To adapt games for remote play:
- use a camera to share publicly visible information (or hidden information before the game starts)
- share pictures/scans of things players need to read as part of the game in advance
- one person may need to move pieces on behalf of the other players and read out information
- players may need to keep track of additional information themselves (e.g. on paper)
- label grids to make it easier for remote players to call out where they want to play
- Pandemic (Co-op)
- Santorini (rules)
- Welcome To...
- Seikatsu
- Shobu
- Love Letter
- Fog of Love
- Bring Your Own Book
- On Tour
- Ganz Schön Clever
- Karuba
- Camel Up
- Trails of Tucana
- Legacy of Dragonholt
- Concept
- Mysterium
- Coloretto
- Hive
- Chronicles of Crime
- Longhorn
- Incan Gold/Diamant
- Pluckin' Pairs
- Codenames
- Just One
- Onitama
- Wavelength
- Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
- Corinth
- Deep Sea Adventure
- Azul
- Unmatched
- Magic: The Gathering (with Spell Table)