From 78a12fede8de28a9f7e746f7861084fa07cc9c70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yogesh Mahera <>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2018 12:24:51 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Migrated WooCommerce module and added Export functions

 connector_woocommerce/         |   1 -
 connector_woocommerce/              |  28 --
 connector_woocommerce/            |  85 ----
 connector_woocommerce/model/       |  26 --
 connector_woocommerce/model/        | 192 ---------
 connector_woocommerce/model/       | 229 -----------
 connector_woocommerce/model/        | 330 ---------------
 .../model/                 | 197 ---------
 connector_woocommerce/model/           | 377 ------------------
 connector_woocommerce/       |  56 ---
 connector_woocommerce/unit/        |  25 --
 connector_woocommerce/unit/ | 227 -----------
 connector_woocommerce/unit/          | 163 --------
 .../unit/               | 284 -------------
 connector_woocommerce/unit/          |  32 --
 15 files changed, 2252 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 connector_woocommerce/
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 delete mode 100755 connector_woocommerce/unit/

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index 0e0c639..4794eb8 100644
--- a/connector_woocommerce/
+++ b/connector_woocommerce/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # © 2009 Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 # © 2018 Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
 # License AGPL-3.0 or later (
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deleted file mode 100755
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import openerp.addons.connector.backend as backend
-woo = backend.Backend('woo')
-""" Generic woo Backend """
-woov2 = backend.Backend(parent=woo, version='v2')
-""" WooCommerce Backend for version v2 """
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deleted file mode 100755
index 960a8d9..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/
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@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from openerp import models, fields
-from openerp.addons.connector.connector import (ConnectorEnvironment,
-                                                install_in_connector)
-from openerp.addons.connector.checkpoint import checkpoint
-def get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id):
-    """ Create an environment to work with.  """
-    backend_record = session.env['wc.backend'].browse(backend_id)
-    env = ConnectorEnvironment(backend_record, session, model_name)
-    lang = backend_record.default_lang_id
-    lang_code = lang.code if lang else 'en_US'
-    if lang_code == session.context.get('lang'):
-        return env
-    else:
-        with env.session.change_context(lang=lang_code):
-            return env
-class WooBinding(models.AbstractModel):
-    """ Abstract Model for the Bindigs.
-    All the models used as bindings between WooCommerce and OpenERP
-    (``woo.res.partner``, ``woo.product.product``, ...) should
-    ``_inherit`` it.
-    """
-    _name = 'woo.binding'
-    _inherit = 'external.binding'
-    _description = 'Woo Binding (abstract)'
-    # openerp_id = openerp-side id must be declared in concrete model
-    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='wc.backend',
-        string='Woo Backend',
-        required=True,
-        ondelete='restrict',
-    )
-    # fields.Char because 0 is a valid WooCommerce ID
-    woo_id = fields.Char(string='ID on Woo')
-    _sql_constraints = [
-        ('woo_uniq', 'unique(backend_id, woo_id)',
-         'A binding already exists with the same Woo ID.'),
-    ]
-def add_checkpoint(session, model_name, record_id, backend_id):
-    """ Add a row in the model ``connector.checkpoint`` for a record,
-    meaning it has to be reviewed by a user.
-    :param session: current session
-    :type session: :class:`openerp.addons.connector.session.ConnectorSession`
-    :param model_name: name of the model of the record to be reviewed
-    :type model_name: str
-    :param record_id: ID of the record to be reviewed
-    :type record_id: int
-    :param backend_id: ID of the WooCommerce Backend
-    :type backend_id: int
-    """
-    return checkpoint.add_checkpoint(session, model_name, record_id,
-                                     'wc.backend', backend_id)
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index d87e529..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/model/
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from . import backend
-from . import product_category
-from . import product
-from . import customer
-from . import sale
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deleted file mode 100755
index 996c7c5..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/model/
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@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from openerp import models, api, fields, _
-from woocommerce import API
-from openerp.exceptions import Warning
-from openerp.addons.connector.session import ConnectorSession
-from datetime import datetime
-from .product_category import category_import_batch
-from .product import product_import_batch
-from .customer import customer_import_batch
-from .sale import sale_order_import_batch
-class wc_backend(models.Model):
-    _name = 'wc.backend'
-    _inherit = 'connector.backend'
-    _description = 'WooCommerce Backend Configuration'
-    name = fields.Char(string='name')
-    _backend_type = 'woo'
-    location = fields.Char("Url")
-    consumer_key = fields.Char("Consumer key")
-    consumer_secret = fields.Char("Consumer Secret")
-    version = fields.Selection([('v2', 'V2')], 'Version')
-    verify_ssl = fields.Boolean("Verify SSL")
-    default_lang_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='res.lang',
-        string='Default Language',
-        help="If a default language is selected, the records "
-             "will be imported in the translation of this language.\n"
-             "Note that a similar configuration exists "
-             "for each storeview.",
-    )
-    @api.multi
-    def get_product_ids(self, data):
-        product_ids = [x['id'] for x in data['products']]
-        product_ids = sorted(product_ids)
-        return product_ids
-    @api.multi
-    def get_product_category_ids(self, data):
-        product_category_ids = [x['id'] for x in data['product_categories']]
-        product_category_ids = sorted(product_category_ids)
-        return product_category_ids
-    @api.multi
-    def get_customer_ids(self, data):
-        customer_ids = [x['id'] for x in data['customers']]
-        customer_ids = sorted(customer_ids)
-        return customer_ids
-    @api.multi
-    def get_order_ids(self, data):
-        order_ids = self.check_existing_order(data)
-        return order_ids
-    @api.multi
-    def update_existing_order(self, woo_sale_order, data):
-        """ Enter Your logic for Existing Sale Order """
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def check_existing_order(self, data):
-        order_ids = []
-        for val in data['orders']:
-            woo_sale_order = self.env[''].search(
-                [('woo_id', '=', val['id'])])
-            if woo_sale_order:
-                self.update_existing_order(woo_sale_order[0], val)
-                continue
-            order_ids.append(val['id'])
-        return order_ids
-    @api.multi
-    def test_connection(self):
-        location = self.location
-        cons_key = self.consumer_key
-        sec_key = self.consumer_secret
-        version = 'v2'
-        wcapi = API(url=location, consumer_key=cons_key,
-                    consumer_secret=sec_key, version=version)
-        r = wcapi.get("products")
-        if r.status_code == 404:
-            raise Warning(_("Enter Valid url"))
-        val = r.json()
-        msg = ''
-        if 'errors' in r.json():
-            msg = val['errors'][0]['message'] + '\n' + val['errors'][0]['code']
-            raise Warning(_(msg))
-        else:
-            raise Warning(_('Test Success'))
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_category(self):
-        session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid,
-                                   context=self.env.context)
-        import_start_time =
-        backend_id =
-        from_date = None
-        category_import_batch.delay(
-            session, 'woo.product.category', backend_id,
-            {'from_date': from_date,
-             'to_date': import_start_time}, priority=1)
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_product(self):
-        session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid,
-                                   context=self.env.context)
-        import_start_time =
-        backend_id =
-        from_date = None
-        product_import_batch.delay(
-            session, 'woo.product.product', backend_id,
-            {'from_date': from_date,
-             'to_date': import_start_time}, priority=2)
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_customer(self):
-        session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid,
-                                   context=self.env.context)
-        import_start_time =
-        backend_id =
-        from_date = None
-        customer_import_batch.delay(
-            session, 'woo.res.partner', backend_id,
-            {'from_date': from_date,
-             'to_date': import_start_time}, priority=3)
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_order(self):
-        session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid,
-                                   context=self.env.context)
-        import_start_time =
-        backend_id =
-        from_date = None
-        sale_order_import_batch.delay(
-            session, '', backend_id,
-            {'from_date': from_date,
-             'to_date': import_start_time}, priority=4)
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_categories(self):
-        """ Import Product categories """
-        for backend in self:
-            backend.import_category()
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_products(self):
-        """ Import categories from all websites """
-        for backend in self:
-            backend.import_product()
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_customers(self):
-        """ Import categories from all websites """
-        for backend in self:
-            backend.import_customer()
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def import_orders(self):
-        """ Import Orders from all websites """
-        for backend in self:
-            backend.import_order()
-        return True
diff --git a/connector_woocommerce/model/ b/connector_woocommerce/model/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f26f47..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import logging
-import xmlrpclib
-from openerp import models, fields
-from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import (mapping,
-                                                  ImportMapper
-                                                  )
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import IDMissingInBackend
-from ..unit.backend_adapter import (GenericAdapter)
-from ..unit.import_synchronizer import (DelayedBatchImporter, WooImporter)
-from ..connector import get_environment
-from ..backend import woo
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class WooResPartner(models.Model):
-    _name = 'woo.res.partner'
-    _inherit = 'woo.binding'
-    _inherits = {'res.partner': 'openerp_id'}
-    _description = 'woo res partner'
-    _rec_name = 'name'
-    openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.partner',
-                                 string='Partner',
-                                 required=True,
-                                 ondelete='cascade')
-    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='wc.backend',
-        string='Woo Backend',
-        store=True,
-        readonly=False,
-    )
-class CustomerAdapter(GenericAdapter):
-    _model_name = 'woo.res.partner'
-    _woo_model = 'customers'
-    def _call(self, method, arguments):
-        try:
-            return super(CustomerAdapter, self)._call(method, arguments)
-        except xmlrpclib.Fault as err:
-            # this is the error in the WooCommerce API
-            # when the customer does not exist
-            if err.faultCode == 102:
-                raise IDMissingInBackend
-            else:
-                raise
-    def search(self, filters=None, from_date=None, to_date=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criteria and return a
-        list of ids
-        :rtype: list
-        """
-        if filters is None:
-            filters = {}
-        WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
-        dt_fmt = WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT
-        if from_date is not None:
-            # updated_at include the created records
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['from'] = from_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        if to_date is not None:
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['to'] = to_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        # the search method is on ol_customer instead of customer
-        return self._call('customers/list',
-                          [filters] if filters else [{}])
-class CustomerBatchImporter(DelayedBatchImporter):
-    """ Import the WooCommerce Partners.
-    For every partner in the list, a delayed job is created.
-    """
-    _model_name = ['woo.res.partner']
-    def _import_record(self, woo_id, priority=None):
-        """ Delay a job for the import """
-        super(CustomerBatchImporter, self)._import_record(
-            woo_id, priority=priority)
-    def run(self, filters=None):
-        """ Run the synchronization """
-        from_date = filters.pop('from_date', None)
-        to_date = filters.pop('to_date', None)
-        record_ids =
-            filters,
-            from_date=from_date,
-            to_date=to_date,
-        )
-#         record_ids = self.env['wc.backend'].get_customer_ids(record_ids)
-'search for woo partners %s returned %s',
-                     filters, record_ids)
-        for record_id in record_ids:
-            self._import_record(record_id, 40)
-CustomerBatchImporter = CustomerBatchImporter  # deprecated
-class CustomerImporter(WooImporter):
-    _model_name = ['woo.res.partner']
-    def _import_dependencies(self):
-        """ Import the dependencies for the record"""
-        return
-    def _create(self, data):
-        openerp_binding = super(CustomerImporter, self)._create(data)
-        return openerp_binding
-    def _after_import(self, binding):
-        """ Hook called at the end of the import """
-        return
-CustomerImport = CustomerImporter  # deprecated
-class CustomerImportMapper(ImportMapper):
-    _model_name = 'woo.res.partner'
-    @mapping
-    def name(self, record):
-            if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']
-                return {'name': rec['first_name'] + " " + rec['last_name']}
-    @mapping
-    def email(self, record):
-        if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']
-                return {'email': rec['email'] or None}
-    @mapping
-    def city(self, record):
-        if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']['billing_address']
-                return {'city': rec['city'] or None}
-    @mapping
-    def zip(self, record):
-        if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']['billing_address']
-                return {'zip': rec['postcode'] or None}
-    @mapping
-    def address(self, record):
-        if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']['billing_address']
-                return {'street': rec['address_1'] or None}
-    @mapping
-    def address_2(self, record):
-        if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']['billing_address']
-                return {'street2': rec['address_2'] or None}
-    @mapping
-    def country(self, record):
-            if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']['billing_address']
-                if rec['country']:
-                    country_id = self.env[''].search(
-                        [('code', '=', rec['country'])])
-                    country_id =
-                else:
-                    country_id = False
-                return {'country_id': country_id}
-    @mapping
-    def state(self, record):
-            if record['customer']:
-                rec = record['customer']['billing_address']
-                if rec['state'] and rec['country']:
-                    state_id = self.env[''].search(
-                        [('code', '=', rec['state'])])
-                    if not state_id:
-                        country_id = self.env[''].search(
-                            [('code', '=', rec['country'])])
-                        state_id = self.env[''].create(
-                            {'name': rec['state'],
-                             'code': rec['state'],
-                             'country_id':})
-                    state_id = or False
-                else:
-                    state_id = False
-                return {'state_id': state_id}
-    @mapping
-    def backend_id(self, record):
-        return {'backend_id':}
-def customer_import_batch(session, model_name, backend_id, filters=None):
-    """ Prepare the import of Customer """
-    env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id)
-    importer = env.get_connector_unit(CustomerBatchImporter)
diff --git a/connector_woocommerce/model/ b/connector_woocommerce/model/
deleted file mode 100755
index ffe8a88..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import logging
-import urllib2
-import xmlrpclib
-import base64
-from openerp import models, fields
-from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import MappingError
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.synchronizer import (Importer,
-                                                        )
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import (mapping,
-                                                  ImportMapper
-                                                  )
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import IDMissingInBackend
-from ..unit.backend_adapter import (GenericAdapter)
-from ..unit.import_synchronizer import (DelayedBatchImporter, WooImporter)
-from ..connector import get_environment
-from ..backend import woo
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class WooProductProduct(models.Model):
-    _name = 'woo.product.product'
-    _inherit = 'woo.binding'
-    _inherits = {'product.product': 'openerp_id'}
-    _description = 'woo product product'
-    _rec_name = 'name'
-    openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='product.product',
-                                 string='product',
-                                 required=True,
-                                 ondelete='cascade')
-    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='wc.backend',
-        string='Woo Backend',
-        store=True,
-        readonly=False,
-        required=True,
-    )
-    slug = fields.Char('Slung Name')
-    credated_at = fields.Date('created_at')
-    weight = fields.Float('weight')
-class ProductProduct(models.Model):
-    _inherit = 'product.product'
-    woo_categ_ids = fields.Many2many(
-        comodel_name='product.category',
-        string='Woo product category',
-    )
-    in_stock = fields.Boolean('In Stock')
-class ProductProductAdapter(GenericAdapter):
-    _model_name = 'woo.product.product'
-    _woo_model = 'products/details'
-    def _call(self, method, arguments):
-        try:
-            return super(ProductProductAdapter, self)._call(method, arguments)
-        except xmlrpclib.Fault as err:
-            # this is the error in the WooCommerce API
-            # when the customer does not exist
-            if err.faultCode == 102:
-                raise IDMissingInBackend
-            else:
-                raise
-    def search(self, filters=None, from_date=None, to_date=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criteria and return a
-        list of ids
-        :rtype: list
-        """
-        if filters is None:
-            filters = {}
-        WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
-        dt_fmt = WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT
-        if from_date is not None:
-            # updated_at include the created records
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['from'] = from_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        if to_date is not None:
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['to'] = to_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        return self._call('products/list',
-                          [filters] if filters else [{}])
-    def get_images(self, id, storeview_id=None):
-        return self._call('products/' + str(id), [int(id), storeview_id, 'id'])
-    def read_image(self, id, image_name, storeview_id=None):
-        return self._call('products',
-                          [int(id), image_name, storeview_id, 'id'])
-class ProductBatchImporter(DelayedBatchImporter):
-    """ Import the WooCommerce Partners.
-    For every partner in the list, a delayed job is created.
-    """
-    _model_name = ['woo.product.product']
-    def _import_record(self, woo_id, priority=None):
-        """ Delay a job for the import """
-        super(ProductBatchImporter, self)._import_record(
-            woo_id, priority=priority)
-    def run(self, filters=None):
-        """ Run the synchronization """
-        from_date = filters.pop('from_date', None)
-        to_date = filters.pop('to_date', None)
-        record_ids =
-            filters,
-            from_date=from_date,
-            to_date=to_date,
-        )
-'search for woo Products %s returned %s',
-                     filters, record_ids)
-        for record_id in record_ids:
-            self._import_record(record_id, 30)
-ProductBatchImporter = ProductBatchImporter
-class ProductProductImporter(WooImporter):
-    _model_name = ['woo.product.product']
-    def _import_dependencies(self):
-        """ Import the dependencies for the record"""
-        record = self.woo_record
-        record = record['product']
-        for woo_category_id in record['categories']:
-            self._import_dependency(woo_category_id,
-                                    'woo.product.category')
-    def _create(self, data):
-        openerp_binding = super(ProductProductImporter, self)._create(data)
-        return openerp_binding
-    def _after_import(self, binding):
-        """ Hook called at the end of the import """
-        image_importer = self.unit_for(ProductImageImporter)
-        return
-ProductProductImport = ProductProductImporter
-class ProductImageImporter(Importer):
-    """ Import images for a record.
-    Usually called from importers, in ``_after_import``.
-    For instance from the products importer.
-    """
-    _model_name = ['woo.product.product',
-                   ]
-    def _get_images(self, storeview_id=None):
-        return self.backend_adapter.get_images(self.woo_id)
-    def _sort_images(self, images):
-        """ Returns a list of images sorted by their priority.
-        An image with the 'image' type is the the primary one.
-        The other images are sorted by their position.
-        The returned list is reversed, the items at the end
-        of the list have the higher priority.
-        """
-        if not images:
-            return {}
-        # place the images where the type is 'image' first then
-        # sort them by the reverse priority (last item of the list has
-        # the the higher priority)
-    def _get_binary_image(self, image_data):
-        url = image_data['src'].encode('utf8')
-        url = str(url).replace("\\", '')
-        try:
-            request = urllib2.Request(url)
-            binary = urllib2.urlopen(request)
-        except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
-            if err.code == 404:
-                # the image is just missing, we skip it
-                return
-            else:
-                # we don't know why we couldn't download the image
-                # so we propagate the error, the import will fail
-                # and we have to check why it couldn't be accessed
-                raise
-        else:
-            return
-    def run(self, woo_id, binding_id):
-        self.woo_id = woo_id
-        images = self._get_images()
-        images = images['product']
-        images = images['images']
-        binary = None
-        while not binary and images:
-            binary = self._get_binary_image(images.pop())
-        if not binary:
-            return
-        model = self.model.with_context(connector_no_export=True)
-        binding = model.browse(binding_id)
-        binding.write({'image': base64.b64encode(binary)})
-class ProductProductImportMapper(ImportMapper):
-    _model_name = 'woo.product.product'
-    direct = [
-        ('description', 'description'),
-        ('weight', 'weight'),
-    ]
-    @mapping
-    def is_active(self, record):
-        """Check if the product is active in Woo
-        and set active flag in OpenERP
-        status == 1 in Woo means active"""
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            return {'active': rec['visible']}
-    @mapping
-    def in_stock(self, record):
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            return {'in_stock': rec['in_stock']}
-    @mapping
-    def name(self, record):
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            return {'name': rec['title']}
-    @mapping
-    def type(self, record):
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            if rec['type'] == 'simple':
-                return {'type': 'product'}
-    @mapping
-    def categories(self, record):
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            woo_categories = rec['categories']
-            binder = self.binder_for('woo.product.category')
-            category_ids = []
-            main_categ_id = None
-            for woo_category_id in woo_categories:
-                cat_id = binder.to_openerp(woo_category_id, unwrap=True)
-                if cat_id is None:
-                    raise MappingError("The product category with "
-                                       "woo id %s is not imported." %
-                                       woo_category_id)
-                category_ids.append(cat_id)
-            if category_ids:
-                main_categ_id = category_ids.pop(0)
-            result = {'woo_categ_ids': [(6, 0, category_ids)]}
-            if main_categ_id:  # OpenERP assign 'All Products' if not specified
-                result['categ_id'] = main_categ_id
-            return result
-    @mapping
-    def price(self, record):
-        """ The price is imported at the creation of
-        the product, then it is only modified and exported
-        from OpenERP """
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            return {'list_price': rec and rec['price'] or 0.0}
-    @mapping
-    def sale_price(self, record):
-        """ The price is imported at the creation of
-        the product, then it is only modified and exported
-        from OpenERP """
-        if record['product']:
-            rec = record['product']
-            return {'standard_price': rec and rec['sale_price'] or 0.0}
-    @mapping
-    def backend_id(self, record):
-        return {'backend_id':}
-def product_import_batch(session, model_name, backend_id, filters=None):
-    """ Prepare the import of product modified on Woo """
-    if filters is None:
-        filters = {}
-    env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id)
-    importer = env.get_connector_unit(ProductBatchImporter)
diff --git a/connector_woocommerce/model/ b/connector_woocommerce/model/
deleted file mode 100755
index c6fac06..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import logging
-import xmlrpclib
-from openerp import models, fields
-from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import MappingError
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import (mapping,
-                                                  ImportMapper
-                                                  )
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import IDMissingInBackend
-from ..unit.backend_adapter import (GenericAdapter)
-from ..unit.import_synchronizer import (DelayedBatchImporter, WooImporter)
-from ..connector import get_environment
-from ..backend import woo
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class WooProductCategory(models.Model):
-    _name = 'woo.product.category'
-    _inherit = 'woo.binding'
-    _inherits = {'product.category': 'openerp_id'}
-    _description = 'woo product category'
-    _rec_name = 'name'
-    openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='product.category',
-                                 string='category',
-                                 required=True,
-                                 ondelete='cascade')
-    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='wc.backend',
-        string='Woo Backend',
-        store=True,
-        readonly=False,
-    )
-    slug = fields.Char('Slung Name')
-    woo_parent_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='woo.product.category',
-        string='Woo Parent Category',
-        ondelete='cascade',)
-    description = fields.Char('Description')
-    count = fields.Integer('count')
-class CategoryAdapter(GenericAdapter):
-    _model_name = 'woo.product.category'
-    _woo_model = 'products/categories'
-    def _call(self, method, arguments):
-        try:
-            return super(CategoryAdapter, self)._call(method, arguments)
-        except xmlrpclib.Fault as err:
-            # this is the error in the WooCommerce API
-            # when the customer does not exist
-            if err.faultCode == 102:
-                raise IDMissingInBackend
-            else:
-                raise
-    def search(self, filters=None, from_date=None, to_date=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criteria and return a
-        list of ids
-        :rtype: list
-        """
-        if filters is None:
-            filters = {}
-        WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
-        dt_fmt = WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT
-        if from_date is not None:
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['from'] = from_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        if to_date is not None:
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['to'] = to_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        return self._call('products/categories/list',
-                          [filters] if filters else [{}])
-class CategoryBatchImporter(DelayedBatchImporter):
-    """ Import the WooCommerce Partners.
-    For every partner in the list, a delayed job is created.
-    """
-    _model_name = ['woo.product.category']
-    def _import_record(self, woo_id, priority=None):
-        """ Delay a job for the import """
-        super(CategoryBatchImporter, self)._import_record(
-            woo_id, priority=priority)
-    def run(self, filters=None):
-        """ Run the synchronization """
-        from_date = filters.pop('from_date', None)
-        to_date = filters.pop('to_date', None)
-        record_ids =
-            filters,
-            from_date=from_date,
-            to_date=to_date,
-        )
-'search for woo Product Category %s returned %s',
-                     filters, record_ids)
-        for record_id in record_ids:
-            self._import_record(record_id)
-CategoryBatchImporter = CategoryBatchImporter
-class ProductCategoryImporter(WooImporter):
-    _model_name = ['woo.product.category']
-    def _import_dependencies(self):
-        """ Import the dependencies for the record"""
-        record = self.woo_record
-        # import parent category
-        # the root category has a 0 parent_id
-        record = record['product_category']
-        if record['parent']:
-            parent_id = record['parent']
-            if self.binder.to_openerp(parent_id) is None:
-                importer = self.unit_for(WooImporter)
-        return
-    def _create(self, data):
-        openerp_binding = super(ProductCategoryImporter, self)._create(data)
-        return openerp_binding
-    def _after_import(self, binding):
-        """ Hook called at the end of the import """
-        return
-ProductCategoryImport = ProductCategoryImporter
-class ProductCategoryImportMapper(ImportMapper):
-    _model_name = 'woo.product.category'
-    @mapping
-    def name(self, record):
-        if record['product_category']:
-            rec = record['product_category']
-            return {'name': rec['name']}
-    @mapping
-    def backend_id(self, record):
-        return {'backend_id':}
-    @mapping
-    def parent_id(self, record):
-        if record['product_category']:
-            rec = record['product_category']
-            if not rec['parent']:
-                return
-            binder = self.binder_for()
-            category_id = binder.to_openerp(rec['parent'], unwrap=True)
-            woo_cat_id = binder.to_openerp(rec['parent'])
-            if category_id is None:
-                raise MappingError("The product category with "
-                                   "woo id %s is not imported." %
-                                   rec['parent'])
-            return {'parent_id': category_id, 'woo_parent_id': woo_cat_id}
-def category_import_batch(session, model_name, backend_id, filters=None):
-    """ Prepare the import of category modified on WooCommerce """
-    env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id)
-    importer = env.get_connector_unit(CategoryBatchImporter)
diff --git a/connector_woocommerce/model/ b/connector_woocommerce/model/
deleted file mode 100755
index ae84aa8..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import logging
-import xmlrpclib
-from openerp import models, fields, api
-from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import (mapping,
-                                                  ImportMapper
-                                                  )
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import IDMissingInBackend
-from ..unit.backend_adapter import (GenericAdapter)
-from ..unit.import_synchronizer import (DelayedBatchImporter, WooImporter)
-from ..connector import get_environment
-from ..backend import woo
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class woo_sale_order_status(models.Model):
-    _name = ''
-    _description = 'WooCommerce Sale Order Status'
-    name = fields.Char('Name')
-    desc = fields.Text('Description')
-class SaleOrder(models.Model):
-    _inherit = 'sale.order'
-    status_id = fields.Many2one('',
-                                'WooCommerce Order Status')
-class WooSaleOrder(models.Model):
-    _name = ''
-    _inherit = 'woo.binding'
-    _inherits = {'sale.order': 'openerp_id'}
-    _description = 'Woo Sale Order'
-    _rec_name = 'name'
-    status_id = fields.Many2one('',
-                                'WooCommerce Order Status')
-    openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='sale.order',
-                                 string='Sale Order',
-                                 required=True,
-                                 ondelete='cascade')
-    woo_order_line_ids = fields.One2many(
-        comodel_name='',
-        inverse_name='woo_order_id',
-        string='Woo Order Lines'
-    )
-    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
-        comodel_name='wc.backend',
-        string='Woo Backend',
-        store=True,
-        readonly=False,
-        required=True,
-    )
-class WooSaleOrderLine(models.Model):
-    _name = ''
-    _inherits = {'sale.order.line': 'openerp_id'}
-    woo_order_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='',
-                                   string='Woo Sale Order',
-                                   required=True,
-                                   ondelete='cascade',
-                                   select=True)
-    openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='sale.order.line',
-                                 string='Sale Order Line',
-                                 required=True,
-                                 ondelete='cascade')
-    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
-        related='woo_order_id.backend_id',
-        string='Woo Backend',
-        readonly=True,
-        store=True,
-        required=False,
-    )
-    @api.model
-    def create(self, vals):
-        woo_order_id = vals['woo_order_id']
-        binding = self.env[''].browse(woo_order_id)
-        vals['order_id'] =
-        binding = super(WooSaleOrderLine, self).create(vals)
-        return binding
-class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
-    _inherit = 'sale.order.line'
-    woo_bind_ids = fields.One2many(
-        comodel_name='',
-        inverse_name='openerp_id',
-        string="WooCommerce Bindings",
-    )
-class SaleOrderLineImportMapper(ImportMapper):
-    _model_name = ''
-    direct = [('quantity', 'product_uom_qty'),
-              ('quantity', 'product_uos_qty'),
-              ('name', 'name'),
-              ('price', 'price_unit')
-              ]
-    @mapping
-    def product_id(self, record):
-        binder = self.binder_for('woo.product.product')
-        product_id = binder.to_openerp(record['product_id'], unwrap=True)
-        assert product_id is not None, (
-            "product_id %s should have been imported in "
-            "SaleOrderImporter._import_dependencies" % record['product_id'])
-        return {'product_id': product_id}
-class SaleOrderAdapter(GenericAdapter):
-    _model_name = ''
-    _woo_model = 'orders'
-    def _call(self, method, arguments):
-        try:
-            return super(SaleOrderAdapter, self)._call(method, arguments)
-        except xmlrpclib.Fault as err:
-            # this is the error in the Woo API
-            # when the customer does not exist
-            if err.faultCode == 102:
-                raise IDMissingInBackend
-            else:
-                raise
-    def search(self, filters=None, from_date=None, to_date=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criteria and return a
-        list of ids
-        :rtype: list
-        """
-        if filters is None:
-            filters = {}
-        WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
-        dt_fmt = WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT
-        if from_date is not None:
-            # updated_at include the created records
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['from'] = from_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        if to_date is not None:
-            filters.setdefault('updated_at', {})
-            filters['updated_at']['to'] = to_date.strftime(dt_fmt)
-        return self._call('orders/list',
-                          [filters] if filters else [{}])
-class SaleOrderBatchImporter(DelayedBatchImporter):
-    """ Import the WooCommerce Partners.
-    For every partner in the list, a delayed job is created.
-    """
-    _model_name = ['']
-    def _import_record(self, woo_id, priority=None):
-        """ Delay a job for the import """
-        super(SaleOrderBatchImporter, self)._import_record(
-            woo_id, priority=priority)
-    def update_existing_order(self, woo_sale_order, record_id):
-        """ Enter Your logic for Existing Sale Order """
-        return True
-    def run(self, filters=None):
-        """ Run the synchronization """
-        from_date = filters.pop('from_date', None)
-        to_date = filters.pop('to_date', None)
-        record_ids =
-            filters,
-            from_date=from_date,
-            to_date=to_date,
-        )
-        order_ids = []
-        for record_id in record_ids:
-            woo_sale_order = self.env[''].search(
-                [('woo_id', '=', record_id)])
-            if woo_sale_order:
-                self.update_existing_order(woo_sale_order[0], record_id)
-            else:
-                order_ids.append(record_id)
-'search for woo partners %s returned %s',
-                     filters, record_ids)
-        for record_id in order_ids:
-            self._import_record(record_id, 50)
-SaleOrderBatchImporter = SaleOrderBatchImporter
-class SaleOrderImporter(WooImporter):
-    _model_name = ['']
-    def _import_addresses(self):
-        record = self.woo_record
-        record = record['order']
-        self._import_dependency(record['customer_id'],
-                                'woo.res.partner')
-    def _import_dependencies(self):
-        """ Import the dependencies for the record"""
-        record = self.woo_record
-        self._import_addresses()
-        record = record['items']
-        for line in record:
-            _logger.debug('line: %s', line)
-            if 'product_id' in line:
-                self._import_dependency(line['product_id'],
-                                        'woo.product.product')
-    def _clean_woo_items(self, resource):
-        """
-        Method that clean the sale order line given by WooCommerce before
-        importing it
-        This method has to stay here because it allow to customize the
-        behavior of the sale order.
-        """
-        child_items = {}  # key is the parent item id
-        top_items = []
-        # Group the childs with their parent
-        for item in resource['order']['line_items']:
-            if item.get('parent_item_id'):
-                child_items.setdefault(item['parent_item_id'], []).append(item)
-            else:
-                top_items.append(item)
-        all_items = []
-        for top_item in top_items:
-            all_items.append(top_item)
-        resource['items'] = all_items
-        return resource
-    def _create(self, data):
-        openerp_binding = super(SaleOrderImporter, self)._create(data)
-        return openerp_binding
-    def _after_import(self, binding):
-        """ Hook called at the end of the import """
-        return
-    def _get_woo_data(self):
-        """ Return the raw WooCommerce data for ``self.woo_id`` """
-        record = super(SaleOrderImporter, self)._get_woo_data()
-        # sometimes we need to clean woo items (ex : configurable
-        # product in a sale)
-        record = self._clean_woo_items(record)
-        return record
-SaleOrderImport = SaleOrderImporter
-class SaleOrderImportMapper(ImportMapper):
-    _model_name = ''
-    children = [('items', 'woo_order_line_ids', ''),
-                ]
-    @mapping
-    def status(self, record):
-        if record['order']:
-            rec = record['order']
-            if rec['status']:
-                status_id = self.env[''].search(
-                    [('name', '=', rec['status'])])
-                if status_id:
-                    return {'status_id': status_id[0].id}
-                else:
-                    status_id = self.env[''].create({
-                        'name': rec['status']
-                    })
-                    return {'status_id':}
-            else:
-                return {'status_id': False}
-    @mapping
-    def customer_id(self, record):
-        if record['order']:
-            rec = record['order']
-            binder = self.binder_for('woo.res.partner')
-            if rec['customer_id']:
-                partner_id = binder.to_openerp(rec['customer_id'],
-                                               unwrap=True) or False
-#               customer_id = str(rec['customer_id'])
-                assert partner_id, ("Please Check Customer Role \
-                                    in WooCommerce")
-                result = {'partner_id': partner_id}
-                onchange_val = self.env['sale.order'].onchange_partner_id(
-                    partner_id)
-                result.update(onchange_val['value'])
-            else:
-                customer = rec['customer']['billing_address']
-                country_id = False
-                state_id = False
-                if customer['country']:
-                    country_id = self.env[''].search(
-                        [('code', '=', customer['country'])])
-                    if country_id:
-                        country_id =
-                if customer['state']:
-                    state_id = self.env[''].search(
-                        [('code', '=', customer['state'])])
-                    if state_id:
-                        state_id =
-                name = customer['first_name'] + ' ' + customer['last_name']
-                partner_dict = {
-                    'name': name,
-                    'city': customer['city'],
-                    'phone': customer['phone'],
-                    'zip': customer['postcode'],
-                    'state_id': state_id,
-                    'country_id': country_id
-                }
-                partner_id = self.env['res.partner'].create(partner_dict)
-                partner_dict.update({
-                    'backend_id':,
-                    'openerp_id':,
-                })
-#                 woo_partner_id = self.env['woo.res.partner'].create(
-#                     partner_dict)
-                result = {'partner_id':}
-                onchange_val = self.env['sale.order'].onchange_partner_id(
-                result.update(onchange_val['value'])
-            return result
-    @mapping
-    def backend_id(self, record):
-        return {'backend_id':}
-def sale_order_import_batch(session, model_name, backend_id, filters=None):
-    """ Prepare the import of Sale Order modified on Woo """
-    env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id)
-    importer = env.get_connector_unit(SaleOrderBatchImporter)
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deleted file mode 100755
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import functools
-from openerp import exceptions, _
-from openerp.addons.connector import related_action
-from .connector import get_environment
-from .unit.backend_adapter import GenericAdapter
-from .unit.binder import WooBinder
-unwrap_binding = functools.partial(related_action.unwrap_binding,
-                                   binder_class=WooBinder)
-def link(session, job, backend_id_pos=2, woo_id_pos=3):
-    """ Open a Woo URL on the admin page to view/edit the record
-    related to the job.
-    """
-    binding_model = job.args[0]
-    # shift one to the left because session is not in job.args
-    backend_id = job.args[backend_id_pos - 1]
-    woo_id = job.args[woo_id_pos - 1]
-    env = get_environment(session, binding_model, backend_id)
-    adapter = env.get_connector_unit(GenericAdapter)
-    try:
-        url = adapter.admin_url(woo_id)
-    except ValueError:
-        raise exceptions.Warning(
-            _('No admin URL configured on the backend or '
-              'no admin path is defined for this record.')
-        )
-    action = {
-        'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
-        'target': 'new',
-        'url': url,
-    }
-    return action
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from . import import_synchronizer
-from . import backend_adapter
-from . import mapper
-from . import binder
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index 6073968..0000000
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import socket
-import logging
-import xmlrpclib
-from woocommerce import API
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.backend_adapter import CRUDAdapter
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import (NetworkRetryableError,
-                                                RetryableJobError)
-from import safe_eval
-from datetime import datetime
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-recorder = {}
-def call_to_key(method, arguments):
-    """ Used to 'freeze' the method and arguments of a call to WooCommerce
-    so they can be hashable; they will be stored in a dict.
-    Used in both the recorder and the tests.
-    """
-    def freeze(arg):
-        if isinstance(arg, dict):
-            items = dict((key, freeze(value)) for key, value
-                         in arg.iteritems())
-            return frozenset(items.iteritems())
-        elif isinstance(arg, list):
-            return tuple([freeze(item) for item in arg])
-        else:
-            return arg
-    new_args = []
-    for arg in arguments:
-        new_args.append(freeze(arg))
-    return (method, tuple(new_args))
-def record(method, arguments, result):
-    """ Utility function which can be used to record test data
-    during synchronisations. Call it from WooCRUDAdapter._call
-    Then ``output_recorder`` can be used to write the data recorded
-    to a file.
-    """
-    recorder[call_to_key(method, arguments)] = result
-def output_recorder(filename):
-    import pprint
-    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
-        pprint.pprint(recorder, f)
-    _logger.debug('recorder written to file %s', filename)
-class WooLocation(object):
-    def __init__(self, location, consumer_key, consumre_secret):
-        self._location = location
-        self.consumer_key = consumer_key
-        self.consumer_secret = consumre_secret
-    @property
-    def location(self):
-        location = self._location
-        return location
-class WooCRUDAdapter(CRUDAdapter):
-    """ External Records Adapter for woo """
-    def __init__(self, connector_env):
-        """
-        :param connector_env: current environment (backend, session, ...)
-        :type connector_env: :class:`connector.connector.ConnectorEnvironment`
-        """
-        super(WooCRUDAdapter, self).__init__(connector_env)
-        backend = self.backend_record
-        woo = WooLocation(
-            backend.location,
-            backend.consumer_key,
-            backend.consumer_secret)
-        self.woo = woo
-    def search(self, filters=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criterias
-        and returns a list of ids """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def read(self, id, attributes=None):
-        """ Returns the information of a record """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def search_read(self, filters=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criterias
-        and returns their information"""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def create(self, data):
-        """ Create a record on the external system """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def write(self, id, data):
-        """ Update records on the external system """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def delete(self, id):
-        """ Delete a record on the external system """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _call(self, method, arguments):
-        try:
-            _logger.debug("Start calling Woocommerce api %s", method)
-            api = API(url=self.woo.location,
-                      consumer_key=self.woo.consumer_key,
-                      consumer_secret=self.woo.consumer_secret,
-                      version='v2')
-            if api:
-                if isinstance(arguments, list):
-                    while arguments and arguments[-1] is None:
-                        arguments.pop()
-                start =
-                try:
-                    if 'false' or 'true' or 'null'in api.get(method).content:
-                        result = api.get(method).content.replace(
-                            'false', 'False')
-                        result = result.replace('true', 'True')
-                        result = result.replace('null', 'False')
-                        result = safe_eval(result)
-                    else:
-                        result = safe_eval(api.get(method).content)
-                except:
-                    _logger.error(", %s) failed", method, arguments)
-                    raise
-                else:
-                    _logger.debug(", %s) returned %s in %s seconds",
-                                  method, arguments, result,
-                                  ( - start).seconds)
-                return result
-        except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.timeout) as err:
-            raise NetworkRetryableError(
-                'A network error caused the failure of the job: '
-                '%s' % err)
-        except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError as err:
-            if err.errcode in [502,   # Bad gateway
-                               503,   # Service unavailable
-                               504]:  # Gateway timeout
-                raise RetryableJobError(
-                    'A protocol error caused the failure of the job:\n'
-                    'URL: %s\n'
-                    'HTTP/HTTPS headers: %s\n'
-                    'Error code: %d\n'
-                    'Error message: %s\n' %
-                    (err.url, err.headers, err.errcode, err.errmsg))
-            else:
-                raise
-class GenericAdapter(WooCRUDAdapter):
-    _model_name = None
-    _woo_model = None
-    def search(self, filters=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criterias
-        and returns a list of ids
-        :rtype: list
-        """
-        return self._call('' % self._woo_model,
-                          [filters] if filters else [{}])
-    def read(self, id, attributes=None):
-        """ Returns the information of a record
-        :rtype: dict
-        """
-        arguments = []
-        if attributes:
-            # Avoid to pass Null values in attributes. Workaround for
-            # is not installed, calling info() with None in attributes
-            # would return a wrong result (almost empty list of
-            # attributes). The right correction is to install the
-            # compatibility patch on WooCommerce.
-            arguments.append(attributes)
-        return self._call('%s/' % self._woo_model + str(id), [])
-    def search_read(self, filters=None):
-        """ Search records according to some criterias
-        and returns their information"""
-        return self._call('%s.list' % self._woo_model, [filters])
-    def create(self, data):
-        """ Create a record on the external system """
-        return self._call('%s.create' % self._woo_model, [data])
-    def write(self, id, data):
-        """ Update records on the external system """
-        return self._call('%s.update' % self._woo_model,
-                          [int(id), data])
-    def delete(self, id):
-        """ Delete a record on the external system """
-        return self._call('%s.delete' % self._woo_model, [int(id)])
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import openerp
-from openerp.addons.connector.connector import Binder
-from ..backend import woo
-class WooBinder(Binder):
-    """ Generic Binder for WooCommerce """
-class WooModelBinder(WooBinder):
-    """
-    Bindings are done directly on the binding model.woo.product.category
-    Binding models are models called ``woo.{normal_model}``,
-    like ``woo.res.partner`` or ``woo.product.product``.
-    They are ``_inherits`` of the normal models and contains
-    the Woo ID, the ID of the Woo Backend and the additional
-    fields belonging to the Woo instance.
-    """
-    _model_name = [
-        'woo.res.partner',
-        'woo.product.category',
-        'woo.product.product',
-        '',
-        '',
-    ]
-    def to_openerp(self, external_id, unwrap=False, browse=False):
-        """ Give the OpenERP ID for an external ID
-        :param external_id: external ID for which we want the OpenERP ID
-        :param unwrap: if True, returns the normal record (the one
-                       inherits'ed), else return the binding record
-        :param browse: if True, returns a recordset
-        :return: a recordset of one record, depending on the value of unwrap,
-                 or an empty recordset if no binding is found
-        :rtype: recordset
-        """
-        bindings = self.model.with_context(active_test=False).search(
-            [('woo_id', '=', str(external_id)),
-             ('backend_id', '=',]
-        )
-        if not bindings:
-            return self.model.browse() if browse else None
-        assert len(bindings) == 1, "Several records found: %s" % (bindings,)
-        if unwrap:
-            return bindings.openerp_id if browse else
-        else:
-            return bindings if browse else
-    def to_backend(self, record_id, wrap=False):
-        """ Give the external ID for an OpenERP ID
-        :param record_id: OpenERP ID for which we want the external id
-                          or a recordset with one record
-        :param wrap: if False, record_id is the ID of the binding,
-            if True, record_id is the ID of the normal record, the
-            method will search the corresponding binding and returns
-            the backend id of the binding
-        :return: backend identifier of the record
-        """
-        record = self.model.browse()
-        if isinstance(record_id, openerp.models.BaseModel):
-            record_id.ensure_one()
-            record = record_id
-            record_id =
-        if wrap:
-            binding = self.model.with_context(active_test=False).search(
-                [('openerp_id', '=', record_id),
-                 ('backend_id', '=',,
-                 ]
-            )
-            if binding:
-                binding.ensure_one()
-                return binding.woo_id
-            else:
-                return None
-        if not record:
-            record = self.model.browse(record_id)
-        assert record
-        return record.woo_id
-    def bind(self, external_id, binding_id):
-        """ Create the link between an external ID and an OpenERP ID and
-        update the last synchronization date.
-        :param external_id: External ID to bind
-        :param binding_id: OpenERP ID to bind
-        :type binding_id: int
-        """
-        # the external ID can be 0 on Woo! Prevent False values
-        # like False, None, or "", but not 0.
-        assert (external_id or external_id == 0) and binding_id, (
-            "external_id or binding_id missing, "
-            "got: %s, %s" % (external_id, binding_id)
-        )
-        # avoid to trigger the export when we modify the `woo_id`
-        now_fmt =
-        if not isinstance(binding_id, openerp.models.BaseModel):
-            binding_id = self.model.browse(binding_id)
-        binding_id.with_context(connector_no_export=True).write(
-            {'woo_id': str(external_id),
-             'sync_date': now_fmt,
-             })
-    def unwrap_binding(self, binding_id, browse=False):
-        """ For a binding record, gives the normal record.
-        Example: when called with a ``woo.product.product`` id,
-        it will return the corresponding ``product.product`` id.
-        :param browse: when True, returns a browse_record instance
-                       rather than an ID
-        """
-        if isinstance(binding_id, openerp.models.BaseModel):
-            binding = binding_id
-        else:
-            binding = self.model.browse(binding_id)
-        openerp_record = binding.openerp_id
-        if browse:
-            return openerp_record
-        return
-    def unwrap_model(self):
-        """ For a binding model, gives the name of the normal model.
-        Example: when called on a binder for ``woo.product.product``,
-        it will return ``product.product``.
-        This binder assumes that the normal model lays in ``openerp_id`` since
-        this is the field we use in the ``_inherits`` bindings.
-        """
-        try:
-            column = self.model._fields['openerp_id']
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError('Cannot unwrap model %s, because it has '
-                             'no openerp_id field' % self.model._name)
-        return column.comodel_name
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index fb3535a..0000000
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import logging
-from openerp import fields, _
-from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job, related_action
-from openerp.addons.connector.unit.synchronizer import Importer
-from openerp.addons.connector.exception import IDMissingInBackend
-from ..connector import get_environment
-from ..related_action import link
-from datetime import datetime
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class WooImporter(Importer):
-    """ Base importer for WooCommerce """
-    def __init__(self, connector_env):
-        """
-        :param connector_env: current environment (backend, session, ...)
-        :type connector_env: :class:`connector.connector.ConnectorEnvironment`
-        """
-        super(WooImporter, self).__init__(connector_env)
-        self.woo_id = None
-        self.woo_record = None
-    def _get_woo_data(self):
-        """ Return the raw WooCommerce data for ``self.woo_id`` """
-        return
-    def _before_import(self):
-        """ Hook called before the import, when we have the WooCommerce
-        data"""
-    def _is_uptodate(self, binding):
-        """Return True if the import should be skipped because
-        it is already up-to-date in OpenERP"""
-        WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
-        dt_fmt = WOO_DATETIME_FORMAT
-        assert self.woo_record
-        if not self.woo_record:
-            return  # no update date on WooCommerce, always import it.
-        if not binding:
-            return  # it does not exist so it should not be skipped
-        sync = binding.sync_date
-        if not sync:
-            return
-        from_string = fields.Datetime.from_string
-        sync_date = from_string(sync)
-        self.woo_record['updated_at'] = {}
-        self.woo_record['updated_at'] = {'to':}
-        woo_date = from_string(self.woo_record['updated_at']['to'])
-        # if the last synchronization date is greater than the last
-        # update in woo, we skip the import.
-        # Important: at the beginning of the exporters flows, we have to
-        # check if the woo_date is more recent than the sync_date
-        # and if so, schedule a new import. If we don't do that, we'll
-        # miss changes done in WooCommerce
-        return woo_date < sync_date
-    def _import_dependency(self, woo_id, binding_model,
-                           importer_class=None, always=False):
-        """ Import a dependency.
-        The importer class is a class or subclass of
-        :class:`WooImporter`. A specific class can be defined.
-        :param woo_id: id of the related binding to import
-        :param binding_model: name of the binding model for the relation
-        :type binding_model: str | unicode
-        :param importer_cls: :class:`openerp.addons.connector.\
-                                     connector.ConnectorUnit`
-                             class or parent class to use for the export.
-                             By default: WooImporter
-        :type importer_cls: :class:`openerp.addons.connector.\
-                                    connector.MetaConnectorUnit`
-        :param always: if True, the record is updated even if it already
-                       exists, note that it is still skipped if it has
-                       not been modified on WooCommerce since the last
-                       update. When False, it will import it only when
-                       it does not yet exist.
-        :type always: boolean
-        """
-        if not woo_id:
-            return
-        if importer_class is None:
-            importer_class = WooImporter
-        binder = self.binder_for(binding_model)
-        if always or binder.to_openerp(woo_id) is None:
-            importer = self.unit_for(importer_class, model=binding_model)
-    def _import_dependencies(self):
-        """ Import the dependencies for the record
-        Import of dependencies can be done manually or by calling
-        :meth:`_import_dependency` for each dependency.
-        """
-        return
-    def _map_data(self):
-        """ Returns an instance of
-        :py:class:`~openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper.MapRecord`
-        """
-        return self.mapper.map_record(self.woo_record)
-    def _validate_data(self, data):
-        """ Check if the values to import are correct
-        Pro-actively check before the ``_create`` or
-        ``_update`` if some fields are missing or invalid.
-        Raise `InvalidDataError`
-        """
-        return
-    def _must_skip(self):
-        """ Hook called right after we read the data from the backend.
-        If the method returns a message giving a reason for the
-        skipping, the import will be interrupted and the message
-        recorded in the job (if the import is called directly by the
-        job, not by dependencies).
-        If it returns None, the import will continue normally.
-        :returns: None | str | unicode
-        """
-        return
-    def _get_binding(self):
-        return self.binder.to_openerp(self.woo_id, browse=True)
-    def _create_data(self, map_record, **kwargs):
-        return map_record.values(for_create=True, **kwargs)
-    def _create(self, data):
-        """ Create the OpenERP record """
-        # special check on data before import
-        self._validate_data(data)
-        model = self.model.with_context(connector_no_export=True)
-        model = str(model).split('()')[0]
-        binding = self.env[model].create(data)
-        _logger.debug('%d created from woo %s', binding, self.woo_id)
-        return binding
-    def _update_data(self, map_record, **kwargs):
-        return map_record.values(**kwargs)
-    def _update(self, binding, data):
-        """ Update an OpenERP record """
-        # special check on data before import
-        self._validate_data(data)
-        binding.with_context(connector_no_export=True).write(data)
-        _logger.debug('%d updated from woo %s', binding, self.woo_id)
-        return
-    def _after_import(self, binding):
-        """ Hook called at the end of the import """
-        return
-    def run(self, woo_id, force=False):
-        """ Run the synchronization
-        :param woo_id: identifier of the record on WooCommerce
-        """
-        self.woo_id = woo_id
-        try:
-            self.woo_record = self._get_woo_data()
-        except IDMissingInBackend:
-            return _('Record does no longer exist in WooCommerce')
-        skip = self._must_skip()
-        if skip:
-            return skip
-        binding = self._get_binding()
-        if not force and self._is_uptodate(binding):
-            return _('Already up-to-date.')
-        self._before_import()
-        # import the missing linked resources
-        self._import_dependencies()
-        map_record = self._map_data()
-        if binding:
-            record = self._update_data(map_record)
-            self._update(binding, record)
-        else:
-            record = self._create_data(map_record)
-            binding = self._create(record)
-        self.binder.bind(self.woo_id, binding)
-        self._after_import(binding)
-WooImportSynchronizer = WooImporter
-class BatchImporter(Importer):
-    """ The role of a BatchImporter is to search for a list of
-    items to import, then it can either import them directly or delay
-    the import of each item separately.
-    """
-    def run(self, filters=None):
-        """ Run the synchronization """
-        record_ids =
-        for record_id in record_ids:
-            self._import_record(record_id)
-    def _import_record(self, record_id):
-        """ Import a record directly or delay the import of the record.
-        Method to implement in sub-classes.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-BatchImportSynchronizer = BatchImporter
-class DirectBatchImporter(BatchImporter):
-    """ Import the records directly, without delaying the jobs. """
-    _model_name = None
-    def _import_record(self, record_id):
-        """ Import the record directly """
-        import_record(self.session,
-                      self.model._name,
-            ,
-                      record_id)
-DirectBatchImport = DirectBatchImporter
-class DelayedBatchImporter(BatchImporter):
-    """ Delay import of the records """
-    _model_name = None
-    def _import_record(self, record_id, **kwargs):
-        """ Delay the import of the records"""
-        import_record.delay(self.session,
-                            self.model._name,
-                  ,
-                            record_id,
-                            **kwargs)
-DelayedBatchImport = DelayedBatchImporter
-def import_record(session, model_name, backend_id, woo_id, force=False):
-    """ Import a record from Woo """
-    env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id)
-    importer = env.get_connector_unit(WooImporter)
-, force=force)
diff --git a/connector_woocommerce/unit/ b/connector_woocommerce/unit/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1d148a7..0000000
--- a/connector_woocommerce/unit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<>).
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-def normalize_datetime(field):
-    """Change a invalid date which comes from Woo, if
-    no real date is set to null for correct import to
-    OpenERP"""
-    def modifier(self, record, to_attr):
-        if record[field] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00':
-            return None
-        return record[field]
-    return modifier