diff --git a/Main.ps1 b/Main.ps1
index cec6844..b4cd80a 100644
--- a/Main.ps1
+++ b/Main.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Show-Window
Displays the main window of the application.
-$currentVersion = "v0.2.5-alpha"
+$currentVersion = "v0.2.6-alpha"
#region log file
# Define the log file path
@@ -115,11 +115,14 @@ function Show-Window {
# Load UI elements
$TenantInfo = $Window.FindName("TenantInfo")
+ $StatusText = $Window.FindName("StatusText")
$ConnectButton = $Window.FindName("ConnectButton")
+ $ConnectEnterpriseAppButton = $Window.FindName("ConnectEnterpriseAppButton")
$LogoutButton = $Window.FindName("LogoutButton")
$RefreshButton = $Window.FindName("RefreshButton")
$StatusText = $Window.FindName("StatusText")
$PolicyDataGrid = $Window.FindName("PolicyDataGrid")
+ $RenameButton = $Window.FindName("RenameButton")
$DeleteAssignmentButton = $Window.FindName("DeleteAssignmentButton")
$AddAssignmentButton = $Window.FindName("AddAssignmentButton")
$BackupButton = $Window.FindName("BackupButton")
@@ -144,7 +147,9 @@ function Show-Window {
# Import external script files
. .\Scripts\Functions.ps1
+ . .\Scripts\Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1
. .\Scripts\ConnectButton.ps1
+ . .\Scripts\ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\LogoutButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\RefreshButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\ConfigurationPoliciesButton.ps1
@@ -161,6 +166,7 @@ function Show-Window {
. .\Scripts\Show-SelectionDialog.ps1
. .\Scripts\SearchButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\RemediationScriptsButton.ps1
+ . .\Scripts\RenameButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\PlatformScriptsButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\AppConfigButton.ps1
. .\Scripts\MacosScriptsButton.ps1
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 45292eb..b43c2fb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ The Intune Toolkit is a PowerShell-based solution designed to simplify the manag
## Features
- **Connect to Microsoft Graph:** Authenticate with necessary scopes.
+- **Connect to Microsoft Graph With Enterprise App:** Authenticate with necessary scopes.
- **Tenant Information:** Display tenant details and signed-in user information.
- **Policy and App Management:** View and manage policies and apps with their assignments.
- **Supported Assignments:**
@@ -36,62 +37,10 @@ The Intune Toolkit is a PowerShell-based solution designed to simplify the manag
- Document Assignments to Markdown File
- Selected Policies / applications
- Bulk Export of Policy Type
+- **Edit DisplayName & Description:** Easely eddit your policy/app names and descriptions
+- **Refresh:** Update and Refresh your security groups and policies/apps
- **Logging:** Detailed logging for all major actions and error handling.
-## Release Notes
-### v0.2.5-alpha
-- **Performance Upgrades**
- - Enhanced performance of security group fetching by adding additional filters to Graph API calls, reducing load times.
- - Introduced a manual sync button for on-demand updates of security groups.
- - Removed automatic security group fetching when loading policies/applications to prevent delays in large tenants.
- - Security groups are now loaded at startup or through manual refresh.
-### v0.2.4-alpha
-- **BugFix**
- - moved powershell validation to before check microsoft.graph module -> contribution By thiagogbeier
-### v0.2.3-alpha
-- **Features**
- - added log file to $env: as %temp% location under current user context/scope -> contribution By thiagogbeier
- - added the powershell 7.0.0 as minimum requirement as per in documentation validation with end-user notification to upgrade or open powershell 7.x -> contribution By thiagogbeier
-### v0.2.2-alpha
-- **Features**
- - Assignments
- - Managed Google Play Store App
- - IOS Store App
- - Platform Inormation
- - Update to "Export to Mark Down (MD)"
- - Table of Contents
- - Platfrom Information
-### v0.2.1-alpha
-- **Bug Fixes**
- - Assignment Issue with Device confiuration poilicy (Settings Catalog)
-### v0.2.0-alpha
-- **Features**
- - Mac OS Scripts
- - App Configuration Policies
- - Document To markdown
- - Selected Policies / applications
- - Bulk Export of Policy Type
- - Basic Version Check to latest Release Version on Github
-- **Bug Fixes**
- - Build in safety when no filters Exists ( Second Attempt ;-) )
-### v0.1.1-alpha
-- **Features**
- - Platform scripts
- - Export To CSV
-- **UI**
- - Updated UI
- - Remove install intent column in policy Context
-- **Bug Fixes**
- -Build in safety when no filters Exists
- -Checks for MS Graph Module
## Prerequisites
- PowerShell 7.0 or later.
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.md b/ReleaseNotes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08cac38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReleaseNotes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Intune Toolkit
+## Release Notes
+### v0.2.6-alpha
+- **Features**
+ - Editing Policy Names
+ - Editing Policy Description
+ - Implementing Connect-ToMgGraph -> Created By thiagogbeier https://github.com/thiagogbeier/Connect-To-MgGraph
+ - Implemented Intune Toolkit Logging
+ - Optimizing Ms Graph Module Detection & Installation
+ - Implemented Interactive Logon
+ - Implemented App Registration Logon
+- **BugFix**
+ - Fixed issue with assignments of Microsoft Store app (new) => Issue #25
+- **Other**
+ - Split up Release notes from ReadMe File
+### v0.2.5-alpha
+- **Performance Upgrades**
+ - Enhanced performance of security group fetching by adding additional filters to Graph API calls, reducing load times.
+ - Introduced a manual sync button for on-demand updates of security groups.
+ - Removed automatic security group fetching when loading policies/applications to prevent delays in large tenants.
+ - Security groups are now loaded at startup or through manual refresh.
+### v0.2.4-alpha
+- **BugFix**
+ - moved powershell validation to before check microsoft.graph module -> contribution By thiagogbeier
+### v0.2.3-alpha
+- **Features**
+ - added log file to $env: as %temp% location under current user context/scope -> contribution By thiagogbeier
+ - added the powershell 7.0.0 as minimum requirement as per in documentation validation with end-user notification to upgrade or open powershell 7.x -> contribution By thiagogbeier
+### v0.2.2-alpha
+- **Features**
+ - Assignments
+ - Managed Google Play Store App
+ - IOS Store App
+ - Platform Inormation
+ - Update to "Export to Mark Down (MD)"
+ - Table of Contents
+ - Platfrom Information
+### v0.2.1-alpha
+- **Bug Fixes**
+ - Assignment Issue with Device confiuration poilicy (Settings Catalog)
+### v0.2.0-alpha
+- **Features**
+ - Mac OS Scripts
+ - App Configuration Policies
+ - Document To markdown
+ - Selected Policies / applications
+ - Bulk Export of Policy Type
+ - Basic Version Check to latest Release Version on Github
+- **Bug Fixes**
+ - Build in safety when no filters Exists ( Second Attempt ;-) )
+### v0.1.1-alpha
+- **Features**
+ - Platform scripts
+ - Export To CSV
+- **UI**
+ - Updated UI
+ - Remove install intent column in policy Context
+- **Bug Fixes**
+ -Build in safety when no filters Exists
+ -Checks for MS Graph Module
diff --git a/Scripts/AddAssignmentButton.ps1 b/Scripts/AddAssignmentButton.ps1
index cf8e610..b8be10a 100644
--- a/Scripts/AddAssignmentButton.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/AddAssignmentButton.ps1
@@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ $AddAssignmentButton.Add_Click({
androidManagedStoreAppTrackIds = @()
autoUpdateMode = "default"
+ }elseif ($application.'@odata.type' -eq "#microsoft.graph.winGetApp"){
+ $settings = @{
+ '@odata.type' = "$($application.'@odata.type')AssignmentSettings"
+ notifications = "showAll"
+ installTimeSettings = $null
+ restartSettings = $null
+ }
}else {
$settings = @{
'@odata.type' = "$($application.'@odata.type')AssignmentSettings"
diff --git a/Scripts/Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1 b/Scripts/Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed785c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+.VERSION 1.0.1
+.AUTHOR Thiago Beier forked authentication method from Andrew S Taylor Microsoft MVP
+.TAGS intune endpoint MEM autopilot
+v1.0.1 - Added prerequisites check, added devicecode and interactive logon parameters
+ This script connects to Microsoft Graph using different authentication methods, including Interactive, Device Code, App Secret, Certificate Thumbprint, and specific scopes.
+ Maxime Guillemin used the script and adapted it for use in Intune-toolkit. All the main logic is by Thiago Beier. Date of change: 15/10/2024
+ This PowerShell script provides three modes of authentication with Microsoft Graph:
+ - Scopes only: Connect using a specific set of read-only scopes.
+ - App Secret: Authenticate using client credentials (AppId, AppSecret, and Tenant).
+ - SSL Certificate: Authenticate using an SSL certificate.
+.PARAMETER devicecode
+ Executes the script using device code to authenticate. Opens Browser (Default) asks user to authenticate.
+.PARAMETER interactive
+ Executes the script using interactive only to authenticate. Opens Browser (Default) asks user to authenticate.
+.PARAMETER scopesonly
+ Executes the script using scopes only to authenticate.
+.PARAMETER scopesonly
+ Executes the script using scopes only to authenticate.
+.PARAMETER entraapp
+ Executes the script using App-based authentication with AppId, AppSecret, and Tenant.
+.PARAMETER usessl
+ Executes the script using certificate-based authentication with AppId, TenantId, and CertificateThumbprint.
+ The Azure AD Application (client) ID.
+ The client secret for the Azure AD application (required for -entraapp).
+ The tenant domain or ID (required for -entraapp).
+ The Azure AD Tenant ID (required for -usessl).
+.PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint
+ The SSL certificate thumbprint (required for -usessl).
+ .\script.ps1 -devicecode
+ Connects using authenticated user consented scopes/permissions.
+ .\script.ps1 -interactive
+ Connects using authenticated user consented scopes/permissions.
+ .\script.ps1 -scopesonly
+ Connects using read-only scopes.
+ .\script.ps1 -entraapp -AppId "client-id-or-entra-app-id-here" -AppSecret "password-here" -Tenant "your-tenant-domain-here"
+ Connects using App-based authentication with client credentials.
+ .\script.ps1 -usessl -AppId "client-id-or-entra-app-id-here" -TenantId "your-tenant-id-here" -CertificateThumbprint "your-ssl-certificate-thumbprint-here"
+ Connects using certificate-based authentication.
+ Author: Thiago Beier (thiago.beier@gmail.com)
+ Social: https://x.com/thiagobeier https://thebeier.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/tbeier/
+ Date: September 11, 2024
+param (
+ [string]$AppId,
+ [string]$TenantId,
+ [string]$AppSecret,
+ [string]$CertificateThumbprint,
+ [string]$Tenant,
+ [string[]]$Scopes, # Array of scopes to be used in authentication
+ [switch]$scopesonly, # If true, execute the scopes only block
+ [switch]$entraapp, # If true, execute the entra app block
+ [switch]$usessl, # If true, execute the SSL certificate block
+ [switch]$interactive, # If true, execute the interactive block
+ [switch]$devicecode # If true, execute the device code block
+#region PowerShell modules and NuGet
+function Install-GraphModules {
+ # Define required modules
+ $modules = @{
+ 'Microsoft Graph Authentication' = 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication'
+ 'MS Graph Groups' = 'Microsoft.Graph.Groups'
+ 'MS Graph Identity Management' = 'Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement'
+ 'MS Graph Users' = 'Microsoft.Graph.Users'
+ 'MS Graph Compliance' = 'Microsoft.Graph.Compliance'
+ 'MS Graph Applications' = 'Microsoft.Graph.Applications'
+ 'MS Graph WindowsUpdates' = 'Microsoft.Graph.WindowsUpdates'
+ }
+ # Check if modules already exist if not check if NuGet is installed and install modules
+ foreach ($module in $modules.GetEnumerator()) {
+ if (Get-Module -Name $module.value -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Module $($module.Value) is already installed." -component "Install-GraphModules" -file "InstallGraphModules.ps1"
+ }
+ else {
+ try {
+ # Check if NuGet is installed
+ if (-not (Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
+ try {
+ Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ Write-Host "Installed PackageProvider NuGet"
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Installed PackageProvider NuGet" -component "Install-GraphModules" -file "InstallGraphModules.ps1"
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning "Error installing provider NuGet, exiting..."
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error installing provider NuGet, exiting..." -component "Install-GraphModules" -file "InstallGraphModules.ps1"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # Set PSGallery as a trusted repository if not already
+ if ((Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery).InstallationPolicy -ne 'Trusted') {
+ Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Set PSGallery as a trusted repository" -component "Install-GraphModules" -file "InstallGraphModules.ps1"
+ }
+ Write-Host ("Installing and importing PowerShell module {0}" -f $module.Value)
+ Install-Module -Name $module.Value -Force -ErrorAction Stop
+ Import-Module -Name $module.Value -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully installed and imported PowerShell module $($module.Value)" -component "Install-GraphModules" -file "InstallGraphModules.ps1"
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning ("Error installing or importing PowerShell module {0}, exiting..." -f $module.Value)
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error installing or importing PowerShell module $($module.Value), exiting..." -component "Install-GraphModules" -file "InstallGraphModules.ps1"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# If -entraapp is provided, enforce that AppId, AppSecret, and Tenant are required
+if ($entraapp) {
+ if (-not $AppId) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error: The -AppId parameter is required when using -entraapp." -component "ParameterCheck" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ throw "Error: The -AppId parameter is required when using -entraapp."
+ }
+ if (-not $AppSecret) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error: The -AppSecret parameter is required when using -entraapp." -component "ParameterCheck" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ throw "Error: The -AppSecret parameter is required when using -entraapp."
+ }
+ if (-not $Tenant) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error: The -Tenant parameter is required when using -entraapp." -component "ParameterCheck" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ throw "Error: The -Tenant parameter is required when using -entraapp."
+ }
+# If -usessl is provided, enforce that AppId, TenantId, and CertificateThumbprint are required
+if ($usessl) {
+ if (-not $AppId) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error: The -AppId parameter is required when using -usessl." -component "ParameterCheck" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ throw "Error: The -AppId parameter is required when using -usessl."
+ }
+ if (-not $TenantId) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error: The -TenantId parameter is required when using -usessl." -component "ParameterCheck" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ throw "Error: The -TenantId parameter is required when using -usessl."
+ }
+ if (-not $CertificateThumbprint) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error: The -CertificateThumbprint parameter is required when using -usessl." -component "ParameterCheck" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ throw "Error: The -CertificateThumbprint parameter is required when using -usessl."
+ }
+# Check for -scopesonly parameter
+if ($scopesonly) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Checking NuGet and PowerShell dependencies for -scopesonly parameter" -component "ScopesOnly" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Install-GraphModules
+ # region scopesReadOnly ask for authentication
+ $scopesReadOnly = @(
+ "Chat.ReadWrite.All"
+ "Directory.Read.All"
+ "Group.Read.All"
+ )
+ try {
+ Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $scopesReadOnly -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph using scopes only" -component "ScopesOnly" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Write-Host "This session current permissions `n" -ForegroundColor cyan
+ Get-MgContext | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scopes -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "`n"
+ Write-Host "Please run Disconnect-MgGraph to disconnect `n" -ForegroundColor darkyellow
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph or user aborted, exiting..."
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph using scopes only, exiting..." -component "ScopesOnly" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ return
+ }
+ # endregion
+# Check for -entraapp parameter
+if ($entraapp) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Checking NuGet and PowerShell dependencies for -entraapp parameter" -component "EntraApp" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Install-GraphModules
+ # region app secret
+ $body = @{
+ grant_type = "client_credentials"
+ client_id = $AppId
+ client_secret = $AppSecret
+ scope = "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"
+ }
+ $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$Tenant/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Body $body
+ $accessToken = $response.access_token
+ $version = (Get-Module microsoft.graph.authentication | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version).Major
+ if ($version -eq 2) {
+ $accesstokenfinal = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $accessToken -AsPlainText -Force
+ } else {
+ Select-MgProfile -Name Beta
+ $accesstokenfinal = $accessToken
+ }
+ try {
+ Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $accesstokenfinal -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to tenant $Tenant using app-based authentication" -component "EntraApp" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Write-Host "Connected to tenant $Tenant using app-based authentication"
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning "Error connecting to tenant $Tenant using app-based authentication, exiting..."
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error connecting to tenant $Tenant using app-based authentication, exiting..." -component "EntraApp" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ return
+ }
+ Write-Host "This session current permissions `n" -ForegroundColor cyan
+ Get-MgContext | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scopes
+ Write-Host "`n"
+ Write-Host "Please run Disconnect-MgGraph to disconnect `n" -ForegroundColor darkyellow
+# Check for -usessl parameter
+if ($usessl) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Checking NuGet and PowerShell dependencies for -usessl parameter" -component "UseSSL" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Install-GraphModules
+ try {
+ Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $AppId -TenantId $TenantId -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph using certificate-based authentication" -component "UseSSL" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Write-Host "This session current permissions `n" -ForegroundColor cyan
+ Get-MgContext | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scopes -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "`n"
+ Write-Host "Please run Disconnect-MgGraph to disconnect `n" -ForegroundColor darkyellow
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph or user aborted, exiting..."
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph using certificate-based authentication, exiting..." -component "UseSSL" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ return
+ }
+# Check for -interactive parameter
+if ($interactive) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Checking NuGet and PowerShell dependencies for -interactive parameter" -component "Interactive" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Install-GraphModules
+ try {
+ Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $Scopes -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph using interactive login with specified scopes" -component "Interactive" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Write-Host "This session current permissions `n" -ForegroundColor cyan
+ Get-MgContext | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scopes -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "`n"
+ Write-Host "Please run Disconnect-MgGraph to disconnect `n" -ForegroundColor darkyellow
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph or user aborted, exiting..."
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph using interactive login, exiting..." -component "Interactive" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ return
+ }
+# Check for -devicecode parameter
+if ($devicecode) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Checking NuGet and PowerShell dependencies for -devicecode parameter" -component "DeviceCode" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Install-GraphModules
+ try {
+ Start-Process https://microsoft.com/devicelogin -ErrorAction Stop
+ Connect-MgGraph -UseDeviceCode -Scopes $Scopes -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph using device code authentication" -component "DeviceCode" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ Write-Host "This session current permissions `n" -ForegroundColor cyan
+ Get-MgContext | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scopes -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "`n"
+ Write-Host "Please run Disconnect-MgGraph to disconnect `n" -ForegroundColor darkyellow
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph or user aborted, exiting..."
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Error connecting to Microsoft Graph using device code authentication, exiting..." -component "DeviceCode" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ return
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scripts/ConnectButton.ps1 b/Scripts/ConnectButton.ps1
index 63e94ee..6014187 100644
--- a/Scripts/ConnectButton.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/ConnectButton.ps1
@@ -19,9 +19,15 @@ $ConnectButton.Add_Click({
try {
Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Starting connection to Microsoft Graph" -component "Connect-Button" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
- # Connect to Microsoft Graph
- Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All", "DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All"
- Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph" -component "Connect-Button" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
+ # Use interactive login with specific scopes
+ $authParams = @{
+ interactive = $true
+ Scopes = @("User.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All", "DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All", "DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All")
+ }
+ # Call Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1 with the interactive login and custom scopes
+ .\Scripts\Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1 @authParams
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph using interactive login with specified scopes" -component "Connect-Button" -file "ConnectButton.ps1"
# Get tenant information
$tenant = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/organization" -Method GET
@@ -38,6 +44,7 @@ $ConnectButton.Add_Click({
# Update UI elements
$StatusText.Text = "Please select a policy type."
$PolicyDataGrid.Visibility = "Visible"
+ $RenameButton.IsEnabled = $true
$DeleteAssignmentButton.IsEnabled = $true
$AddAssignmentButton.IsEnabled = $true
$BackupButton.IsEnabled = $true
@@ -52,6 +59,7 @@ $ConnectButton.Add_Click({
#$RemediationScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $true
$PlatformScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $true
$ConnectButton.IsEnabled = $false
+ $ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.IsEnabled = $false
$LogoutButton.IsEnabled = $true
$RefreshButton.IsEnabled = $true
$SearchFieldComboBox.IsEnabled = $true
diff --git a/Scripts/ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1 b/Scripts/ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c9cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Attach the click event handler to the existing $ConnectEnterpriseAppButton
+ # Define the path to the external XAML file
+ $XAMLPath = ".\XML\EnterpriseAppConnectWindow.xaml"
+ # Load the XAML from the file
+ if (-not (Test-Path $XAMLPath)) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "XAML file not found at path: $XAMLPath" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ $StatusText.Text = "Error: XAML file not found."
+ return
+ }
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Loading XAML from: $XAMLPath" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ # Read the XAML content from the file
+ [xml]$XAML = Get-Content -Path $XAMLPath
+ # Load the XAML and show the window
+ [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('presentationframework')
+ $reader = [System.Xml.XmlReader]::Create([System.IO.StringReader]$XAML.OuterXml)
+ $window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($reader)
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "XAML window loaded successfully" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ # Get access to the elements within the window
+ $TenantIDTextBox = $window.FindName("TenantIDTextBox")
+ $AppIDTextBox = $window.FindName("AppIDTextBox")
+ $AppSecretTextBox = $window.FindName("AppSecretTextBox")
+ $SubmitButton = $window.FindName("SubmitButton")
+ # Define the click event handler for the Submit button
+ $SubmitButton.Add_Click({
+ # Retrieve values from the textboxes
+ $TenantID = $TenantIDTextBox.Text
+ $AppID = $AppIDTextBox.Text
+ $AppSecret = $AppSecretTextBox.Password
+ # Validate inputs
+ if (-not $TenantID -or -not $AppID -or -not $AppSecret) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Failed: Missing input fields (TenantID, AppID, or AppSecret)" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ $StatusText.Text = "Error: Please fill out all fields."
+ return
+ }
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "User input collected: Tenant ID = $TenantID, App ID = $AppID" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ # Close the window once values are captured
+ $window.Close()
+ # Log the connection attempt
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Attempting to connect using Tenant ID: $TenantID, App ID: $AppID" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ $StatusText.Text = "Connecting to Microsoft Graph..."
+ try {
+ # Use the imported Connect-ToMgGraph script to connect with the provided Tenant ID, App ID, and App Secret
+ $authParams = @{
+ entraapp = $true
+ AppId = $AppID
+ AppSecret = $AppSecret
+ Tenant = $TenantID
+ Scopes = @("User.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All", "DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All", "DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All")
+ }
+ # Call Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1 to authenticate using app credentials
+ .\Scripts\Connect-ToMgGraph.ps1 @authParams
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully connected to Microsoft Graph with app credentials" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ # Update UI elements after successful connection
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Updating UI elements after successful connection" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ $StatusText.Text = "Please select a policy type."
+ $PolicyDataGrid.Visibility = "Visible"
+ $RenameButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $DeleteAssignmentButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $AddAssignmentButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $BackupButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $RestoreButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ConfigurationPoliciesButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $DeviceConfigurationButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ComplianceButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $AdminTemplatesButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ApplicationsButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $AppConfigButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $MacosScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ #$RemediationScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $PlatformScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ConnectButton.IsEnabled = $false
+ $ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.IsEnabled = $false
+ $LogoutButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $RefreshButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $SearchFieldComboBox.IsEnabled = $true
+ $SearchBox.IsEnabled = $true
+ $SearchButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ExportToCSVButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ExportToMDButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "UI elements updated successfully" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ } catch {
+ # Handle connection errors
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Failed to connect to Microsoft Graph. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -component "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton" -file "ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.ps1"
+ $StatusText.Text = "Error: Failed to connect to Microsoft Graph. Please try again."
+ }
+ })
+ # Show the popup window
+ $window.ShowDialog()
diff --git a/Scripts/Functions.ps1 b/Scripts/Functions.ps1
index f8f48bd..ef6bd0a 100644
--- a/Scripts/Functions.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/Functions.ps1
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ function Get-AllSecurityGroups {
Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Fetching all security groups with pagination from $url" -component "Get-AllSecurityGroups" -file "Functions.ps1"
$allGroups = Get-GraphData -url $url
Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully fetched all security groups" -component "Get-AllSecurityGroups" -file "Functions.ps1"
+ # Return the full list of groups
return $allGroups
} catch {
$errorMessage = "Failed to get all security groups: $($_.Exception.Message)"
@@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ function Load-PolicyData {
$ExportToCSVButton.IsEnabled = $false
$ExportToMDButton.IsEnabled = $false
$RefreshButton.IsEnabled = $false
+ $RenameButton.IsEnabled = $false
# Load data synchronously
$result = Reload-Grid -type $policyType
@@ -332,4 +334,5 @@ function Load-PolicyData {
$ExportToCSVButton.IsEnabled = $true
$ExportToMDButton.IsEnabled = $true
$RefreshButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $RenameButton.IsEnabled = $true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scripts/LogoutButton.ps1 b/Scripts/LogoutButton.ps1
index bb64b8e..148360b 100644
--- a/Scripts/LogoutButton.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/LogoutButton.ps1
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ $LogoutButton.Add_Click({
$MacosScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $false
$PlatformScriptsButton.IsEnabled = $false
$ConnectButton.IsEnabled = $true
+ $ConnectEnterpriseAppButton.IsEnabled = $true
$LogoutButton.IsEnabled = $false
$SearchFieldComboBox.IsEnabled = $false
$SearchBox.IsEnabled = $false
diff --git a/Scripts/RenameButton.ps1 b/Scripts/RenameButton.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa3a53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/RenameButton.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+Handles the renaming and updating of descriptions for selected policies in the Intune Toolkit.
+This script allows users to rename and update the descriptions of selected policies or applications
+in the Intune Toolkit. It fetches current policy details, displays a custom popup with the
+existing name and description prefilled, and processes the renaming and updating actions.
+The script includes error handling, logging, and a refresh of the DataGrid after the updates.
+Author: Maxime Guillemin | CloudFlow
+Date: 20/09/2024
+ $selectedPolicies = $PolicyDataGrid.SelectedItems
+ if ($selectedPolicies.Count -eq 1) {
+ # Process renaming and description update
+ } else {
+ [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Please select exactly one policy/application.")
+ }
+# Fetches policy details using a dynamic $select query based on the current policy type
+function Get-PolicyDetails {
+ param (
+ [string]$policyId
+ )
+ # Determine the fields to select for the given policy type
+ $select = switch ($global:CurrentPolicyType) {
+ "configurationPolicies" { "id,name,description" }
+ default { "id,displayName,description" }
+ }
+ # Construct the URL for the Graph API call based on the policy type
+ $urlGetPolicy = if ($global:CurrentPolicyType -in @("mobileApps", "mobileAppConfigurations")) {
+ "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceAppManagement/$($global:CurrentPolicyType)('$policyId')?`$select=$($select)"
+ } else {
+ "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceManagement/$($global:CurrentPolicyType)('$policyId')?`$select=$($select)"
+ }
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Fetching policy details from: $urlGetPolicy" -component "Get-PolicyDetails"
+ try {
+ # Fetch the policy details from Microsoft Graph API
+ $policyDetails = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $urlGetPolicy -Method GET
+ #Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Successfully fetched policy details: $($policyDetails | ConvertTo-Json)" -component "Get-PolicyDetails"
+ return $policyDetails
+ } catch {
+ $errorMessage = "Failed to fetch policy details: $($_.Exception.Message)"
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog $errorMessage -component "Get-PolicyDetails"
+ throw $errorMessage
+ }
+# Displays the Rename Popup with the current policy name and description prefilled
+function Show-RenamePopup {
+ param (
+ [string]$currentName,
+ [string]$currentDescription
+ )
+ # Path to the XAML file for the Rename Popup UI
+ $xamlPath = ".\XML\RenamePopup.xaml"
+ # Verify if the XAML file exists
+ if (-not (Test-Path $xamlPath)) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "XAML file not found: $xamlPath" -component "RenamePopup"
+ return $null
+ }
+ # Load the XAML content
+ [xml]$xaml = Get-Content $xamlPath
+ $reader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
+ $Window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($reader)
+ # Assign controls from the XAML to variables
+ $RenameButton = $Window.FindName("RenameButton")
+ $NewPolicyNameTextBox = $Window.FindName("NewPolicyNameTextBox")
+ $NewPolicyDescriptionTextBox = $Window.FindName("NewPolicyDescriptionTextBox")
+ # Pre-fill the text boxes with current name and description
+ $NewPolicyNameTextBox.Text = $currentName
+ $NewPolicyDescriptionTextBox.Text = $currentDescription
+ # Initialize script-level variables to store new policy details
+ $script:newPolicyName = $null
+ $script:newPolicyDescription = $null
+ # Define the action for the Rename button click
+ $RenameButton.Add_Click({
+ $script:newPolicyName = $NewPolicyNameTextBox.Text.Trim()
+ $script:newPolicyDescription = $NewPolicyDescriptionTextBox.Text.Trim()
+ if ($script:newPolicyName -and $script:newPolicyDescription) {
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "New name: $script:newPolicyName, New description: $script:newPolicyDescription" -component "RenamePopup"
+ $Window.Close()
+ } else {
+ [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Please enter both a valid name and description.", "Error", [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK, [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Warning)
+ }
+ })
+ # Display the Rename Popup window
+ $Window.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
+ return @{Name=$script:newPolicyName; Description=$script:newPolicyDescription}
+# Logic for the Rename Button click event
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "RenameButton clicked" -component "Rename-Button" -file "RenameButton.ps1"
+ try {
+ # Ensure only one policy is selected
+ $selectedPolicies = $PolicyDataGrid.SelectedItems
+ if ($selectedPolicies.Count -eq 1) {
+ $selectedPolicy = $selectedPolicies[0]
+ $policyId = $selectedPolicy.PolicyId
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Selected policy: $($selectedPolicy | ConvertTo-Json)" -component "Rename-Button"
+ # Fetch detailed policy information
+ $policyDetails = Get-PolicyDetails -policyId $policyId
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Fetched policy details: $($policyDetails | ConvertTo-Json)" -component "Rename-Button"
+ # Determine the correct property for the policy name based on policy type
+ $currentName = switch ($global:CurrentPolicyType) {
+ "configurationPolicies" { $policyDetails.name }
+ default { $policyDetails.displayName }
+ }
+ $currentDescription = $policyDetails.description
+ # Display the Rename Popup with current name and description prefilled
+ $newPolicyInfo = Show-RenamePopup -currentName $currentName -currentDescription $currentDescription
+ # Proceed if there are valid changes to the name or description
+ if ($newPolicyInfo.Name -and $newPolicyInfo.Description -and ($newPolicyInfo.Name -ne $currentName -or $newPolicyInfo.Description -ne $currentDescription)) {
+ # Determine the property to update (name or displayName)
+ $propertyToUpdate = switch ($global:CurrentPolicyType) {
+ "configurationPolicies" { "name" }
+ default { "displayName" }
+ }
+ # Update the policy details with the new name and description
+ $policyDetails.$propertyToUpdate = $newPolicyInfo.Name
+ $policyDetails.description = $newPolicyInfo.Description
+ # Convert the updated policy details to JSON format
+ $body = $policyDetails | ConvertTo-Json
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Sending PATCH request with updated body: $($body)" -component "Rename-Button"
+ # Construct the PATCH URL for renaming
+ $urlRename = if ($global:CurrentPolicyType -in @("mobileApps", "mobileAppConfigurations")) {
+ "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceAppManagement/$($global:CurrentPolicyType)('$($selectedPolicy.PolicyId)')"
+ } else {
+ "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceManagement/$($global:CurrentPolicyType)('$($selectedPolicy.PolicyId)')"
+ }
+ try {
+ # Send the PATCH request to update the policy name and description
+ Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $urlRename -Method PATCH -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog "Renamed policy/application and updated description: $($selectedPolicy.PolicyId)" -component "Rename-Button" -file "RenameButton.ps1"
+ } catch {
+ $errorMessage = "Failed to rename or update description: $($_.Exception.Message)"
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog $errorMessage -component "Rename-Button"
+ [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($errorMessage, "Error", [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK, [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Error)
+ }
+ # Refresh the DataGrid to reflect the changes
+ Load-PolicyData -policyType $global:CurrentPolicyType -loadingMessage "Loading $($global:CurrentPolicyType)..." -loadedMessage "$($global:CurrentPolicyType) loaded."
+ } else {
+ [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("No changes made or same name/description entered.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Please select exactly one policy/application.")
+ }
+ } catch {
+ $errorMessage = "Failed to rename policy/application. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
+ [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($errorMessage, "Error")
+ Write-IntuneToolkitLog $errorMessage -component "Rename-Button" -file "RenameButton.ps1"
+ }
diff --git a/XML/EnterpriseAppConnectWindow.xaml b/XML/EnterpriseAppConnectWindow.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a8148b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XML/EnterpriseAppConnectWindow.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
diff --git a/XML/Main.xaml b/XML/Main.xaml
index a868667..d16cb61 100644
--- a/XML/Main.xaml
+++ b/XML/Main.xaml
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
@@ -115,11 +116,12 @@
diff --git a/XML/RenamePopup.xaml b/XML/RenamePopup.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270d51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XML/RenamePopup.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
diff --git a/image.png b/image.png
index eecc0f9..945a47a 100644
Binary files a/image.png and b/image.png differ