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Releases: Medabots/medarot3


06 Jun 16:21
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0.1.1 Pre-release
  • Fixes Ally names in the Medabot selection screen
  • Fixes Ally names in battle text


06 Jun 02:02
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0.1.0 Pre-release

A super early release that's far from complete for community testing. This build should be playable from start to finish, though it lacks polish.

The save format has not been changed at all, but using a Japanese save will result in weird names for Medabots (as the characters in Japanese aren't available, they'll map to random things).

What should be working:

  • Just about every menu should be translated (in and out of Robattles), this includes Shops and other NPC-specific menus (like the Glossary)
  • Most 'list' items are translated (Medafighters, Items, Parts, Medals, etc... some of this is pulled from the Medapedia Wiki)
  • Almost all text is using a VWF
  • Text that isn't translated will just show up as a hexadecimal number (which can be referenced back to the original text)

What definitely is not done yet:

  • Translated Credits
  • Link battles
  • Dialog translations (see below)
  • Some images need to be standardized (Medabots vs Medarots, as we plan on having two localization versions)

Translation Status:
1700ish out of 7500ish lines (~23%) of text have at least some English translation, though the vast majority have not been quality checked and set to a standard yet.

The huge chunk of translated text is thanks to the efforts of the translators who contributed:

Tobias_Levi (
Tiaruth (
yukinz (