The use cases for Task Area 5 were defined to clarify the goals and define the requirements for the development in the different Measures.
Scope/Objective | Be able to search for simulation software in the registry (based on keywords) |
Stakeholder | researcher, domain experts, software developer, student, industry |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - Registry exists and is populated (filled) - Interface to search in the registry - Interface to refine search by selecting different criteria - Existing User Interface (GUI) |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. Person is looking for simulation software to simulate [transient behaviour of a phaseshift transformer] 2. Searching in software registry with the keywords: transient, phaseshift transformer 3. gets a list with matching software and sugesstions to refine the search, like open source and proprietary software 4. Get a list of compatible software that could be coupled / used with the current software and links to their description pages 5. Selecting open source 6. Getting refined list with matching software 7. Selecting software from list to get simulation software overview page with detailed description and available data sets 8. The description page also provides information regarding publications using the software and available results 9. following link to get to software homepage to start downloading |
Priority | High |
Related Measures | M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | Be able to search for simulation software in the registry and be able to compare simulation software in the registry based on attributes (based on keywords) |
Stakeholder | researcher, domain experts, software developer, student, industry |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - Registry exists and is populated (filled) - Interface to search in the registry - Interface to refine search by selecting different criteria - Existing User Interface (GUI) |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. Person is looking for simulation software to simulate transient behaviour of a phaseshift transformer Searching in software registry with the keywords: transient, phaseshift transformer 2. gets a list with matching software 3. Selecting multiple softwares from list to get simulation software overview of attributes to compare softwares 4. User decides which software fits the needs and chooses it |
Priority | High |
Related Measures | M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | The user has to be supported in finding the best simulation framework for integrating a PV plant simulation model including simulator into a surrounding distribution power grid. |
Stakeholder | researcher, student, domain expert |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - The simulation frameworks and models have to be described in a standardized way and made available in a registry. - The registry also contains example scenarios that use the same PV controller as the requested one. - The user already knows which model will be used (REF TO UCXYZ). |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user is looking for a co-simulation framework. 2. The user looks in the NFDI4Energy platform and can input requirements (Which co-simulation framework is best-suited for my simulation model and supports a suitable power grid simulator?). 3. The possible co-simulation frameworks are shown in a comparable way (table) 4. The user chooses one of the frameworks that is best-suited for the use case. |
Priority | High |
Related Measures | M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | The user has to be supported in finding a simulation model for a PV plant to use it in a co-simulation, furthermore the user needs to find data for the model |
Stakeholder | researcher, student, simulation framework developer, domain expert, industry |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - The simulation models have to be described in a standardized way and made available in a registry - It has to be specified if a simulation model can be coupled with a specific co-simulation framework - The available data has to be described in a standardized way and made available in a registry - It has to be specified which data can be used by which simulation software/model - Input and output of the simulation model is known |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user is looking for PV model (not software specific) with certain requirement to be able to integrate it into a co-simulation 2. The user looks into NFDI4Energy platform, gives the requirements and gets a filtered list of all available models 3. By choosing a specific model, information regarding data and parameters needed to get the model running (Exemplary data) |
Priority | High |
Related Measures | M5.2, M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | Improve the Findability and reusability of co-simulation scenarios and create FAIR co-simulation scenarios |
Stakeholder | student, researcher, industry |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - Collection with simulation scenarios - Methods to search the collection - Meta data to describe simulation scenarios / Common format for scenarios - Documentation or tutorial how to reuse the scenario - Provide a list or an overview of existing simulation scenarios and make them downloadable |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. User wants to simulate a model for charging cars in a flexible way. 2. User goes onto the NFDI4Energy Platform to look for similar scenarios 3. User enters the search-terms "flexibility" and "electric cars". 4. User gets a list with example scenarios that match this terms and articles that describe necessary steps for a similar simulation. 5. Read description of simulation scenarios / read simulation scenario itself (preview of file) 6. Compare simulation scenarios (split view) 7. User selects one of the examples and goes over the list of prerequisites and installs required software. 8. User runs the chosen scenario locally and adapts it to their needs. |
Priority | Medium |
Related Measures | M5.2, M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | Guide a user through the process of creating a co-simulation based on already chosen components. Include tools to automate part of the process. |
Stakeholder | researchers, industry, student |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - simulation framework and simulation components are already chosen (UC05 and UC07) - metadata of simulation components is available (UC07) |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user wants to create a scenario based on already chosen framework and model. 2. The user uses the NFDI4Energy platform and provides the chosen framework, components and metadata. 3. User gets support on how to connect the chosen simulation components to create the scenario (e.g., assisted by a wizard or getting recommendations). This can also contain connection rules to make connections between groups of entities easier. 4. The user gets configuration files and instructions for the execution (as a text-file). |
Priority | High |
Related Measures | M5.2 |
Scope/Objective | Guide a user through the process of creating a co-simulation based on the general research goal. Include tools to automate part of the process. |
Stakeholder | researcher, industry, student |
Assumptions and Prerequisites | - simulation framework and simulation components are not yet strictly chosen. - a domain ontology exists |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user describes the research goal (i.e., the output the simulation should provide) on the NFDI4Energy platform based on a domain ontology. 2. The user provides additional information about the planned simulation (e.g., time resolution) 3. The user gets recommendations for suitable co-simulation frameworks. (See also UC05) 4. The user chooses suitable co-simulation framework. 5. The user gets recommendations for suitable simulation models. (See also UC07) 6. The user chooses suitable simulation models. 7. User gets support on how to connect the chosen simulation components to create the scenario (e.g., assisted by a wizard or getting recommendations). This can also contain connection rules to make connections between groups of entities easier. (See also UC08) 8. The user gets configuration files and instructions for the execution (as a text-file). |
Priority | High |
Related Measures | M5.2 |
Scope/Objective | Provide the possibility to execute a simulation scenario on the SIMaaS service |
Stakeholder | researchers, industry, students |
Assumptions and prerquisites | The input configuration for the simulation scenario does exist in a format and schema as is specified by the co-simulation scenario ontology |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user wants to execute a scenario that he or she has available locally 2. The SIMaaS is initialized with the upload of the scenario configuration 3. The user can review and modify the scenario configuration in the UI 4. Simulation is started and live execution dashboard is opened to visualize the progress (and data) 5. Simulation finishes and the dashboard updates to include the simulation results 6. The user downloads the bundle of the scenario configuration and the output data |
Priority | high |
Related Measures | M5.3, M5.4 |
Scope/Objective | A user wants to investigate and reproduce the results of existing research |
Stakeholder | researcher, student, industry |
Assumptions and prerquisites | - The user has found an existing simulation scenario with results on the co-simulation scenario registry service or has uploaded his own scenario config and results bundle there |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user opens the result visualization view on the NFDI4Energy co-simulation scenario registry for the respective co-simulation scenario 2. The UI displays all available data so the user is able to investigate it 3. The user starts another co-simulation run and also published the results 4. The user selects both result sets and opens the result compparison view to investigate if the results are reproducible |
Priority | low |
Related Measures | M5.4 |
Scope/Objective | Add software to the energy research software registry |
Stakeholder | software developer, researcher, student, industry |
Assumptions and prerquisites | - Registry exists - Software to be added has a public link - Metadata schema for software records is available - Software developers want to improve visbility of their software, want feedback from the community or want to increase their sales. - Research insitutes either want feedback on their software or increase visibility and credibility in terms of collaboration or project proposal. |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user checks if the software is already registered in the NFDI4Energy research software registry 2. If not, he creates a metadata record with the assistance of the service, which also includes the purpose of the software and how it can be used 3. The user publishes the record on the registry |
Priority | medium |
Related Measures | M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | Add a model to the energy research software registry |
Stakeholder | software developer, researcher, student, industry |
Assumptions and prerquisites | - The simulation model already exists - The simulation software that the model uses exists on the registry - Ability to reference other existing models with similar scope to make comparison easier - Motivation for adding a simulation model is similar to UC 5.1.1 |
Sequence/Workflow | same as 5.1.1 but use other metadata schema for models instead |
Priority | medium |
Related Measures | M5.1 |
Scope/Objective | The user needs to be supported in recording his scenario and the result of his co-simulation. Furthermore, he needs to be able to share this |
Stakeholder | researcher, student, industry |
Assumptions and prerquisites | - The scenario and its results can be recorded in a standardized way based on our ontology. - The metadata schema developed in M4.3 has to be used fro annotation of result data. - The user works on a specfic research question. |
Sequence/Workflow | 1. The user describes his co-simulation in the standardized (ontology based) scenario config file 2. The results are annotated with metadata according to the predefined schema 3. The user uploads all relevant data sets with the assistance of the SIMaaS service and the co-simulation scenario registry service. |
Priority | medium |
Related Measures | M5.4, M4.3 |
The following potential stakeholder were identified.
- researcher (including phd student)
- student (e.g., in a modeling courses)
- simulation model developer
- interested non-experts
- data analyst
- domain expert
- simulation framework expert/maintainer/developer
- simulation maintainer/organizer