This API is used to manage videos and their metadata. Plus, it allows user access processing status of videos.
participant U as User
participant A as API
participant S3 as S3 Storage
participant S as Processing Service
U ->> A: POST /videos
A ->> S3: Add video to video-pipeline bucket
par S3 to Processing Service
alt Video is not valid
else Video is valid
S3 ->> S: New video added
activate S
Note over S: Start processing
S ->> A: POST /processing/{videoId}/status : {statusEnum : PROCESSING}
loop Processing steps
alt Step is in error
break Processing
S ->> A: POST /processing/{videoId}/steps : {stepEnum (DOWNSCALING, LANG_IDENT, CAPTION, ANIMAL_DETECT), log}
A ->> S: 200 OK
S ->> A: POST /processing/{videoId}/status : {statusEnum : ERROR}
A ->> S: 200 OK
else Step is not in error
S ->> A: POST /processing/{videoId}/steps : {stepEnum (DOWNSCALING, LANG_IDENT, CAPTION, ANIMAL_DETECT), log}
A ->> S: 200 OK
deactivate S
Note over S: Processing finished
S ->> A: POST /processing/{videoId}/status : {statusEnum : PROCESSED}
A ->> A: Video is ready to be streamed
and S3 to API
alt Video is not valid
S3 ->> A: Video is not valid
A ->> U: 400 BAD REQUEST
else Video is valid
S3 ->> A: Video successfully added
A ->> U: 201 CREATED
U ->> A: GET /videos/{videoId}
A ->> U: 200 OK