Damavand is a code that simulates quantum circuits. In order to learn more about damavand, refer to the documentation.
- Core features:
- single node CPU multithreading ✔️
- single node GPU ✔️
- multiple nodes CPU multithreading ✔️
- single node multiple GPUs ✔️
- multiple nodes multiple GPUs ✔️
- pypi ✔️
- README.md ✔️
- Documentation 🛠️ (under construction)
pip3 install damavand
git clone https://github.com/previsionio/damavand.git
cd damavand/
python3 setup.py install
Damavand can be executed with different "apply methods". These refer to the algorithms used to update a quantum state by applying a given quantum gate. The different apply methods are:
brute matrix vector multiplication (requires a lot of memory).shuffle
smart implementation of matrix vector multiplication where the matrix is the result of a series of kronecker products (requires less memory but is still a bit slow).multithreading
runs on a single node multi CPUs.gpu
runs on a single node single GPU.distributed_cpu
runs on a multiple nodes multiple CPUs.distributed_gpu
runs on a single node multiple GPUs or on multiple nodes multiple GPUs.
The default apply_method
is multithreading
. this can be changes by providing it as an option to the Circuit
builder, as shown in the following example:
from damavand import Circuit
# initialize MPI
from mpi4py import MPI
num_qubits = 1
circuit = Circuit(num_qubits, apply_method="distributed_gpu")
samples = circuit.sample(num_samples)
observables = circuit.extract_expectation_values(samples)
Here is a simple slurm example that shows how to run a simulation on 2 nodes, with multithreading.
#SBATCH --job-name=two_nodes
#SBATCH --qos=qos_cpu-dev
#SBATCH --ntasks=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=40
#SBATCH --output=two_nodes.listing
#SBATCH --time=5:00
module purge
module load openmpi/3.1.4
module load cuda/10.2
srun python3 two_nodes.py
Run sbatch run.sh
to lounch the script
Damavand is linked to pennylane PennyLane, a library with many tools to approach qubit based and continuous-variable based quantum architectures.
The plugin that allows this can be found here.
With this plugin, one can use pennylane with the damavand.qubit
dev = qml.device("damavand.qubit", wires=10, apply_method="gpu")