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--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy-github.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export LISK_DOC_BASE_URL=/lisk-documentation/
+USE_SSH=true yarn deploy
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diff --git a/docs/building-on-lisk/migration-guide.mdx b/docs/building-on-lisk/migration-guide.mdx
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+title: Lisk L1->L2 migration guide
+slug: /building-on-lisk/migration-guide
+description: "A migration guide, explaining how to smoothly migrate any Lisk L1 app to Lisk L2."
+keywords: [
+ "Lisk",
+ "Lisk migration",
+ "Lisk L1",
+ "Lisk L2",
+ "Lisk testnet",
+ "Lisk SDK",
+ "Solidity",
+ "smart contract development",
+ "build on lisk",
+ ]
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+# Lisk L1->L2 migration guide
+How to smoothly migrate any Lisk L1 app to Lisk L2.
+## Requirements
+You need:
+- A Lisk L1 application built on [Lisk SDK](https://github.com/LiskHQ/lisk-sdk) version 6.0.0 or later.
+- A basic understanding of [Solidity](https://soliditylang.org/).
+- The smart contract development framework of your choice.
+In this guide, we will use the [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/) framework.
+## Project setup
+To illustrate the migration process, we will use the [Hello module](https://github.com/LiskHQ/lisk-sdk-examples/tree/development/tutorials/hello/hello_client/src/app/modules/hello) from Lisk L1, and migrate it to Lisk L2.
+To start with the project migration, first create a new project with Foundry like this:
+forge init hello_liskl2
+This will create a new folder `hello_liskl2`, which will contain the smart contracts we are going to implement.
+cd hello_liskl2
+## Module migration
+**Modules in Lisk L1** are re-implemented as **smart contracts in Lisk L2.**
+To create a new smart contract, create a new file `Hello.sol` under `src/` and add the following content:
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+// compiler version must be greater than or equal to 0.8.20 and less than 0.9.0
+pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
+contract Hello {
+Inside the new contract, we will put all the logic that was residing in the Lisk L1 `Hello` module before.
+### Table: Lisk L1/L2 comparison
+| Description | Lisk L1 | Lisk L2 |
+| :------------------- | :----------------------------| :---------------------------- |
+| Onchain business logic| Module |[Smart contract](https://solidity-by-example.org/first-app/) |
+| Onchain data storage | Stores (onchain) |[State variables](https://solidity-by-example.org/variables/)|
+| Logging to the blockchain| Blockchain Events |[Events](https://solidity-by-example.org/events/)|
+| State-transition logic triggered by a transaction| Commands|[Functions](https://solidity-by-example.org/function/)|
+| API | Endpoints |[View functions](https://solidity-by-example.org/view-and-pure-functions/)|
+| Internal API | Methods |[Functions (+ modifiers)](https://solidity-by-example.org/function-modifier/)|
+| Logic triggered per block| Lifecycle Hooks |X[^1] |
+[^1]: No direct equivalent in solidity.
+Please investigate for custom solutions to migrate logic residing in the lifecycle hooks.
+### Storage
+Migrate the onchain stores of a module by implementing corresponding state variables in the contract as shown below.
+ ```typescript title="hello_client/src/app/modules/hello/stores/message.ts"
+ import { BaseStore } from 'lisk-sdk';
+ export interface MessageStoreData {
+ message: string;
+ }
+ export const messageStoreSchema = {
+ $id: '/hello/message',
+ type: 'object',
+ required: ['message'],
+ properties: {
+ message: {
+ dataType: 'string',
+ fieldNumber: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ export class MessageStore extends BaseStore {
+ public schema = messageStoreSchema;
+ }
+ ```
+ ```typescript title="hello_client/src/app/modules/hello/stores/counter.ts"
+ import { BaseStore } from 'lisk-sdk';
+ export interface CounterStoreData {
+ counter: number;
+ }
+ export const counterKey = Buffer.alloc(0);
+ export const counterStoreSchema = {
+ $id: '/hello/counter',
+ type: 'object',
+ required: ['counter'],
+ properties: {
+ counter: {
+ dataType: 'uint32',
+ fieldNumber: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ export class CounterStore extends BaseStore {
+ public schema = counterStoreSchema;
+ }
+ ```
+ ```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ // compiler version must be greater than or equal to 0.8.20 and less than 0.9.0
+ pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
+ contract Hello {
+ /** State variables */
+ // State variable for the Hello messages
+ mapping(address => string) public message;
+ // State variable for the message counter
+ uint32 public counter = 0;
+ }
+ ```
+### Events
+Migrate the blockchain events of a module by implementing corresponding events in the contract as shown below.
+ ```typescript title="hello_client/src/app/modules/hello/events/new_hello.ts"
+ import { BaseEvent } from 'lisk-sdk';
+ export const newHelloEventSchema = {
+ $id: '/hello/events/new_hello',
+ type: 'object',
+ required: ['senderAddress', 'message'],
+ properties: {
+ senderAddress: {
+ dataType: 'bytes',
+ fieldNumber: 1,
+ },
+ message: {
+ dataType: 'string',
+ fieldNumber: 2,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ export interface NewHelloEventData {
+ senderAddress: Buffer;
+ message: string;
+ }
+ export class NewHelloEvent extends BaseEvent {
+ public schema = newHelloEventSchema;
+ }
+ ```
+ ```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ // compiler version must be greater than or equal to 0.8.20 and less than 0.9.0
+ pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
+ contract Hello {
+ /** State variables */
+ // State variable for the Hello messages
+ mapping(address => string) public message;
+ // State variable for the message counter
+ uint32 public counter = 0;
+ /** Events */
+ // Event for new Hello messages
+ event NewHello(address indexed sender, string message);
+ }
+ ```
+### State transition logic
+Configuration migration
+#### Configuration
+The module-specific configurations, which resided in the `config.json` on Lisk L1, are now part of the smart contract itself and are defined as state variables.
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// Blacklist of words that are not allowed in the Hello message
+string[] public blacklist = ["word1","word2"];
+// Maximum length of the Hello message
+uint32 public maxLength = 200;
+// Minimum length of the Hello message
+uint32 public minLength = 3;
+To edit the configuration options of the Hello module, we implement the following functions in the Hello contract:
+- `setBlacklist()` to configure the blacklist of words that are not allowed in the Hello message.
+- `setMinMaxMessageLength()` to configure the minimum and maximum length of the Hello message.
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// Function to configure the blacklist
+function setBlacklist(string[] memory _newBlackList) public onlyOwner {
+ blacklist = _newBlackList;
+// Function to configure min/max message length
+function setMinMaxMessageLength(uint32 _newMinLength,uint32 _newMaxLength) public onlyOwner {
+ minLength = _newMinLength;
+ maxLength = _newMaxLength;
+As seen in the above code snippet, we add the following modifiers to the functions:
+- `public` to make the function callable from outside the contract.
+This is a default visibility modifier for functions in Solidity.
+- `onlyOwner` to check that the caller is the owner of the contract.
+This is a custom modifier that we need to implement in the contract manually, as shown in the example below.
+To set the owner of the contract, we add a new state variable `owner`, and a constructor which sets the `owner` variable to the account address that deploys the contract.
+To update the smart contract owner, you can implement a corresponding function `setOwner()`, and use the `onlyOwner` modifier to ensure that only the current owner can call this function.
+Finally, we can check for the message sender being the owner of the contract in the `onlyOwner` modifier which is used for the `setBlacklist()` and `setMinMaxMessageLength()` functions.
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// Address of the contract owner
+address public immutable owner;
+constructor() {
+ // Set the transaction sender as the owner of the contract.
+ owner = msg.sender;
+/** Modifiers */
+// Modifier to check that the caller is the owner of the contract.
+modifier onlyOwner() {
+ require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");
+ _;
+Verification migration
+#### Verification
+To verify the Hello message, we implement custom modifiers in the contract.
+Inside the modifiers, we check the length of the message and if it contains any blacklisted words like it was done in the `verify()` method of the Lisk L1 Hello module.
+Conveniently check the length of Hello messages in the `validLength` modifier like this:
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// Validate message length
+modifier validLength(string memory _message) {
+ require(bytes(_message).length >= minLength, "Message too short");
+ require(bytes(_message).length <= maxLength, "Message too long");
+ _;
+To check if the message contains any blacklisted words, we implement the `validWords` modifier in the contract.
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// Validate message content
+modifier validWords(string memory _message) {
+ bytes memory whereBytes = bytes (_message);
+ for (uint h = 0; h < blacklist.length; h++) {
+ bool found = false;
+ bytes memory whatBytes = bytes (blacklist[h]);
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= whereBytes.length - whatBytes.length; i++) {
+ bool flag = true;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < whatBytes.length; j++)
+ if (whereBytes [i + j] != whatBytes [j]) {
+ flag = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flag) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ require (!found, "Message contains blacklisted word");
+ }
+ _;
+Execution migration
+#### Execution
+To migrate the createHello command execution, we implement the `createHello()` function in the contract.
+Inside this function, we save the message of the sender in the `message` mapping under the sender address.
+The sender address is a [global variable](https://solidity-by-example.org/variables/) in Solidity and can be accessed with `msg.sender`.
+Additionally, we increment the Hello message counter by `1` and emit the `NewHello` event, like it was done in the `execute()` method of the Lisk L1 Hello module previously.
+The `validMessage()` modifier that we defined above in the [Verification](/building-on-lisk/migration-guide#verification) section is used to check if the message is valid before the `createHello()` function is executed.
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+// Function to create a new Hello message
+function createHello(string calldata _message) public validLength(_message) validWords(_message) {
+ message[msg.sender] = _message;
+ counter+=1;
+ emit NewHello(msg.sender, _message);
+ ```typescript title="hello_client/src/app/modules/hello/commands/create_hello_command.ts"
+ /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
+ import {
+ BaseCommand,
+ CommandVerifyContext,
+ CommandExecuteContext,
+ VerificationResult,
+ VerifyStatus,
+ } from 'lisk-sdk';
+ import { createHelloSchema } from '../schema';
+ import { MessageStore } from '../stores/message';
+ import { counterKey, CounterStore, CounterStoreData } from '../stores/counter';
+ import { ModuleConfig } from '../types';
+ import { NewHelloEvent } from '../events/new_hello';
+ interface Params {
+ message: string;
+ }
+ export class CreateHelloCommand extends BaseCommand {
+ public schema = createHelloSchema;
+ private _blacklist!: string[];
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
+ public async init(config: ModuleConfig): Promise {
+ // Set _blacklist to the value of the blacklist defined in the module config
+ this._blacklist = config.blacklist;
+ // Set the max message length to the value defined in the module config
+ this.schema.properties.message.maxLength = config.maxMessageLength;
+ // Set the min message length to the value defined in the module config
+ this.schema.properties.message.minLength = config.minMessageLength;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
+ public async verify(context: CommandVerifyContext): Promise {
+ let validation: VerificationResult;
+ const wordList = context.params.message.split(" ");
+ const found = this._blacklist.filter(value => wordList.includes(value));
+ if (found.length > 0) {
+ context.logger.info("==== FOUND: Message contains a blacklisted word ====");
+ throw new Error(
+ `Illegal word in hello message: ${ found.toString()}`
+ );
+ } else {
+ context.logger.info("==== NOT FOUND: Message contains no blacklisted words ====");
+ validation = {
+ status: VerifyStatus.OK
+ };
+ }
+ return validation;
+ }
+ public async execute(context: CommandExecuteContext): Promise {
+ // 1. Get account data of the sender of the Hello transaction.
+ const { senderAddress } = context.transaction;
+ // 2. Get message and counter stores.
+ const messageSubstore = this.stores.get(MessageStore);
+ const counterSubstore = this.stores.get(CounterStore);
+ // 3. Save the Hello message to the message store, using the senderAddress as key, and the message as value.
+ await messageSubstore.set(context, senderAddress, {
+ message: context.params.message,
+ });
+ // 3. Get the Hello counter from the counter store.
+ let helloCounter: CounterStoreData;
+ try {
+ helloCounter = await counterSubstore.get(context, counterKey);
+ } catch (error) {
+ helloCounter = {
+ counter: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Increment the Hello counter +1.
+ helloCounter.counter+=1;
+ // 6. Save the Hello counter to the counter store.
+ await counterSubstore.set(context, counterKey, helloCounter);
+ // 7. Emit a "New Hello" event
+ const newHelloEvent = this.events.get(NewHelloEvent);
+ newHelloEvent.add(context, {
+ senderAddress: context.transaction.senderAddress,
+ message: context.params.message
+ },[context.transaction.senderAddress]);
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ```solidity title="hello_liskl2/src/Hello.sol"
+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ // compiler version must be greater than or equal to 0.8.20 and less than 0.9.0
+ pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
+ contract Hello {
+ /** State variables */
+ // State variable for the Hello messages
+ mapping(address => string) public message;
+ // State variable for the message counter
+ uint32 public counter = 0;
+ // Address of the contract owner
+ address public immutable owner;
+ // Blacklist of words that are not allowed in the Hello message
+ string[] public blacklist = ["word1","word2"];
+ // Maximum length of the Hello message
+ uint32 public maxLength = 200;
+ // Minimum length of the Hello message
+ uint32 public minLength = 3;
+ constructor() {
+ // Set the transaction sender as the owner of the contract.
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ }
+ /** Modifiers */
+ // Modifier to check that the caller is the owner of the contract.
+ modifier onlyOwner() {
+ require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");
+ _;
+ }
+ // Validate message length
+ modifier validLength(string memory _message) {
+ require(bytes(_message).length >= minLength, "Message too short");
+ require(bytes(_message).length <= maxLength, "Message too long");
+ _;
+ }
+ // Validate message content
+ modifier validWords(string memory _message) {
+ bytes memory whereBytes = bytes (_message);
+ for (uint h = 0; h < blacklist.length; h++) {
+ bool found = false;
+ bytes memory whatBytes = bytes (blacklist[h]);
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= whereBytes.length - whatBytes.length; i++) {
+ bool flag = true;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < whatBytes.length; j++)
+ if (whereBytes [i + j] != whatBytes [j]) {
+ flag = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flag) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ require (!found, "Message contains blacklisted word");
+ }
+ _;
+ }
+ /** Events */
+ // Event for new Hello messages
+ event NewHello(address indexed sender, string message);
+ /** Functions */
+ // Function to configure the blacklist
+ function setBlacklist(string[] memory _newBlackList) public onlyOwner {
+ blacklist = _newBlackList;
+ }
+ // Function to configure min/max message length
+ function setMinMaxMessageLength(uint32 _newMinLength,uint32 _newMaxLength) public onlyOwner {
+ minLength = _newMinLength;
+ maxLength = _newMaxLength;
+ }
+ // Function to create a new Hello message
+ function createHello(string calldata _message) public validLength(_message) validWords(_message) {
+ message[msg.sender] = _message;
+ counter+=1;
+ emit NewHello(msg.sender, _message);
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+### Endpoints
+Migrate the module endpoints by implementing corresponding [view functions](https://solidity-by-example.org/view-and-pure-functions/) in the contract as shown below.
+ ```typescript title="hello_client/src/app/modules/hello/endpoint.ts"
+ export class HelloEndpoint extends BaseEndpoint {
+ public async getHelloCounter(ctx: ModuleEndpointContext): Promise {
+ const counterSubStore = this.stores.get(CounterStore);
+ const helloCounter = await counterSubStore.get(
+ ctx,
+ counterKey,
+ );
+ return helloCounter;
+ }
+ public async getHello(ctx: ModuleEndpointContext): Promise {
+ const messageSubStore = this.stores.get(MessageStore);
+ const { address } = ctx.params;
+ if (typeof address !== 'string') {
+ throw new Error('Parameter address must be a string.');
+ }
+ cryptography.address.validateLisk32Address(address);
+ const helloMessage = await messageSubStore.get(
+ ctx,
+ cryptography.address.getAddressFromLisk32Address(address),
+ );
+ return helloMessage;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ For simple getters, it is sufficient to add the `public` [visibility modifier](https://solidity-by-example.org/visibility/) to the state variables (see [storage](#storage)).
+ Public state variables can be accessed directly from external parties, without implementing the corresponding view function.
+## Next steps
+Now that we re-implemented the Hello module from Lisk L1 as a smart contract in Lisk L2, it is possible to directly deploy the Hello contract to Lisk L2 and interact with it.
+Before deploying the smart contract to Lisk, it is recommended to [test it locally](#testing-the-smart-contract) by writing corresponding tests for the newly created smart contract.
+Once the smart contract is [deployed](#smart-contract-deployment) to Lisk, you can interact with it by calling its public functions.
+Finally, you can migrate the plugins and UI of the Lisk L1 Hello app to be compatible with the new API, to complete the migration process of your Lisk application.
+### Testing the smart contract
+By testing the smart contract, you can verify that the smart contract behaves as expected and that it is free of bugs, before deploying it to Lisk.
+Foundry provides a testing framework to support you in writing tests for smart contracts.
+See [Tests - Foundry Book](https://book.getfoundry.sh/forge/tests) for examples and references regarding the testing framework.
+To test the Hello smart contract, create a new file `Hello.t.sol` under `test/`, and add the following content:
+```solidity title="hello_liskl2/test/Hello.t.sol"
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
+pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
+import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
+import {Hello} from "../src/Hello.sol";
+contract HelloTest is Test {
+ Hello public hello;
+ address alice = makeAddr("alice");
+ event NewHello(address indexed sender, string message);
+ function setUp() public {
+ hello = new Hello();
+ }
+ function test_CreateHello() public {
+ string memory message = "Hello World";
+ // Expect NewHello event
+ vm.expectEmit(true,false,false,false);
+ emit NewHello(address(alice), message);
+ // Create a new Hello message
+ hoax(alice, 100 ether);
+ hello.createHello(message);
+ // Check the message
+ assertEq(hello.message(alice),message);
+ // Check if counter = 1
+ assertEq(hello.counter(),1);
+ }
+ function test_MinLength() public {
+ vm.expectRevert("Message too short");
+ hello.createHello("Hi");
+ }
+ function test_MaxLength() public {
+ vm.expectRevert("Message too long");
+ hello.createHello("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean porta neque eget elit tristique pharetra. Pellentesque tempus sollicitudin tortor, ut tempus diam. Nulla facilisi. Donec at neque sapien.");
+ }
+ function test_Blacklist() public {
+ vm.expectRevert("Message contains blacklisted word");
+ hello.createHello("Hello word1");
+ }
+ function test_SetBlacklist() public {
+ // Create a temporary dynamic array of strings
+ string[] memory bl = new string[](3);
+ bl[0] = "word1";
+ bl[1] = "word3";
+ bl[2] = "word4";
+ hello.setBlacklist(bl);
+ string[] memory getBL = new string[](2);
+ getBL[0] = hello.blacklist(0);
+ getBL[1] = hello.blacklist(1);
+ assertEq(getBL[0], bl[0]);
+ assertEq(getBL[1], bl[1]);
+ }
+ function test_SetBlacklistNotOwner() public {
+ string[] memory bl = new string[](3);
+ bl[0] = "word1";
+ bl[1] = "word3";
+ bl[2] = "word4";
+ vm.expectRevert("Not owner");
+ hoax(alice, 100 ether);
+ hello.setBlacklist(bl);
+ }
+ function test_SetMinMaxMessageLength() public {
+ uint32 newMin = 1;
+ uint32 newMax = 500;
+ hello.setMinMaxMessageLength(newMin,newMax);
+ assertEq(hello.minLength(), newMin);
+ assertEq(hello.maxLength(), newMax);
+ }
+ function test_SetMinMaxMessageLengthNotOwner() public {
+ uint32 newMin = 1;
+ uint32 newMax = 500;
+ hoax(alice, 100 ether);
+ vm.expectRevert();
+ hello.setMinMaxMessageLength(newMin,newMax);
+ }
+To run the tests, execute the following command:
+forge test
+The output should look like this:
+Running 8 tests for test/Hello.t.sol:HelloTest
+[PASS] test_Blacklist() (gas: 23772)
+[PASS] test_CreateHello() (gas: 66179)
+[PASS] test_MaxLength() (gas: 14179)
+[PASS] test_MinLength() (gas: 13929)
+[PASS] test_SetBlacklist() (gas: 885276)
+[PASS] test_SetBlacklistNotOwner() (gas: 16978)
+[PASS] test_SetMinMaxMessageLength() (gas: 853243)
+[PASS] test_SetMinMaxMessageLengthNotOwner() (gas: 10889)
+Test result: ok. 8 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.35ms
+### Smart contract deployment
+You can now deploy the smart contract to Lisk.
+For this example, we will use the Lisk Sepolia network to deploy the Hello contract.
+Add the `--verify` flag to the `forge create` command to directly verify the smart contract on BlockScout.
+forge create --rpc-url https://rpc.sepolia-api.lisk.com \
+--etherscan-api-key 123 \
+--verify \
+--verifier blockscout \
+--verifier-url https://sepolia-blockscout.lisk.com/api \
+--private-key \
+If the deployment went successfully, the output should look like this:
+[тав] Compiling...
+No files changed, compilation skipped
+Deployer: 0x3C46A11471f285E36EE8d089473ce98269D1b081
+Deployed to: 0x0a5A1C81F278cAe80d340a4A97E2D7B1c3Ec511a
+Transaction hash: 0x52bb6aab8ceeecef674253ecc0ccfe35baeac7db3cc8e889a9da1f7cf1ce0593
+Starting contract verification...
+Waiting for blockscout to detect contract deployment...
+Start verifying contract `0x0a5A1C81F278cAe80d340a4A97E2D7B1c3Ec511a` deployed on 4202
+Submitting verification for [src/Hello.sol:Hello] 0x0a5A1C81F278cAe80d340a4A97E2D7B1c3Ec511a.
+Submitted contract for verification:
+ Response: `OK`
+ GUID: `0a5a1c81f278cae80d340a4a97e2d7b1c3ec511a65cf6f72`
+ URL: https://sepolia-blockscout.lisk.com/address/0x0a5a1c81f278cae80d340a4a97e2d7b1c3ec511a
+Contract verification status:
+Response: `OK`
+Details: `Pending in queue`
+Contract verification status:
+Response: `OK`
+Details: `Pass - Verified`
+Contract successfully verified
+After the smart contract is deployed, you can interact with it by calling its public functions.
+From here, you can migrate the plugins and UI of the Lisk L1 app to be compatible with the new API, to complete the migration process of your Lisk application.
+In case you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the Lisk community at [Lisk.chat](https://lisk.chat).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git-deploy-github.sh b/git-deploy-github.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a4ad802a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-deploy-github.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export LISK_DOC_BASE_URL=/lisk-documentation/
+GIT_USER=TalhaMaliktz yarn deploy
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index 6e2b49c55..4972d3c5a 100644
--- a/sidebars.js
+++ b/sidebars.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ const sidebars = {
+ 'building-on-lisk/migration-guide',
link: {
type: 'generated-index',
diff --git a/src/css/custom.css b/src/css/custom.css
index dd7b167cf..95407e6bb 100644
--- a/src/css/custom.css
+++ b/src/css/custom.css
@@ -67,7 +67,11 @@ a {
scroll-margin-top: var(--ifm-navbar-height);
-html[data-theme='dark'] .alert a {
+a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ scroll-margin-top: var(--ifm-navbar-height);
+ html[data-theme='dark'] .alert a {
text-decoration-color: var(--ifm-color-primary);