This project serves as an example of implementing the basic functionalities and pages of a web application, demonstrating the use of the commonly used Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) the pattern in Flask. The code included in this repository will greatly assist developers in understanding these patterns. The MVC pattern is a software design pattern that separates an application into three components: Model, View, and Controller. This structure helps improve code reusability and maintainability.
- The Model represents and processes the information (data) of the application.
- The View is responsible for the user interface (UI) that is presented to the user.
- The Controller handles user input and coordinates the interactions between the Model and the View.
CRUD represents the four basic operations in data persistence: Create, Read, Update, Delete. These operations are typically required functionalities in all web applications
First, you'll need to install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before you run the app for the first time, you'll need to init, migrate, and upgrade for DB.
We use for here flask-sqlalchemy, flask-migrate and flask-wtf.
flask db init # Initialize the database
flask db migrate # Create the migration
flask db upgrade # Apply the migration
If you once run the init script, from now on you can just run the app:
flask run
- 🤷
- Nothing - 📪
- Contact us/contact/complete
- When send the contact us form, redirect to this page/contact/<id>
- Hello to the user(id), It will be main page after
- 🔐
- Authentication/auth/signup
- Sign Up/auth/signin
- Sign In- Redirects
- 🗂️
- Show and edit all users/crud/register
- Register a new user directly/crud/<id>
- Edit user/crud/<id>/delete
- Delete user
- When you
- sign-up, password is hashed and stored in the database.
- sign-in, hashed p.w is compared to the p/w in the database.
- If the hashes (p/w)
- match, you are logged in.
- don't match, you are not logged in.
- If you are logged in, you can access the
The pre-trained model of PyTorch is downloaded and saved. (Included in init.bat
, cmd/
When there is a request from the detector, the model is loaded, a rectangle is drawn and displayed to the user.
The analyzed results are stored in the user_image_tag
and the Detect
button is disabled for the pictures that have already been analyzed.
- 🗃️ SQL ㅣ DataBase
- Flask SQLAlchemy > For simplify the use of SQLAlchemy with powerful ORM
- Flask Migrate > For handles SQLAlchemy database migrations
- 🔐 Authentication
- Flask WTF > For integrate Flask and WTForms, including CSRF
- Flask Login > For handles the user session management