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Exposure Notifications Cryptography

This document contains snippets of code from the sample reference implementation, occasionally in pseudocode, for the Implementation of the Exposure Notification Cryptography Specification.

Many of the snippets included in this document have been simplified from their actual implementation. Constants, select parameters, and member variables have been inlined for brevity. The actual implementation can be seen by inspecting the classes referenced.

Because this document follows the ordering of the specification, we recommend you read them together.

Cryptographic Overview

The following chart may be helpful for better understanding how the various parts of the system fit together.


This function provides a number for each 10 minute time window that’s shared between all devices participating in the protocol. These time windows are derived from timestamps in Unix Epoch Time.

private static int getCurrentEnIntervalNumber(Instant instant) {
    return (int) (instant.toEpochMilli() / MINUTES.toMillis(10));

ENIntervalNumber is part of


The TEKRollingPeriod is the duration for which a Temporary Exposure Key is valid (in multiples of 10 minutes). In our current implementation, the TEKRollingPeriod is 144, achieving a key validity of 24 hours.

The rolling period is part of the class and is set by the TemporaryExposureKey.Builder#setRollingPeriod method.

Temporary Exposure Key

Temporary Exposure Keys (TEK) are not created explicitly, but rather implicitly as required. This happens due to one of two reasons:

  • This is the very first TEK being generated
  • The current TEK has expired

This check is performed by first calling RollingProximityIdManager#getExistingKey. If this call returns null, then a new key is generated.

If a TEK is returned, the code compares the current rolling period with the last valid rolling period for the key. If that check indicates the key has expired (the current period is greater than the last rolling period), a new TEK is generated.

Pseudocode of for this check follows:

var temporaryExposureKey = getCurrentTEK();
if (temporaryExposureKey == null ||
    currentEnIntervalNumber > temporaryExposureKey.getlastValidRollingPeriod()) {
    temporaryExposureKey = TemporaryExposureKeyGenerator.generateKey();

The implementation of of getCurrentTEK() is provided by RollingProximityIdManager#getExistingKey and the value of currentEnIntervalNumber is calculated by the function RollingProximityIdManager#getCurrentEnIntervalNumber.

The key data is generated from a cryptographic random number generator so there is no link between TEKs. The method is in

public static TemporaryExposureKey generateKey(
        int rollingStartIntervalNumber, int rollingPeriod) {
    SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
    byte[] key = new byte[16];
    // ...

Rolling Proximity Identifier Key

The Rolling Proximity Identifier Key (RPIK) is derived from the Temporary Exposure Key and is used in order to create the Rolling Proximity Identifiers.

The key is generated in via

static byte[] generateRpiKey(byte[] temporaryExposureKey) {
    // RPIK = HKDF(tek, NULL, UTF8("EN-RPIK"), 16).
    return KeyDerivation.hkdfSha256(
            /* inputSalt =*/ null,
public static byte[] hkdfSha256(
        Mac mac, byte[] inputKeyingMaterial,
        @Nullable byte[] inputSalt,
        byte[] info,
        int length) throws CryptoException {

    byte[] salt = (inputSalt == null || inputSalt.length == 0) ? new byte[HASH_LENGTH] : inputSalt;
    try {
        mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        return hkdfSha256ExpandLength16(mac, hkdfSha256Extract(mac, inputKeyingMaterial, salt), info);
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);

The method hkdfSha256ExpandLength16 is implemented in the same class:

private static byte[] hkdfSha256ExpandLength16(Mac mac, byte[] pseudoRandomKey, byte[] info)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    // For length being 16 cases, counter always equals to 0x01.
    byte[] counter = {0x01};
    mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(pseudoRandomKey, ALGORITHM_NAME));

    return Arrays.copyOf(mac.doFinal(counter), HKDF_OUTPUT_LENGTH);

Rolling Proximity Identifier

Rolling Proximity Identifiers (RPIs) are short-lived identifiers (on average 15 minutes) that are broadcast in Bluetooth payloads. The RPIs are generated every 10 minutes, and, because of how Android BLE advertising works, each time it's started the system will also generate a new random BLE MAC address.

The code to generate an RPI begins in in the generateId method:

public RollingProximityId generateId(int intervalNumber) throws CryptoException {
    return new RollingProximityId(
            encryptor.encrypt(generatePaddedData(intervalNumber, "EN-RPI")));

generatePaddedData creates a ByteBuffer and calls through to the method addPaddedData:

private static ByteBuffer addPaddedData(int intervalNumber, byte[] aesPadding) {
    // AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 (bytes)
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(AES_BLOCK_SIZE).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            .position(buffer.position() + AES_BLOCK_SIZE - aesPadding.length - Integer.BYTES);
    return buffer;

The encryption to generate a new RPI from a TEK seed is handled by the class in the encrypt method:

public byte[] encrypt(byte[] data) throws CryptoException {
    try {
        Cipher cipher = new AesEcbEncryptor(Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/NoPadding"));
        return cipher.doFinal(data);
    } catch (BadPaddingException | IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);

Associated Encrypted Metadata Key

The Associated Encrypted Metadata Keys are derived from the Temporary Exposure Keys in order to encrypt additional metadata.

The key is generated by the class:

public static byte[] generateAemKey(byte[] temporaryExposureKey) {
    // AEMK = HKDF(tek, NULL, UTF8("EN-AEMK"), 16).
    return KeyDerivation.hkdfSha256(
            /* inputSalt =*/ null,

The KeyDerivation.hkdfSha256 method is the same function used earlier to generate the Rolling Proximity Identifier Key.

Associated Encrypted Metadata

The Associated Encrypted Metadata is data encrypted along with the Rolling Proximity Identifier, and can only be decrypted later if the user broadcasting it tested positive and reveals their Temporary Exposure Key.

The details of the metadata itself are described in the Advertising Payload section of the Bluetooth Specification.

The encryption is performed by the class:

public static byte[] encryptOrDecrypt(
        byte[] aemKey, byte[] rollingProximityId, byte[] bluetoothMetadataAsBytes)
        throws CryptoException {
    return AesCtrEncryptor.aesCtr(aemKey, rollingProximityId, bluetoothMetadataAsBytes);

The encryption of the metadata itself is performed with an AES-128 block cipher in Counter Mode with the rolling proximity ID as the IV.

public static byte[] aesCtr(byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] data) throws CryptoException {
    try {
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding");
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv));

        return cipher.doFinal(data);
    } catch (NoSuchPaddingException
            | NoSuchAlgorithmException
            | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
            | InvalidKeyException
            | BadPaddingException
            | IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);