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- Attila Nagy (SZTE Medical School, Hungary)
- Csaba Pinter (Queen's University, Canada)
- András Lassó (Queen's University, Canada)
- Steve Pieper (Isomics Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA)
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (KitWare Inc., Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA)
- whoever wants to join/has ideas/has some time... :)
Sometimes unknown file formats are encountered that contain images. There are free tools to handle these (eg. try to guess the bit depth, X and Y resolution, etc) but it is currently not possible from within Slicer.
- Set basic image read parameters (bytes to skip (header), bitness, etc)
- Display the loaded image in 3D view
- Add some more functionality.
- Add ideas so they can be implemented later.
All basic image parameters can be set:
- header to skip
- endianness
- X, Y and Z dimensions
- image bit depth/pixel type
- set automaic thresholding
- automatically update the image in the viewer
- display it in the 3D viewer
- calculate cross-correlation between lines of image to make the guessing easier
This is how the moddule looks as of 2019. 02. 01.
[Something along these lines (though the thread is old, the problem surfaced a few times since then)] (
- Source code:
- Documentation: In progress
- Test data:
- Available in the github repository
- 3D ultrasound from Slicer forum: download from dropbox