- Hi-C, chromosome conformation capture
- ONT, Oxford Nanopore Technology
- PacBio, Pacific Biosciences
- SMRT, Single-Molecule Real-Time
- CLR, Continuous Long Read
- CCS, Circular Consensus Sequencing
- Hi-Fi, High-Fidelity
- 📚 Review/Opinion Article
- 🧬 Study involves human genome(s)
- 🦠 Prokaryotic genome(s)
- 🌱 Plant genome(s)
- 💉 Focused towards medical genetics
- 🛠 Includes tool/software development
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Description: Sequencing of zooplankton samples to recover molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs). At the sample-level, Illumina metabarcoding recovered more MOTUs than nanopore.
Platforms: Illumina MiSeq and ONT's minION (R10.3 chemistry)
Title: Performance analysis of conventional and AI-based variant callers using short and long reads
Platforms: Illumina HiSeq2500
Description: Assessment of assembly algorithms for the analysis of viromes (mock community of 15 bacteriophage genomes), and assessment of error rates across different platforms.
Platforms: Illumina MiSeq (NexteraXT library prep kit), minION (library prep by SQK-LSK109), and PacBio Sequel.
Description: Isoform analysis of mouse data via sequencing cDNA of reverse transcription events.
Platforms: PacBio Sequel II, and ONT PromethION
Description: Comparative analysis of two clinical samples
Platforms: HiSeq 1500 (2 × 101 bp) and, ONT's GridION using R9.4.1 flowcell (ligation sequencing kit SQK-LSK109)
Description: Analysis of 50 human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) short-read whole-genome sequences, "matching long and short read data, and simulated short-read data."
Platforms: Illumina HiSeq 2000 and 2500, and PacBio Sequel