This repo is for unitree go1 robot bringup
Objective: Packages to simulate Unitree Go1 in Gazebo and control the robot with keyboard based on ROS
- Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic or Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic
cd to a directory you like to install
cd <your favorite directory>
Clone this repo with submodule mode
git clone --recurse-submodules
Update all sub repos
cd unitree_go1_ws git submodule update --init --recursive
In the unitree_ros repo, branch master, all packages are setup to check out to proper branches for go1 robot. Therefore, you don’t need to checkout or do anything complicatedly.
Install ROS dependencies with rosdep
cd <your favorite directory>/unitree_go1_ws rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Install lcm library if you don’t have
sudo apt install liblcm-dev
unitree_ros_to_real isn’t a ROS package, so we need to build it directly by Cmake instead of catkin build or catkin_make
cd to the package
cd src/unitree_ros/unitree_ros_to_real/unitree_legged_sdk
If the following steps don’t work, Build the unitree_legged_sdk package by following the instruction in README file
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make
cd <your favorite directory>/unitree_go1_ws
catkin build
Reference: Link
Before running any following command in any terminal, you need to source your workspace before.
source cd <unitree_go1_ws directory>/devel/setup.bash
After installing all requirements Link, let ‘s run gazebo simulation
- Firstly, access file normal.launch in unitree_ros/unitree_gazebo/launch/normal.launch
- Modify your robot (Ex: go1) in argument
roslaunch unitree_guide gazeboSim.launch
# or
# rosrun unitree_guide junior_ctrl
After starting the controller, the robot will lie on the ground of the simulator, then press the '2' key on the keyboard to switch the robot's finite state machine (FSM) from Passive(initial state) to FixedStand, then press the '4' key to switch the FSM from FixedStand to Trotting, now you can press the 'w' 'a' 's' 'd' key to control the translation of the robot, and press the 'j' 'l' key to control the rotation of the robot. Press the Spacebar, the robot will stop and stand on the ground . (If there is no response, you need to click on the terminal opened for starting the controller and then repeat the previous operation)
When run
rosrun unitree_guide junior_ctrl
, a node namedunitree_gazebo_servo
is generated and it will calculate and publish commands to the following topics, corresponding to each leg joint, which are subscribed by the robot in Gazebo or in reality:💡 Topics
- Front Left leg:
- /go1_gazebo/FL_calf_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/FL_hip_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/FL_thigh_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- Front Right leg:
- /go1_gazebo/FR_calf_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/FR_hip_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/FR_thigh_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- Rear Left leg:
- /go1_gazebo/RL_calf_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/RL_hip_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/RL_thigh_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- Rear Right leg:
- /go1_gazebo/RR_calf_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/RR_hip_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- /go1_gazebo/RR_thigh_controller/command [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd]
- Front Left leg:
The message type of these topics is unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd:
💡 unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd
- uint8 mode
- float32 q
- float32 dq
- float32 tau
- float32 Kp
- float32 Kd
- uint32[3] reserve