The github link, for those reading from gitbook:
CARPG (working name) is a pen and paper RPG engine which aims to be detailed, (mostly) realistic, flexible (class-less), and (hopefully) simple. It will achieve this by using computers in a assisting role.
Computers have had two main interactions with RPGs, the most obvious is the creation of the CRPG1.
The other is how computers have changed where people can play 'traditional' pen and paper RPGs through services like Skype and roll20.
This project hopes to blend these two examples and have the computer provide an assisting role.
The humans playing will still be the main driving force, but the computer will allow for more detail than humans alone can manage.
It will first be designed for fantasy settings, but sci-fi and modern will be included.
For those reading this on github, this is a non-code project.
This project will be best viewed using gitbook until I export it. Due to having issues with gitbook, please use github for all interactions (issues/pullrequests). I would prefer that gitbook is only used for reading rendered copies.
The character sheet was made with LibreOffice and is available for free, so if you are experiensing issues with the character sheet then try opening it with LibreOffice.
CRPGs (Computer RolePlaying Game) are where the computer controls most of the game; it rolls the dice, puppeteers NPCs, presents the plot, etc. ↩