firebase_analytics - Analytics reports.
firebase_auth - Authentication.
firebase_core - Firebase services.
firebase_crashlytics - Crashlytics reports.
firebase_database - Accessing firebase database.
firebase_storage - Accessing firebase storage.
flutter_facebook_auth - Facebook authentication.
flutter_tts - Audio and text communication.
get - State management tool for flutter applications.
fluttertoast - Showing total messages.
google_sign_in - Google authentication.
json_serializable - Parsing Json responses.
json_annotation - Classes and helper functions that support Json code generation via json_serializable.
build_runner - A building system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.
http - Managing data API's flow.
animate_do - Animations.
auto_size_text - Text size styling.
getwidget - Pre-built-in widgets.
shared_preferences - Flutter plugin. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.
dotted_border - A flutter package for widget styling.
path_provider - Getting commonly used locations on host platform file systems.
cached_network_image - Loading images from the network and accessing them offline.
image_picker - Picking an image from device storage.
package_info_plus - Getting the package info of the appplication.
device_info_plus - Getting device information.
url_launcher - Launching urls from application.
share_plus - Sharing content via the platform sharing UI.
screenshot - Making widget screenshots.
just_audio - Playing audio files.