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SpacetimeFields.jl Documentation

Types and Functions

# SpacetimeFields.extentType.

extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) An extent object

# SpacetimeFields.stfieldType.

stfield(data, lon, lat, good, time) A stfield object

# Base.convertFunction.

convert(::Type{DataFrame}, x::stfield, time, label) Convert stfield object to a DataFrame

convert(::Type{DataFrame}, x::stfield, time) Convert stfield object to a DataFrame

convert(::Type{Matrix}, x::stfield) Convert stfield object to a Matrix.

# Base.copyFunction.

copy(x::stfield; layers=1) Creates a copy of an stfield object

# Base.showFunction.

show(io::IO,x::stfield) Display info about a stfield object

# SpacetimeFields.llgridFunction.

llgrid(x::stfield) Return a grid of longitude and latitude values from a stfield object

llgrid(fname::ASCIIString; start=[1], count=[-1]) Read a NetCDF file with the given fname, and return a grid of longitude and latitude values

# SpacetimeFields.nc2fieldFunction.

nc2field{T<:ASCIIString}(fname::T, varname::T, ext::extent) Convert NetCDF data to a stfield object


using StatsBase: zscore
using DataFrames, Gadfly, SpacetimeFields

f2 = ""

ext1 = extent(121, 279 ,-19, 59)
r1 = nc2field(f2, "sst", ext1)

D1 = convert(DataFrame, r1, 1:3)

coord_map = Coord.cartesian(xmin=D1[1,:lon]-1, xmax=D1[end,:lon]+1, ymin=D1[1,:lat]-1, ymax=D1[end,:lat]+1)
xtix = Guide.xticks(ticks=collect(120:20:280))
ytix = Guide.yticks(ticks=collect(-20:20:60))

 p = plot(D1, ygroup=:g,
    x=:lon, y=:lat, color= :z,
    Geom.subplot_grid(coord_map, Geom.rectbin, xtix, ytix),
    Guide.xlabel("Longitude (°E)"), Guide.ylabel("Latitude (°N)")

M1 = convert(Matrix, r1)
U = svdfact(zscore(M1,1))[:U]
b = cor(U[:,1:3], M1)
r2 = copy(r1, layers=1:3)[repmat(r2.good, 3)] = b'

label = ["EOF$j" for j in 1:3 ]
D2 = convert(DataFrame, r2, 1:3, label)

p2 = plot(D2, ygroup=:g,
    x=:lon, y=:lat, color= :z,
    Geom.subplot_grid(coord_map, Geom.rectbin, xtix, ytix),
    Guide.xlabel("Longitude (°E)"), Guide.ylabel("Latitude (°N)")