#Helm charts for the AKS learning series
Chart for sqlserver
. This chart uses KubernetesSecrets
to stash the secrets. The values.yaml contains the secret in base64 encoded format.replicaCount: 1 image: repository: microsoft/mssql-server-linux tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent restartPolicy: Always terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst service: type: ClusterIP internalPort: 1433 secrets: sapassword: SmFudWFyeTIwMTg=
Make sure replicas are set to 1. Currently this image does not support replicas more than 1.
To install using helm, simply execute at the command prompt from
directory.helm install --name <your release name> --namespace <your namespace> .
helm install --name db --namespace techtalks .
. The.
at the end specifies the current directory. -
Chart for the api server. This chart installs the api server.
replicaCount: 1 image: repository: nileshgule/techtalksapi tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent restartPolicy: Always terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst initializer_image: repository: nileshgule/sqlclient tag: latest service: type: ClusterIP internalPort: 8080 resources: limits: memory: 256Mi cpu: 1000m requests: memory: 128Mi cpu: 500m secrets: connectionString: RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9ZGItZGVwbG95bWVudDtJbml0aWFsIENhdGFsb2c9VGVjaFRhbGtzREI7VXNlciBJZD1TQTtQYXNzd29yZD1KYW51YXJ5MjAxODtNdWx0aXBsZUFjdGl2ZVJlc3VsdFNldHM9VHJ1ZQ== dbPassword: SmFudWFyeTIwMTg=
Also noticed that the connectionString is base64 encoded, same as the dbPassword. Both are loaded into Kuberntes
.Please note that the service name is fixed to
.TODO fix the hardcoded instance in the code.
To install, from
directoryhelm install --name api --namespace techtalks .
Chart for the web frontend.
replicaCount: 1 image: repository: nileshgule/techtalksweb tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent restartPolicy: Always terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst service: type: NodePort internalPort: 80 resources: limits: memory: 256Mi cpu: 1000m requests: memory: 128Mi cpu: 500m
To install, from
directoryhelm install --name web --namespace techtalks .