE27 OHJ';
update libraries set postcode = 'NE28 7NA' where name = 'Wallsend Library' and authority_id = 87 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'NE26 1AB' where name = 'Whitley Bay Library' and authority_id = 87 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'NN17 1NX' where name = 'Corby' and authority_id = 89 and postcode = 'NN17 1PZ';
update libraries set postcode = 'NN17 1PD' where name = 'Corby' and authority_id = 89 and postcode = 'NN17 1QJ';
update libraries set postcode = 'NN11 4GJ' where name = 'Daventry' and authority_id = 89 and postcode = 'NN1 4GH';
update libraries set postcode = 'NN14 4JJ' where name = 'Thrapston' and authority_id = 89 and postcode = 'NN14 4SJ';
update libraries set postcode = 'NG6 8QJ' where name = 'Bulwell Library' and authority_id = 91 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'NG7 6BE' where name = 'Hyson Green Library' and authority_id = 91 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'NG3 4EZ' where name = 'St Ann''s Library' and authority_id = 91 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'NG19 8AH' where name = 'Mansfield Woodhouse' and authority_id = 92 and postcode = 'NG18 8AH';
update libraries set postcode = 'NG24 1UW' where name = 'Newark' and authority_id = 92 and postcode = 'NG24 1U';
update libraries set postcode = 'S80 2BP' where name = 'Worksop' and authority_id = 92 and postcode = 'S89 2BP';
update libraries set postcode = 'M35 0AE' where name = 'Failsworth Library' and authority_id = 93 and postcode = 'M35 0FJ';
update libraries set postcode = 'OX4 6JZ' where name = 'Littlemore' and authority_id = 94 and postcode = 'OX4 5JY';
update libraries set postcode = 'OX3 0PH' where name = 'Old Marston' and authority_id = 94 and postcode = 'OX3 3PH';
update libraries set postcode = 'OX4 6JZ' where name = 'Peers' and authority_id = 94 and postcode = 'OX4 5JY';
update libraries set postcode = 'PE2 5RQ' where name = 'Orton' and authority_id = 95 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'TS12 2HP' where name = 'Skelton Library' and authority_id = 101 and postcode = 'TS12 2HN';
update libraries set postcode = 'TW9 1SX' where name = 'Richmond Information & Reference Library' and authority_id = 102 and postcode = 'TW9 1TP';
update libraries set postcode = 'TW9 1SX' where name = 'Richmond Local Studies Library & Archive' and authority_id = 102 and postcode = 'TW9 1TP';
update libraries set postcode = 'OL16 1XU' where name = 'Rochdale Central Library' and authority_id = 103 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'S65 1HY' where name = 'Central Library and Arts Centre' and authority_id = 104 and postcode = 'S65 1JH';
update libraries set postcode = 'M7 4BQ' where name = 'Broughton Library' and authority_id = 106 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'M7 3NQ' where name = 'Lower Kersal' and authority_id = 106 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'M27 4AE' where name = 'Swinton' and authority_id = 106 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'WV16 6JG' where name = 'Highley' and authority_id = 110 and postcode = 'WV16 6GH';
update libraries set postcode = 'NE32 4AU' where name = 'Primrose library' and authority_id = 115 and postcode = 'NE3234AU';
update libraries set postcode = 'SK3 8NR' where name = 'Adswood and Bridgehall' and authority_id = 121 and postcode = 'SK8 8NR';
update libraries set postcode = 'SK2 5NB' where name = 'Dialstone Library' and authority_id = 121 and postcode = 'SK2';
update libraries set postcode = 'SK2 5NB' where name = 'Offerton' and authority_id = 121 and postcode = 'SK2 5NX';
update libraries set postcode = 'TS23 1AU' where name = 'Billingham Library' and authority_id = 122 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'TS23 2LA' where name = 'Rosebery Library' and authority_id = 122 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'TS19 9BX' where name = 'Roseworth Library' and authority_id = 122 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'TS17 9EW' where name = 'Thornaby Central Library and Customer Service Centre' and authority_id = 122 and postcode = 'TS17 9EU';
update libraries set postcode = 'TS17 6PG' where name = 'Thornaby Library' and authority_id = 122 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'ST2 8JY' where name = 'Kingsland Early Years' and authority_id = 123 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'SN3 2LZ' where name = 'Park Library' and authority_id = 128 and postcode = 'SN3 2LP';
update libraries set postcode = 'E2 0HW' where name = 'Bethnal Green library' and authority_id = 133 and postcode = 'E2 0HL';
update libraries set postcode = 'WF2 9AH' where name = 'Wakefield (Balne Lane)' and authority_id = 135 and postcode = 'WF2 0DQ';
update libraries set postcode = 'WF1 2EB' where name = 'Wakefield (Drury lane)' and authority_id = 135 and postcode = 'WF1 2DD';
update libraries set postcode = 'WF1 2EB' where name = 'Wakefield One' and authority_id = 135 and postcode = 'WF1 2DA';
update libraries set postcode = 'WA13 0QW' where name = 'Lymm' and authority_id = 139 and postcode = 'WA13 5SL';
update libraries set postcode = 'BA14 8XR' where name = 'Trowbridge' and authority_id = 145 and postcode = 'BA14 8BA';
update libraries set postcode = 'RG2 9JR' where name = 'Arborfield Container' and authority_id = 148 and postcode is null;
update libraries set postcode = 'RG10 8EP' where name = 'Wargrave' and authority_id = 148 and postcode = 'EG10 8EP';
-- tsk
update libraries set postcode = 'TA24 8NP' where name = 'Porlock' and authority_id = 113 and postcode = 'TA247HD';

-- and update the eastings and northings for those postcodes
update libraries l
set easting = p.eastings, northing = p.northings
from postcodes p
where replace(p.postcode, ' ', '') = replace(l.postcode, ' ', '')
and l.easting is null;
  • Then create a convenient geometry column.
select AddGeometryColumn ('libraries','geom', 27700, 'POINT', 2);
-- and update the column to store the coordinates
update libraries set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(easting, northing), 27700);
select UpdateGeometrySRID('libraries', 'geom', 27700);

-- index: uix_libraries_geom
create index ix_libraries_geom on libraries using btree (geom);

Geocoding the libraries

Although all of the libraries have some address data (either a full address or postcode). We need co-ordinates in order to do some of the geographic profiling, and match libraries to particuar areas. To do this, we'll need to use a geocoding service such as Open Street Map. Where we can't get geocoordinates, we can always fall back on postcodes, for which we have the centre coordinates (centroids). That is a little less accurate though as a postcode can span over a wide area.

  • Export the libraries data to geocode it. While doing this, create a bounding box to limit the area that we wish to search within. This should give the geocoder more to go on, and reduce the number of false matches, which we won't otherwise be able to check.
copy (
	select,, l.address, l.postcode, 
	case when l.postcode is not null then ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(l.geom, 4326)::geography, 1609)::geometry))
	else ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_Transform(r.geom, 4326))) end as bbox
	from libraries l
	join authorities a
	on = l.authority_id
	join regions r
	on r.code = a.code
) to '\data\libraries\libraries_addresses.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
  • Run the addresses through a geocoder.

There is a python script in the scripts directory of this project that will take the output of the above query (libraries_addresses.csv), and attempt to geocode the library locations using Open Street Map. Run that file, which will take about an hour. It will produce another file (libraries_addresses_geo.csv).

  • Create a table to store the locations.
create table libraries_locations
  libraryid integer not null,
  lat numeric,
  lng numeric,
  constraint pk_librarieslocations_libraryid primary key (libraryid)
  • Import the library locations.
copy libraries_locations from 'libraries_addresses_geo.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
  • And update the locations. This checks that the geocoded value is within the relevant authority boundary.
update libraries u
set easting = ST_X(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ll.lng,, 4326), 27700)),
northing = ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ll.lng,, 4326), 27700))
from libraries_locations ll
join libraries l
on = ll.libraryid
join authorities a
on = l.authority_id
where ST_Within(
	ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ll.lng,, 4326), 27700), 
	(select geom 
		from (select code, geom 
			from regions ) ab 
		where ab.code = a.code))
and = ll.libraryid;
update libraries set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(easting, northing), 27700);

Catchment areas

Going to create a catchment area for each library. The makeup of a library catchment will be the area covered by the population for whom that library is their nearest.

It doesn't make that much sense to create a library catchment for libraries other than those that are statutory. For authorities, it is only useful to have an understanding of the catchment areas for libraries that are fulfilling a statutory duty. To include other libraries would affect the catchment areas.

However, it would be useful to have an idea of the demographics around other (e.g. Independent Community) libraries. Therefore, these scripts will:

  • First create library catchment areas for current statutory Libraries
  • Then create library catchment areas for current non-statutory libraries
  • Create library catchment areas for closed statutory libraries in 2010
  • Create library catchment areas for closed non-statutory libraries in 2010.

For each of the above there will also be 2 alternative methodologies. The first will create catchment areas that are limited to the authority that each library is in. The second will create catchment areas that span over authority boundaries.

  • Create a table to hold library catchment areas.
-- table: libraries_catchments.  holds libraries matched to output areas.
create table libraries_catchments (
	library_id integer,
	oa_code character varying(9),
	constraint pk_librariescatchments_id_code primary key (library_id, oa_code)

-- index: cuix_librarycatchments_id_code.  clustered unique index on library id and oa code.
create unique index cuix_librariescatchments_id_code on libraries_catchments using btree (library_id, oa_code);
alter table libraries_catchments cluster on cuix_librariescatchments_id_code;
  • Create the catchment areas for current statutory libraries.
insert into libraries_catchments
	from libraries l
	join authorities a
	on = l.authority_id
	join authorities_oas ao
	on ao.code  = a.code
	and ao.oa_code = o.oa11cd
	where l.statutory2016 = 't'
	and l.closed is null
	order by l.geom <-> ST_Centroid(o.geom) limit 1) as library_id,
from oa_boundaries o
join authorities_oas aos
on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd;
  • Add the catchment areas for current non-statutory libraries.
insert into libraries_catchments
select ca.library_id, ca.oa11cd from (
		from libraries l
		join authorities a
		on = l.authority_id
		join authorities_oas ao
		on ao.code  = a.code
		and ao.oa_code = o.oa11cd
		where l.closed is null
		order by l.geom <-> o.geom limit 1) as library_id,
	from oa_boundaries o
	join authorities_oas aos
	on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd) as ca
join libraries li
on = ca.library_id
where li.statutory2016 = 'f';
  • Add the catchment areas for closed libraries that were statutory in 2010.
insert into libraries_catchments
select ca.library_id, ca.oa11cd from (
		from libraries l
		join authorities a
		on = l.authority_id
		join authorities_oas ao
		on ao.code  = a.code
		and ao.oa_code = o.oa11cd
		where l.statutory2010 = 't'
		order by l.geom <-> ST_Centroid(o.geom) limit 1) as library_id,
	from oa_boundaries o
	join authorities_oas aos
	on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd) as ca
join libraries li
on = ca.library_id
where li.closed is not null;
  • Add the catchment areas for closed libraries that weren't statutory in 2010.
insert into libraries_catchments
select ca.library_id, ca.oa11cd from (
		from libraries l
		join authorities a
		on = l.authority_id
		join authorities_oas ao
		on ao.code  = a.code
		and ao.oa_code = o.oa11cd
		where l.opened_year is null
		order by l.geom <-> ST_Centroid(o.geom) limit 1) as library_id,
	from oa_boundaries o
	join authorities_oas aos
	on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd) as ca
join libraries li
on = ca.library_id
where li.closed is not null
and li.statutory2010 = 'f';
  • Export library polygons for each catchment area.

The following query exports a single geojson file which contains polygons for each output area, with the library id and some associated population in the properties.

copy(select row_to_json(fc)
from (select 'FeatureCollection' as type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) as features from
(select 'Feature' as type, st_asgeojson(st_snaptogrid(st_simplify(st_transform(oa.geom, 4326), 0.00001), 0.00001))::json as geometry, row_to_json(p) as properties 
from (select op.oa, lc.library_id, op.all_ages,
      op.age_0 + op.age_1 + op.age_2 + op.age_3 + op.age_4 + op.age_5 + op.age_6 + op.age_7 + op.age_8 +
          op.age_9 + op.age_10 + op.age_11 + op.age_12 + op.age_13 + op.age_14 + op.age_15 as children,
      op.age_16 + op.age_17 + op.age_18 + op.age_19 + op.age_20 + op.age_21 + op.age_22 + op.age_23 + op.age_24 +
          op.age_25 + op.age_26 + op.age_27 + op.age_28 + op.age_29 + op.age_30 + op.age_31 + op.age_32 + op.age_33 + op.age_34 +
          op.age_35 + op.age_36 + op.age_37 + op.age_38 + op.age_39 + op.age_40 + op.age_41 + op.age_42 + op.age_43 + op.age_44 +
          op.age_45 + op.age_46 + op.age_47 + op.age_48 + op.age_49 + op.age_50 + op.age_51 + op.age_52 + op.age_53 + op.age_54 +
          op.age_55 + op.age_56 + op.age_57 + op.age_58 + op.age_59 + op.age_60 + op.age_61 + op.age_62 + op.age_63 + op.age_64 as working,
      op.age_16 + op.age_17 + op.age_18 + op.age_19 + op.age_20 + op.age_21 + op.age_22 + op.age_23 + op.age_24 + 
          op.age_25 + op.age_26 + op.age_27 + op.age_28 + op.age_29 + op.age_30 + op.age_31 + op.age_32 + op.age_33 + op.age_34 + 
          op.age_35 + op.age_36 + op.age_37 + op.age_38 + op.age_39 + op.age_40 + op.age_41 + op.age_42 + op.age_43 + op.age_44 + 
          op.age_45 + op.age_46 + op.age_47 + op.age_48 + op.age_49 + op.age_50 + op.age_51 + op.age_52 + op.age_53 + op.age_54 + 
          op.age_55 + op.age_56 + op.age_57 + op.age_58 + op.age_59 as sxt_fynn,
      op.age_60 + op.age_61 + op.age_62 + op.age_63 + op.age_64 + op.age_65 + op.age_66 + op.age_67 + op.age_68 + 
          op.age_69 + op.age_70 + op.age_71 + op.age_72 + op.age_73 + op.age_74 + op.age_75 + op.age_76 + op.age_77 + op.age_78 + 
          op.age_79 + op.age_80 + op.age_81 + op.age_82 + op.age_83 + op.age_84 + op.age_85 + op.age_86 + op.age_87 + op.age_88 + op.age_89 + op.age_90 as ovr_sxty,
      ld.imd_rank as imd_r,
      ld.imd_decile as imd_d,
      ld.income_rank as inc_r,
      ld.income_decile as inc_d,
      ld.employment_rank as emp_r,
      ld.employment_decile as emp_d,
      ld.education_rank as edu_r,
      ld.education_decile as edu_d,
      ld.health_rank as hth_r,
      ld.health_decile as hth_d,
      ld.crime_rank as crm_r,
      ld.crime_decile as crm_d,
      ld.housing_rank as hsg_r, 
      ld.housing_decile as hsg_d,
      ld.environment_rank as env_r,
      ld.environment_decile as env_d,
      ld.idaci_rank as idaci_r,
      ld.idaci_decile as idaci_d,
      ld.children_rank as chd_r,
      ld.children_decile as chd_d,
      ld.adultskills_rank as ads_r,
      ld.adultskills_decile as ads_d,
      ld.geographical_rank as geo_r,
      ld.geographical_decile as geo_d,
      ld.wider_rank as wdr_r,
      ld.wider_decile as wdr_d,
      ld.indoors_rank as ind_r,
      ld.indoors_decile as ind_d,
      ld.outdoors_rank as out_r,
      ld.outdoors_decile as out_d      
      from libraries_catchments lc
      join oa_population op
      on op.oa = lc.oa_code
      join lsoa_oas loa
      on loa.oa_code = op.oa
      join lsoa_imd ld
      on ld.lsoa_code = loa.lsoa_code
     ) p
 join oa_boundaries oa on p.oa = oa.oa11cd) as f) as fc) to '\data\libraries\libraries_catchments_geo.json';
  • From there, split the file by library id using QGIS 'Split vector layer' batch functionality. Output this to the librarycatchments directory in data/libraries/. It creates a directory of shapefiles.

  • Convert the shapefiles using ogr2ogr from a command line (while in that directory).

for %f in (*.shp) do "C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.18\bin\ogr2ogr.exe" -f GeoJSON %f.geojson %f
  • Delete all the unnecessary shapefiles.
del *.dbf
del *.prj
del *.qpj
del *.shp
del *.shx
  • Rename the GeoJSON files using Powershell.
Dir | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace "libraries_catchments_geo.json_","" }
Dir | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace ".shp","" }

Distance analysis

It'd also be good to do some distance analysis, such as how far people have to travel to their nearest library. What we need for that is to create a catchment area for each library from census output areas.

It makes sense to only do this for statutory libraries. It also makes sense to do it only for open libraries, but then it may also be useful to see what a catchment area was for a closed library. To do this we need to run a catchment analysis for libraries open in 2010 and one for libraries open in 2016.

  • Add a table for cross authority catchment areas.
-- table: libraries_catchments_xauth.  holds libraries and output areas.
create table libraries_catchments_xauth (
	library_id integer,
	oa_code character varying(9),
	constraint pk_librariescatchmentsxauth_id_code primary key (library_id, oa_code)

-- index: cuix_librarycatchmentsxauth_id_code.  clustered unique index on library id and oa code.
create unique index cuix_librariescatchmentsxauth_id_code on libraries_catchments_xauth using btree (library_id, oa_code);
alter table libraries_catchments_xauth cluster on cuix_librariescatchmentsxauth_id_code;
  • Create the catchment areas for current statutory libraries.
insert into libraries_catchments_xauth
	from libraries l
	join authorities a
	on = l.authority_id
	join regions r
	on r.code = a.code
	where l.statutory2016 = 't'
	and l.closed is null
	and st_dwithin(r.geom, re.geom, 500)
	order by l.geom <-> ST_Centroid(o.geom) limit 1) as library_id,
from oa_boundaries o
join authorities_oas aos
on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd
join regions re
on aos.code = re.code;
  • Add the catchment areas for current non-statutory libraries.
insert into libraries_catchments_xauth
select ca.library_id, ca.oa11cd from (
		from libraries l
		where l.closed is null
		order by l.geom <-> o.geom limit 1) as library_id,
	from oa_boundaries o
	join authorities_oas aos
	on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd) as ca
join libraries li
on = ca.library_id
where li.statutory2016 = 'f';
  • Add the catchment areas for closed libraries that were statutory in 2010.
insert into libraries_catchments_xauth
select ca.library_id, ca.oa11cd from (
		from libraries l
		where l.statutory2010 = 't'
		order by l.geom <-> ST_Centroid(o.geom) limit 1) as library_id,
	from oa_boundaries o
	join authorities_oas aos
	on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd) as ca
join libraries li
on = ca.library_id
where li.closed is not null;
  • Add the catchment areas for closed libraries that weren't statutory in 2010.
insert into libraries_catchments_xauth
select ca.library_id, ca.oa11cd from (
		from libraries l
		where l.opened_year is null
		order by l.geom <-> ST_Centroid(o.geom) limit 1) as library_id,
	from oa_boundaries o
	join authorities_oas aos
	on aos.oa_code = o.oa11cd) as ca
join libraries li
on = ca.library_id
where li.closed is not null
and li.statutory2010 = 'f';

Distance calculations

  • Export a file to show distances for the libraries in an authority.
-- distances assuming non cross-authority catchments
copy (select as authority, sum(op.all_ages) as population, round(round(cast(ST_Distance(l.geom, ST_Centroid(oab.geom)) / 1609.34 as numeric) * 2, 0) /2, 1) as distance
from libraries_catchments lc
join libraries l
on = lc.library_id
join authorities_oas ao
on ao.oa_code = lc.oa_code
join authorities a
on a.code = ao.code
join oa_population op
on op.oa = lc.oa_code
join oa_boundaries oab
on oab.oa11cd = lc.oa_code
where l.closed is null
group by authority, distance) to '\data\libraries\authorities_distances.csv' delimiter ','csv header;

-- distances with cross-authority catchments
copy (select as authority, sum(op.all_ages) as population, round(round(cast(ST_Distance(l.geom, ST_Centroid(oab.geom)) / 1609.34 as numeric) * 2, 0) /2, 1) as distance
from libraries_catchments_xauth lc
join libraries l
on = lc.library_id
join authorities_oas ao
on ao.oa_code = lc.oa_code
join authorities a
on a.code = ao.code
join oa_population op
on op.oa = lc.oa_code
join oa_boundaries oab
on oab.oa11cd = lc.oa_code
where l.closed is null
group by authority, distance) to '\data\libraries\authorities_distances_xauth.csv' delimiter ','csv header;
  • Export a file to show distances within the catchment for each library.
-- distances assuming non cross-authority catchments
copy (select, 
sum(op.all_ages) as population, 
round(cast(ST_Distance(l.geom, ST_Centroid(oab.geom)) / 1609.34 as numeric), 1) as distance
from libraries_catchments lc
join libraries l
on = lc.library_id
join oa_boundaries oab
on oab.oa11cd = lc.oa_code
join oa_population op
on op.oa = lc.oa_code
group by, distance order by, distance) to '\data\libraries\libraries_distances.csv' delimiter ','csv header;

-- distances with cross-authority catchments
copy (select, 
sum(op.all_ages) as population, 
round(cast(ST_Distance(l.geom, ST_Centroid(oab.geom)) / 1609.34 as numeric), 1) as distance
from libraries_catchments_xauth lc
join libraries l
on = lc.library_id
join oa_boundaries oab
on oab.oa11cd = lc.oa_code
join oa_population op
on op.oa = lc.oa_code
group by, distance order by, distance) to '\data\libraries\libraries_distances.csv' delimiter ','csv header;

Export data on libraries.

Now that's pretty much everything done with the libraries data. Export it, including deprivation details for the library catchment (assuming non-cross authority).

  • Export a CSV.
copy (select,, as authority_id,
	ST_Y(ST_Transform(l.geom, 4326)) as lat,
	ST_X(ST_Transform(l.geom, 4326)) as lng,
	round(avg(i.imd_decile), 3) as multiple,
	round(avg(i.income_decile), 3) as income,
	round(avg(i.employment_decile), 3) as employment,
	round(avg(i.education_decile), 3) as education,
	round(avg(i.children_decile), 3) as children,
	round(avg(i.health_decile), 3) as health,
	round(avg(i.adultskills_decile), 3) as adultskills,
	round(avg(i.crime_decile), 3) as crime,
	round(avg(i.housing_decile), 3) as housing,
	round(avg(i.geographical_decile), 3) as services,
	round(avg(i.environment_decile), 3) as environment,
	sum(oap.all_ages) as population,
	sum(oap.age_0 + oap.age_1 + oap.age_2 + oap.age_3 + oap.age_4 + oap.age_5 + oap.age_6 + oap.age_7 + oap.age_8 +
	oap.age_9 + oap.age_10 + oap.age_11 + oap.age_12 + oap.age_13 + oap.age_14 + oap.age_15) as dependent_children,
	sum(oap.age_16 + oap.age_17 + oap.age_18 + oap.age_19 + oap.age_20 + oap.age_21 + oap.age_22 + oap.age_23 + oap.age_24 +
	oap.age_25 + oap.age_26 + oap.age_27 + oap.age_28 + oap.age_29 + oap.age_30 + oap.age_31 + oap.age_32 + oap.age_33 + oap.age_34 +
	oap.age_35 + oap.age_36 + oap.age_37 + oap.age_38 + oap.age_39 + oap.age_40 + oap.age_41 + oap.age_42 + oap.age_43 + oap.age_44 +
	oap.age_45 + oap.age_46 + oap.age_47 + oap.age_48 + oap.age_49 + oap.age_50 + oap.age_51 + oap.age_52 + oap.age_53 + oap.age_54 +
	oap.age_55 + oap.age_56 + oap.age_57 + oap.age_58 + oap.age_59 + oap.age_60 + oap.age_61 + oap.age_62 + oap.age_63) as working_age,
	sum(oap.age_16 + oap.age_17 + oap.age_18 + oap.age_19 + oap.age_20 + oap.age_21 + oap.age_22 + oap.age_23 + oap.age_24 + 
	oap.age_25 + oap.age_26 + oap.age_27 + oap.age_28 + oap.age_29 + oap.age_30 + oap.age_31 + oap.age_32 + oap.age_33 + oap.age_34 + 
	oap.age_35 + oap.age_36 + oap.age_37 + oap.age_38 + oap.age_39 + oap.age_40 + oap.age_41 + oap.age_42 + oap.age_43 + oap.age_44 + 
	oap.age_45 + oap.age_46 + oap.age_47 + oap.age_48 + oap.age_49 + oap.age_50 + oap.age_51 + oap.age_52 + oap.age_53 + oap.age_54 + 
	oap.age_55 + oap.age_56 + oap.age_57 + oap.age_58 + oap.age_59) as sixteen_fiftynine,
	sum(oap.age_60 + oap.age_61 + oap.age_62 + oap.age_63 + oap.age_64 + oap.age_65 + oap.age_66 + oap.age_67 + oap.age_68 + 
	oap.age_69 + oap.age_70 + oap.age_71 + oap.age_72 + oap.age_73 + oap.age_74 + oap.age_75 + oap.age_76 + oap.age_77 + oap.age_78 + 
	oap.age_80 + oap.age_81 + oap.age_82 + oap.age_83 + oap.age_84 + oap.age_85 + oap.age_86 + oap.age_87 + oap.age_88 + oap.age_89 + oap.age_90) as over_sixty
from libraries l
join authorities a
on = l.authority_id
left outer join libraries_catchments lc 
on lc.library_id =
left outer join lsoa_oas lso
on lc.oa_code = lso.oa_code
left outer join oa_population oap
on oap.oa = lc.oa_code
left outer join lsoa_imd i
on i.lsoa_code = lso.lsoa_code
group by,,, l.address, l.postcode, lat, lng, l.statutory2010, l.statutory2016, l.type, l.closed, l.closed_year,l.opened_year, l.replacement, l.notes, l.hours, l.staffhours, l.url,
order by, to '\data\libraries\libraries.csv' delimiter ','csv header;