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Getting Started with PRAS

For a complete overview of PRAS, see the v0.6 documentation report. This page provides a briefer overview to help you start running PRAS quickly.

Parallel Processing

PRAS uses multi-threading, so be sure to set the environment variable controlling the number of threads available to Julia (36 in this Bash example, which is a good choice for NREL Eagle nodes - on a laptop you would probably only want 4 or so) before running scripts or launching the REPL:


Power System Data

The recommended way to store and retreive PRAS system data is in an HDF5 file that conforms to the PRAS system data format. Once your system is represented in that format you can load it into PRAS with:

using PRAS
sys = SystemModel("filepath/to/systemdata.pras")

Resource Adequacy Assessment

PRAS functionality is distributed across groups of modular specifications that can be mixed, extended, or replaced to support the needs of a particular analysis. When assessing reliability or capacity value, one can define the specs to be used while passing along any associated parameters or options.

The categories of specifications are:

Simulation Specifications: How should power system operations be simulated? Options are Convolution and SequentialMonteCarlo.

Result Specifications: What kind and level of detail of results should be saved out during simulations? Options include Shortfall, Surplus, interface Flow, StorageEnergy, and GeneratorStorageEnergy. Not all simulation specifications support all result specifications. (See the PRAS documentation for more details.)

Capacity Credit Specifications: If performing a capacity credit calculation, which method should be used? Options are EFC and ELCC.

Running an analysis

Analysis centers around the assess method with different arguments passed depending on the desired analysis to run. For example, to run a copper-plate convolution-based reliability assessment (Convolution) with LOLE and EUE reporting (Shortfall), one would run:

assess(mysystemmodel, Convolution(), Shortfall())

If you instead want to run a simulation that considers energy-limited resources and transmission constraints, using 100,000 Monte Carlo samples, the method call becomes:

assess(mysystemmodel, SequentialMonteCarlo(samples=100_000), Shortfall())

You can request multiple kinds of result from a single assessment:

assess(mysystemmodel, SequentialMonteCarlo(samples=100_000), Shortfall(), Flow())

Querying Results

Each result type requested returns a seperate result object. These objects can then be queried using indexing syntax to extract values of interest.

shortfalls, flows =
    assess(mysystemmodel, SequentialMonteCarlo(samples=100_000), Shortfall(), Flow())

flows["Region A" => "Region B"]

The full PRAS documentation provides more details on how different result object types can be indexed.

Because the main results of interest from resource adequacy assessments are probabilistic risk metrics (i.e. EUE and LOLE), Shortfall result objects define some additional methods: a particular risk metric can be obtained by calling that metric's constructor with the Shortfall result object. For example, to obtain the system-wide LOLE and EUE over the simulation period:

lole = LOLE(shortfalls)
eue = EUE(shortfalls)

Single-period metrics can also be extracted. For example, to get system-wide EUE for April 27th, 2024 at 1pm EST:

period_eue = EUE(shortfalls, ZonedDateTime(2024, 4, 27, 13, tz"EST"))

Region-specific metrics can also be extracted. For example, to obtain the LOLE of Region A across the entire simulation period:

eue_a = LOLE(shortfalls, "Region A")

Finally, metrics can be obtained for both a specific region and time:

period_eue_a = EUE(shortfalls, "Region A", ZonedDateTime(2024, 4, 27, 13, tz"EST"))

Capacity Credit Calculations

Capacity credit calcuations build on probabilistic resource adequacy assessment to provided capacity-based quantifications of the marginal benefit to system resource adequacy associated with a specific resource or collection of resources. Two capacity credit metrics (EFC and ELCC) are currently supported.

Equivalent Firm Capacity (EFC)

EFC estimates the amount of idealized, 100%-available capacity that, when added to a baseline system, reproduces the level of system adequacy associated with the baseline system plus the study resource. The following parameters must be specified:

  • The risk metric to be used for comparison (i.e. EUE or LOLE)
  • A known upper bound on the EFC value (usually the resource's nameplate capacity)
  • The regional distribution of the firm capacity to be added. This is typically chosen to match the regional distribution of the study resource's nameplate capacity.

For example, to assess the EUE-based EFC of a new resource with 1000 MW nameplate capacity, added to the system in a single region named "A":

# The base system, with power units in MW

# The base system augmented with some incremental resource of interest

# Get the lower and upper bounds on the EFC estimate for the resource
efc = assess(
    base_system, augmented_system, EFC{EUE}(1000, "A"),
min_efc, max_efc = extrema(efc)

If the study resource were instead split between regions "A" (600MW) and "B" (400 MW), one could specify the firm capacity distribution as:

efc = assess(
    base_system, augmented_system, EFC{EUE}(1000, ["A"=>0.6, "B"=>0.4]),

Equivalent Load Carrying Capability (ELCC)

ELCC estimates the amount of additional load that can be added to the system (in every time period) in the presence of a new study resource, while maintaining the baseline system's original adequacy level. The following parameters must be specified:

  • The risk metric to be used for comparison (i.e. EUE or LOLE)
  • A known upper bound on the ELCC value (usually the resource's nameplate capacity)
  • The regional distribution of the load to be added. Note that this choice is somewhat ambiguous in multi-region systems, so assumptions should be clearly specified when reporting analysis results.

For example, to assess the EUE-based ELCC of a new resource with 1000 MW nameplate capacity, serving new load in region "A":

# The base system, with power units in MW

# The base system augmented with some incremental resource of interest

# Get the lower and upper bounds on the ELCC estimate for the resource
elcc = assess(
    base_system, augmented_system, ELCC{EUE}(1000, "A"),
min_elcc, max_elcc = extrema(elcc)

If instead the goal was to study the ability of the new resource to provide load evenly to regions "A" and "B", one could use:

elcc = assess(
    base_system, augmented_system, ELCC{EUE}(1000, ["A"=>0.5, "B"=>0.5]),

Capacity credit calculations in the presence of sampling error

For non-deterministic assessment methods (i.e. Monte Carlo simulations), running a resource adequacy assessment with different random number generation seeds will result in different risk metric estimates for the same underlying system. Capacity credit assessments can be sensitive to this uncertainty, particularly when attempting to study the impact of a small resource on a large system with a limited number of simulation samples.

PRAS takes steps to a) limit this uncertainty and b) warn against potential deficiencies in statistical power resulting from this uncertainty.

First, the same random seed is used across all simulations in the capacity credit assessment process. If the number of resources and their reliability parameters (MTTF and MTTR) remain constant across the baseline and augmented test systems, seed re-use ensures that unit-level outage profiles remain identical across RA assessments, providing a fixed background against which to measure changes in RA resulting from the addition of the study resource. Note that satisfying this condition requires that the study resource be present in the baseline case, but with its contributions eliminated (e.g. by setting its capacity to zero). When implementing an assessment method that modifies the user-provided system to add new resources (such as EFC), the programmer should assume this invariance exists in the provided data, and not violate it in any automated modifications.

Second, capacity credit assessments have two different stopping criteria. The ideal case is that the upper and lower bounds on the capacity credit metric converge to be sufficiently tight relative to a desired level of precision. This target precision is 1 system power unit (e.g. MW) by default, but can be relaxed to loosen the convergence bounds if desired via the capacity_gap keyword argument. Once the lower and upper bounds are tighter than this gap, their values are returned.

Additionally, at each bisection step, a hypothesis test is performed to ensure that the theoretically-larger bounding risk metric is in fact larger than the smaller-valued risk metric with a specified level of statistical significance. By default, this criteria is a maximum p-value of 0.05, although this value can be changed as desired via the p_value keyword argument. If at some point the null hypothesis (the higher risk is not in fact larger than the lower risk) cannot be rejected at the desired significance level, the assessment will provide a warning indicating the size of the remaining capacity gap and return the lower and upper bounds on the capacity credit estimate.